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17902103 No.17902103 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the US is decoupling from China, how can we profit?

>> No.17902118


>> No.17902148

>look ma I decoupled from the one region that isn't hit with this crisis
good boy

>> No.17902182


no redditors itt thanks


or retards

>> No.17902277


It’s not just the US, France and Germany have said they’ll support strategically important companies to rebuild in Europe. The rest of the west will do the same. No one can trust China after this.

>> No.17902286

Start a manufacturing company. If you ever run into financial trouble, you'll get bailed out by the Fed.

>> No.17902295

Fuck China

>> No.17902300

Honestly the only way the west can save itself. A light in the tunnel if you ask me

>> No.17902343
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And hopefully we kill the fed while we're at it, might as well since it's on it's last stand.

>> No.17902405
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Trump and Powell enacted the right course of action by injecting liquidity into the markets. In times of crisis; it is fear more than anything else that causes social collapse.

No, happeningtards, there isn't going to be hyperinflation due to 500 billion getting pumped into the markets everyday. The USD is stronger than ever.

No, happeningtards, the economy will not collapse due to quarantines being imposed all over the country. People will still have their jobs and not get pinkslipped.

No, happeningtards, the US will not go full wuhan mode with hospitals collapsing and people dying in the streets thanks to the prudent decision by Trump and the FDA to roll out drive thru testing.

By April, this will all be a nothingburger meme. All this panic and emergency stocking up of TP and food for a nonexistent incoming depression is just low IQ people both on here and irl flipping out over fake news drummed up by the msm to destroy the Trump admin. We'll pull through.

Happening canceled morons.

>> No.17902454

Never trust chinks. This is the lesson we must learn in the 21st century

>> No.17903022
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>> No.17903066

Act 2 of USA - China trade war.