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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1776345 No.1776345 [Reply] [Original]

What is dropshipping?

>How do I get started?
Buy a domain, shopify subscription, basic LLC licensing if in the states. Can start with just a sole proprietorship

>Where do I find products?

>Useful Shopify Apps
Oberlo, Scarcity, Conversion Plus, McAfee Secure, Product Upsell

>Official Discord

>Useful Threads:

Anyone know if you're allowed to edit logos off of Aliexpress product images and put them up on your site?

>> No.1776359

I want to do dropshipping but focus soley on electronics and high end clothing (specifically TVS, phones, laptops and consoles)

Is there money to be made in dropshipping prebuilt PCs?

>> No.1776461

You can use eBay and resell a ton of these things.


I've slowed down the updating for this. Hit some financial bumps and waiting days for the money to come in to order was annoying.

I'll stick to it, but everyone should look for other side ways to make some money.

>Resell products from Amazon, Ali express, Walmart.Com, etc on eBay for a higher price
>A little profit

>> No.1776641

Not hitting up Twitter yet?

>> No.1776701

Nah not yet, for some odd reason I was hit with a charge back case recently though. Tried refunding but that didn't work. It was from a parish of headphones some Peron bought in.. Indonesia I believe.

What could be the best result from this?

>> No.1776787

Honestly, the chargebacks seem like the most obnoxious shit for dropshippers. What do you guys do when a chargeback happens?

>> No.1776912

Does anyone know of any good alternatives to Shopify?

Preferably one that doesn't require credit card and is compatible with Oberlo

>> No.1776917

Just did some more research, apparently Oberlo only works with Shopify but they are currently trying to integrate it with BigCommerce in March

>> No.1777007

>What do you guys do when a chargeback happens

If illegitimate:

>no further dealing with customer X
>make a page publicly listing names of customers X (give yourself authority to do this)

if legitimate:

>figure out returns

>> No.1777008

How do you get around impatient cunts not wanting to wait 30 days to receive their shit?

>> No.1777191

TVs and laptops are some of the worst products to sell. Margins will be too low among other things I can't remember.

Will be difficult to find high end clothing on AliExpress but if you find a good wholesaler then I guess you could try.

>> No.1777365


you don't

you t... wow. Can't believe I almost explained something this simple to you.

Think harder anon.

>> No.1777375

Does this shit actually make money?

How much do you guys make?

>> No.1777612

That's what I thought.

>> No.1778136

It all depends on marketing and site design.
Here's an example I see all the time in dropshipping articles.

find a niche and learn you some design

>> No.1778209

Ayy I want to get into this, been having a hard time though because.. my research skills are sub par I guess. Also A.D.D.

Any of you actually do this? What's it like?

>> No.1778216

You need to find a niche and also find a way to deal with long as fuck shipping times.

>> No.1778217

couldn't you just use ebay and amazon?

>> No.1778226

yeah if you want competition on the same site.

>> No.1778236

what do you mean by >make a page publically listing names and give yourself authority


>> No.1778240

hmm.. seems like bringing customer to your personal web page would be so difficult though.

>> No.1778242

It is. that's the trick.

dropshipping is all about Search Engine Optimization to get traffic.

>> No.1778247

Damn... that in itself seems like tough work and I don't fully know how to do that.

Fuck. Have you started doing this yourself? ropshipping?

>> No.1778622

Opinions on having a hyphen in your domain name?

>> No.1778825

How is dropshipping profitable at all? Can't customers just buy from the place that you got it from?

>> No.1778829

They obviously could, but they aren't smart enough to look for better deals if they are clicking reddit and facebook ads to get to your page in the first place.

>> No.1778835

Make it as simple as possible. So no hyphens, and a .com.

>> No.1778855

So it's entirely based off of good marketing and little else?

>> No.1779260
File: 152 KB, 440x457, 1472840927082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy a domain

So do I need to learn web design or what?

>> No.1779285
File: 14 KB, 261x194, HMmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to believe the Chinese have infiltrated 4Chin somehow.

>First /g/ CSG Chink Shit General
Where they share goods that usually nobody ever needs to buy in the first place.

>Next /fa/ Shopping threads
Again buying fashion directly from the manufacturer, being a board full of liberal cucks makes it easier 'cause now they don't have to support le 'big guy' corporation.

>Then /a/ Animu buy threads
Buying up all those oWo costumes for cosplay/etc

Don't tell me you fags aren't seeing what's going on , wake up1!

>> No.1779312

Since you copy-pasted your product descriptions there's some funny shit in there:
>is customized: Yes
>Drop Shipping: Support

>> No.1779417

Fuuuuuuug, I should pay attention to oberlo descriptions..

>> No.1779572


Get a fucking logo on your store

>> No.1779678

That I should do, my graphic design skills just aren't there to fit the name "Pax Android". My finances are low so I'll have to wait a few weeks to get everything improved

>> No.1779690

Shopify have a logo maker don't they?

>> No.1779847

how easy is doing this stuff and do you make a lot of money with it

>> No.1779970

How much time needs to be invested in this?

