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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17918465 No.17918465 [Reply] [Original]

Peter Schiff is about to live in 6 minutes

>> No.17918474

https://youtu.be/K_rtWh6QxWU forget link

>> No.17918480


GTFO Peter

>> No.17918496
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>Peter Schiff is about to live in 6 minutes
he's been living for 56 years anon

>> No.17918570
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Almost time

>> No.17918714


>> No.17918739

does he have any suggestions other than "BUY GOLD"

>> No.17918762


>> No.17918767


>> No.17918781

Its starting

>> No.17918811


>> No.17918859

based and comfy

>> No.17918860

based right now

>> No.17918873
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you're a broken clock peter
y-you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.17918874

>real crash is here
Is he REALLY blowing his load right now? What happens if everything goes back to normal in a few months?

>> No.17918880

Buy silver

>> No.17918893
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rent free in your head

>> No.17918906
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What did Business & Finance mean by this?

>> No.17918909
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>> No.17918923

>Is he REALLY blowing his load right now? What happens if everything goes back to normal in a few months?
Should have listened to his last 2 episodes
Schiff boi is balls to the wall on this

also this is the real crash idiot, look around you.

>> No.17918924


>> No.17918963


>> No.17918983

>also this is the real crash idiot, look around you.
Okay, how the fuck do I buy gold and silver in Canada?

>> No.17918985


>> No.17919028

>travel industry in coma
>restaurant industry in coma
>entertainment industry is now electronic stuff only
>world trade in coma
How do you prevent a collapse at this point? Flood everything with free worthless dollars?

>> No.17919039

dont buy silver dude
its going for $20 while the paper price is like 11 bucks
Shits ridiculous

>> No.17919046

You don't ;)

Nah jk not gonna be a dick

>> No.17919074
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>> No.17919083

imagine being this blind

>> No.17919093


>> No.17919114

this. there is no coming back. nobody on earth is buying our dollar debt.. i don't think that has sunk in yet

>> No.17919151

>Nobody's trusting the free market

This guy's in a bigger bubble than the one that just popped

>> No.17919195

What the fuck do I buy?

>> No.17919212

the pm shilling has started

>> No.17919227


>> No.17919228

Buy my silver goys

>> No.17919240

Peter just said Silver has never been cheaper

He's right, NOBODY supports the free market any more.
The republicans are anti free market.

>> No.17919281


>> No.17919292



>> No.17919305

Too fucking late
You had 12 years

>> No.17919310

Well its better than silver but its not going up any time soon.
If you want to protect your purchasing power on the meantime the swiss frank aint doing too badly.

>> No.17919316

Nothing natural about this virus retard. Reeks of chinese labs

>> No.17919335

Not anymore, but pre-corona was slobbering all over capitalist dick. It's retarded to think that having them at the helm won't just result in another corona crisis in the future. Socialistphobia
is over.

>> No.17919342

Why don't you believe Schiff on metals?

>> No.17919352
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>btw visit my website so you can buy my services
>btw pay me money (which i just said was going to be useless) if you want to ask a question

>> No.17919355

>I want money for answers because the free market
this dude is the best

>> No.17919358

Schiff is a hack

>> No.17919360

Summer is here

>> No.17919362

Hahahahaha it’s a virus.. there’s literally millions of them.
If a simple virus can bring down the house of cards that was our retarded level of leverage financial system.
Then how good and healthy was the economic system.

>> No.17919377

It’s just a psy op to panic the sheeple and crash the economy. Look at the numbers, it’s literally nothing.

>> No.17919379

This. He's been calling for a crash since 2011.

>> No.17919385

i believe itll go up eventually but like 6 months or a year from now.
Thats what happened in 2008 atleast.

>> No.17919391

lmao they're all calling him a boomer

>> No.17919395

Paul you're fired you incompetent numbskull. Help the boomer damn it

>> No.17919450

>peter having technical issues and going off at some guy off screen

my fucking sides

>> No.17919475

No, he's been calling it since before '08. As in he called '08... and then he said what we did in '08 didn't fix anything. So, he was right about our lack of fixing things in '08. Because look at where we are now... It's going to be worse than '08.

