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1782985 No.1782985 [Reply] [Original]

trips decides my settlement offer

case is wrongful eviction, demand is $5,500,000 plus costs and statutory damages for $100 a day since late december

>> No.1782989

Good luck.

>> No.1782990


>> No.1783001

Ask them for their offer. They're coming to you, they clearly have a number in mind.

Then, you take the number, add at least 50%, and that's what they're hoping to settle for.

Then, you counter with a number that would make you extremely happy.

Have you really never negotiated anything before?

>> No.1783002

kill urself

>> No.1783006

How did your attorney arrive at $5.5M as your number for damages?

>> No.1783018
File: 407 KB, 1084x1904, Screen Shot 2017-02-07 at 4.55.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have one. my reasoning is set out in my complaint as follows (500k emotional, 1 mil exemplary, rest loss of use and other things, general and special trebled by statute)

i already know what my ideal settlement offer is going to be, and it's complicated because of what i know about him and his co-defendant

(surety bond of ~$50,000 pending resolution in my favor of the case, ensuring that he will provide evidence, etc to me)

>> No.1783027

>500k emotional
Is this normal in burger land

>> No.1783049

Seriously how the fuck do they even price this shit.

>> No.1783134

If this is what they actually wrote, they have a shit attourney. Take the amount you want, then multiply it by 3. They'll try to give you around 10%-15% of that. Settle for 30%.

>> No.1783138

Wrongful eviction?

Fuck off deadbeat. How about your client doesn't get his throat cut in his sleep? Tell client to pay the rent on time next time

>> No.1783141
File: 305 KB, 1102x1446, Screen Shot 2017-02-07 at 5.15.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm the person who got wrongfully evicted homoboy.

>> No.1783143

They just add huge numbers here because other categories have caps and require proof. It should just be renamed judicial punishment for being a douche.

>> No.1783149

You were going to live in that apartment for 20 years? Really? How many apartments have you lived in for 20 years? You want to fuck with my livelihood? If you were my ex-tenant you would be resting peacefully in the woods right now

>> No.1783150

i mean, the defendant had been living there for 20 years so

>> No.1783151

>judicial punishment for being a douche.
It's more of an IQ test. If you're not smart enough to buy business liability insurance you're going to have a bad time.

>> No.1783155

i mean, he owns it so

>> No.1783159

no he doesn't. he was subleasing it to me.

the real cash is in his landlord, who participated.

>> No.1783169

Yeah, because

>Muh feelings

>> No.1783176

Thats why youre not rich, noone with brains and money would risk a nice life and a multimillion dollar complex for one faggot. If they'd good theyd delay them through lawyers for as long as they can, and then pay as little as possible.

>> No.1783179

why do you not have an attorney? why are you posting on 4chan???? WHY WHY WHY WTF

>> No.1783198

your complaint reads like a litigious 10 year old

lucky to get 5k + court costs you scumbag

>> No.1783199


The landlord's attorney should just offer some rope as settlement.

He'd probably fuck that up though and sue the rope company and Mother Nature for providing a faulty tree.

5 million for emotional distress sounds about right.

>> No.1783285


Yes. America treats lawsuits like ballgames treat hotdogs.

>> No.1783289


Fuck you. I've been wrongfully evicted by a psychotic landlord before and it's totally fucked.

Sometimes the landlord realizes the market is hot and they underpriced their unit. So they just make some shit up and evict the tenant. It's beyond fucked up.

> "Oh hey I need you to leave and take everything in the next 30 days, so I can make an extra $500 a year"

>> No.1783291


Can we get the full story here (play by play) before rendering judgement?

>> No.1783293

oh leaf u know so little about us

>> No.1783294

triple by statute, faggot

>> No.1783295

i mean if they throw ur shit on the curb u were probably an ass to them in the first place.

>> No.1783297

you should go to tg or qst for your role playing needs.

>> No.1783300

you need to look up the law in your state with regards to a tenant leaving and whether or not you still had a lease. you can sue for damages if they were the ones to damage your property and not other circumstances. if you only slept on the stairs for one day you can't really sue for emotional distress unless you couldn't find any where else to live. also you need to show proof of the uncashed checks, that ultimately should help you win.

>> No.1783303

he admitted to everything on paper to a government agency lol

>> No.1783305

why would the owner of a $5000 a month condo behave this way? what did they have to gain by throwing you out and not cashing your checks?

