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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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178992 No.178992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=496685.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptocredits
Facebook: fb.com/cryptocredits
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/OfficialCredits/

Website: http://cryptocredits.org/index.html

Binaries: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xvltiha76evtpcc/CreditsPackage-WINandMAC.zip
Source: https://github.com/usecredits/Credits

(Working) Pools:
http://dredd.cryptocredits.org (been fixed, check it) - 0% fee
http://cr.poolerino.com/ - 0% fee <- Donations pool 0% fee - set your own donation free if wanted
http://batmanbeyond.cryptocredits.org/ <- donation pool 0% fee - set your own amount
Friendly reminder to use donation pools to support credits development.

Current Exchanges (Trade with Caution):

>> No.178995

Get Credits on more exchanges:
Cryptsy - Write a support ticket & Message Mullick(might pass on queries to Big Vern)
Coinedup - Contact
Coinmarket.io - IRC: #coinmarket @ freenode
Cryptorush.in - Support + IRC
Coinmarketcap - Request Credits & Message Gliss
CryptX.io - Leave them a note(bottom right corner)
Mintpal - Email them: support@mintpal.com & Submit a ticket
BTER - Email them: support@bter.com
Vicurex - Email them: customerservice@vircurex.com
Coinpayments(Merchant tool) - Request Credits
Allcoin.com - Email them: service@allcoin.com
Cryptoaltex - Ask for Credits
Coinwarz - Contact

Not yet!

Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

>> No.179013

Ey Croge

>> No.179012 [DELETED] 
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>> No.179019


>> No.179023 [DELETED] 

What tablet do you use?

>> No.179021 [DELETED] 


>> No.179027
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only the best in the business.

>> No.179029

Can I buy that with my future-space Credits?

>> No.179033

Woah woah woah

What're ya doin'

>> No.179038


>> No.179040

So I've eclipsed 3,000 Credits.

>> No.179053
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I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite coin on /biz/

>> No.179054

Friendly reminder to mine on the donation pools so they can fucking get giftcards up on their currentt barren marketplace

>> No.179073
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>> No.179099

The coin is way too premature to have a marketplace.

>> No.179103

Sorry, that didn't make any sense. What I meant to say is that a marketplace is premature.

>> No.179106

is this coin inflationary?

>> No.179118

These statements are illogical

>> No.179124 [DELETED] 
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>> No.179126

No they're not. There are hardly any coins out there and, collectively, they have very little value. No one is going to sell actual items at a loss. The coin doesn't have enough value to support a marketplace.

>> No.179133

nvm it's not

it might as well be SHA256 and have 50% premine

ded on arrival

>> No.179127
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first vidya of credits and it had to be this one.

>> No.179136 [DELETED] 

I was eying up those riot points they've got but the link to it just leads to the homepage

>> No.179135

Alright cya

>> No.179139

Selling/buying gives it value

>> No.179145

They'll add that shit eventually. They need funds so mine on the donations pools. Fees go to development.

>> No.179151

All the coins mined so far have a combined value of $5,678 at the current SCX exchange rate. Give it some fucking time. This is a long-term play.

>> No.179170

Guys the wallet zip folder wants a password, what do?

>> No.179173

I'm new to Credits. Tell me, why should I mine it if the payment is so low, the prices on exchanges is so low for the effort I'll make?

>> No.179179

You mine in the hopes that the coin will become more valuable. You mine because mining a coin after it becomes valuable is pointless.

>> No.179181

So the point of this coin is to hoard? Point noted.

>> No.179182

It seems like some dude invented a really elaborate way to sell his used electronics because he has a low feedback on Ebay...

I like it..

>> No.179185

Hoard? You mean hold? Unless you're mining with 50 Mhash, you're not going to be hoarding anything because you won't mine enough.

>> No.179191

Good one
>no electronics

>> No.179205

That's exactly what it is. You've drawn on your deep understand of NEET psychology to out his plan. Amazing. The criminals of your city are fortunate that you're not a detective.

>> No.179223

Credits confirmed for le elaborate ruse

>> No.179229

My goal here is to mine ~200,000 before anyone starts paying attention to it and use that to pump the coin up.

>> No.179234

Inv4 wolong

>> No.179246

I wanna buy Dark Souls 2 for Credits. I offer 300 Credits. Anyone interested?

>> No.179247


>> No.179252

>2 EA games on market
EA confirmed Credit shills.

>> No.179268

Friendly Reminder to mine on the Mass Effect pool.

>> No.179279 [DELETED] 

is the deus ex pool up yet?
I'll stick with the piratepool until then

>> No.179290
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deuce ecks is most likely going up tomorrow.

>> No.179294

( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.179306

( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.179321

( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.179324
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Frienly reminder to not trust pnd shills and amDoge lies

>> No.179354

( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.179358

People are actually still mining PND?


>> No.179372

( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.179387
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Why are you posting about this in a Credit thread

>> No.179390
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>> No.179392

amPNDOGE shill detected ( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.179398

I'm going to enjoy my 50,000-coin head start on all the PND refugees when they start mining Credits.

