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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17883327 No.17883327 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17883386

Honestly Boeing deserves some help after China recommended the grounding of their brand new airplane in the middle of a trade war and after two crashes in countries having nothing to do with China, and then the mainstream media ran with the story that Trump somehow had something to do with it and blam, consumers were hoodwinked.

>> No.17884102

Those planes were defective trash, retard.

>> No.17885273


>> No.17885328

>be monkey brained retard
>make broken planes
Monkey brained

>> No.17885412

Fuck them and their dumb planes.

>> No.17885475

Oh look people that literally know nothing about how a 737 works or what the pilots of the Ethiopian and Vietnamese planes did in the accident flights.

Come at me, retards. You'll be wrong and you might learn about airplanes.

>> No.17885515

Oh look a guy with vague claims who can't link to anything coherent but still insists that he has FACTS

>> No.17885521

It’s common knowledge that Boeing loves to over automate their planes. To the point where even pilots lose some freedom in decisions. To make matters worse they also buy cheap pajeet code for the automated “safety” features.

But yeah, not their fault.

>> No.17885551

t. Boeing employee
Airbus chads dabbing on your flying coffins.

>> No.17885661

If it's Boeing, I ain't going.
pls don't hurt the F15-X though, I need it in the next ace combat game.

>> No.17885698


The pilots of the Ethiopian and Vietnamese 737s failed to follow decades old standard procedures during what amounted to a horizontal stabilizer trim runaway. Sure, maybe Boeing could have had the MCAS accepting and comparing data from both AoA probes simultaneously, but that wouldn't have prevented the maintenance workers at the airlines from incorrectly calibrating the AoA vanes before the accident flights, which would have resulted in an AoA Disagree and most likely an emergency landing anyway.

The pilots also failed to reduce the throttle - at all - from their autothrottle takeoff thrust setting the entire duration of the accident flights. This means the planes were eventually going entirely too fast at entirely too low of an altitude, which resulted in nearly insurmountable forces on the control surfaces of the planes from aerodynamic loading. Boeing also has a decades old procedure for this, but forget about that.

tl;dr: the pilots were inexperienced and truly competent pilots could have landed those planes without killing everyone onboard. The airlines are also to blame.

>> No.17885783


>> No.17885793

They outsourced to pajeets, like every other piece of shit """American""" company, a whole bunch of people died and Boeing insists they can afford it and it's not a problem whatsoever.

That's the true reality, aircraft simulator nerd.

>> No.17886785

There was no Vietnamese plane. The other crash was in Indonesia. Where did you get your info from?

The MCAS system was pointing the planes down automatically, so regardless the airpilot's skills, the planes would crash because they had no knowledge of the MCAS system because Boeing kept it secret.

>> No.17886842

ok but there is actual experts out there, pilots and actual aviation expert that said what he said. But please, we want to learn from you anon

>> No.17886915

Maybe if they hadn't spent 43 billion buying their own (now worthless) stock they wouldn't be in this position.

The sad part is they're probably going to get bailed out on some national security bullshit.

>> No.17887070

>Spend years buying back your own stock and hiring pajeets instead of building cash reserves or investing in actual engineers
>planes crash, stock crashes, economy crashes
>"pls gib us money drumpf!"

>> No.17887247

As an American citizen if you fuck up and lose your job, destroy your credit, etc. no one will bail you out. You just die on the streets. As a corporation, you build an inferior product, aware of the design flaws, then it breaks and kills people, and the government throws money at you.

In America, if you kill someone, you go to jail, maybe get executed. As a corporation, if you kill someone, like shit with water in Flint Michigan, you get a $10,000 fine.

Corporations in America are people, right? Seems like they are the only people that matter anymore.

>> No.17887305
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>> No.17887353
File: 368 KB, 955x671, okboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plane is aerodynamically unstalbe
>Just put a computer to stabilize it bro
>Sensors go retard
>Computer crashes plane to the ground
>Lol it's fucking nothing lmao
>Planes continue to work
>Computer crashes another plane into the ground
>people do a little research
>plane was aerodynamically unstable due to moving engine
>This was done because it was easier to certificate a plane upgrade than a new plane
>So the new 737 had little to do with the aerodynamic of previous planes
>Literally built an aerodynamically fucked up plane in order to not have to recertificate a new one
>This is china fault

The absolute state of burgers , get your shit together for fucks sake.

>> No.17887377
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Maybe we should let the free market decide huh?

>> No.17887409

Let it die. Airbus makes the best large jets and mitsubshi are making quality mid size jets with Japanese know-how.

>> No.17887471

airbus closed production in france and spain for the moment.

the only one making it is antonov. fucking ukrainians/soviets/ruskis built the biggest plane in the world (an-225) but didnt have enough money to build more than two. thats what happens when you have brains but no money. boeing is the opposite. but since you have no money, you cant lose no money right??

>> No.17887506


>> No.17887508

Trump said that they will "help" boeing

>> No.17887612

suck on this bros. they just need some more investment. instead of focusing on boeing you should help Antonov build more planes. They have the experience.

>> No.17887633

Russia and Ukraine large jet producers are nationalized.

>> No.17887710
File: 654 KB, 751x485, fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be big Boeing boss
>bonus depend stock price
>buy stock, stock go up
>big bonus 4Boss
Et Voila.
They spent less than a third buying what is now (as you note) toilet paper than on R&D. And wonder why their Frankenplanes then fall out of the sky. These fucking reprobates should be in fucking jail, never mind bailed out.

>> No.17887784
File: 218 KB, 776x551, an225vs747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, that doesnt mean you cant invest. you just have to know how to invest. money never smells bad anon.

>> No.17887816

Those companies don’t have shares to buy.

>> No.17887826


None of this feels like capitalism anymore.

>> No.17887892

being very helpful this weather, is Donald
just as well 2020 will be cancelled, otherwise, be borderline electoral bribery

>> No.17887920

Didn't they sue Bombardier for billions of dollars due to the alleged government aid from the Canadian government?

>> No.17887977

bad idea to install MCAS on their stock

>> No.17888168

take your fucking meds you schizophrenic retard, what fucking Vietnamese 737 MAX crash?
>the throttle was too high so it just dove straight down into the ground bro, just trust me
please ask your handler for a morphine overdose so he can put you down like you shouldve been at birth.

>> No.17888335

you would have to literally go there and offer them to invest. thats how it works outside of the stockmarket.