>> No.1779990

I'm on my fourth full day of setting everything up and I expect to launch within the next three days. So a week (at least for me). Although if/when I do it again I suspect the process will be about half that time because I'll know what to do rather than figuring out what to do.

>> No.1780011

how much about web design do you need to know?

>> No.1780017



<h1>these niggas stank</h2>

<marquee color="pink">
Anonimir Anonovski
Sesame Street 123

Anona McAnona
Topkekinton Ave 1337


<h1>if you stank we will put your name out in public and say you stink</h1>

>> No.1780053

I can build a normal website in html/css with no experience in back end programming.
But I have no real knowledge about web design beyond using websites and having personal taste. So no facts about how certain layouts affect conversion or whatever.

I'm using a free shopify template (as everyone else posting here seems to be doing) because short of coming up with a fantastic, new, very different way of organising a website, frankly I think it just needs to be good enough with thought put behind the choices you make.

>> No.1780078

Ah cool so they provide a template, good to know that there is no need to spend money on webdesign

What angle is the best for selling, as in what stuff does sell(electronics, clothes, etc) and how you plan on marketing it?

>> No.1780100

The accepted wisdom is to find a niche. The more specific the better.
I haven't done that, I'm doing some fitness/lifting related products with my USP being very detailed information and slightly lower than normal prices.
I think there are niche markets for these more general items, it's figuring out exactly how to get their attention then conversion right now.
How to market it? Facebook ads are the best performers are easy to use.

>> No.1780115

What do you fill out your FB and Insta pages with before starting ads? I don't want to just upload all my products and look like a total shill

>> No.1780178

how'd you get that "pick a currency" thing?

>> No.1780361

I've just started reading about businesses and me being a young programming student I think I could do a nice website and attract customers to it.
However I've never done anything like this and I'm worried about both legality and profit margins.
Let's say I advertise on my site a product that is 20$ on AliExpress, what would be a good price for it?

Also how much responsibility can I free myself of with my site's terms of use?
Can I do something to make AliExpress and the original seller the ones to blame if something happens?

>> No.1780403

Do Amazon FBA, dropshipping is too hard today. You need to find your supplier offline to do that.

>> No.1780515

"Good price" is more gauged upon the popularity and branding of your website than anything. At least, that's what I've noticed with a few of my buddies. One of them is selling an article of jewelry that costs $7 on AliExpress for $130 on his website. Based off the number of reviews and what he's told me, he sells anywhere from 3-4 of them a day, and that's just THAT single product.

>> No.1780558

It's based off the average normie housewife clicking on Facebook adverts being a retard (Protip theres literally hundreds of millions of them) also most normies don't exactly go to chink websites for their first port of call when shopping.

>> No.1780677

Wow, do you think it would be easy to do something like your friend does with a website that looks exclusive and luxurious? I'm surprised people don't research that same product in different sites to compare prices.Maybe they do but think that the ones on AliExpress are cheap replicas.

Also, did he use any sort of advertising campaign like Facebook ads for example?

>> No.1780957

I can't be sure, but I'm pretty sure his main source of visits was through Instagram when he started. I'm starting my dropshipping store soon and the first advice he gave me in accordance to my lack of budget for advertising was to make posts that seem organic and not "cookie cutter" on social media platforms. Though, if you have the money, I'm sure running ads is the best way to go.

>> No.1781064

How do you make an insta page look "organic" when it's literally a page for a store?

>> No.1781390
File: 509 KB, 1920x1080, 1466922006672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on selling Women's clothing for a first timer? I know it's a flooded market, but I've personally witnessed the spending habits of women and it's led me to believe that dropshipping women's clothes would be better than men's clothes.

In the meantime I'm trying to think of an actual niche that I can get into, but women's clothes seem like a decent filler for me at the moment.

>> No.1781441

Generating site traffic is the hard part. Are you willing to pay for ads, or if not, are you willing to spend time building up social media influence?

>> No.1781826

You guys think I could sell coffeemakers as a first timer?

I live in a country where a coffeemaker is practically everywhere so

>> No.1781901

Legal all depends on where you are. I'm in Aus and I'm launching with an ABN application underway which when it's needed will make me a sole trader.
In terms of responsibility, you need to conform to normal trade laws, provide the goods you said you would or organise an upgrade/refund.
You're not going to take out loans or be in debt for this so there's really not much legal overhead.
If a supplier fucks up it depends on their company policy which you can read on the product pages usually.

>> No.1782354
File: 22 KB, 180x180, fb pic copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just launched my site:

I put $100 AUD into a facebook ad which is pending review atm.

Please critique.
I will post results when they start coming in.

>> No.1782869

you sell very specific things

what makes you think people will buy anything(genuinely asking)

>> No.1782916

>what makes you think people will buy
People are already buying them over the internet.
I'm focusing on the resistance bands right now in my ads. The bands are big movers on aliexpress which is why I'm targeting them.
There are lots of people who watch youtube lifting channels and want some of the gear, and I'll see how successfully just shoving it in their face on their facefuck feed will translate into impulse purchases (on things they already want).