>> No.179417

>pump n dump
( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.179423
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>> No.179424
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>> No.179432

There's no one to dump the coins on anymore.

>> No.179434

is turning my doges into credits a good idea?

>> No.179440

I'm doing it the other way around

>> No.179446


>> No.179448

>cashing out your Credits when their value is the lowest it could possibly be

Sounds like the average DOGE holder.

>> No.179449

wwtf are credits?

how many credits can i get for 1000 dogecoin?

>> No.179453 [DELETED] 
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No Excuses

>> No.179470

Get em while they're cheap. https://www.swisscex.com/market/CR_DOGE

>> No.179481

just bought 30 credits for 180 dogecoin

did i du gud

>> No.179482

Only gonna go up, plus it's not like 180 dogecoins is a risk

>> No.179484

Those were mine, actually.
at 6Ð/Cr I'm happy. If you're happy, then we're both happy.

>> No.179491
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Did you really just buy a coin at it's peak? Lol have fun with your doge

>> No.179497

You realize Chrome flags the exe as malicious right?

>> No.179499

you mean sell a coin at it's lowest?
A month from now I might regret selling those credits so low.
I have sell orders at 6, 8, 10, and 12 doge per credit.
If you want to prove me wrong go buy them all. ;^)

>> No.179506

Cudaminer pulls up false positives

>> No.179527

People are buying into DOGE? It's lost value for two straight weeks.

>> No.179533
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>> No.179546

against fiat it's help pretty close to $10 per 10,000Ð

>> No.179580

( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.179610
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( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤) Commander Credits approves

>> No.179609

Have 3320Cr now, and since it's apparently unprofitable to hoard it... what do?

>> No.179618

see it for doge, like I did.

>> No.179641

Sell before increase, then buyback

>> No.179684
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goodnight /biz/

>> No.179689

Night bby

>> No.179988

Just downloaded the wallet and cant mine cause shit pc

any generous Creditors out there?

>> No.180004
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Aaaand just noticed the official website is down.

Let's see.
>no website atm
>failed launch due to official pools taking 24 hours after launch to start working
>official wallet download in a motherfucking zip file along with miners that trigger antiviruses
>couldn't even edit copypasta source properly to change the block interval as advertised
>the wallet looks like shit, who the hell taught you to design guis?
>yet another coin with lots of promises but zero actual features at the moment of launch
>pic related, their marketplace layout hurts my OCD
>the only positive thing about credits is the name, and it's wasted on this shit coin

And I'm sure there's lots of things I forgot. This thing is an utter failure.

I'm tempted to make my own credits now.

>> No.180006

So why is this coin such a failure? Not a week old, reward still rising and hashrate sinking

>> No.180007

Because the devs clearly have no clue what they're doing.

>> No.180010

Ok and why do I always mine these shitcoins and all the motherfuckers like wolong or cryptowest make millions with IPO scam? Why can't a promising looking coin not be just successful for fucking ONCE.
Meanwile MazaCoin-train went off with fucking 40BTC I could have made if I rented a SHA256 rig and mined that shit on day 1.

>> No.180046


no faucets, no tippers, cant mine

i guess i installed a wallet fr nothing

>> No.180048
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Because there are no promising looking coins. They keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

They all claim how they're going to cause a revolution on the cryptocurrency market, yet they're nothing more than copypastas of one another with zero unique features.

They claim how they're going to bring new people into the market, but they utterly fail to attract anyone who already doesn't use cryptocurrencies. Look at the websites of most coins, not a single one of them actually explains what the fuck a cryptocurrency is to someone who never might have used them before. But they all mention technical stuff like algorithm used, block time, block rewards, right on their front page. A new user doesn't give a fuck about that, he just wants to download a precompiled windows wallet (preferably of the multibit type, only advanced users should be forced to download the actual blockchain) with an actual windows installer. Seriously, what kind of retarded idea is to provide a zip file AND A FUCKING INSTRUCTIONS TO MANUALLY COPY OVER A CONF FILE INTO YOUR %APPDATA% FOLDER. Did you ever see software giants like Microsoft or Adobe tell you to install their products by unzipping a file and manually copy over config files? That's the level of quality coin devs need to aim for it they want to be successful with the masses.

I could go on and on, how 60 seconds block time is fucking useless because nobody will ever wait in a fucking tesco next to a cashier for x minutes until the transaction is confirmed, how linux is more and more being used by regular users who don't want to be bothered with compiling stuff themselves and just want to apt-get/yum the wallet (or in the very least download a .deb or .rpm, btw I suggest everyone to try compiling a wallet on centos)...

Enough rant, I have better things to do..

>> No.180053

>They claim how they're going to bring new people into the market, but they utterly fail to attract anyone who already doesn't use cryptocurrencies.
But Dogecoin did and is still doing that.

