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17890696 No.17890696 [Reply] [Original]

But if everyone gets $1,000 doesn't that mean that nobody has actually become any richer or poorer than anyone else? Like if you put everyone on a pedestal, they would all still be the same height

>> No.17890709


>> No.17890723

Congratulations you now know how inflation works.

>> No.17890733

Lmao ancient obsolete boomer cuckservative arguments.

The government has been printing money in insane amounts for the last 12 years and giving it to banks and industries. It wont change anything if they give some to the people.
Hyperinflation is already certain to happen at some point.

>> No.17890756

If you increase the pedestal that everyone is already on by 6 inches, then the percentage difference between those on two inch pedestals and three foot pedestals shrinks a bit.

>> No.17890758

Wrong, the 1,000 will go into the economy and drive it. It’s full proof plan

>> No.17890774

Everyone has 1 and noone has zero. You can give your 1 to someone else for something but not your 0. Pretty simple if you are not a retard

>> No.17890783

After they threw 1.5 trillion of printed money into the stock market to keep it from dropping for 30 minutes I don’t care anymore. Just give everyone gibs at this point since they really want to throw money away

>> No.17890785

If you redistribute the money instead of printing money then it wouldn't cause that much inflation

>> No.17890791

"Full proof"

>> No.17890821

Correct. But that's probably not happening.

>> No.17890825

Exactly. Those of us who were aware during 08 and the following TARP and QE years already saw the complete collapse of the old financial conservative arguments. Now everyone in the county sees how full of shit the government and financial system are.
If they force a huge part of the country to not work, they are obligated to pay everyone.
If they didnt, thered be revolution in the streets.

>> No.17890856

You heard me it is full proof, learn economics retard printing money is good

>> No.17890863

not quite, it's more so a redistribution thing.
Think about it this way, if the total inventory of currency n=100, and you own 70 of that 100 and I own 30 of that 100, we could state my networth as 30/100 (0.3) and your's as 70/100 (0.7)
Now, if the printer goes BRRRRRR, makes 100 more notes, you 50 and I get 50, your networth changes to 120/200 (0.6) and my networth changes to 80/200 (0.4).

>> No.17890919

Yea, Yang's plan for it was to do a VAT but I'm not sure how this economic stimulus will be paid for.

>> No.17890983

>I'm not sure how this economic stimulus will be paid for

>> No.17890986


Demand for the USD is skyrocketing to account for the inflated amount of oil currently flooding into the markets. We're much more in danger of deflationary currency than inflationary currency.

>> No.17891043


>> No.17891091

The oversupply of oil is temporary and will stop the moment Russia or Saudi Arabia stop selling discounted oil.

>> No.17891176

you don't understand, the government is making the money, like BRRR, so it is money and everyone get some.

>> No.17891182

The fed literally threw away 7 trillion dollars this week. Why aren't u asking how that will bbe paid for?

>> No.17891201

Actually you'll literally have 1k to buy things with. Don't overthink Donald Yangs magnificent gift.

>> No.17891217

The fed isn't the federal government

>> No.17891242

Do you know how a glut works? It's not an on/off switch. The oil is there and will be there for years to come. Now it's all been bought by speculators but they'll sell their bags slowly once prices raise back up a bit but it will be a looong time before that glut is used up. Plus there's really no end in sight on the oil pissing war yet.

>> No.17891250

>local landlord raises rent by 1000$
pfff nothing personel

>> No.17891299

who said this is about making people richer or poorer relative to each other? this is about avoiding bankruptcies and evictions.

>> No.17891455
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>> No.17891555

What a brainlet

>> No.17891584

This. No one says boo when they throw fucking trillions at bankers and debase our currency anyway.

Fuck all this, I want my share goddamit.

>> No.17891607

Fair point. Thanks for clarifying that. Does that only boost USD as opposed to other currencies because we happen to have that oil, or some other reason? My Brazillian friend told me their currency exchange to USD is shrinking right now.

>> No.17891778

The glut and price collapse will wipe out USA shale which was already set to plateau this year.
When the oil war ends the supply will be very tight.

>> No.17891827

Not to mention US Shale producers were already taking on tonnes of debt that they couldn't pay off

>> No.17891841
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>Do you know how a glut works?

No but thats a funny word lol

>> No.17891933

then you should be demanding the govt act like a private entity. No venture capitalist would bail out a distressed company at full value and not take ownership.

>> No.17891942

Yep. They were heavily leveraged expecting $80/bbl and then it collapsed in december '14 leaving them holding huge debt with no way to pay off. Also shale requires huge CAPEX investment year after year to maintain production, let alone grow. They were already fucked, this latest drop completely killed them.

>> No.17891950
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You're correct that, in the aggregate, the relative spending power of everyone will remain the same. That is, the basket of base good you could buy with it will remain the same.

What's happening WITHOUT a UBI is lack of demand information. In the face of normal systemic unemployment, the average American is fucked. However, the value that person brings to the table in terms of demand-information ('votes' from their dollars,) is great enough that there is a positive return on investment to make sure they're never fucked.

There are a ton of secondary things we could get into about the politics and/or budgetary effects that also happen to be crazy positive, but the demand-floor-as-global-insurance-policy is the fundamental reason we're all going to make it.

>> No.17891992

Idk much about Brazil tbqh. They have a lot of state managed industries and a lot invested in meat packing and agriculture
Lol unless Halliburton is buying all the barrels in the glut so they can hodl and artificially inflate prices later. Interesting times.

>> No.17892021

What I said is correct.

>> No.17892032

Haliburton is an oil services company. They make money facilitating the actual oil drilling and infrastructure.
Oil supply will be very tight on the other side of this glut because like i said, US shale will collapse. US shale was responsible for 90% of oil supply growth over the last decade. Without it, the world will go into en energy crisis.

>> No.17892130

Shale probably won't collapse though. Somebody somewhere will see the shortage you see and they'll get life support loans and tank their credit ratings and then someone will swoop in and buy all their stocks for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.17892161

Overseas USD bagholders get a fat cock up the boipussy :3

>> No.17892255

There is a huge diffrence between paying everyone 1000$ dollars a month and paying everyone 1000$ once. This one time deal is being paid for by the rich's taxes mostly.

>> No.17892273


Let's say there are two people. One person has $2 and one has $1. They're each given $1. Let's say the value of the dollar depreciateS by an amount equal to what was injected into society. Person A ends up with $3 and person B ends up with $2. After depreciation, the value of that $3 (which was $2) is now $1.8 and the value of the $2 (which was $1) is $1.2. Effectively person A ended up losing money while person B ended up gaining money.

>> No.17892288

They'll be consolidated under the supermajors like Exxon and Chevron, who will operate shale at a loss to keep the oil market stable. But it will still lead to a decrease in supply, and if the economy recovers and begins to grow we need something like 3-5% increase per year, while shale wells decrease at 30% per year. Its actually scary how fast an individual shale well declines, which is why shale needs massive CAPEX expendatures to continue growth or even maintain.

Interesting times, anon.

>> No.17892514

Interesting indeed. Good thing Musk has come to our rescue.

>> No.17893480

No !
You're always going to have people willing to undercut each other in sales to gain more sales.

$1,000 to everyone doesn't affect market forces & greed in sales

dumb brainlets

>> No.17893523

Think of the lulz, most folk will literally blow it on shit

>> No.17894689

Actually, since most people live paycheck to paycheck, the only people it will impact is the top 1% by devaluing their wealth through inflation.

>> No.17894753

this. everyone thinks that giving poor people money for essentials will result in a proportional increase to the cost of living but that never pans out. Too many markets at play to risk overshooting a price increase.