>> No.17919491

Wow 10000 watching.. so many comments impossible to read your own post..

>> No.17919512

He’s so cringe, but he’s also right, sad

>> No.17919525

Not cringe, just based

>> No.17919531

>t. welfare queen

>> No.17919554

I fucking hate myself. He's right but being a poorfag won't make me follow any of his advice

>> No.17919564
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Imagine this boomer clinging to his gold when there's riots on the streets

>> No.17919578

>Mass rioting
>Return to silver barter market
>B U Y G U N S

>> No.17919588

Doomer crap, as usualy.

Yikes and a hard pass from me /biz/. He's right about fake valuations on US stocks.

>> No.17919613

>even Peter Schiff is saying to buy guns


>> No.17919618

what happens when scientists figure out how to synthesize gold in a lab and it all becomes as worthless as any other metal?

and please dont tell me its not possible, because chemistry and tech should theoretically advance until it is

>> No.17919636

can go down 90% AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

>> No.17919657

in order to make gold you would have to fuse metals at the level of a supernova. Itd be some 2100 tech.

>> No.17919668

Also he's right about them not being able to reinflate this bubble.
They'd have to print in double digit trillions and in fairly little time move to triple digits to keep it going.
This market is beyond fucked and this drop has been a long time coming.
If you block out his gold shilling he's right about a whole lot of stuff. Then again most of this stuff is pretty much just applying some common sense to the market.

>> No.17919680

I can already tell you there will be another crash down the road, probably 10 or so years from now. Doesn't mean anyone should take advice from me.

>> No.17919701

Why not buy gold? How do I profit from the collapse?

>> No.17919703
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>you could buy the stock market for 13 oz of gold

>> No.17919723

Why didn't you listen to Schiff?

>> No.17919742


>> No.17919745
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Peter Schiff for president

>> No.17919779

>If a simple virus can bring down the house of cards that was our retarded level of leverage financial system.
>Then how good and healthy was the economic system.
This is the whole point imbecile. The system was propped up before 2008, was not allowed to reset and has been propped up even more today. We're talking epic proportions. Now the air of the past decade is seeping out of the bubble that has been burst.

>> No.17919821

Damn yeah that scared me desu

>> No.17919844

why this boomer shilling gold so hard?

>> No.17919858

If they are able to revive this economy, sure. If they can't there won't be anything to crash. There won't be a boom so there can't be a bust.

>> No.17919869

the only time he is right is when he is wrong

>> No.17919870

uhh bros..
>Reserve requirement is now ZERO percent




>> No.17919882

its literally that last point he makes. everything else he says is basically explaining why were in this mess with a fake bloated fake economy in the first place
gold is a side note

>> No.17919889

Conveniently has funds with high fees

>lol just keep buying

he says

>> No.17919913


>> No.17919915

Gold is definitely going to go up, so you could buy it. Nothing wrong with that.
I'm personally not interested in buying gold because I believe there's more money to be made from the stock market. Just put your money into sound companies when they have crashed hard and wait.
At the moment US companies are barely hitting 2015 levels, that's not a real crash yet.
Like Schiff said, Euro companies have tanked more and are reaching 2008 levels meaning their stock is actually cheap.

>> No.17919926


>> No.17919928
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Brings up redpill, definitely based af

>> No.17919929

Kek "I'm not sure if I'm redpilled or bluepilled, but I'm the one that makes you see the truth"

>> No.17919943

I like wht he says, but always ruins it when someone is preaching to me and trying to sell me something at the same time

>> No.17919955

Buy the dow for 1 oz of gold he said

That ratio has happend before

>> No.17919972

I don't understand what you mean by that ratio. I mean there are gold indexes on the stock market.
Explain it to a retard.