>> No.1783309

wew wrong post but w/e talk to me OP you larping faggot

>> No.1783312

he's just the subtenant. the real money is the psychotic old lady that owns the place.

in any case, i have no clue what that idiot thought he was doing. he didn't like my guests or whatever.

>> No.1783321

are you sure that the old lady owner is liable? if she didn't know about what the subtenant was up to she might be immune. is he an employee of the lady or in some kind of official capacity? or is this some kind of off the books arrangement you had renting from subtenant

is cali one of those gay states where tenants basically have more rights then the owner? if so, yeah i'd be suing everything that wasn't bolted down as well

>> No.1783329

You don't have a fucking lawyer? Lmao Jesus fucking Christ. Good luck getting even 2% of that amount.

>> No.1783333

allegedly, she threw everything out onto the street herself, by hand.

lawyers are for idiots.

>> No.1783341

>allegedly, she threw everything out onto the street herself, by hand.

wew lad, the owner of your building threw everything out after her subtenant refused to cash a check

that's pretty rock solid if you aren't larping, ask for two million, bargain down to one

>> No.1783375


>lawyers are for idiots

You need ten lawyers, then.

>> No.1783397

The purpose of these cases is to make you whole, not enrich you. Despite the liberal le consumer protectionist area you live in, the courts still tend to practice this simple rule

Do they even have millions to pay out? Because it doesn't sound like it

>> No.1783400

The real money is in loss of use.

I hear 'not to enrich' a lot, but the fact is that both statutory and treble damages apply.

>> No.1783417


But seriously dude, a fucking lawyer is almost absolutely necessary for any civil matter outside of small claims
If this escalates to court (which it will if you're asking for an unreasonable amount of money such as $5.5 million), you're gonna need a lawyer and it's better to give them more time to prep and familiarize themselves with the case.

>> No.1784498

In all honesty, this is so fun that I don't care if I win or lose.

>> No.1784512

>Upon information and belief, the usual rate of rent without rent control for the part of the apartment that I had subleased is approximately $5,000 per month. When subtracted for the rate I was paying and multiplied by the number of years I intended to stay at said unit, namely at least twenty years or until defendant ______ death or move-out, this constitutes at least $996,000 in damages.

>this constitutes at least $996,000 in damages
no it doesn't. I really hope you don't expect to get $5.5 million from this...

>> No.1784522

This just gets better and better. You were paying $10,000 a year for a space that usually goes for $60,000 a year? Please do tell us how you got that long-nosed deal.

>> No.1784615

>You were paying $10,000 a year for a space that usually goes for $60,000 a year?
to be fair, most places you rent has had the rent cost risen to jewish levels.

>> No.1784628

They usually go with 5 years.

Inherited rent control from 1997.

>> No.1784639

>expired foreign passport
of course OP is a mexishit.

hopefully the judge rules against you for being a greedy parasite.

>> No.1784742


>> No.1784743

So 5 times 60,000 is 300,000. How did you arrive at 996,000?

And by the way you will be awarded numbers based on the rent control. So if anything $50,000 not $996,000.

Please post more of your complaint so we can have more laughter.

>> No.1784746

hey, retard: i'm claiming 20 years.

it's up to them to state their version of the facts. i base my allegations on publicly available rent figures for other units in the building, adjusted for square footage. i'll request related evidence in discovery, and if they refuse to provide it and fail to deny my claim of their unit's fair rental value, they're fucked.

>> No.1784754

explain why if you are suing for court costs you do not want to get a lawyer?

>> No.1784763

i'm legally entitled to costs of suit, and if I do get a lawyer i naturally want attorney's fees.

>> No.1784774

get a lawyer and get your sure money. going in there by yourself is not going to help your case in the least, especially if they have representation. this whole thing stinks of revenge and greed, make a legit claim and get a solid payout.

>> No.1784778

So 20 times 60,000 is 1,200,000. How did you arrive at 996,000?

And by the way you will be awarded numbers based on the rent control. So if anything $50,000 not $996,000.

Please post more of your complaint so we can have more laughter.

>> No.1784785

Haha, it's actually funny how you're functionally retarded. My rent was 850 and the market value is 5000. I can see you're good at multiplication, so maybe you're good at subtraction too.