>> No.1782963

"Who are we?"
should be
"Who we are" or just About Us

Your item categories could be a little better. like dividing it into "Apparel", "Strength Training", and "Running/Cardio"

And your front page has items, but Im still not sure where to start browsing. Maybe add some shit to the left side. Links for "sales" and specials and shit like that

>> No.1783046

how much money are you invested so far? Not looking to bad mate

>> No.1783065

So far:
$13 for the domain, yearly
$29 for shopify, monthly
$100 AUD for facebook ads, still under approval


>> No.1783068

Rad, How long your site take to build?

>> No.1783097

Less than a week, about 5 days total once I decided to actually do it. If it's not your first time that could be halved. I'm on holiday right now so I've got a lot of time, and I went to a university library for 5 hours a day doing the following things:
1. Choose products - what I originally wanted I couldn't find suppliers for so I chose resistance bands instead, and thought I might as well add other lifting gear in as well.
2. Choose suppliers - aliexpress, I basically chose whatever was the cheapest from a well rated supplier.
3. Setup shop - most of your time will be spent here. Pricing, writing your listings (I spent a day or so doing this), organise the backend making sure all the products are in the right place, etc., sort out your shipping rates (free for where suppliers ship free to and standard for the rest), do your layout/theme, make any other pages, branding so far as you want/need it, etc. etc.
4. Ensure legal is all good - I've got an application under review for an ABN, very simple process, which once approved I will attach to the site and when (ideally not 'if') it's prudent I'll use that to open a business bank account and an associated credit card for tax purposes. + a few Aus specific reasons.
5. Marketing - I did a facebook ad which I think is pretty good, but the proof will come once it launches. I can use the data gained to make progressively better and more successful ads and other such things can come with time. I'm not doing any other social network shit until I know it's worth my time, and pay per whatever (checkouts in my case) ads are more efficient.
6. Launch
7. (here now) Monitor and make a new list

>> No.1783101

Also make an Excel spreadsheet of all the products, their cost, links, what you'll charge, margins, etc.
Gives you a homebase for navigation prior to installing Oblero to your shop - which is something you should also do.

>> No.1783145


i used to build websites as a hobby when i was a teenager. i may as well start doing this on my own and just skip the shopify unless there's any actual benefit to using them (google seo?)

>> No.1783245


*AIR HORNS*__!!Expand Your About Section!!__ *AIR HORNS*
You would be shocked how important those are to a potential buyer - especially if they are being forwarded from a targeted social ad. If nothing else from this list, do this. Trust me.

Work to incorporate a stronger brand identity in all your imagery. This can be as simple as creating a uniform format for default product photos

Buy some cheap stock photos and mock up banners. More imagery. Faces sell. Sex sells.
Sites like depositphoto are a cheaper alternative to big name stock photos. just google around. If you don't have PS skills, freelance designers are cheap as dirt.

If you're really in this for the long haul, start implementing a content marketing strategy for SEO and ads. This means building a blog with fitness lifestyle content - this will pay huge dividends in 12-16 months. Hire freelance writers to write blogs for you.

>> No.1783253


Create a FAQ & contact us page.

FAQ minimums:
i) Shipping Method
ii) Shipping Transit Time
iii) Shipping Restrictions
iv) International Shipping


i) List all payment methods
ii) Promise you we are a secure server
iii) Super duper secure

(4) Cheeky Question to show brand personality

If you can offer low price or free shipping, prominently display this information on product pages.

The key to landing impulse buys is to answer every inhibition. Biggest inhibitions in online shopping are payment and shipping.

>> No.1783307

Can someone explain this to me, I am struggling to find any information.

Is there a contractual agreement with aliexpress to sell a certain amount of items? Do you pre purchase the items or no?
If not, how does it work?

>> No.1783429
File: 943 KB, 1648x824, 500ml3on1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

searching a niche and something to sell ?


sell this : www.neetsoap.com

target : 420 audience, bag it with pipes and bongs, make deal, subscription box etc...


>> No.1783544

you guys realize that buying from aliexpress and selling the items later isn't drop shipping right?

you guys realize that you'll get bad reviews since aliexpress takes weeks for your shit to arrive, right?

>> No.1783592

>Generating site traffic is the hard part
You mean in general for any niche, or specifically women's clothes?

Also, yeah I'd be absolutely be willing to pay for ads. I don't have a lot of money in general, but I'm willing to dump what's necessary into this. Same with building up social media pages, I'm willing to do that.

Any tips on generating more traffic?

>> No.1783626

Just launched, I want to start a blog, fill out my social media pages, etc too.

Opinions? How else can I make it more relatable/personal? What do I fill my FB page with?


>> No.1783629

kind of hard to do those things without regular new products

>> No.1783765

All your stuff is $15 max. You have to have some expensive stuff in there too, in case a big spender lands on your page.

