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17921291 No.17921291 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a homeless begger, and I know you all look down at me but let me tell you my story.

>Be me at 16
>Life is going great
>Making grade A’s, no worries, nice cute girlfriend and just got a new car
>Got really bored in life, so just wanted to try something new
>Took LSD ONLY ONE TIME after friends pressured me into it
>Had a psychotic episode and broke down in the middle of a public park screaming nonsense at people
>Police/Ambulance came and picked me up
>Diagnosed me with paranoid schizophrenia, apparently I was already at risk and the acid sealed the deal
>Could no longer go to school without having delusions of people conspiring against me and trying to ruin my life, would regularly start having an episode during class every now and then
>None of the meds I tried worked
>Lost all my friends, gf broke up with me, started slipping in school and ended up dropping out at age 17
>Became a NEET living off my parents for the next 3 years, eventually kicked me out because fuck them they don’t want a crazy son
>Now sleeping in my car, the only remnant from my past life
>Eating out of dumpsters and living off panhandling
>Have tried to get jobs but can’t keep one because of how unstable I am
>Now scared I will starve to death during this recession
>Posting this from the library

Idk what I’m trying to say, but just remember that the crazy homeless man you walk past every morning wasn’t always like that

>> No.17921323


You deserve this, repent and direct your focus towards our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

>> No.17921344

I feel for homeless bros, 90% of you guys got fucked by mental illness, not your fault

people who say the homeless are "lazy" have no empathy

>> No.17921368

sorry bro, I'll pray for you

>> No.17921394

Unironically, go to a church every day. They WILL help you. Because of social as much as of god.

>> No.17921399
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>> No.17921433

>bad with people
the other /bizlets have a job too

>> No.17921487


>> No.17921490
File: 157 KB, 720x704, 5333B4AF-1321-46FF-A770-274B00329116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you do this out of frustration you fucking schizo scum

>> No.17921614

Oh I think that was joe, he lives a few tents over. He’s notorious for fucking squirrels ever since he watched sonic AM
This is probably good advice