>> No.1784791

Also, 'based on the rent control' is a completely nonsensical phrase in the context you're using it. Loss of use damages in San Francisco are generally calculated based off of the cost I would sustain by relocating into a unit with basically the same statistics. Jury verdicts and even some settlements regularly reach six figures. It's funny how you have some kind of intellectual disability.

>> No.1784806

Jesus Christ remind me never to rent to OP. Why'd you really get kicked out, huh?

>> No.1784882

Yeah op, and my kidney market value is about 600.000€. Anyone buying?

>> No.1784888

Seriously i only need 1

>> No.1785093

>you're functionally retarded

>I'm suing for $5.5 million because I got kicked out of my $10,000 a year apartment for selling drugs and had $3,000 of personal property destroyed.
reread that 3 times and let it sink in.

>> No.1785310

Of course he's not mexican, mexicans are weak stupid submissive ass-kissers. This guy is a US citizen. If you didn't commit crime, I hope you win your suit OP. Ask for 5M, I don't think they'll give you more than 3.

>> No.1785318

You're not going to win shit faggot enjoy years of court

>> No.1785330


Why won't you post the whole story? Is it because you are in the wrong?

Landlords don't often kick out paying tenants who are following the rules.

>> No.1785454

I audit apartment complexes. Your offer should be detailed out as follows:

moving expenses: 3500
temporary storage: 1500
rental deposit at new apartment: 1500
some other expense: 3500
total expense: 10,000

anything like a million is stupid and they will fight and you will get nothing

you give them the above offer and they will pay you 10 grand to go away

>> No.1785486

I'm Singaporean.

These people aren't exactly big fish. The landlord has no liquid assets and the property is heavily encumbered by liens, and the master tenant is a drunkard who has to sublease. I don't mind litigating them into bankruptcy, especially since the subtenant who conspired to replace me abruptly moved out and he is stuck in the position of taking out loans to defend the action.

>> No.1785489

I love court. I hope it drags out for at least three years so I can get my sweet statutory damages.

>> No.1785497

>16 million dollars
>great advice

anyways op, youre fucking retarded. ask for first/last month back + security deposit and $3,000. you'll be lucky to get that.

>> No.1785511

Why do none of you people know anything whatsoever about rent control?

>> No.1785537

Wow you are an actual retard.

>> No.1785545

>says the guy suing for 5.5 million dollars because he was kicked out of his 500sft apt for selling drugs and probably violating other terms of the lease

get a grip man, step back a few feet and think about all of this. You will spend years in civil court to get nothing if you dont wise up to this whole process.

They are asking what it will take to settle this, give them a reasonable number your moron. if you dont and hold out for millions it will go to trial and they will win

let me just ask you this OP, have you ever been to court? civil court?

>> No.1785556

Yes. I filed suit against my private college in Massachusetts for trying to expel me for my opinions. I sought injunctive relief and came out with a confidential settlement after three months of wriggling around with motions and discovery.

>> No.1785580

That's a university who doesn't want bad PR and you were technically in the right from what you stated. Not the same thing as a landlord booting your ass and you suing for five and a half large. As someone half-way through second year of law school allow me to let you in on a fun fact, you're either going to lose this case or win a substantially smaller amount than what you're requesting.

Serious question, who is your ex-landlord's attorney? If it's anybody of note within the SanFran area then you are extra fucked and this whole case could be flipped around on you once you get in front of a judge. Try not to 'sperg out in court also.

>> No.1785585

good luck man.

ill reiterate one more time before leaving: ask for around $10,000 (explain how youve come to that number) and see what they say.

If you lose this opportunity and take it to trial you have a 99.9% chance of getting nothing (and that's with a lawyer, kid).

>> No.1785592

Also, TWELVE causes of action on an wrongful eviction suit? Can you even prove that your ex-landlord "openly refused to cash rental checks..." without the argument being a "he said, she said" pissing contest? Genuinely curious now...

>> No.1785623

I'm technically in the right because the asshole illegally locked me out from a property I had the right to live in.

With regards to the Massachusetts lawsuit, I only won after the judge denied my preliminary injunction motion. I was coincidentally also accused of running into other people's dorms and screaming 'I'm here to do violence to all trans people', but I turned it around on them by claiming they were discriminating against me for being transgender.

>who is your ex-landlord's attorney
His only other case is a meth head's restraining order, complete with a twenty-page 'declaration' autobiography. He went to an unaccredited law school, failed the bar six times, became a lawyer six months ago, uses a fake forwarding mail address and doesn't know how to meet and confer or the local rules of service.