>> No.180070

But could do it a lot more efficiently.
Their default wallet which downloads the whole blockchain for example. Again, regular users should not be required to do that.

>> No.180091

But there is the option of Multidoge, which doesn't require downloading the blockchain. I think Dogecoin is the only coin outside of bitcoin and litecoin that has a lightweight wallet.

However, the regular wallets contribute to network security and actually important because it means multiple copies of a blockchain is stored all over the world.

>> No.180097

I am thinking about the same, features, but I fail to have ideas. What would have to be implemented to make a coin success? I mean, beside that wallet/website stuff. Credit guys at least tried. I don't know where their fucking problem is but at least they had some ideas besides cloning some wallet. However meanwhile a thousand shitcoins make a few early adopters some thousand dollars in a few hours and die after 3 days of existence leaving bagholders sitting on a heap of millions of useless coins, or fucktards like wolong pump up a random coin and everyone holding it gets gold rain out of nowhere and after that the swam of locusts leaves dead ground behind.

>> No.180106

That can not be the whole problem. Bitcoin blockchain takes up to 32 hours to sync and still that coin is used and rising in price.

>> No.180109
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How many credits do you guys have? Three 290x's going from hour 1.

>> No.180114


>tfw only nvidia cards

do you use one worker for all your cards or one worker for each card?

>> No.180118

And where exactly is the Multidoge wallet linked on their homepage? Or wikipedia article? Or even reddit?
How is the user going to find it?

But yeah, I admit dogecoin is one of the almost promising ones. Still far from perfect though.

It's not, it's just one of many problems.
Also look at bitcoin and dogecoin websites and compare them. Bitcoin actually has the Multibit client listed first and only tells you to download the normal wallet if you want to help the network, blah blah blah. Dogecoin doesn't list Multidoge at all (or if it does, it's so perfectly hidden it's like it wasn't there anyway).

>> No.180115


>> No.180121

Why should multidoge be the default?

It doesn't take too long to sync. And the multidoge wallet is not a project run by the devs.

Perhaps you could make a post on the dogecoin subreddit suggesting it.

>> No.180127

I don't understand why people constantly scream shitcoin and deem it failed after only a few days. It puts off investors and damages any chance of the community growing. Granted there is a lot of real shit coins out there, Credits is actually trying to make its use as an actual currency. There was a market to buy and sell goods from day one and a wallet that tried to be different and help new comers with mining guides and tools. Sure the launch wasn't as smooth as possible but some actual support may surprise some of us.

>> No.180133

Thats just one worker. Would multiple workers make any difference?

>> No.180134

Still I am with this crypto shit since january and made only 1.6 BTC of the whole crap. That's dissapoint because I always was on the jam trains that crashed at liftoff.
I still have not learned of to pick the profitable coins out of a heap of shitcoins and I fail to see what's the next big thing, reading bitcointalk the whole day I always decide for the wrong train.
Fuck this shit

>> No.180139

Because it's more comfortable for the end user.
Most people don't want to wait before being able to use something they just installed. At all.

>> No.180151

Credits made most promised but failed at so many points.

-wallet has fucking miners bundled (WHY??) that alarms all the shit out of all the shit malware detectors because they have btc-miner signatures. That scares the kids off. Still the aspie devs refuse to remove it from the download.
-their website went down after just a few days of existence
-their FUCKING OFFICIAL POOLS HAVE FUCKING 7 MINERS with 1.4 fucking MH and failed to run at launch, still not working smoothly
-no one fucking understands their progressive reward system because tl;dr and wonder why they get nothing out of their hashrate
-a coin with huge genesis blocks is raped quick by devs and early adopters and the coin is sucked dry before it even lifts off (100+ difficulty after a few days wtf) while the progressive reward system is understood by no fucking one and everyone thinks this is a scam
-no one understands or is interested in their market otherwise it would have traffic and keep the coin alife (again, good idea, conversion shit)

As always, a good idea is not enough.

>> No.180161

Oh and I forgot

>Launch will be on Monday, 1PM EST

One of their greatest mistakes

>> No.180169

multibit actually has a more complex interface and is generally harder for people to use.

Nobody downloads a wallet and then "uses" it straight away.

>> No.180171

I think it is still to early to write it off though. It has still made a tremendous effort for the launch. The ideas are there. They just need to be implemented a little better. If the coin does have a future ahead it still has the time to redeem itself. As for the official pool's a few of the other big names have started donating towards development. Who knows, they may get taken down all together. And again, in 48 hours to have listings on the market is very good. Atleast in comparison to basically every other alt coin.

>> No.180176

>And again, in 48 hours to have listings on the market is very good.
In fact its not. If coins are listed too early on market before demand is there, it's dead at the start and as soon as cheap buyers appear, the coin is dumped leaving it with a bad conversion rate.
If the WTS-thread is running, THEN you bring it to markets, if you do it earlier before any slight hype even started, the coin is deemed to be sold off.

>> No.180178

If the progressive reward system does work then this shouldn't really effect the outcome in the long term. People are complaining about the small outcome but this is to protect the coin in the long term. Everyone is on the same boat.

