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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17944243 No.17944243 [Reply] [Original]

The coronavirus has exposed an intensely vicious socio-economical exploit by turning the offices and workplaces of the most highly-valued enterprises into containment zones. Centralized, localized workplaces are made very weak by biological exploit.

Meanwhile, development on Stakenet continues along undisturbed. A new round of beta testing started today (pic related). The launch is still being planned no different than it was. XSN has held very stable throughout all this.

This sort of organization has tremendous advantages in portability, efficiency, and overhead and it's still considerably young.

All this said, why aren't you buying XSN yet /biz/?

>> No.17944429

too busy watching Oak Island

>> No.17944664
File: 27 KB, 557x256, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's better though, anon?
Watching Oak Island while you have a solid moonshot on technology that will provide an exchange with
>unlimited trading pairs
>no KYC
>DEX and LN liquidity
>full wallet ownership
Permanently. and you can take a small part in running it all and potentially make a huge ROI. It's like watching Oak Island, but having something good to drink too

>> No.17944860

>world falling apart
>XSN moons violently
both of these things are true

>> No.17944940


U already described it like that earlier today, I noticed, I was up awake. Who pay u?

>> No.17945075

the FBI pays me to say 'moons violently' and post beanpills but its a secret
please dont tell the FBI

>> No.17945378
File: 13 KB, 450x320, chef-baker-italian-pizza-on-450w-288932681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This morning
>BTC $5400
>XSN 598 sat
>BTC $6200
>XSN 650 sat
Holding well! I think people are finally seeing it for what it is.

>> No.17945862

667 sat now lol

>> No.17945873

Good Stuff...
Nice to know they launch it now.
What timeline do u guess anon?

>> No.17946503
File: 157 KB, 1660x786, dex2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything's working..
I believe the current beta test going on atm will determine if it's fit to launch.

>> No.17946763
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Fullscreen mode

>> No.17947034

:D that stuff will shake some serious waves man. Is it fast?

>> No.17947303
File: 82 KB, 467x579, hifidefi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low-volume testing, bot trading, LN backups & autopilot stability are working great. Enabling Bitcoin and high volume trades should be relatively straightforward from here.
That's when it's time for launch. As it stands now, there are very few barriers in the way. :D

>> No.17947350

Looks fucking sick, especially if transactions is instant.
Where do I test this?

>> No.17947537
File: 90 KB, 326x129, eastern stakenet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a beta testing room on their Discord. If you go to the main chat and ask to join, they'll probably let you in. A bunch of Russians wanted to test the DEX and they got in.
The beta test is still private. I think it's more to keep all the bots and admin impersonators out.

>> No.17948100


>> No.17948325

damn i gotta get back to testing new builds again

>> No.17949098
File: 45 KB, 578x396, ShaoKahnOUTSTANDING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LN was poorly implemented
I don't see how Lightning will take off beyond a hobbyist phase without massively centralized interests getting involved.
>Stakenet designed an ecosystem that takes what Bitcoin implemented for LN and makes extraordinarily powerful use of it
Stakenet's solution is notable for embedding LN nodes into masternodes so the LN nodes have access to all the collateral locked in the MNs (quasi-centralized liquidity pool within a purely decentralized network). The nodes will be running 24/7 in the background atop all that liquidity to rout payments and should take very little maintenance to keep up.

It could very well solve multiple problems in the industry by meshing the gears of many underutilized together.

>Lack of liquidity. Not profitable enough at the individual level.
>Inflationary. Sometimes to an extreme. Underutilized use-case outside of securing the integrity of the network.
>Low liquidity, low volume, paper-thin orderbooks, AND difficult to access for 99.9x% of the world.
Atomic swaps?
>A big win for DEXs but still potentially very slow depending on which coins are being swapped.
>Like so many staking coins, what do they do other than secure the integrity of the network and inflate the circulating supply?

Using m a s t e r n o d e s and the collateral locked within them to power L i g h t n i n g A t o m i c S w a p s which serve as the infrastructure for what could very well become the speediest and most liquid D E X in the industry and using a conservative inflationary supply to gradually produce more m a s t e r n o d e s which, in a way, provide an opening to expand the exchange with additional servers so it doesn't hit a bottleneck. It's both genius and shocking that no one in crypto seems to even know that it exists.

>> No.17949162

These stupid things get hacked literally like once a year, who the fuck cares

>> No.17949279

I'm not interested unless it is porting over to CKB.
Only interested in future shit desu

>> No.17949540
File: 107 KB, 340x244, psst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah old, slow, jacked up orderbook DEXs get hacked but they're like ghetto old 56k servers.
Stakenet's DEX is capable of handling high traffic and high volume by design.
XSN could theoretically communicate with CKB on a deeper level beyond trading pairs via it's 2nd layer.
Raiden interoperability will also make Stakenet wallets particularly useful for immediately swapping into tokens or stablecoins from your position.

>> No.17950081

detroit: becoming human

>> No.17950582


>> No.17951400

Good luck hacking the whole masternode network behind this, do you even understand how decentralization works?

>> No.17952248

I guess you can't blame him. The current DEXs are so weak and, unfortunately, they still set the standard.

>> No.17952721

its like trying to tell sell the public on youtube but in 1997 lol

>> No.17953089

one more bump

>> No.17954413

>PA and CA shut down
>XSN still holding strong

>> No.17955603

last bump

>> No.17956670

Theres a retrace now. Wish me luck.
Trying to get a cheap mn XD

>> No.17956780

When it flash crashed last Friday morning, I went to the bank at like 3 AM to deposit cash and buy up another stack. Totally worth it lol

>> No.17957673