I think I'll be okay.

He admitted to all of it it on paper to a government agency, along with some sob story alleging that I had unauthorized subtenants.

Even if I did have unauthorized subtenants, I had the right to subtenants because we never had a written lease. Even if I didn't have the right to subtenants, I offered him proper notice under SF rent control laws.

>> No.1785630

This whole situation is even more interesting to me now. Can you elaborate on what you said about not having a written lease?

>> No.1785633

>because we never had a written lease

ok ill stay, go on OP...

I want to know what they allege against you, besides the "unauthorized subtenants"

>> No.1785634
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>> No.1785642


No one is going to settle this for more than 3 months of rent and loss of property (2-3k). If this goes before a judge they are going to get you less and give you the boot.

>> No.1785645

Tenancy at will (what I'm assuming you had going with your ex-landlord) is kind of tricky but I'll give it a shot. What angle are you taking in this case? Improper notice? Discrimination?

>> No.1785649

Do you have a copy of the rental agreement between your father and your ex-landlord? I think it'll come up.

>> No.1785659
File: 358 KB, 1374x1486, Screen Shot 2017-02-08 at 5.08.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is his set of allegations/admissions. I think he's greatly exaggerating the situation, but I'll have to wait for him to specifically allege these as affirmative defenses before I deny or admit any of it.

You will notice he refers to me as a male instead of a female. It's not a pretty picture for him in front of a jury, all around.

$100 per day minimum, friend.


Rent control. Also, he literally refused to let me back in.

I don't really need to allege discrimination, but the landlord's correspondence doesn't exactly help his case.

It's not up to a judge. It's up to a jury who won't even know that the damages will be trebled.

>> No.1785678

I think you have a solid case based on what info you've given in this thread. Be sure to emphasize emotional trauma (because of prejudice due to you being transgender) to get the discrimination play working with the jury to ensure maximum settlement funds. Best of luck!

Also, to stay on topic of "trips get's to decide settlement" if this is trips then $4m flat.

>> No.1785681

Thank you.

As a side note - did you know that if there were 'unauthorized subtenants', they were homeless transgender women with nowhere else to go?

>> No.1785687
File: 180 KB, 790x593, dayan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bewahahahhah how butt blasted this slumlord is

good job op, fuck this rent seeking capitalist faggot in his ass with no lube. RUIN HIS FUCKING LIFE!!!!

>> No.1785688

so are you actually transgendered? I thought you were just lying to win your college case.

Youre totally fucked. Your best bet is to make a bunch of shit up alleging he discriminated against you and bullied you while you lived there or something.

seriously? did you even read that? this is dead in the water and you want 5.5 million dollars lol.

>> No.1785691

Those "unauthorized subtenants" would be called "guests" in a normal situation. That is unless they paid rent to you, received mail at the unit, moved in furniture, etc. I think a guest becomes an unauthorized tenant after spending something like 14 days in a month within the rental property? How long were the people living with you?

If he cashed even one of your rental checks then disregard the argument pertaining to the previous lease your father had with the ex-landlord. I think that would nullify it.

>> No.1785693

Yes, I read it. I read that he admitted to almost everything I alleged in my complaint.

He did in fact bully me while I lived there. The police were called.

Yeah, it does.

>> No.1785696

Also, I don't recall with sufficient specificity to allow me to testify under oath as to how long those people remained on the premises.

>> No.1785703

That makes things a little more sticky but you should still be in the clear as you and your ex-landlord had no sort of written and mutually agreed upon agreement. Contract law and property law aren't my areas of expertise (securities law is) but like I said earlier, you should be fine.

>> No.1785705

So you DID have homeless trans women living in your rental space (14+ days in a month)?

We arnt the judge here man, dont feed me that crap. i wont care about you or your case in 15 minutes when i start cooking dinner.

If youre lying about one little simple thing that he's got on you, then your fucked. Be honest with the random people evaluating your case.

>> No.1785708

I am honest about everything. Even if I did, I had the right to subtenants due to the lack of a written agreement, so he had no grounds to recover the premises.