>> No.180183

The dev is a complete faggot. He's already displayed his incompetence and immaturity on launch, and still hasn't even attempted sorting out some of the issues with credits.

Credits was in the works for for over 2 months.

PND had a smoother launch and amDOGE only started working on it 48 hours before the launch.

I think in this period of cryptos, the entire Development team needs to use their real names and be completely transparent with their identities. I won't trust a developer who uses only a pseudonym. Bitcoin is an exception to this rule, but look at Dogecoin and Auroracoin and the role that the developer plays in dealing with the media.

>> No.180186

Wouldn't a lack of market deter new comers?
Just out of curiosity are you still mining Credits?

>> No.180185

>If the progressive reward system does work then this shouldn't really effect the outcome in the long term. People are complaining about the small outcome but this is to protect the coin in the long term. Everyone is on the same boat.
That doesnt help, if people fucking dont understand the system. They are too trained to "not to miss the train" and want to rush in at hour 0 and then leave dissapoint because the reward is shit. Thats psychological. Aspie devs don't think that far tho.
Yes, it is a dilemma, that instamine coins are ridden dead after few days and progressive coins never lift off because people fail to have interest in a coin that rewards near to nothing at a time when it's not yet having any demand.

>> No.180190

>Wouldn't a lack of market deter new comers?
You need to have demand and interest before you start the sale. That's market basics. Make the people hungry for your shit, THEN sell buckets.
>Just out of curiosity are you still mining Credits?
Yes but seriously thinking about leaving this boat because the devs are so fucking failures and don't even see the most clear aspects.

>> No.180196

No. Generally if a coin stays off exchanges, people think that the train hasn't left yet and they still have time to get on board.

The longer the train sits in the station, the more people that can pack on board, which means a larger army of shills.

>> No.180198


>> No.180201


>which means a larger army of shills.

Implying that they don't lost interest in the coin.

>> No.180214

Those sort of miners were never in it for the long run, and are actually cancer for a coin because they dump their coins straight on the market.

The community needs to develop services within its self and trade coins for actual goods and services to create a perceived value. Going onto an exchange is the last thing that needs to happen.

Letting people buy into the community or sell out of the community via exchanges is actually a bad thing.

>> No.180216


But you cannot control who dump, that is why all the altcoins died in less than a 2 months.

>> No.180228


>tfw cant mine

can you guys gimme couple of credits

>> No.180227
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>shit rewards at the beginning
>no point in mining
>1200% inflation over 6 months
>no point in buying
>people who would use it as a currency don't care about these things
No one will ever remember it in 6 months.

>> No.180232

I am at work not at my wallet atm

>> No.180237

I know, but it's something that the altcoin community doesn't understand.

You can prevent dumps by keeping a coin off the exchanges though.

There really is no reason for miners to sell within the first month.

>> No.180238

watch it, guys. This coin is a worthless piece of shit. might as well mine ltc. tons of faggotry displayed by the shills of this coin. hope you don't fall for the trap.

>> No.180241


Then, you will never know how much worthy is your coin if it is not in exchanges.

The vast majority want the benefits know, and when they don't get them they will just change boat as always.

>> No.180244


okay, thanks for considering anyway

>> No.180247

>The vast majority want the benefits know, and when they don't get them they will just change boat as always.
The benefit can be seen in interest. If a coin has interest, for instance many WTS posts, then go on exchange and the price will be more stable.

>> No.180251

The only way I can see this working in any real way is ignoring the market. 20 and 100 dollar us bills are still used as currency in the black market despite what the dollar is worth.

Build a bullet proof market that is separate from market speculation and go out of your way to kick out any and all people who'll try to inflate prices to unbelievable amounts.
Sell bitcoins to those people as well.
They'll bring real world cash and the new micro market can set and stick to a currency rate based on....what
An agreement?
Goods and services?
Time = money.
If my understanding is correct then time, and power of the machines, is the greatest factor in how much bitcoin can be created.

Farms will make more money but they will have a larger real world cost to keep going and until bitcoin has real world worth then it's basically wealth games.
So that means that a single crap tier 500 dollar pc producing bitcoins at full speed over 24 hours should be the base rate by which bitcoin is measured. Now we go by what the average person will make if they worked in the real world for that 24 hours with an average job. Then we split that up over the bitcoin and try sticking to it for a while.

Or it can be based on something else or nothing, like it is currently.

>> No.180249

Maybe when the thread still exists at evening, I can send some

>> No.180254


How will you provide security to those who are mining?

Electricity is not free, and they need the money to sustain their rigs.

How the miners are gonna waste their time just by the promise that the coin will get any value?

>> No.180265

>How the miners are gonna waste their time just by the promise that the coin will get any value?
Any coin is mined by the promise that it will get any value, not? How do early adopters start mining when they don't know if it lifts off?

>> No.180267

The current miner model is unsustainable. Where is the money coming from to pay the miners for all these shitcoins?

