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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17860928 No.17860928 [Reply] [Original]

This is getting crazy, 23.83% drop after all of that red and there's still more to go.
There's nothing propping these giga companies up except hot air and debt. No fundamentals whatsoever.
We're going to see this fucker hit $50 or even lower.
Get ready to bail these corporate giants out with your tax money and pensions.

>> No.17861037

You can thank amerimutt engineering for building a faulty fucked up plane that crashed and killed 300+ people. I thought China was the country that made all the cheap, faulty products?

>> No.17861096

I’ll be buying if it gets that low. No chance the government let’s them go down.

>> No.17861103

It was literally and unironically pajeet software that was supposed to deal with an amerimutt design """choice""" (flaw) that caused the crashes.

Basically, boomers and brown people. Hopefully we can get rid of both Corona-chan willing.

>> No.17861167

Boeing is a fucking mess right now
bad planes
bad space vehicle
bad rocket

>> No.17861201

Boeing engineering is fine, but the higher-ups in corporate took too many short cuts against the recommendation from engineering.

>> No.17861250

They're 100% getting a bailout, but the floor is waay down. It's going to punch through $100 in no time.
And considering how they have 0 plane orders after that debacle of theirs, they're in no hurry to bounce up from the bottom.
It's a buy in the long run, but god dammit this thing is diving hard. Kinda like their planes.

>> No.17861553

Karma. Fuck boeing. I hope they go under for all the deaths they caused

>> No.17861632

You don't get it. Maybe 90% will be going down. Bailouts will only stand for a few banks, a few airlines, a few franchises etc. The world ends tomorrow.

>> No.17861658

>Business fucks ignore engineers because muh profits and cause catastrophe
And people say that technocracy is a bad idea

>> No.17861787

Pajeets weren't responsible for the software.


>> No.17861813

It's beautiful to see all of this fake money crashing down. There's some stocks that will certainly be a good buy in this mess, but...how could Boeing get any worse?

>> No.17861922


>> No.17862051

This can't go on, can it? The bailouts? Either it crashes so hard and ppl actually start running a business or BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

>> No.17862217
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Their fundamentals are absolute horseshit. It's basically a walking husk of a company at this point and will definitely tank even more, but will definitely get that sweet government bailout.

It looks like they're really going for the hyperinflation route here.
Just try and print the entire thing out of existence. Soon they're going to be doing double digit trillions in printing if this keeps up.
After that at some point it's goodbye to the dollar itself.

>> No.17862250

Should I buy?