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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17865883 No.17865883 [Reply] [Original]

Give to me straight I need to know.

>> No.17865902
File: 2.25 MB, 1483x1445, just a flu bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17865909


>> No.17865911


>> No.17865917

we've been fucked since 1913

>> No.17865923

How fucked are we? Riley Reid levels of fucked.

>> No.17865924


>> No.17865928

16,200 is the bottom, plan accordingly.

>> No.17865982

Absolute best-case scenario is that we're through with the virus by July, straight from the president.
Until then everything is going to be shutting and and a real possibility that we see a mass die off of boomers.

>> No.17866049

Really fucked. If you look at almost all hyperinflations in history they happened due to a sudden collapse in production NOT an increased supply of money. That's what looks like is going to happen. Looking at what the Fed is doing it seems like there's a shortage of money as everyone scrambles to get liquid.

>> No.17866168


>> No.17866380
File: 60 KB, 875x518, 77ed93e14cf82b1d4d070043a6b37fbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1: deflationary recession.. people run to cash and cash gets scarce
Step 2: Central banks try to print their way out and create liquidity
[you are here]

>> No.17866479


>> No.17866684

We're filled with communists in this place, I think we can't use numbers no more

>> No.17866753

>printing money
that trick is over anon there's no effect in printing money if the supply isn't defined by anything to begin with

>> No.17867181

uhhh what? The effect is determined by how money is spent. Whether it's hand sanitizer or Boeing stocks, if the supply of money outstrips the supply of goods, we have inflation.

>> No.17867244

If you boogaloo, us leftist that weren't dumb af, will start our revolution, how about we split the US?

>> No.17867281
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So fucked that it doesn't even fit on your scale.

>> No.17867316