Miners should pay for the electricity for the coins themselves from their day jobs.

Too many plebs are quitting there jobs to mine shitcoins. This isn't going to last long because the speculative boom will die soon enough.

Having mercenary miners is actually a bad thing.

Having coins mined by early adopters with potato GPUs is better than guys with mega farms coming in and dumping the coins straight away and taking the coins away from the people who really believe in the coin and spreads it out to people by giving them away.

>> No.180268 [DELETED] 

ok thanks

>> No.180269


Yes that is right, that is why this coin has no difference in essence to other coins.

I'm still mining it tough.

>> No.180273


That would be fantastic, but it is just the ideal way. You know that the mercenary miners or the "instaminers(devs)", are not gonna lose the opportunity of make profit of any coin.

>> No.180276

>Having coins mined by early adopters with potato GPUs is better than guys with mega farms coming in and dumping the coins straight away and taking the coins away from the people who really believe in the coin and spreads it out to people by giving them away.
this, again. Why is this so hard to get?

>> No.180288

This is why there needs to be a real world goods and services market and an enforced exchange rate based on something tangible.

Right now it's just a pyramid scheme/get rich quick scam.

But the novelty of it, people being groomed by games/media to accept "credits" and the relative anonynmity of it should ensure that at least many people will play into it.

The moment people can supplement their lifestyle with bitcoin/whatever coin or live off of it comfortably and it has value is the moment it really takes off.

For fucks sake people were buying virtual items and still are buying virtual items for real world money.

If there is a real enforced exchange rate and people had an easy way to exchange money to partake in online services buy online goods with "the new totally anonymous online currency that is accepted everywhere you don't want people to know where you are" on the net...? Then it'll take of.

I can see porn providers taking to bitcoin like a fish to water.

>> No.180303

The porn industry sounds like an ideal start. Like another person said. Its media which drives the interest. How do we go about contacting the smaller sites in mass and winding up the name?

>> No.180307


Hooking them with profit.

>> No.180320


isn't there already a coin for adult industry? sexcoin or what was the name

>> No.180325

Did you... did you take a picture of your screen?

>> No.180345


theres even wowdoge with a simple interface and qr code on frontpage

>> No.180389

Is it worth selling Credits now or should I hold?

>> No.180392

No, you have a shit rig.

>> No.180391

38 satoshis? thats it?
And how do you people have so many coins, i have 400 and i've been mining since the release. Only mined for 12 hours tho.

Is bamboohouse eating my coins?

>> No.180398

you're right. i am gonna sell all my coins today.

>> No.180402 [DELETED] 

As they are next to worthless to you I wouldn't object to taking them off you

>> No.180410
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>> No.180419

yes but it failed

>> No.180448
File: 12 KB, 504x566, Le_happy_merchant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we just make a new coin based on le happy merchant called shekelcoin? i think that would be funny

>> No.180450


ofcourse there will only be 6,000,000 shekelcoin

>> No.180462


>> No.180471

Don't you mean 6 gajillion you fucking Nazi anti-semite?

>> No.180479


i am so sorry, ofcourse i mean 6 gorillion

lel i didn't know about that, but why 67108800 coins?

>> No.180563

Guys, price on Allcoin went back up above 1300 satoshi. Now might be the best time to sell.

>> No.180652
File: 88 KB, 512x512, Jarvis Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>having credits and not sharing

Come on guys , keep it alive , for example send me some coins and I will send you cartoons I drew.

>> No.180702

800 credits for one game... fuck that..

>> No.180746

i thought that was pretty damn cheap

>> No.180750

>what is humblebundle

>> No.180893

Deus Ex pool will be up today, get hype

>> No.180931


>come on guys please help me out , a total of 100 credits would do awesome things for me .

>> No.181064

>20 dollars for a game..... Fuck that

>> No.181081

>mine for about 36 hours
>only have 600 Cr

I think I'll just stick to trading.

>> No.181086

Can someone pump this shit
market is dead

>> No.181083

You know that's pretty good right?

>> No.181094

Keep supporting it hasn't even been 48 hours

>> No.181096

>market is dead
Something something dilution
Altcoins are a true tragedy of the commons

>> No.181127

>Linux client uses Ubuntu logo
>Downloads on main page doesn't work
>Video claims it's available for all platforms when it isn't
0/10 step up your game

>> No.181134
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>> No.181147
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>> No.181151
File: 40 KB, 448x336, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.181164

what's the current diff?

>> No.181170


>> No.181175


>> No.181224


>> No.181281

those temps

>> No.181284


everything below 120° is okay

>> No.181293

you are not serious, right?
I wouldnt let my gpu go above 90.

>> No.181322
File: 90 KB, 356x426, 5da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issue on the mainpage fixed. Image should be updated later.

>> No.181334
File: 2 KB, 780x33, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 78, What's wrong? Using bamboopool

>> No.181340

>amDoge's pool

Why aren't you mining on the batmanbeyond pool or poolerino

>> No.181380


whats wrong with that pool?

