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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 245 KB, 640x527, young-man-you-must-vote-trump-vs-yang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17899650 No.17899650 [Reply] [Original]

lol fixed

>> No.17899683
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 1481919832193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17899687


based retard

>> No.17899722
File: 654 KB, 960x827, 1584471973930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like

>> No.17899771

checked + kekd

>> No.17900794


>> No.17901072
File: 62 KB, 720x540, 90553395_4322504081093870_1981257482953031680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17901116

That doesn't make sense because the checks are restitution for tax dollars that the government has taken and wasted.

>> No.17901141

got eeeemmm

>> No.17901153

Leftist memes are infertile.

>> No.17901156

>He doesn't know the Federal Reserve has wasted 1.5 trillion dollars to "Stimulate* the economy. Wallstreet lost it all in 30 minutes.

>He doesn't know the feds gave an additonal 700 billion to WallStreet. Wallstreet lost that again.

>Feds gave an additional 500 billion to wall street. Wall street lost it again.


>> No.17901204

Good lord are people on wall Street just like us but in suits?

>> No.17901212
File: 16 KB, 314x288, 1584198034196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump and Powell enacted the right course of action by injecting liquidity into the markets. In times of crisis; it is fear more than anything else that causes social collapse.

No, happeningtards, there isn't going to be hyperinflation due to 500 billion getting pumped into the markets everyday. The USD is stronger than ever.

No, happeningtards, the economy will not collapse due to quarantines being imposed all over the country. People will still have their jobs and not get pinkslipped.

No, happeningtards, the US will not go full wuhan mode with hospitals collapsing and people dying in the streets thanks to the prudent decision by Trump and the FDA to roll out drive thru testing.

By April, this will all be a nothingburger meme. All this panic and emergency stocking up of TP and food for a nonexistent incoming depression is just low IQ people both on here and irl flipping out over fake news drummed up by the msm to destroy the Trump admin. We'll pull through.

Happening canceled morons.

>> No.17901216

>Good lord are people on wall Street just like us but in suits?

Pretty fucking much!

>> No.17901233

>restitution for tax dollars that the government has taken and wasted.
That's literally what yang's ubi idea was. Just.. LOL

Retard cope
Read above, dumbass. Rip off your checks, you socialists :)

>> No.17901237

Yes that's exactly how socialism works. You pay taxes and the government does socialist shit with those taxes

>> No.17901240

>Trump and Powell enacted the right course of action by injecting liquidity into the markets.

Wrong. The Feds are. Not the president.

>> No.17901306

I unironically hope this happens

>> No.17901356
File: 3.45 MB, 600x770, 1584312291531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slave continues to support the system that causes his problems
Fucking hang yourself, it's one thing to not know about this. It's another to completely understand it and support it regardless because of "Muh MAGA". Brrrrring will just delay the inevitable.

>> No.17901393
File: 177 KB, 625x415, why-not-both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17901424


>> No.17901515

Not a single person that supports market economics apart from Modern Monetary Theory Economists (bullshitters) would even have a fucking federal reserve. Trump is barely fiscally conservative, apart from his tax cuts he's been increasing spending and doesn't give a shit about the deficit. I'll blame the rich for lobbying but apart from that I'll point towards the banks first.

>> No.17901750

Only 1% of /biz/ actually understands anything about finances.

>> No.17902213

It's cute that you think this will be over so quickly.