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17871643 No.17871643 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We laugh at each other's losses to feel better about ourselves
I went all into the stock market on Valentines day.
>$80,000 losses

>> No.17871659

I'm down $82k on stinkers lmao

>> No.17871663

I've never put a single cent into the stock market or autismcoins, I just come here to laugh at others' suffering

>> No.17871673


>> No.17871686


>> No.17871723 [DELETED] 
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>sold btc @ 8$
>sold eth @ 1$
>sold xmr @ 1$
>sold ltc @ 10$
>sold dash @ 4$
>instead of buying 100k XRP @ 500 sats in 2017, buy peercoin

and here i am, still living in my moms basement, i could be a millionaire, but apparently not.

could be worse i guess..

>> No.17871786

haha, yeah, that's what other people get for trying, amirite?

>> No.17871803


>Betting on a roulette wheel


>> No.17871824


>> No.17871828

b as e d

>> No.17871849

>glorified gambling on shit that doesnt really exist

>> No.17871866


>> No.17871877
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>> No.17871937

7k I'm 25

>> No.17872002

down about 29k from ATH

>> No.17872031

Down about $60 million

>> No.17872296

Took me 10 years to turn $5000 into $70,000. My parents called me a few days ago saying they're selling everything so it spooked me so I got out too. Dropped down to $66,000 before I got out. Thank god for family, they got me into investing and got me out just in time.

>> No.17872590

I went all in on bitcoin after the first small dip on 3/5. I put my whole bonus in ($5000) when it was at $9100. Including fees, I'm down about $2150. The market has only gone down since I bought. It was the only money I've ever managed to invest.

>> No.17872612

tfw jew milk

>> No.17872620

>when she sees your cock for the first time

>> No.17872686
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Someone made a post on pol like 2 years ago about some biotech stock taking off. It did, but I bought $1000s worth of shares at its absolute peak and been taking Ls ever since.

>> No.17872738
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I went with 50k euro in 2018 January, took loans and went again in December 2018 with another 35keuro .. i have 500$ left and i pay 1400 euro in installments ..

>> No.17872880

Fucking this. I don't spend enough time interesting so most of my stuff is in managed funds. It's not all that exciting, but allows me to say
and watch my balance go up

>> No.17872969
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Up 122.8% on my puts. Just started trading last month.

>> No.17873206

I'm -2k in losses

>> No.17873229

down 40k from ath
all in link since 2017
im numb to all this

>> No.17873379

Down about $20

>> No.17873424


I just started now lol, see you all on the flipside

>> No.17873458

down about 5k on oil / biopharma stocks

I averaged down which was nice, but im probably going to have to hold until this blows over in a few months

>> No.17873492 [DELETED] 

10k loss a few months back. Had I started being bearish 2 months ago rather than 5 months ago I'd be making bank. At this point it may be best to avoid options.

>> No.17873509

Just numbers on a screen. My lifestyle hasn't changed at all.

>> No.17873587

nuts status= huge

>> No.17873609

Nah its shitty. Fml I could have bought so much shiny rock

>> No.17873826

$11k AUD in from December to Feb, down to $6k now. Its just sitting in BTC at the moment.

When price goes back up I am selling it and not trying again because I've realized a couple of things:
-I'm not smart enough
-Crypto is old now and like all old things, it has centralized in to the hands of an elite few, who continue to benefit at the expense of clueless normies
-I worked hard for that money, it was real money that I could have bought food, fuel, clothes, technology with. It could have been a house deposit. I can't give it away to Chinese manlets.

>> No.17873846

Oh no no no

>> No.17873860
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Down about 200k since February. Pretty insane last week riding the metro back home and watching it drop like 100k in an hour.

>> No.17873872
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>> No.17873876

anyone else think she looks creepy/ugly as fuck?

I like her MILK TRUK don't get me wrong, but the way her face moves is just fucking unappealing.

>> No.17873948

My portfolio is down 8%. Since its all dividend bearing securities I am going long on I really haven't lost anything.

>> No.17873954

9 get

>> No.17873964

She has an uncanny valley between being white & asian.

>> No.17873979 [DELETED] 


>> No.17874043

while cringecoins are certainly a roulette wheel, stocks are partly not. stocks get you (or the person you sell it to) dividends.

>> No.17874082

>190k in stocks now about 140k
>20k in crypto now about 8k
Honestly not too bad, I think we go down another 30-40% from this point. I'm considering going all in on some 2 year $SPY calls once we see a bottom in a few months because fuck it you have to gamble to make it at some point in your life. Seems to be the best time this year

>> No.17874114

Anon if you're throwing in the towel, just dump it into LINK. $6k won't do shit for your real life. Forget about your LINK and get back to being a fucking normie. Who knows, maybe one day you'll wake up in 2030, check the price, and have your life changed forever

>> No.17874155
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>> No.17874180

> Losses
Lol what are those? I'm a poorfag, but I've made just about 8k so far due to all of this volatility. Mind you, that's what I've pulled, I have 8900 in various put options.