>> No.181416
File: 115 KB, 1024x749, credids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people using the image I made

>> No.181425

Three of the official pools work, check any of them out

>> No.181428
File: 35 KB, 504x832, 1393237094452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.181432

Did you ever consider that EA games are so shit people will sell them for money that is basically worthless right now?

>> No.181499
File: 204 KB, 600x600, hokutou¤ken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gib credids.

>> No.181501

Haven't played a decent EA game since the classic Need for speed games.

What's a decent temp to run these miners at?
So far I'm keeping my system at 62 C at 60% fan speed

>> No.181509

75-80 C

>> No.181617

>since the classic Need for speed games.
Damn, dat nostalgia

>> No.181651

I think it just has something to do with some drama posted in the last general between amDoge and another person.

>> No.181714
File: 22 KB, 500x200, pomf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Credits Pool!
No fees until Monday PST!

Happy Mining!

>> No.181729

I hope that's a joke.

It's really okay up to 120 bro. That's where the chip goes "fuck that" and shuts off.

>> No.181805

you really are going to let it get to that point?
I dunno bro, you should look into some better cooling maybe?
You really shouldn't let your GPU overheat like that...

Just saying.

>> No.181863 [DELETED] 

Deus Ex pool is up!

>> No.181896

why is it an IP adress domain?

>> No.181910

>Cr wallet doesn't work on OS X 10.9.2

Step it up lad

>> No.181918

Must be some problem with dependencies

>> No.181929

Deus Ex pool is up everyone!


>> No.182012
File: 1.50 MB, 350x188, 1393386661565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>using OS X

>> No.182153

Reminder that you should post anything you want to sell on the marketplace

>> No.182172

>visit http://deusex.cryptocredits.org/
>go to register
>Token expired, please try again
>Token expired, please try again
>Token expired, please try again
>had to re-enter my credentials each time
fuck that

>> No.182207

I don't know what's wrong with your settings but i could enter fine

>> No.182215

I just registered a second account, should work. Try logging in with the credentials you entered even though it gave you the "token expired" message.

>> No.182303


>> No.182316


>> No.182424

Bumping and shilling for best 404 page ever
Let me know if you have any suggestions.

>> No.182570

Is www.swisscex.com safe to use, do I just transfer what I want to be able to sell?

>> No.182576

I got in, thanks bros

>> No.182595

is the only appeal of this currency so that some teenage kids from /v/ can buy games with it?

>> No.182647

yeah, pretty much

>> No.182670

I'll be making my own coin coined "ScamCoin" which will be the most unique coin, in that it won''t be a scam, and would be used for the purpose of funding cancer research.

As for Credits, I predict it can go up to about $10.00

>> No.182690


>> No.182700

already done, just combine KancerKureKoin with SCM and you got scamcoin v2.

Now with 95% premine!! We control the markets to prevent crashes! Value is ensured!

>> No.182743

What about GoochCoin? For the people who do not have the means to shave that area, and are compelled for the need to replace their sorrows with cryptocurrency?

>> No.182751

I was thinking about a seasonal cryptocurrency, that could only be mined for a certain point in the season and only comes once a year. Like a Spring Break Coin.

>> No.182788

just need a gaudy logo and you're set.
Also for the seasonal coin just make the block reward go up by like 100x during a season, so interest doesn't die down, could actually be interesting. Needs to be called Summer-coin

It's funny though, this is actually the mentality of the majority of shitcoin creators. Need to buy weed? Well we have just the coin for you... Want to help cure cancer? Use this coin to help with that.
It's ridiculous. Why did we need to create a new coin, just for the marketplace? I'm still mining, but fuck, this is crazy

>> No.182853
File: 23 KB, 1146x551, 1393886458105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.182911

This coin is losing steam in a bug way. The block rewards rise too sharply; rather than encouraging latecomers, they're discouraging mining at all. A coin mined today is a sixth as valuable as a coin mined at the block reward peak, all else being equal.

>> No.182922


>> No.182930

Just keep mining until it's worth doing and dump asap.
Once it's not, move on to the next coin. Simple as that.

>> No.182943

I am mining, but there are much more profitable coins to mine right now. Even Litecoin. The danger is the price doesn't go up due to larger block rewards, or worse, goes down, because supply outstrips demand.

>> No.182955

There is a coin that's more profitable than 0.015BTC/MH/Day to mine currently?
Please tell which one, so I can switch my miner to it.

>> No.182956
File: 32 KB, 453x500, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.182997

Where do you see those prices? What volume at those prices?

>> No.183011

Sold 2k credits today at 1500 satoshi each on allcoin.

>> No.183050

That's five times higher than SCX. Seems you could make some money by buying on one and selling on the other.

>> No.183149

I think you're all forgetting that the block reward drops off by 6x after 6 months

>dat 6x value increase

>> No.183169

Many coins' block rewards do weird things well into the future, but no one is around to see it.