>> No.1783814

It's impossible to find expensive-looking rings on aliexpress. They all look cheapish

>> No.1783827

you don't have to use aliexpress nimrod
you could resell shit people are making on etsy

>> No.1783843

Etsy people are not as easy to convince to dropship. Also their shit runs out of stock quick

>> No.1784063

Is this your site?

>> No.1784092
File: 662 KB, 1836x3264, 20160822_185721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone interested in buying bulk pokemon go hats?

They're pretty damn high quality, I'm just done selling them for $20 each need to offload them

I could get you a pretty insane price, like $4 or $3 a hat, high quality embroidery.

mysteryfusion @ yahoo

>> No.1784099

You missed the pokemon go boat lmao

>> No.1784104

Trying to get backlinks is such a pain in the ass.

Even guestposting doesn't work that well because those asses keep asking for money.

>> No.1784287

Thanks for all the advice mate, will start doing it.

>> No.1784289

No contractual agreement.
That's not what we're doing.

>> No.1784293

So lads I think I've found a niche, how do I know if its legit?

>> No.1784592

only way to find out is to give it a go

>> No.1784668

How can I generate content on Instagram? Pics mostly, i guess, so can I just go and steal a pic from another instagram I like and post it on mine? What are the rules on that? Never really used instagram before so I have no idea.

>> No.1784720

Check out my site: www.finerfreedom.com
Any feedback would be great!

Also trying out Facebook ads for the first time, and every post I try to boost shows: 0 post engagement/0 people reached. Tried upping the budget and waiting a couple of days, still nothing.

>> No.1784737

That picture on the front page with Chad and the workout slut looks artifacted. When I click on the link, it's at the correct quality.

>> No.1784795

Not bad at all. I'm no expert but I do have 2 suggestions:

1) As this >>1783245 anon says, fill out your "About Us" section. Even if it is just more copypasta about healthy living or photos of healthy people, etc. Maybe include a mission statement or something. Build your brand a little. You might build a stronger connection with potential customers if they know a little more about you.

2) Regarding the text description of each item, consider putting some white-space or formatting between each field. It would be easier for the eye to parse the information.

>> No.1784985

your "Footer Menu" shouldn't be there, and the "Follow Us" button does nothing.

when I open your site's main page, the tab on my Chrome shows your email, which shouldn't happen.

Some of your item descriptions (the health tracker, for example) need a space after every comma.

That blue box that says "view" when your hover over every item pic is annoying as fuck.

And I agree with what the anons before me have said.

Facebook ads are a mystery to most of us, but keep trying, target your audience, I don't know. Don't give up.

>> No.1785007

thanks for killing fashion

>> No.1785021

What do you mean?

>> No.1785050
File: 55 KB, 724x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you not have to list items on eBay as being shipped from overseas if you drop ship from aliexpress to account for shipping times?

I'm thinking of selling tamagotchi's or plug in tv consoles but I'd be paranoid about not seeing the product myself and them not working.

>> No.1785073

>you sell very specific things
You are supposed to. Its called a "niche".

By having a store that only sells products in one niche, you create a consumer friendly atmosphere that will inspire impulsive purchases. So he is on the right track

>> No.1785164

Why not just buy one yourself as a test to find out what the delivery times and quality is like and go from there?

>> No.1785175


They rarely seem to have that option on alibaba and aliexpress is much more limited in what they sell. I'll probably take this approach though. I'll see if a manufacturer will send me a few items to test out and start dropshipping from there.

>> No.1785214

I've heard a few people on these dropshipping threads say they bought test pieces to check quality suppliers and weed out the crap ones (they're unlikely to send you test pieces you'll have to pay for them).

If most Alibaba suppliers only sell bulk and not single pieces then I'd presume they're not suitable to dropship a single item to a customer anyway...

>> No.1785246

do any of you guys have a facebook page for your site you could share? I have no idea what to do on those.

>> No.1785366
File: 25 KB, 480x306, 1480884244870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to swallow my fucking redpill you fags.


Most of you suck at finding niches. Retard levels. My current store's sales have begun to stagnate even with spending close to $500 worth of ads over the past two weeks. Why? Because my niche is saturated and doesn't offer cool shit. Jewelry, clothing, and that idea in your brain right now is over saturated. Find something better. Exactly why I've started a better store with products that inspire impulse purchases. Sell COOL SHIT. That's the only way to make money. Don't believe me? Enjoy being poor.


Guys. This is pretty fucking easy. Buy a domain that is sexy and ENDS IN A .COM. None of this enchantedjewelers.NET bullshit. Looks like a store form 1998.


Prepare to spend at least $500 dollars to even think about getting started in this business. PLAN AD CAMPAIGNS or don't bother. Ad experimenting alone should run around $300.


If you take my advice from above. You'll only need FB to place ads on. Plan and prepare to spend a hefty amount. If you don't your SOL.


For the love of jesus christ. Please customize your theme if you use shopify. I can instantly tell whose serious about this business by their theme. If it looks like 95% of the other stores, you will be part of the 95% that fail. It took me a month of modifying my store to what I have now.

