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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17872662 No.17872662 [Reply] [Original]

having fun with your stocks and coins? friendly reminder that COVID-19 has discredited capitalism.

>> No.17872683
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>> No.17872775

fuck off homeless santa

>> No.17872858
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>> No.17872889
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Friendly reminder that COVID-19 has not credited Communism as well. At all.

>> No.17872998

what do leftypol trannies hope to achieve with these spam threads? you certainly aren't convincing anybody to adopt your failed old world ideology

>> No.17873072

Who linked >>>/biz/ and and where are all you fags coming from?

>> No.17873099

These fags are from bunkerchan just google it

>> No.17873112


>> No.17873124

How so? it's all the socialist cancer that's infected the government that's causing the problems.

>> No.17873165
File: 574 KB, 2732x1177, 55E7E23D-D45E-4AAE-9675-23098AC27D06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews love capitalism they are not complaining. But they love communism even more.

>> No.17873190

based patrick poster

>> No.17873207

What do you mean, unequivocally, neoliberalism has been the dominant economic ideology in basically all world governments with very few exceptions.
Neoliberalism is basically "capitalism is the best, just do laissez-faire magic!!" except riddled with government subsidies, reducing/privatizing social programs, bank bailouts, tax breaks for companies.
In what way is this socialism except "socialism for the rich, but ruthless neo-feudalism for the poor"

>> No.17873224

>Implying Hitler's fascism isn't just proto-neoliberalism.

>> No.17873243
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The Elite's control over the population under Capitalism: 85%

The Elite's control over the population under Communism: 100.01%

>> No.17873244
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And I that is from a literal Israhelli citizen

>> No.17873253

Socialism for the rich is socialism, you God damned retard.

It's central planning, meddling in all aspects of our lives.

True capitalism requires a virtueos population (kek) and limited government (kek).

>> No.17873257

Back to bed, tim.

>> No.17873265

Cringe. what the jews hate is MONARCHISM.

>> No.17873286

What they hate most is gentile ethno statism.

>> No.17873287

I'm still making money so it's pretty good for me

>> No.17873293

>leftypol tards see stock market crash
>We're absolutely fine and plenty of people have made gainz shorting
>leftypol tards dont even know what this means
>realize they have nothing up substance to say
>30 minute raid and like 4 late stragglers
This is the true power level of communism.

>> No.17873298

Umm that's not possible. This is pretty obvious.. Read Wealth of Nations, this is capitalism 101...

>> No.17873299

Which is maintained by a monarchist state. Who kicks out jews? Kings. Who allows jews in? Democracies

Prove me wrong. protip: You can't

>> No.17873304
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>> No.17873334


>> No.17873349

Non-monarchic ethno statism is a possibility as indicated by National Socialist Germany. My point is that they hate the monarch, not because of his god-given kingship, nor his absolute power, but because he enforces the ethnostate. But of course, a dictator can do that too.
(I'm not implying I'm against the monarchy in any way. Just describing Jew psychology from my extensive experience.)

>> No.17873391


>> No.17873398
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I'm here every other day, retard. I was a stinky linky for years up until a few day ago. I also happen to know that I'm constantly being fucked over by people much much much richer than I, even though they try make me believe that actually I'm rich. I'm part of the 1% that happens to not like being a wage slave because I'm not a fucking cuck.

>> No.17873436
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BASED pasta poster, thank you so much

>> No.17873464
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>I'm here every other day, retard.
Daily reminder that raiders from online communist communities are taught to say things such as "I was always here," "We always lurked" and et cetera every time accusations of raids are mentioned.

I saw this shit happen when /leftypol/ raided the shit out of /k/ after the 2016 election. Communists are subversive tricky rats that must be exterminated and cleansed of. /k/ommandos did a great job handling the raid and we are now 95% clean of leftists.

>> No.17873558
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The fuck you on about, google it, lil bitch. I just wrote this.
>taught to say phrases
schizo-tier. I have never witnessed this in my entire life.
I stopped posting when pajeets overrun this site, but I've been here since way back.

>> No.17873571

shut the fuck up loser. Your chance for dialogue is over.

