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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17916556 No.17916556[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Vaccinate ur kids goyim!

>> No.17916578

She looks so cute bros...

>> No.17916597

imagine raising a girl for 18 years and she ends up like this

>> No.17916608

What a retard

>> No.17916618
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>antivaxxers on /biz/

get out

>> No.17916623
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>> No.17916625

>Hey there Reddit. Just a quick update. Still feeling kind of woozy from the other week. Is it normal that my ovaries feel like they are shrinking? Thanks in advance :D

>> No.17916627

redpill me on anti-vaxxers

>> No.17916633

Lmao dumbass

>> No.17916638
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She's so cute, I'll give her a benis injection any day of the week

>> No.17916651

Anon, I...

>> No.17916655

I don't know why but that haircut and those glasses makes me rock hard

>> No.17916658

They're retards, but they're right to be retarded should not be infringed

>> No.17916662

Redditors are so insufferable. Not the girl, but being self-congratulatory about not being an anti-vaxxer, creationist, flat-earther, etc.

>> No.17916666

Jesus christ you thirsty cucks make me sick

>> No.17916673


>> No.17916676

>60% success rate for a flu that less than 40% of people catch anyway
wow, where can I get this wonderful product?

>> No.17916687


>> No.17916688

I hope the dumb cunt ends up with an autoimmune condition. My vaccinations for university either caused or exacerbated an underlying autoimmune disorder and I never got better from it.

>> No.17916704

Really smart of her to post it online for her parents to see.

>> No.17916760

yeah sure blame your inceldom on the vaccines, retard.

>> No.17916764

Go back to plebbit fag

>> No.17916766
File: 69 KB, 632x632, 1558150664567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the girl
another white knighting cuck, will they ever end?

>> No.17916786


>> No.17916799

Is there actually no way to prevent a daughter from becoming a self-congratulatory social media addict e-thot?

>> No.17916813

This will happen because you got dubs, if I get dubs she will die of COVID-19 not too long after due to her poor immune function.

>> No.17916817
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Based how? How am I based?

>> No.17916826

>vaccing against the flu
ok retard

>> No.17916839

Sharia law seems to work.

>> No.17916883


I think I have the most downvoted comment in that plebbit thread writing "You're not brave."

>> No.17916901

vaccines are the devil. literally look up the side effects of any common vacc. how the fuck do you know whats even in that shit anyway? i know people whos kids are literally mentally handicapped from certain injections, really sad honestly. just exercise and stop eating processed foods/chemicals. also if you cant eat it, dont put it on ur skin.

also side note about sanitation... hypochlorus acid kills everything microbiological and you can drink it, its just electrolyzed salt water. buy and eco-one pitcher and make it yourself for pennies. its the only sanitizer in existence thats not technically labeled as a pesticide.

>> No.17916902

it does deserve some credit assuming she's a minor

>> No.17916956

The backstory on this post is probably fake and gay anyway, because Reddit likes a stupid story about their boogeymen to feel good about themselves. But anyway, imagine getting the annual flu vaccine. News flash, that shit is usually free because it doesn't work. You're just wasting your time.

>> No.17916965
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>tfw no qt reddit gf

>> No.17916977

Anyone who seeks validation for their contrarian decision to vaccinate is a dumb cunt, male or female. There are legitimate risks to vaccination.

>> No.17917023

do you know where you got your talking points faggot?
vaxinations are a good thing for populations. a % of the pop will get fucked up yes. The other 98% will not.

>> No.17917058

Why are women of reddit so much more attractive than the "women" of 4chan?

>> No.17917082


>> No.17917091

>not the girl
Right because her picture was posted on here not because she’s a girl at all, it didn’t get upvoted or brought to the main page because she isn’t a girl at all

>> No.17917101


I just wanted to show you guys how stupid and retarded reddit is. Obviously a psyop.

>> No.17917118

idk bro its pretty brave to willingly inject yourself with mercury, lead, and a deadly virus

>> No.17917139

based subtle meme poster

>> No.17917189

I don't trust any institution or especially banks that's why im fucking hype for Ferrum's Unifyre release

not sure what to do about vaxxing tho

>> No.17917225


>> No.17917237

glow harder idiot. if anyone took the time to do any legitimate research on the contents and side effects of vaccines and adjuvants they'd realize shit is literally a conspiracy against the health of the human race.

>> No.17917251

>Ferrum's Unifyre

fyre wallet, like the festival? dint end well did it

>> No.17917260


>> No.17917268

Early childhood vaccinations cause autoimmune disease.

>> No.17917420
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>behind my parents' back,
roastie looks 40 i wonder how old are they..

>> No.17917479

Fount the redditor!

>> No.17917503

You have negative brain

>> No.17917758

Nice bait, retard.

>> No.17917830


>> No.17917856

Why would they use a Jewish girl in this pho.... nevermind...

>> No.17918166
File: 67 KB, 609x802, 1584286323853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quads of retribution

>> No.17918236

Look at her, you can tell she's only doing it to spite her parents. Stupid little princess needs a smack.

>> No.17918248

>astrology threads
>antivax threads
how low can this place go

>> No.17918257

>getting vaccinated for the flu when you're young enough that it's not a problem
>getting shitty malformed weakmode antibodies that MIGHT defend you from whatever strain
>but if whatever you get defeats them your flu will be twice as bad
>not just fucking tanking a full blown flu every 4 or 5 years and having millions of level99 gigachad antibodies that fucking annihilate anything that looks close to the flu until you finally need to get it again

>> No.17918304

It’s just a pol post
SharePol pays them to spread misinformation across the other boards, and they can get extra reddpoints by posting results there for the lolz.

>> No.17918306

>implying the anti vax movement isn't being pushed by jewish doctors and pharma
You are deluded if you think your (((side))) doesn't have jews manipulating you for their personal benefit.

>> No.17918352

I would tie her up and fuck her right in the pussy if you know what I mean.

>> No.17918386

>make it to 18 unvaccinated
>prove you dont really need the vaccination
>go get one anyways for internet points

>> No.17918404

>and to anger her parents