Side note: This business is cutthroat and hard to pull a profit unless you get stupid lucky selling sex dolls. Everyone likes to shit on people like me because they don't like how I make my money. I work harder than most people here to pull a profit, but also love it. You're not gonna make millions, but you'll learn a shit ton.

>> No.1785446
File: 32 KB, 1125x1412, 1485822864954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we legally allowed to sell "licensed" items (e.g. starwars lightsabers, game of thrones shit, whatever else pop culture stuff there is) or Chinese knock offs? Also, should I steer clear of anyone off aliexpress/alibaba that['s trader, rather than an actual manufacturer?

I'm in burgerland if that matters with selling licensed items.

>> No.1785865
File: 56 KB, 499x485, 1419469101326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried selling game/steam keys on Ebay? A good thing is that you can list all shit there and only spend a coin if someone even manage to click "buy", the bad thing is that you're in the hands of the customer.

>> No.1785881

>Side note: This business is cutthroat and hard to pull a profit unless you get stupid lucky selling sex dolls. Everyone likes to shit on people like me because they don't like how I make my money.

jesus fucking christ that was funny, was this whole post a joke to end in that?

>> No.1786226


Your site looks very polished, but you have some unique challenges presented by your product offerings.

You have a very diverse set of products, which leaves me feeling lost when browsing the entire catalog ("camping mats and foam rollers?")

I would move 'Catalog' to the right of 'Active', 'Adventurous', 'Fresh' in your main menu.

You want to encourage (appropriate) product discovery by guiding the user into shopping by category. Moving the catalog link to be less prominent (read: after) in relation to the categories will help accomplish this.

Anything more and I'm invoicing you for UX consultation

>> No.1786242

That's illegal tho.

If someone reported you to your hosting and/or domain registration site, you're gonna get b&

>> No.1786250

And anybody else with one of these sites...

Y'all need to write your About Us like a Real Person and not some fucking cuck at a tradeshow for people who read self-help books

>FinerFreedom is a unique store aiming to provide refreshing products that can make your life more active, adventurous and fresh. We focus on forming relationships with clients in order to build a community of people that enjoy experiencing new breakthroughs in the art of fashion, enhancements in the ways of fitness and nifty tools in the pursuit of adventure!

(sorry to pick on you dude, but this one did it for me)

When you say shit like "We focus on forming relationships with clients in order to build a community of people that enjoy experiencing new breakthroughs", who the fuck are you talking to? Who is identifying with that? Who is that speaking to?

You're selling lifestyle products to fit 20-something's but you sound like a jerk off. You would never personally buy from a site with this About Us, and neither will anybody else.

You are clearly not thinking about the people you are trying to sell to. What are they like? How do they speak? What do they care about? You don't even list the battery life for your fitness tracker watch. As somebody mildly interested in fitness trackers, that was the first question I had.

Unless you're happy with like .05% conversion rate this shit wont cut it. Y'all look like polished Chinese scammers

>> No.1786271


You need better product discovery. Users should be able to browse through your catalog without hitting the back button. Your category pages are dead ends. Your product pages are dead ends.

Add 'similar products' (People Also Liked, You Might Like, Whatever) on your product page.

Add category navigation on the category pages.

You need create ways for people to continuously browse things they are interested in. The back button is not your friend.

I like your branding and "feel". There is huge room for improvement, but of the site's i've linked, I think you are the closest there on this front.

While I'm working for free, anybody else?

>> No.1786515

Hey thanks for the feedback man. Do you know of any tutorials to implement those category/product page improvements?

>> No.1787059

What email services are you chaps using?

doesn't seem very professional.

>> No.1787106

When you buy your domain shopify makes redirect emails. So you get info@myshop.com which redirects to youremail@address.com
Replies are sent from your actual address so handle that however you want.

>> No.1787118

the feels

>> No.1787159


>with long as fuck shipping times

That's why I want to find a niche with digital things.

>> No.1787165

Thanks for the explanation, much appreciated Senpai.

>> No.1787476

i dont want to do anything anyone is doing in this thread, what i want to do is the bullshit "consulting" you say you pull off. how much do you get for this, and how did you establish credibility?

>> No.1787505


Well, what you call BS is actually pretty good advice. The only reason you're dismissing it as such is become its fluid and seems like common sense.

I am guessing that guy has worked in the business, that's how you establish credibility.

Sometimes you're on the phone with a potential announcer/affiliate and you just tell them what's fucked up on their website, because you belong to the same supply chain and improvement benefits to everyone :

>You improve relationship with your contacts, they trust your judgement = possible upsell
>You actually help them to help you if they bring traffic to you
>They get bigger, they talk with more people and when something new comes up they tell you about it... etc

Its a virtuous cycle and when you leave the company/set another business up as consultant, your experience and your network are your credibility, your clients and your advertisers.

>> No.1787749

What do you guys think about a shop with 1 or 2 products? Too specific?

>> No.1787759

Without knowing what they are it's hard to say. Maybe you can spin it as a plus on your about page.