>> No.17919991

No doubt he recommends to buy whatever else he's selling.

>> No.17919993

Gold go up, dollar go down. Silver go up, less silver to switch to gold.

>> No.17920018

Wrong shut the fuck up

this https://www.macrotrends.net/1378/dow-to-gold-ratio-100-year-historical-chart

>> No.17920024

When the price of gold is equal to the dow then buy.
>Dow 10,000
>Gold 10,000
>= 1:1 ratio

>> No.17920027

I don't believe he's right about the gold getting back as a reserve currency.
Printing endless amount of cheap debt is simply too good of a system for the bankers.
If they ditch the Dollar as the reserve system, they'll jump to Euro and continue the carousel.
Gold standard isn't going to get reinstated, because that actually brings some sense into the system and no one at the top really wants that. Less power to game the system that way.

>> No.17920077


Seriously next time shut the fuck up and don't speak on shit you don't know U ABSOLUTE FuCK STICK

>> No.17920105

Not every time the word ratio is used does it mean people are talking about Au/Ag you GUNT

>> No.17920177

Based rootless cosmopolitan shilling from his tax haven in puerto rico

>> No.17920194

Buy gold stocks, and he also has a lot of high dividend stocks he likes usually in foreign markets

>> No.17920198

>you will need silver to buy stuff in the future

>> No.17920231
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>doesn't know how to turn his jitterbug on silent
This is the boomerest boomer ever

>> No.17920333

suck my cock fag

>> No.17920442

It's completely natural and it's from chinks eating shit they shouldn't. Viruses being in wildlife, and spreading to livestock, then humans is nothing we don't already know about.

>there’s literally millions of them.
There's many possibilities for flu mutations that we wouldn't be ready for, yeah. And now it's happening. What you guys don't seem to understand is the severity of a pandemic. The last time this happened it killed more people than in WW1 and WW2. This time around we travel much more and much more easily. Meanwhile China is covering it up as much as they can and expelling journalists from the country.

>> No.17920463


>> No.17920486

You can't use bitcoin as money, most vendors won't accept it - as opposed to gold coins that every vendor accepts

>> No.17920593



>> No.17920653

Glowies are onto him

>> No.17920754


>> No.17920884
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when he realizes how much he can make from superchats he's gonna dump his current format in a heartbeat

>> No.17920917
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>> No.17920922
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>All of these people tipping a multimillionaire
And they're not small tips either.
This is some next level findom simp shit. Good for Peter though, he can buy more gold.

>> No.17920992

If this guy is so sure about gold, then why is he selling all of his to people?

>> No.17921105

Because he wants to see less people die? Also keep in mind that the more people are aware of gold, the more likely the price is to go up...

>> No.17921113

Schiff dropping some real bombs, fuck republicans, everyone is communist.

>> No.17921238

Well he IS telling people HOW to make money unlike multimillionaire retards out there like Warren Buffett who's being an asshole and a boomer.

>> No.17921277

Schiff is based. Sometimes I think I listen to Jay Leno though...

>> No.17921413

he is less annoying than Jay Leno though

>> No.17921461

He tells people to sell gold for silver. Also, don't pay your debt, if you buy bonds buy foreign bonds, buy foreign dividend paying stocks, buy gold stocks, don't buy bitcoin.

>> No.17921482

Selling gold for a currency reset is no good if the gold is not distributed enough in the populace to have meaningful support.

>> No.17921514

There's a mechanism that instantly sells it

>> No.17921610

>Taking libertarian advice

It's like you want people to riot on the streets

>> No.17921641

>30 trillion government debt
>people dump their bonds and dollars
>oil priced shoot back up but the US oil companies are bankrupt
>people blame trump and literally Joseph Stalin becomes president

>> No.17921762


>> No.17921782

>oil priced shoot back up but the US oil companies are bankrupt

This is an interesting situation and I'm glad Peter brought it up.
Imagine if they keep the oil down for 6 months and wait for the US businesses to get utterly fucked and then pump the price to $140
It would pretty much eradicate US as a major player and give everyone else the control.
Especially if US is struggling with a debt depression that they can't print out. It's a good thing to keep in mind when looking at these cheap US oil stocks.