>> No.183187

B-but it's only worth it if people still give a shit about the coin 6 month's from now

I want to believe, but I just don't know. Gonna sell halve my stash once if it hits 2000 satoshi's in the next few weeks, but it's looking pretty dead.

At least diff is down

>> No.183210

The upshot is that I'll have mined 70,000 by the first reward doubling if the difficulty remains about the same. The thing that's keeping me in it is if a ton of people show up at block reward peak. I may have to do some pumping myself, i have around $3,000 in cryptos now, so it's possible.

>> No.183352


Also anyone have ideas as to how to shill the hell out of this coin?

>> No.183364

Don't know, doesn't seem like Wolong likes Credits that much

>> No.183362

Only way I can think of is selling things on the marketplace and advertising that

>> No.183418

Cryptsy is even worse. Logged out every 5 fucking minutes, ffs.

>> No.183417

why the fuck do i keep getting logged out of cryptorush everytime i click something

>> No.183440

dude fuck this nigger site i am literally unable to withdraw my BTC. fucking niggers. this is what i get for making $80 off of potcoin when it first came out

>> No.183455

Wut, I withdrew about 20$ worth of BTC off cryptorush 4 hours ago to cryptsy, and went fine.

The withdrawal from allcoin, on the other side, has been stuck for the last 10 hours...

>> No.183509


>> No.183511


>> No.183539

Is there any reason for this coin to be relevant? No? Then stop

>> No.183587

So, general thoughts/suggestions/feedback?

>> No.183588
File: 162 KB, 1024x728, 1390895331505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can we do, as a community to help market this coin even further?

Post ideas.

>> No.183624

For just the miners could you make sure you donate to the pool to help fund any development with the coin. Anyone in doubt please just give the coin some time to breath. Forget profit for a while until it has matured and buy while its cheap and we could have a decent future.

>> No.183627

It's too premature to market. Just mine for now.

>> No.183647

As a dev I would like some honest feedback, do you think that the 6 month period is too long for interest to stay?

>> No.183655

Inb4 wolong pumps this
Inb4 /biz/ an heros

>> No.183665

It sounds good on paper but the sad thing is people aren't interested unless they can make some quick money. Looking at the history of other alt coins, they tend to die off well before 6 months.

>> No.183679

You don't think that the rises in block reward every couple of weeks will give people incentive to mine and keep their Credits?

>> No.183701

>You don't think that the rises in block reward every couple of weeks will give people incentive to mine and keep their Credits?
That could actually be counterproductive
It's great long term, but short term it only shits on early adopter

You need something that actually gives value to this stuff

>> No.183714

Depends on where the difficulty is at. If it's so low that early adopters really benefit, there's an incentive. Otherwise, why mine now when it becomes twice as profitable to do so every two weeks, all else equal?

>> No.183718

I'd love it if he pumped this. It'd save me the trouble. The fact of the matter is, /biz/ only dickrides Doge because Wolong made it a profitable coin. They equivocate and rationalize and try to downplay his contribution, but ultimately, they know it's true.

>> No.183730

>/biz/ only dickrides Doge because Wolong made it a profitable coin
Doge was the most profitable scrypt coin before the supposed wolong pump (PROTIP, it wasn't wolong, he was just a small fish working for someone else)
Also, /g/ got into doge just for fun, until it actually got a strong community, when shit started to get serious, until the pump that was when doge got cannibalized by greed

Are you a newfriend?

>> No.183815

Did I miss the train?

>> No.183951

What am i supposed to do with those "shares" i'm getting from the dudesex pool?

>> No.184057

The train is still being built.

>> No.184066
File: 295 KB, 480x480, 1388705048227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ only dickrides Doge because Wolong made it a profitable coin
Man, fuck off, /g/ practically made DOGE what it is, or at the very least got the ball rolling bigtime, and we all got shipped over here

All Wolong fucking did was the same thing he always does: announces a pump beforehand to get people's attention, and then gets the ball rolling just enough to get people to start panic buying and do all the heavy lifting themselves, PLUS he did so on the heels of a massive media storm for DOGE, what with the olympics and huge rate of adoption.

Fucking Wolong didn't do shit that wouldn't have happened by itself.

Fucking scummers that support him and his con artist bullshit.

>> No.184092

>if I say it often enough, it might come true

>/g/ made DOGE



>> No.184165

Just because it can go up to 120 doesnt mean its a good idea for that shit to run hot 24/7. Put a fan on it or something, because soon enough you'll be crying on here that your cards bust.

>> No.184178

>there are people who think /g/ had a significant impact on DOGE besides creating the subreddit

>> No.184184


>> No.184215

>Post ideas.

A faucet would be nice

i literally have 0 Credits since i cant mine and have found no way of getting any credits yet

>> No.184234

What are the chances of a iPhone app? Are there still restrictions? I know it says an android one is in the works on the bitcointalk thread so what is the progress? It could help easing it onto the masses

>> No.184253

thanks for the 1 credit

>> No.184258

Ill send you 10 credits if you post something amusing

>> No.184263
File: 1.50 MB, 357x194, chiranjeevi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.184305


were you not entertained?

is this not why your here?