>> No.1787777

Yeah, for obvious reasons I don't want to say what the product is here. Thought it'd be a good way to circumvent the long ass shipping times as I could just have a small stock very cheaply.

>> No.1787796

If it's fart jars, forget about it, it's already been done

>> No.1787798

>I could just have a small stock very cheaply
What do you mean?

>> No.1787810

Also, you would probably be missing out on all the related products and accesories that a peson landing on your page might be willing to buy. Maybe stock the two main items, and keep the rest as real dropshipping, so the customers will be happy with anyways.

>> No.1787826


No and if you advertise those items on fb you'll get your ad account banned

>> No.1787839

If I just have two products, always having a small number in stock won't be very hard. If you have hundreds, you have to invest a bit more.

This is a good idea. Not really the product for a lot of accessories though.

Sorry for being so mysterious, I'll post the link here after I set the whole thing up.

>> No.1787962

I've changed the About Us and made an FAQ page:
What do you think?

What goes into a great custom theme?

>> No.1788094

Should i add anything or everythings good?

>> No.1788139

In FAQs you mispelled 'standard' as 'standart', haven't look deep into the set though.

>> No.1788299

amazon does dropshipping (the stores that arent fulfilled by them) and some immigrant pharmacies that go to costco and buy in bulk.

>> No.1788385

I generally sell "packages" of service, rather than an hourly rate. I know about how long each package will take me, and I charge accordingly (anywhere from $30-$50/hour).

I'm able to do this because I've built a ton of sites in a ton of different industries. These aren't art installations, they're business tools, and there are practices you can implement in your digital strategy that will lead to measurable gains (more visitors, more engagement, more conversions, higher ROI)

UX as a "discipline" is rapidly expanding. That's because it works. I don't charge people $50/hour to tell them "move this link" and call it day. Building high-converting websites isn't that easy, or else everybody in this thread would be filthy rich in chinese knockoff money.

What I've said in this thread are small changes that low-tech, small business owners can make instantly, that will lead to measurable improvements on Key Performance Indicators. I guarantee any Anon who expands their About Us in accordance to what I've said will see higher engagement on their site.

>> No.1788388


Aside from the favorable business relationships I've cultivated, credibility comes from rigorous analytics. You determine Key Performance Indicators in accordance with your business goals (KPIs can be pageviews, products added to cart, Orders Placed, whatever depending on your marketing strategy). Once you determine your KPI's, you find your baseline performance - how well these KPIs perform before your changes.

Once you have a baseline measurement, you work to "remove friction", that is, find what is causing your KPIs to suffer and fix those problems. Sometimes this can be as simple as "users don't know how to find your products", and you recommend ways to improve that process. The results speak for themselves in the form of more pageviews, more orders, more engagement, whatever it is you're tracking.

Businessmen like numbers. You just show them the numbers.

Don't hate the player, son. Read up on digital marketing and you too can make money telling people what to do.

>> No.1788411


You're using Shopify? I assume whatever theme you have installed probably has these features - they're fairly basic.

Recommending similar products is usually as simple as telling shopify which other products in your catalog are "cross-sells" or "up-sells" - themes will take this info and recommend the appropriate products on the page automatically.

Dig in to your theme documentation. Good themes have exhaustive docs that will show you how to do pretty much anything.

Adding navigation to your category pages is generally a matter of adding a menu or a sidebar to those particular pages. Again, check your theme docs, and check google/youtube.

Type in "(your theme) shopify how to (your question)" - there are a ton of people that have your same question.

>> No.1788830

Longer "About" description.
"Black Marble" image in your catalog is oddly larger than your other products.
Add a couple more watches, or take watches off the site completely.
Personal opinion, but the font used in your Facebook picture looks awkward when compared to your site's title image. Did you try using white as supposed to black for the font's color?
Otherwise, I think it's pretty good for a start.

>> No.1789362

I've been following these threads for a couple months now and 100% certain it's just shopify shilling their product.

In a gold rush, the panners aren't the ones getting rich, it's the people selling the tools. If this was really working for someone, they wouldn't be sharing it and creating more competition.

>> No.1789938

Don't you think the shops would be more polished then?

>> No.1790188


This is what you find when someone tells you "how to get rich". And now that you noticed it, you will start selling tools too, right?

>> No.1791195
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 1485241596523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right to a certain sense. If your stupid, you'll loose money. Shopify offers a 60day trial. Dropshitting is a bloody business. If you don't have the balls, go trade shitcoins in a different thread. My returns over the past month have been better than any stock or etf I've bought.

>> No.1791294

>Also A.D.D.

You might want to try fixing that first. I'm serious. Look into nootropics, herbal or other supplements, etc. They're not all memes, some actually work. It'll be a constant uphill struggle if you don't

t. man who knows all about it

>> No.1791352

So in terms of targeting countries which ones are you guys going for? Just local in your country or a number of countries?
I think it gets tricky with epackets not being available for all places

>> No.1791355


I would prefer selling to US ou europe, these niggas have a lot of shekels to spend.

>> No.1791361

I would primarily like to target the US, UK, Canada, Some Euro countries, and Australia/NZ.