>> No.17874187

lol cope

>> No.17874210

Think there's still time for the puts? I want to, but I also don't want to short the bottom

>> No.17874237

This used to not at all be the case. It is now entirely the case.
Bull. Shit. Even if you buy a dividend stock, there's no guarantee whatever clusterfuck occurs and they don't cut the dividend. Go ahead and explain how Netflix is 300 dollars a share, and valued at 80 times earnings, while Apple trades at 250ish I think, at what 15 16x earnings, explain to me how the logic behind these valuations. The market has been fucking retarded for quite sometime now, and what stock you pick, no matter how you justify it, isn't much more rational than a number on a roulette board.

>> No.17874286
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Honestly, and this is entirely my own opinion, but yeah. I see DJIA hitting 15xxx. I originally called 195xx the bottom, but we hit to close to that a good month before I expected to be even near it. There's still so many companies with so much downside left, mostly tech. This isn't even about Corona anymore, this is about recession. A stock like NFLX is not going to be remotely close to 80x earnings when this is all said and done. I've been screaming at smg for days to short Netflix, I'll post the gains I made today just from that next.

>> No.17874318
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NFLX gains for the day, the 15 contracts bought at opening bell at a shitty price due to no liquidity.

>> No.17874339

You are stupid as fuck for buying the most overvalued market in decades. t. held nothing but debt instruments for a year in anticipation

My time has come.

>> No.17874355

anons thought of picking up low cap shitcoins here?

i got zano on my watchlist

>> No.17874368

i bought into a pump and dump, then my android wallet got exit scammed. i have coins to my name anymore.

>> No.17874388

What have you have even gained ? Just got like a 6% return from junk bonds ?

>> No.17874427

I avoided the kinds of losses you're seeing from people who bought into the market hype over the last 6 months. I also have all my money available to invest. Will probably buy around 20xx S&P.

>> No.17874551
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-70k atm. I feel nothing. Dont worry and keep at it!

>> No.17874736

Respect. Must have been difficult seeing the market go up 15% from a year ago and still not buying back in. Always would make me nervous not knowing if it would crash far enough to make the move profitable.

>> No.17874828

nah it's more complicated than that. Russian/Central Asian girls are my preference

>> No.17874960

#Tachyon Protocol takes the concept of PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) to build PPPoIP
on IP Network layer

>> No.17875008


>> No.17875051

Down like 5k which is 25%. Honesty it could be worse because I'm all in crypto

>> No.17875114

A 100 quid, lol.

I'm poor as fuck.

>> No.17875160

Watch these quads

>> No.17875176

down $15k on link because I didn't sell

>> No.17875219

Check them

>> No.17875353

The funny thing is that because of the way the economy works, you are also losing money by not playing.

>> No.17875525
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>> No.17875580


>> No.17875606

>I went all into the stock market on Valentines day.

January 25th was the begining of the year of the rat!!
Every cultured investor knew you should stop investing after that date, corona or no corona.

What an idiot!

>> No.17875635

I had 2.5 bitcoins after only investing 200$ into trumpcoin and lost it all because I got greedy instead of cashing out like I knew I was supposed to.

>> No.17875643

Exact same boat here. XOM just keeps fucking up.

Bright side is, MRO I bought at 3.73

>> No.17875673

fuck you all I'm down close to 500k and feel NOTHING

>> No.17875688

>Apple at 180 by next week friday
Anon I shouldn't have to tell you how donkey brained that is

>> No.17875730
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roll and S U C K

>> No.17875740


>> No.17875768

I'm a noobie but same with me. Bought in 10k over 2 years and made afew thousand. Parents told me to get out afew weeks ago. My portfolio would be down to like 6 now.

>> No.17875787

Rekt, fags
Cum succ milk trucc

>> No.17875802

-200k, and i started in jun 2017

>> No.17875817


>> No.17875821

Fuck off :(

>> No.17875823

What was your gain/loss before the recent downturn?

-600 on 3500 here, 100% on XOM CVX and MRO. I thought (and still think) oil will come back.

>> No.17875883

I'm terrified to log in to my account. I have options expiring friday and i might just let them expire worthless instead seeing the total damage. last time I looked over the weekend I'm down from 580k to 360k. With yesterdays losses I'm probably under 300k now.

>> No.17875907

In my experience it's never quite as bad as you think it is. Give it a look. You still have plenty in there either way a lot of people would kill to have your balance even accounting for your losses.

What options you lose on?

>> No.17875938

tqqq. I could have sold friday for a profit after the conference too.