>> No.17873580
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>> No.17873680
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>I just wrote this
>This is the power level of communism
I will always remember you, please never stop

>> No.17873692

>the salt
I don't give a fuck about dialogue, I'm here to get and share insight on the market.
I've been posting about my shorting trades, and why I'm doing them (previous post pic related).
I got justed by the crypto market, btw. I'm just not salty as you because I knew the risk going in and because zooming out, I've made like 20x in ~3-4 years. It's just much harder to understand the market movement of cryptos compared to the world economy so I'm all "cash" (USD tokens of various types) right now.

>> No.17873697


>> No.17873782
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I'm just making quick judgements because /biz/ was raided by lefty/bunker for a whole week now. I am sick and tired of seeing Marx's ugly mugshot all over this board's catalog all day long; something I never witnessed here since forever.

If you're denying that we're being raided, which is an obvious thing to see, then you are automatically suspect.

>> No.17873789

Still, raiders are fucking annoying faggots.

>> No.17873820
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Don't worry anon. We all see it. Just ignore those bitch ass niggers and move on.

>> No.17873837

alright friend imma head out and relax for a bit

>> No.17873856

Such a based and redpilled post

>> No.17873917

Of course, I'm not denying it.
I happen to find marxian + MMT economics to be the most accurate at predicting long term market movements and geopolitics. Neoclassical economics is just fucking schizo tier and it's crazy to think it's taken seriously, but >85% of people believe in God so I guess not that surprising.
I don't think we're close to a revolution btw. Marx greatly improved Adam Smith and David Ricardo. MMTers are retarded but they have good ideas. A synthesis of Marxian economics updated with MMT ideas is best. Any economic theory, if valid, can be used by the left or the right.

I know nobody gives a fuck about economics here, but I hate when people spew shit that they know nothing about. I never talk about this shit here except when retards say shit.

>> No.17873936


Fuck jannies

>> No.17873962

just report these trashfaggots

>> No.17874028
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>Of course, I'm not denying it.
Alright maybe you're not as bad as I thought. Just leave us shitcoin stacking memeing retards alone. This board was never serious and people trying to preach/teach actual economics (whether from Left or Right) will be always disappointed. I always just came here for the memes. I also have strong political opinions but I rarely mention it here at /biz/ because it's really not an appropriate place. Raiders trying to preach Communism unironically here will only get mocked.

>> No.17874059
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Judaism has failed, once again.

Marx was right, Judaism is a religion of huckstering, egoism self-interest and money


Fact: "Capitalism" per Marxism is not synonymous with Libertarian or Liberal Capitalism. It is synonymous with Judaism. Greed.

>> No.17874144

#Tachyon Protocol will bring millions of users onto the V SYSTEMS network.

>> No.17874270
File: 81 KB, 1644x793, 1578453716263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> friendly reminder that COVID-19 has discredited capitalism.
OK retard

>> No.17874301
File: 125 KB, 643x643, 1572524054414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> friendly reminder that COVID-19 has discredited capitalism.
OK commie retard

>> No.17874641

You are fine if you believe in marxism, but please let's cut these ideological discussions here on /biz/, we're supposed to be investors and speculators who profit and lose from this magical (for most people) thing known as "the market", also memeing about it.

There are no justifications for /leftypol/ raiders, they are obnoxius and annoying.

>> No.17874660

I also remember them spamming on /liberty/ pointing out the same exact arguments on a daily basis.

>> No.17874795

Monarchism is based I am not going to deny that. The Jews did destroy all our monarchies in favour of democracy as they could subvert it much easier.

But to deny national socialism is dumb. It was pretty dam similar to monarchy, you had the fuhrer/king that cared for his people and extremely strong nationalism. Both systems are good because both were primarily about the strengthening and evolution of the volk while protecting against outside subversives. Two most important things blood and soil. Something democracy fails to do.

>> No.17874820
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>> No.17874832

this is what I'm trying to say. Leave us alone

>> No.17874849

I go on /leftypol/ to regularly fuck with them now. I was sick of them posting on /biz/ so I've decided to start trolling them. It's really easy.

>> No.17874906

I think i'll start as well if they keep coming here.

>> No.17875019
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>crisis in capitalist nation
>no TP
>crisis in socialist nation
>everyone starves to death

daily reminder to massacre the political left