>> No.1791633
File: 498 KB, 1215x394, proofread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not the consultant, but pic related are a couple of changes I'd make.

At the very least, take the apostrophe out of the 12th word. It's probably a mistake, but incase you don't know why

>its - possessive. no apostrophe.
The EXERCISE'S function

leave it in on the 24th word.
>It's (it is) time for straps.

Also, in your FAQ:

>This team member is training for strongman. I will also attend at least on powerlifting meet this year.
>on powerlifting meet

>> No.1791938

fellow perthfag here, good luck bro

>> No.1791942

lol, tell me nobody is stupid enough to do this

>> No.1791956

wait you guys dont even sell to countries your located in?

damn maybe I should target USA and canada or something their population is way bigger than where I live(15mil)

>> No.1792000

What is dropshipping? Crap. A dropshipper competes w all sorts of amateurs and lazy and impressionable female negroes whom their pastor told them they were gunna make sum moneys. Only one making momey is Ali, godaddy, Amazon and similar services when you agree to pay for their monthly/yearly shit.

>> No.1792045

I've edited the site a bit, tried to make it more personable and "fun". Still have the category pages to improve though.

More opinions?

>> No.1792088
File: 97 KB, 567x564, IMG_2958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disclaimer: I have no experience with websites or drop shipping, I've only been reading this thread.

I loaded your site on my iPhone, first thing I see is blank white space at the top of the main page. The first image I saw as I scoll down was the deer ring, with the origami ring underneath that. By that point I wasn't sure what the site was selling because those 2 images don't clearly show that they are rings for fingers. The deer ring pic looks like it could be on the end of a towel or something...because there isn't a human hand in the picture as a reference I couldn't tell how big the ring was. When I saw the fish ring I realised what the products actually are.

On the sizing page, the images took longer to load than the text, and the image quality of the 1st image with sizing instructions is a bit poor, even when I zoomed in.

>> No.1792094
File: 84 KB, 712x850, 1485626596568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so do you just list the item then buy a single item and put in the buyer's address when they order one?

how do you handle out of stock items?
how do you get traffic?

>> No.1792114
File: 879 KB, 1345x1550, 1478528247004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also how do you handle varying shipping costs with different buyers

>> No.1792201

>so do you just list the item then buy a single item and put in the buyer's address when they order one?

>how do you handle out of stock items?
when finding products, find ones with multiple suppliers. or products that have literally 1000s of items in sock. I have a couple of items that have 5000+ in stock.

>how do you get traffic?
- facebook ad campaigns
- targeting social media influencers on instagram (e.g. asking them to talk about your product on their page, you could either pay them or send them a free item)
- joining social medias like pinterest, instagram, etc, and posting a lot and hashtagging like crazy
- seo
- google adwords

thanks man, will take your advice and go improve my page now

>> No.1792396

thanks for the reply!
can I get an answer on >>1792114 ?
since orders will come from worldwide I assume

>> No.1792411

You keep a spreadsheet of the costs and work out your profit margins.

Make sure to use Oberlo. If you're on AliExpress, it also highlights products which offer ePacket or free shipping.

I offer free shipping on all my products. Customers are more willing to wait long shipping times this way. This does mean less profit per order for you, which is why you have to have to price your items well to ensure you get some $$.

>> No.1792420

I'm currently looking to start my own store and brand, however I'm looking to have things custom made. Should I browse Aliexpress or Alibaba? The product is done but I would like a different color and a logo imprinted on it.

>> No.1792474


Why are you shilling this ? Idc really , just curious

>> No.1792502

>be on /biz/
>be surprised there's /biz/ related content
wow really makes me think

>> No.1792552

No, I'm located in the US. But you should target your own country in addition to the ones I listed as a good reference. They're pretty populated countries.

>> No.1792604

Does anyone in this thread have an established business dropshipping? If so what sort of revenue are you getting?

>> No.1792606

Can I (from the UK) start dropshipping to UK customers? Or will the wait times be too long?

>> No.1792689

>literally spend 7 hours typing out anything i can think of to sell
>literally everything has been done
>give up

why should i even go on?

>> No.1792696

>literally everything has been done

you don't have to find some product that's never been sold before. just find something that's not overdone, and make your website better than the competition.

>> No.1792699


My competition is a multi-million dollar business.

>> No.1792743

For custom orders I'd say go through alibaba - suppliers/manufactures tell you if they do that on their product page usually but I'm sure you can request it. Expect a minimum order of a few hundred if you're getting custom stuff though.

>> No.1792758

i dont need too many especially since im just starting out.

>> No.1792861


>be on /biz
>completely fucking retarded but full of yoursef

What a shock.

Guy is fucking spoon feeding you his droshipping shit and you're like no questions asked, its "biz related".

Following your logic, coiners shilling their crap are just as legitim as this guy beacuse "biz related"'.