>> No.17875945

I was 60k up in 2017. After that, it was losses all the way

>> No.17875963

Unrealized loss so for is about 25k. Keyword is unrealized because I’m not a retard who panic sells at a loss.

>> No.17875969

Down 30k from ath of 60k in crypto last year. Don't feel anything except anxiety over when I should accumulate more.
Based sociopath.

>> No.17875987


>> No.17876186

I havn't invested a single penny, the only loss I have is the loss of a life unlived

>> No.17876202

what does 4 mean

>> No.17876264 [DELETED] 

Down $300k on scamlink. Who shorted the market? How did the government allow this to happen?

>> No.17876459

cunt :(

>> No.17876513


>> No.17876746


>> No.17876831

80K CAD :(

>> No.17876863

Bought 50 dollars worth of BTC from a binance affiliated vendor, only got 38 dollars worth of BTC in return. Put it in Link at 2.30. Down to 30 bucks.

>> No.17876886

It's expected growth, retard.

>> No.17876973

down to 12k from 80k high during 2018 peak

>> No.17876986

well there are degrees of randomness. poker is random as well, but you only see higher skilled players winning tournaments.

>> No.17877286

i have to roll.

>> No.17877421
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>> No.17877442

eyy bb

>> No.17877473
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you think you can make fun of me you stupid whore?im about to make elliot rodgers look like a fuckiong joke

>> No.17878666


>> No.17878710


>> No.17878717

Between dubs and quads

i rest my case

>> No.17878730

Rolling for mommy

>> No.17878754



>> No.17878763


>> No.17879241

My crypto positions were all down about 50% so I doubled down and bought my positions to reduce my loss by 50%
Bought s&p500 and Dow inverse etfs already up $1k on those.
Since October my stock portfolio is only gold mines, Teck, and 50% cash. So I didn’t get hit to bad at all.
I thought this crash was obvious. Did no one care about the fed repo?

>> No.17879357
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>was $320k indexes
>now $220k indexes
>still holding

>> No.17879410


>> No.17879612
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Boomers are experiencing what we've gone through twice now. First in Mt Gox, then in 2018. A third time is nothing to me, I wait. In a few weeks once things stabilize, I buy. My stack grows ever larger.

>> No.17879751

Pussy money never make no money

>> No.17879842

20k$ down on stocks
30k$ down on shitty crypto

>> No.17879881


>> No.17879930


>> No.17880048


>> No.17880269


>> No.17880407

this guy gets it

>> No.17880435

If I have no financial experience and have a 10k LOC should I short the market?

I don't even know how to do this, so I'm thinking probably not, but want to see others opinions

>> No.17880469
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>Down -$179K in stocks
>Down -$23K in crypto
This has been in a matter of fucking weeks. I could have spent a ton on quality hookers, strip clubs, good food and taken off a few years doing that and playing vidya

>> No.17880484

Trying to win in the jewish casino is just trying to lose your money faster than those that don't do anything. No one is saying to be that normie that has all his money in his bank account giving him 0.05% interest per year, but just buying metal, ammo, guns, food, land, equipment, anything that's real is so much better.

>> No.17880584


>> No.17880590

I've never had sex with a woman, I'm going to die a virgin

>> No.17880673


i thought that too and then i had sex so, you'll get there too man

>> No.17880713


>> No.17881011

>AUD is real money
Hurr my sides

>> No.17881080

My Dad lost everything in 87. Had a mortgage, built his own houses, put in everything. Rates market fucked it all.

He started again, and got an amazingly cheap deal on a piece of shit property 10 years later.

>> No.17881296

aus NEET here very comfy atm. government is giving me helicopter money to get into the market while wagies telling me about how their retirement has disappeared

>> No.17882819

-6k€ realized losses
I now have less than 20€ left on my bank account :)
I am jobless too

>> No.17883086

P-please be gentle.

>> No.17883126

is my pp big mommy

>> No.17883563


>> No.17883600


>> No.17883626

oh yes much better

>> No.17883688

I never get the good ones.

>> No.17883771

I have 10k dollars on PSQ bear etc, average buy in of 26 bucks a share. Am a thousand in the green as of yesterday
Barely makes a dent in my crypto losses though.

>> No.17883827

rolling for Shapiro gf

>> No.17884189

based, same here

>> No.17884250

literally yes

>> No.17884466

Signed a 5y fixed mortgage on Valentines day.

>> No.17884841
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>> No.17885028

Put in 5K at the peak that has now fallen under 3.5K

>> No.17885104


>> No.17885173


>> No.17885196

Same. It hurts.

>> No.17885198


>> No.17885287

Suicide stack blue apron stocks. I'm not even kidding you.

Just think about it for 5 seconds.

>> No.17885345


>> No.17885559

9% down

>> No.17885685

Been sitting on 50k cash for over a year.
I did miss some rise in that time but goddamn everything was looking so expensive in the stock market. Knew the end would come.