>> No.184319

Sorry was having dinner. Coming your way.

>> No.184326
File: 10 KB, 256x192, Edgeworth-bow(a).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh, so you were entetained

>> No.184329

It made me chuckle. Im feeling generous. Ill send another 10 Cr to the next 9 people to post something positive.

>> No.184332


something positive.

>> No.184339

negative × negative

>> No.184383
File: 936 KB, 256x132, chiru train.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.184422

If we change the increasing block rewards to decrease a month from now, people will mine this like crazy and the coins we mine now will make us rich

>> No.184424
File: 838 KB, 320x240, balayya-on-bike-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.184428

Would it harm the future of the coin? Ive noticed people kicking the shit out of most devs for making even slight changes.

>> No.184439
File: 1.86 MB, 320x137, balaya horse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa thanks

>> No.184443


i think it will garner very harsh criticism if unnecessary changes are made from what was earlier promised to be implemented

>> No.184444

Now that I've sold off most of my credits, I'll just say this: I've stopped mining because of the increasing block reward.

I don't see any incentives to mine this when in less than two weeks the reward will increase to a 1000 blocks, or more than 100%.

Obviously, that means the coins you have now will decrease by a certain percentage every two weeks for the next 6 months, linearly roughly a 60% value decease a week or so from now.

>> No.184449


whoa quads with 4

>> No.184450

Have a look at the BCT thread. Credits will die if we keep it this way, shortening the increasing rewards to four week (which is ages in crypto world) will be much better and it is what the users want.


>> No.184457


Just what I was about to say. Four weeks sounds like adequate time to get potential users on board.
Any chance a dev is monitoring this still?

>> No.184459

Please make a post in the BCT thread to help support this idea.

>> No.184466

Current value in btc of each credit?

>> No.184472


>> No.184475
File: 37 KB, 500x289, ahnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post it on the thread as I'm sure they're sleeping. I really want this thing to survive

>> No.184520

Thank you everyone for your suggestions, I'm going to bring them up to the rest of the devs when they wake up. It's great to hear people saying that they want Credits to survive, we're going to make this as successful as we can.

>> No.184524

I wish you all the best, I want crytos to finally see real use.

>> No.184535

u wot m9

>> No.184544

It's cryptos without out the pee, sadly none can remove the shit.

>> No.184556

>I want crytos to finally see real use.

there are real uses for other cryptos since the beginning

>> No.184567

Yes but it has all been very limited, I want to see a crypto option on eBay and facebook pay2win games.

>> No.184569

>crypto option on eBay and facebook pay2win games.

yeah that would be nice

but if ebay hasnt put bitcoin as an option so i doubt other crypto's can make it

>> No.184609

>mfw mining pnd at 1sat was and still would be more profitable than mining crd at 55sat

Tell me I should keep on the Credit train, /biz/.

>> No.184634


>> No.184636


swisscex is ok i guess. As with any exchange it is always safe to put only the amount you are willing to risk/lose in there and not more

Using an exchange as a wallet can be risky should anything go wrong

>> No.184638


damn wrong wallet address

>> No.184752

How many Creds do you guys have, apparently when it first took off some miners had 31k

>> No.184781

I have about 5k now, been mining on and off since release. I really hope the devs drop having increasing block rewards all the way up to 13k in six months because then all this mining won't be worth a damn

>> No.184833
File: 62 KB, 600x800, 67-2014-3-14-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.184845

What a piece of trash.

>> No.184909
File: 163 KB, 313x276, mass_effect_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.184916

Trying to unload some DOGE on someone for Cr, How does 1DOGE for 5Cr sound?

>> No.184936

most exchanges have it the other way around, so that's absurdly good if you're getting cr

>> No.184963
File: 109 KB, 400x600, 1394113523324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling some credit for doge.

I have about 2.5k credits ready to go. Anyone interested in it? Mail me at : themporium@outlook.com

>> No.185016

I'll give you 400doge for ¤2000

>> No.185338 [DELETED] 


>> No.185563

Why should I mine now when I'll get more coins later on?

Coin's DOA.

>> No.185639

Difficulty and network hash rate. It's easy now, it won't be latter.

>> No.185737


>> No.185752

We have the dev's ear on rejiggering the block reward scheme at Bitcointalk. If you want to make what you've mined so far more valuable, pile on.

>> No.185760


>> No.185782

... ? You are not gonna get more coins, you will get less less coins later. Early mining is still the most profitable because difficulty is the #1 factor.

>> No.185796

You're retarded, Doge was born on /g/ and raised on reddit, no single individual person or small group of traders ever did anything to influence the coin

>> No.185806

It was the initial rise to 100 sato that got doge off the ground. It would have just been another shitcoin but when a shitcoin is actually making money people get interested.

>> No.185836

neu thred