I would say kys but we actually need people like you, you don't make money without others loosing some. God speed anon

>> No.1792937
File: 23 KB, 394x458, a14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks senpai

>> No.1792958

can I get some honest feedback on this
what am i doing wrong? is there a market for this? is my niche totally shit?


>> No.1792970

what niche is it? Desk toys?

You could use some categories/ more organization

>> No.1792972

desk toys was part of it, maybe i should cut it back and focus on that?

>> No.1792976

Product selection is not organised.
I think the product names are too long.
The descriptions are default oberlo imports and look like shit.
No favicon.
About us needs work.
You can find more about everything I just said in this thread, on the linked sites, and with a little googling.

What ads are you running?

>> No.1792982

Just a google adwords ad
118 clicks from 119,288 "views"

>> No.1792986

how do i go about changing the product descriptions? I thought oberlo was great but yes its all just lifted automatically from the chinese shops

>> No.1792996

Facebook ads are great for getting people onto your site. Setup google analytics to view this in realtime. Setup your demographics, etc. well, I sunk $100 into an ad that was hitting all the wrong people which meant 0 conversions. Brazilian's don't buy shit and the auto-bidding was hitting a ton of them. Making a new campaign for the right audience now.
my-shopify menu > products > click on the product, you'll see it pretty clearly.

>> No.1793135

What are your sales?

>> No.1793323

none at all :(

thanks senpai

>> No.1793409

are all you guys using wordpress? I code sites myself personally

hit me up if you need any code editing doing for a small fee (or small link back to my web selling site)

>> No.1793419
File: 714 KB, 2560x1440, banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just using the shopify themes
I had a wordpress site and using woocommerce but this is much easier

funny thing, i got banned for something i didnt do kek
i never post on /v/

>> No.1794293


Its so niche I'm not really sure who would go out of their way to find such a site.

>> No.1794325

Hi Robert.

>> No.1794343

Hey Daniel.

>> No.1794344

Guys. If you're going to buy a domain, please get the owner information privatized.

>> No.1794361

I've set up a store to promote dressing gowns and other comfy lazy wear. There used to be one on TV. The snuggler or the snuggle coat. I forget the name

Was like a big towel you could wear, someone help me remember it.

>> No.1794404

True. If you don't get WhoIsGuard anyone can look your url up on https://www.register.com/whois.rcmx and find your name and address.

>> No.1794406


>> No.1794696

when a customer orders from you, can you just take their info and forward it to the company your buying from?

can I just tell the company to ship directly to my customer?

I don't want to take the risk of fraudsters
I want to be as least involved as possible and just work on marketing

>> No.1794772


Your website looks shady.

>> No.1794805

HELP ME buy my shit please Carbon fiber iphone case.


>> No.1794808

>can I just tell the company to ship directly to my customer?
thats exactly what dropshipping is...

>> No.1794848


>Brazilian's don't buy shit

They can't if they don't even know where they click to buy the shit.

>> No.1795302

If the ad targets english speakers and they're clicking on an ad written in english I don't see why they wouldn't know where to click.

>> No.1795807

So the customer is supposed to wait 3 weeks to get the product, which he would receive straight from China in a generic bubble wrap/envelope?

Are you for real?

>> No.1795861


B-but I heard people are making 1000 per day with that.

>> No.1796084

It is quite often 2 weeks.
Also, Amerifats are used to slow shipments. My Fedex Smartpost shipments can sometimes take 10 days from east coast to the north west. Nobody cares.

>> No.1796647

so whats the deal with e packets then?
It says process time 6 days etc so i assumed that was how long shipping would take with e packets
without e packets youre looking at 40 days and more
anyone got the downlow on this for real?

>> No.1796674

Nobody I know waits two weeks for their packages. Most of my packages come in ~2-5 business days.

>> No.1796730

Does everyone you know use Amazon? I've realized that since I got Prime that's the only site I ever order from and I almost only get an item if its eligible for Prime shipping now.

>> No.1797019

>write up a list of 50 items
>go to google keyword lookup to see competition
>write each keyword + at least 10 different ways of typing it
>literally everything has high competition
>literally everything

What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

>> No.1797914


target people on facebook who don't know about it

>> No.1798160

amazing ain't it, i've had a hard time believing this too

>> No.1798317

So I just made my first $100 sale, but Shopify gave me a high risk warning because the country of the credit card was different than the address. However, the billing, shipping, and IP all matched up along with a correct ccv. I emailed him and he said he was on a trip to a friends in a different country. Fraudulent or not?
>Aliexpress is fucking shit
I have to file an appeal to pay with debit card

>> No.1798432

It's Shopify

>> No.1798848

>I just made my first $100 sale

$100 selling what product? If it's $100 worth of phone cases, then yeah, looks shady, but if it's $100 on one set of headphones then it's not so unusual, I'd say.

Also, if it's $100 spent by a german or norwegian dude, yeah ok, if it's a philipino or vietnamese, I'd be a bit wary.

Go with your instincts, I guess. Please let us know later on how things turned out.

>> No.1799426

If your company is called Gains Goods, you sell Gains Goods, not gains goods. Be consistent throughout with capitalizations