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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 869 KB, 622x829, 1584385283021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17865208 No.17865208 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is France today, they're essentially implementing Martial Law. Military are enforcing lockdowns. Expect to see similar images across western Europe and possibly the Jewnited States in the near future as shops close and supplies run out and people begin to get desperate and tun to their survival instincts on the streets .

>> No.17865247

utilities and wares are gonna run out last

>> No.17865264

no, this is damage control because niggers are going to start looting the supermarkets.

t. french living abroad

>> No.17865294

all this shit is orchestrated


>> No.17865297

BS, post timestamp

>> No.17865300
File: 34 KB, 400x400, french.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French and gay

>> No.17865321

yea most likely this

>> No.17865329

>Some army cucks chill in the local walmart parking lots passing out tests and handing out food
>The world must be ending

>> No.17865395


>> No.17865417

stay on /pol/ OP, kthanxbye

>> No.17865421

FBI has shutdown the phones to conduct background checks for firearms..Was just at my local dealer and they were as busy as I have never seen ever..Usually 2 to 3 employees working the counter,today 6 were working and people were lined up 6 deep..Its been like this for a week now..Every firearms dealer here is running out or out of guns..Ammo has been long gone..Today,in the middle of the flurry,the FBI just hung up..And took it off the hook..Something is definitely up my friends ..Peace

>> No.17865424

>Thinking the govnt will try to control fucking thug niggers

We have fucking weeks of violence when one dumb nigger kills itself like a retard fleeing from police and you think macron will even think of trying to make them respect law with police or army.

How long have you been gone anon?

>> No.17865672
File: 258 KB, 800x588, cd79f4cf128ac27afd2d2952652a23c4423a3b00056a192b145488667108ace9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millions of sand-niggers and arabs will catch the virus
>they're now twice as dangerous AND the cops won't ever dare approaching them

>> No.17865755

maybe they are projecting a total collapse and not just a riot.

>> No.17866284
File: 52 KB, 756x632, 1584393126453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cities in USA already starting to close stores and stop the sale of alcohol.

>no sports
>no booze
>no night life
>lots of guns
buckle the fuck up

>> No.17866319

I wish JVPITER were leading my country instead of an orange cuck

>> No.17866352
File: 49 KB, 452x485, 6EFDF7CE-864F-4102-A3B3-8ECFE0B8E866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indefinite closure
This can’t be happening.. can it?

>> No.17866423

Imagine being the FBI executive that has got to watch the hot map of weapon sales look bigger than the spread of COVID-19

>> No.17866484

Holy Shit, we been Shakira'd

>> No.17866566

wtf, thats the last thing you take away from people if you dont want people to revolt. your government wants a revolution! they seriously take away your booze???

>> No.17866588

Should I be buying ammo?

>> No.17866702


you mean paris,the shithole,the embarrasment of europe

>> No.17866900

>can't drink for a month
>end of the world
Holy fucking shit do people actually believe this

>> No.17866938

God I wish I was in the USA right about now. EU is so cucked

>> No.17866958

>We Dutch going for that herd immunity meme
Lel, we are crashing this continent with no survivors. Feel actually scared for my grandparents.

>> No.17866962


Paris is the jewel of Europe, you may be thinking of London.

>> No.17867021

>Literally filled with niggers pissing on the sidewalks


>> No.17867054
File: 120 KB, 1024x939, 1584336615767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's party

>> No.17867110


Keep coping, gammon

>> No.17867112
File: 1.83 MB, 720x1280, paris2017.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17867182

this is not paris but a town in the suburbs

paris is shit tho

>> No.17867290

Absolument dégoûtant.

>> No.17867401

Macron brought in armored vehicles and black-uniformed cops during the yellow vest protests.

>> No.17867577

>six jeeps taken to where manpower is needed
fucking mutts hahahahahahaha

>> No.17867708

in washington Inslee is already closing all the restaurants and considering closing everything else and issuing a state wide quarantine because people keep getting it. How do people get it? because they all rush into the grocery store and stand shoulder to shoulder in line to buy toilet paper and every fucking canned good in existence. I went out today and picked up a couple bags of cat food as well as a a dozen cans of wet for my little kitty cat. I also have an AR-15 platform, a .12 gauge shotgun, a .45cal pistol, a .25cal pistol, and a 9mm hi-point in case anyone breaks into my house. Just dumped and cashed out my entire portfolio too; 11k large sitting in my bank.

I'm honestly more scared of dumb niggers breaking into my house to steal my supplies than the actual coronavirus. I was gonna call into work as well, but they literally called me and said they were closing until this shit blows over.

I fucking hate people for panicking and making me do this stupid bullshit to protect myself and my kitty cat.

>> No.17867787

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th all full of tourists
northeast has gare du nord and tons of crackhead niggers. remember joking with a taxi driver "C'est comme l'afrique ici"
only nice part is the 8th because its all office blocks

>> No.17867889

let's just hope they use real bullets against the thugs this time. execute them one by one. the french police has been cucked for a long time, you can throw molotov at them and they wont use their weapon.