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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 50 KB, 1045x1300, California-State-Page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17952076 No.17952076 [Reply] [Original]

stock market is fucked boys. we are one step away from concentration camps

>> No.17952085

5th Largest economy in the world going offline...nice. Open your shorts now boys

>> No.17952086

hey fren, do they send u to concentration camps so that you can sit and think about stuff for awhile?

>> No.17952101
File: 38 KB, 600x586, 2e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Priced in

>> No.17952114

Isn't FEMA technically already assembling across the country?

>> No.17952156

yep. if you're not shorting already, open up shorts immediately on market open tomorrow

>> No.17952157

No not California...
I'm apply for an internship there.
If this country is rekt I will have no reason to go america.
It's the only place in America that's worth a damn...

>> No.17952187
File: 21 KB, 1196x752, 1571749642101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come fren, it might be a plaguescape but if you have a good in to opportuy, it's worth it.

>> No.17952197


>> No.17952247


>> No.17952264

I am one interview away from a silicon valley internship. Well at least it california is gonna go full quarantine now then it's going to be cured sooner or later by September.
Works for me

>> No.17952267
File: 80 KB, 602x800, IMG_9020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was taken today. Middle of the country

>> No.17952294

Wish I had your contact info, anon. we're looking for interns here at a silicon valley Semiconductor company(scripting/coding position)

>> No.17952299
File: 82 KB, 1319x411, endofdayscanceled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its literally not retard, panic is over

>> No.17952319

Silicon valley is the land of opportunity man. You'll be able to get another one even if everything goes fucked up. All gonna make it bros. I'm in silicon valley with you.

>> No.17952320

Fuck meeee why MO

>> No.17952323

Why on earth would you move somewhere with overpriced housing, internship wages, and an outrageous heroin epidemic?

>> No.17952325

the governor is literally doing a press conference right now retard. go to cnn.com

>> No.17952349

Orange County is South of LA

>> No.17952351

I can code but I'm in life sciences so I wouldn't be the right choice.
Don't you guys have tons of people applying?

Yes but it's super competitive.

>> No.17952355


>muh CNN

Nah. Going to work tomorrow, kinda annoyed but its a Friday anyway so fuck it.

>> No.17952400

ah, gotcha. Yup but Im cool with management so I could put a resume at the top of the pile lol

>> No.17952448

I live in LA.i still have to work because my work is considered essential since they ship to residences

>> No.17952839
File: 292 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2020-03-19-21-16-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas got quarentined, buckle your motherfucking seatbelts niggers, were in for a hell of a ride

>> No.17952844

Quarantine is priced in at this point

>> No.17952863

this was priced in weeks ago fucking retard

>> No.17952868

>concentration camps

>> No.17952889

Where are the nothing burger fags now

>> No.17952969

More Americans have emigrated from California than those who have relocated there.
Look elsewhere.

>> No.17952974

Califags aren't even real people. Bluepilled npcs. I have never even been to cali. It probably doesn't even exist. Nothingburger

>> No.17953050
File: 237 KB, 276x268, qq0TF4S.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I live in cali, I hope I survive long enough to put money into stocks and crypto. I should've bought a gun.

>> No.17953084

>I live in cali
You aren't even real.

>> No.17953095

>Fuck I live in cali
My heart goes out to you, anon.

Was there once, it was gorgeous, saw beaches and wandered in a desert all in the same day. But the the politics and all the ways so many little upcharges occur there absolutely sucks

>> No.17953155

California is unironically top fucking tier even if you are an incel
Sun, food, thots to look at, dystopia, tech

>> No.17953190

I have family in OC and it's literally getting locked down as well

>> No.17953256

Baised I am as a Califag I can't help but agree. Also just because of the culture here getting girls way out of your league is easy even for an incel. The true redpill is the food however. Something that's sadly getting restricted with Corana-chan.

>> No.17953277

What does this mean. I don't understand shorts and longs

>> No.17953280

if you moved there you deserve it, if you were spawned there my condolences /leftypol/fag

>> No.17953319

Spawned yeah, waiting to graduate to move to a real state like Texas, I want freedom and guns.
Thanks anon

>> No.17953376

If you're Indian or Chinese don't come too many of you already here.

>> No.17953443

>Also just because of the culture here getting girls way out of your league is easy even for an incel
stupid reddit buzzword but true
i've lived all over the country and the most success i've had with women was in CA

>> No.17953458

Everybody used to laugh about the FEMA camps

>> No.17953476

market was priced in for a 3 year long recession, therefore we will only go up from here

>> No.17953497


>> No.17953517
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, 20200318_071310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live and work in Santa Clara, other than all the pajeets it's pretty comfy. Goodluck fren

>> No.17953543
File: 11 KB, 293x301, 1560957964761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks markets will go on a bullrun during a 3 yr recession

>> No.17953547

This shit happens all the fucking time

>> No.17953628

sadly they'll still be laughing as they get rounded up by FEMA trucks

>lmao conspiritards
>lmao conspiritards think disaster will happen to the US
>lmao conspiritards think this current disaster will cause the government to round us up
>lmao conspiritards think its better to be out there than in here where we get food and blankets
>lmao conspiritards think it's better not to get chipped for their safety
>lmao conspiritards think vaccines are dangerous
>lmao conspiritards think *coof* that they *coof* have it better out there than *coof coof* anyone *coof* in... here... UURGHK

>> No.17953762
File: 404 KB, 750x1334, nonrev seats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im flying down tomorrow to get my car, shit
Also for you curious cats here is what flights are looking like. My industry is straight up fucked

>> No.17953815

Trump niggers are a scourge

>> No.17953852

it means nothing. the military caravans transport stuff all the time. I see stuff like that every few years for my entire life.

>> No.17954227

i know youre lying because people from california dont call it cali

>> No.17954510

PA businesses ordered to shut down.
this random bs is annoying.
are we taking samples of asymptomatic patients at all hospitals to get a better idea of how prevalent it is in the local population?

>> No.17955241
File: 74 KB, 843x717, 1584193374720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, until the very last moment they will refuse to believe it.
I warn my boomer pop & mom since a decade+ and they always give me the fluoride stare, no matter how many proofs i give them. They think paying taxes means the illuminakikes will do everything to nurture & protect them until the end. What a bunch of cucks.
At least i managed to redpill my brothers on the matter, and they'll be ready the day (((they))) come for us.

>> No.17955331

Unless this becomes more than the sniffles and manufactured mass hysteria this isn't the happening you're looking for. Sorry bro but we will laugh at you and mock you once people get bored of this unjustified freak out

>> No.17955337


>> No.17955351

The day of reckoning has come. For exporting degeneracy in the form of low culture entertainment, pornography and loose morals california is finally going to get what's coming to it.

>> No.17955365

Sergey lives in SF you fags

>> No.17955375

both of you are very wrong. It's HARD to get pussy as an incel because there's ONLY chads here.

>> No.17955398

Yea but stuff can still ship out of California right?

>> No.17955400

Lol they ain't quarantining shit. I just went to the grocery store. If they bother me I will coof on them.

>> No.17955420

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.17955424

>orange county bad