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File: 10 KB, 225x225, 7573A52D-B939-4B60-97D5-42538ED718D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17903728 No.17903728 [Reply] [Original]

>” I will be having a news conference today to discuss very important news from the FDA concerning the Chinese Virus!”

>> No.17903753

>the Chinese virus

>> No.17903874


He is an absolute moron and I can't believe people still think this is funny.

>> No.17903920

It’s funny because mouth breathers think racism first, those with a few brain cells know he is toying with the media and implying that China made this virus and evidence will come out of this as they shoot themselves in the foot again.

>> No.17904010

It's not just toying with the media
Chinese state media is calling it "American virus."
And most mainland Chinese are incapable of differentiating between nation and state - probably because the modern Chinese nation is dominated by the state. Criticism of their government is confused with racial hatred every single time.

>> No.17904032

I hope he can calm the markets by saying the fucking truth that with that malaria medicine the virus can be contained.

I don't get why the fuck they are not telling the truth people would not panick if that was the case.

>> No.17904049
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how can one man be so based

>> No.17904068


>> No.17904071


baby brains not realizing this is political to pin this on the chinese when we come out the other end deserves to be quarantined in wuhan and forced to become egalitarian with their new permanent neighbors

>> No.17905281

can't believe i supported this retard at one point

>> No.17905306

awhhh sorry neocon buddy, mitt lost :_(

>> No.17905465
File: 265 KB, 1242x1597, fark_9wr4CQEBlj7ONLxXLXuUgnLNA5Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Trump is just a retard who just says whatever his pea-sized brain thinks sounds good? I don't believe you

>> No.17905561

You and me and I suspect countless others are having major buyer's remorse now. Get it, /biz/?

>> No.17907027

kek. he scores low on the verbal and analogy section of the test so all the journos and pols mock him as a retard. but he makes up for it in other areas.
also he's a builder, so on instinct he probably took the "no corners" thing literally.
so he had a brain fart. who cares?

>> No.17907845

>Criticism of their government is confused with racial hatred

This confusion is mainly by the mutts, Mr. Non-mainland Chinese man

>> No.17907896

Pick one

>> No.17908013

Zion Don isn't any better then the rest anon.

>> No.17908031

Where can I watch this

>> No.17908095

gonna vote for him again. this is kino

>> No.17908156

>Spanish flu, Wuhan flu, ...
>I sleep

>Chinese virus

>> No.17908203

Yes, I too don't understand why Trump isn't saving us with the vaccine he's hiding, and also why the storm isn't here yet.

>> No.17908216

>Chink Virus
>Burger Virus
>rotw: cries silently

>> No.17908225
File: 18 KB, 607x155, trump corona tweet response.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftards S E E T H I N G

>calls a travel ban before pretty much any other western state
>"hurrrr his response was LATE!!!"

>> No.17908252

Things happen fast in a crisis!


>> No.17908354

>media lies about Trump
>Dems block Trump

>> No.17908360
File: 8 KB, 240x240, fatfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're gonna vote for him just to trigger the libs anon?

>> No.17908405

An asteroid could be threatening life on earth and people would still politicize it.

>> No.17908413

China can do what it wants with impunity knowing:
1)The United States, in reality, does not have the political morale and unity to stop China from doing anything. The prospect of the USA winning a military conflict in the long term with China is a straight up joke. Americans only universally agree on one thing: not going to die in China so that Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, and parasitic neoconservatives can get their wishes granted. The United States could even be winning a conflict against China, but the casualties that would necessarily be incurred would be sufficient for most Americans to quit.
2) The civic religion of the United States is anti-racist fever dreams. The United States can be attacked, but cannot even *rhetorically* strike back as very large groups of cultists in the United States interpret everything as racial hatred.
3) Even the prospect of being *outright colonized by China* is only debatably worse than being under the thumb of the current Federal leadership of the United States. The United States is simply a dump where anybody can come in, with their ethnic vendettas, conflicts, and their diseases; become naturalized by passing a very easy test, and then vote for rules that fuck the previous population over. This is in addition to the double pronged conspiracy to either export every job in the United States or to mass-import scabs from central and south america so that organized labor is completely impossible.

>> No.17908479

The man literally believes his body is a battery that, when depleted of that battery energy, dies. Not like metaphorical 'everything is calories'. Literally a battery, anon. Literally.

That's why he doesn't exercise. It depletes his battery energy faster.

He doesn't have a brain fart. He has a 24/7 brain diarrhea.

>> No.17908484

You say that as if we aren't trying to get rich off the pandemic

>> No.17908557
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>> No.17908585

he's countering Chinese propaganda that it came from US
they're already trying, not even kidding

>> No.17908638

to be frank both are acting like fucking retards,by politicizing over a fucking virus.

Well theirs one good thing coming out of this, all the old fuck politicians will die including their handlers...

so i'm glad.

>> No.17908676

it is a lie suggested imagination

>> No.17908678

>leftards keep attacking Trump for slow to respond even though he's massively ahead of the curve
>"both sides are wrong"

>> No.17908700

Doesn't matter, these people are actually deranged and will blame Trump for anything and everything.

>> No.17908786

>be me
>walk up to voting booth
>think for 0.0001 seconds
>slam all republican

it’s almost as if you want him to win

>> No.17909262

Holy shit, Blumbrpfff sounds incredibly low energy.

>> No.17909333
File: 730 KB, 2453x1579, World_Jewish_Congress_-_Third_Plenary_Assembly_-_Geneva_1953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh left vs right fake side show paradigm
>Muh votes matter
>Muh voice matters
>Totally not being Jewed Bro

Yeah, sure anon.

i'll have fun, you waste your time with this pointless bullshit.
because it ain't worth it for me, theirs nothing worse then being an inept zogling shill.

>> No.17909930

That's more true than you realize.