>> No.17921876

Based Schiff

Fuck white people
Fuck protectionists
Fuck xenophobes
Fuck nationalists that want production stateside
Fuck the middle class
Fuck anti-migrants

>> No.17921974
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>you have to pay him money to ask questions

>> No.17922090
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>> No.17922135

he is still going

>> No.17922156

>simping for a gold jew

>> No.17922181

He is based, and your statements are a complete non-sequitur.

>> No.17922219

Didn’t he say “a great collapse” will happen soon for the past every second of world history?

>> No.17922239

I'm a levantnigger immigrant myself but I sense some projection from you my gentile.

>> No.17922462

He is unapologetically the GOAT Jew Daddy

>> No.17922487

He was right, your in one

>> No.17923101

I'm impressed by his ability to down whatever he's constantly drinking and not taking a single bathroom break.
Been three hours already.

>> No.17923316

Piss jugs my guy

>> No.17923330


didnt shiny rock dump with everything else? Ohhhh.. I see... this is actually unironically bullish for shiny rock?

>> No.17923351

He said we were in a bubble for a decade. Stocks are currently crashing to levels from a decade ago. He was right idiot.

>> No.17923456


This nigger has been predicted economic collapse for his whole career because he owns a gold company. You're getting jewed.

>> No.17923469

>2016 was 10 years ago

>> No.17923514

the brainlets that swallow up this faggot's advice is sad.

>> No.17923533
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Remember when he exposed the digits on his literal gold credit card when on Rogan?

>> No.17923565

Why does he constantly tell people to buy gold then?

>> No.17923597

What's his net worth and main source of income anyway?

Does he get a commission for shilling gold bullion from certain dealers?

>> No.17923599

he makes money off selling gold. are you such a zoomer that you don't remember all those who used to shill gold and silver?

>> No.17923620

he sells gold himself.

>> No.17923621
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>> No.17923687

he sells fools gold and gold "iras" which is just a worthless piece of paper that says this kike might have some gold in his safe you will never get to look at

>> No.17923703
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He's not wrong in what he says when you block out his personal business shilling.
Economy is fucked for the very reasons he points out.
This is a debt crisis that's been a long time coming. He's just been calling it for so long that many people think he's full of shit.
Even the mainstream media was calling the government out for their emergency measures becoming the standard to prop up the market, because the result is what we're seeing now.
Total lack of fundamentals and everyone neck deep in debt, which is a recipe for a disaster.

>> No.17923715

yeah almost as worthless as the us dollar in about a month. Or any meme money you guys love making hundreds of threads about.

>> No.17923822

mainstream economists have talked about issue of debt, peter just reguriates and attempts to use that issue as a means to shill for gold

>> No.17923861

What argument is that meme trying to make

>> No.17923908

if gold is money gold should go down when the economy shrinks

>> No.17923959


>> No.17923969

but peter said that you forgetting how that gold has other value beyond just money. gold is in cell phones and in jewellery. its used everywhere

>> No.17924061

His only argument is that gold retains purchasing power. That's really it, and thats all it has to be.

>> No.17924234


>> No.17924255

yea, but not enough to give it its current value

>> No.17924257

Schiff is looking like an old jewish man now....


>> No.17924380

He really thinks if the world economy goes belly up plus with chaos on the streets that his shiny metals will matter at all. If it's different than anything that's ever been seen he's clutching at straws.

>> No.17924765

>there will be mass riots 24/7 in every single country and literally nobody has the desire to store wealth
>war is bad for gold

>> No.17924988
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>Are you sure you wanna end? END
This fucking boomer

>> No.17925196

wtf is wrong with this vid? the audio keeps playing but the video freezes on mobile. no other vids impacted.