>> No.1785718

Just sounds like this guy is being honest and transparent -- and was actually trying to help you and your father out. You, the shithead pervert -- freshly kicked out of college, return the favor by returning months later in the middle of the night demanding he let you stay there. then, after sleeping in his staircase, you attempt to file a lawsuit and sue him for 5.5 million dollars on account of you not having your shit together and a real place to stay.

>> No.1785722

Maybe he shouldn't have cashed the check for AFTER I allegedly vacated the premises if he didn't want me to continue to rent the place.

>> No.1785726

lol antifa commie cunt, don't you have a bandana to wrap around your face?

>> No.1785727

Don't take offense to this but your post sounds like you have issues of repressed sexuality, some sort of deep adolescent conflict with your parent(s), and egotistical issues (among other things). You should drink more water, watch less television, exercise more, and learn to enjoy what you have while being happy with yourself and the decisions you've made in life.

>> No.1785732
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duly noted bud

>> No.1785734

where did u get this picture of me

>> No.1785739

Thank you.

I also sent him notices in compliance with the rent ordinance, which mandates that even when a prohibition against subtenants exists, tenants have a right to subtenants.

>> No.1785751

We're gonna be armed next time. Are you sure you're ready for your revolution yet, commie?

>> No.1785803

>honest and transparent
Have you ever heard the phrase 'don't talk to the police without a lawyer'?

>> No.1785913



Judges get pissed when people get irrational or greedy. Then they throw out the case, bang the gavel and say "case dismissed".

Then the losing one is you because you went to the time and effort and paid an attorney.

If your batshit story is as you say, you gonna lose son. I'm surprised the landlord is offering you anything.

>> No.1785916


OP is insane. And a thief.

As someone who has been frivolously sued before, I hope you get what's coming to you. And you will.


>> No.1785919

>bang the gavel
I'm sorry that you watch too much TV.

>paid an attorney
You're obviously illiterate. Stay butthurt.

>As someone who has been frivolously sued before
How much did you spend defending that suit, again?

>> No.1785960
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>> No.1785968

>38 unique IPs
I'm on my college's internet, faggot. Stay mad and delusional.

>> No.1785989

Among others these kids have absolutely never stepped foot in a court of law. Law & Order is not real life people.

>> No.1785999

If dubs you will donate me 50k to pay off college debt in case you get $5M
Otherwise 10k?
May kek help me & you

>> No.1786004

Even trips! Kek has spoken
OP gets 8 gorillion dollars

>> No.1786005
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>> No.1786026

@OP trips guy here
So kek has decided you will ask for $6M then LL says $4M
Then you settle for 5M
In case you respect kek's will, my garbage mail is: halspancer@gmail.com
I'll be waiting for the 50k

>> No.1786043

He was subleasing it to you, and you were subleasing it to somebody else?

This is why our economy is in the shitter.

>> No.1786058

Trips better be your lawyer dumbass. Don't post this shit

>> No.1786070

It all makes sense now. It was a mentally ill transgenedered person, of course. How could I not see this coming?

all the money in the world won't fix you.

>> No.1786073

Stay mad as always.

>> No.1786074

You're poor. Thus, you will accept $5,000

>> No.1786123
File: 112 KB, 720x720, wokebaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll post my story:

> Got frivolously sued by an acquaintance
> Whole case was totally crazy and fraudulent
> Said I damaged her property, that I never even touched
> She files in small claims for $5k
> Go to court
> Self represent
> As woman is telling her story judge clearly sees this person is nuts
> I barely have to say anything, and the judge dismisses the case "lack of evidence"

True, there was no gavel.

But yeah you guys don't think judges don't see frivolous cases? Hell probably over half the cases they see are frivolous.

OP is an insane transgender nutcase who has a history of suing people just to do it, and he sued for 5 million.

Holy fuck man.

OP, I'm saying this to share a story, not because I give a fuck about you but: when you live as long as I have you'll see people like OP from time to time. They ALWAYS end up either broke or in jail or dead.

I knew a contractor in the 1990's who liked to cheat people. He ended up getting shot in his driveway one morning. Pissed off the wrong guy.

>> No.1786135

>small claims


what's an RFA

what's an RFD

what's a form interrogatory

what's a special interrogatory

what's a demurrer

what's a MSJ

what's the filing fee to respond to a complaint in california so you don't lose by default (i'll give you the answer to this one: $435)

stay buttblasted.

>> No.1786140

hey by the way, guess what happens when you fail to respond to an RFA and the attached form interrogatory 17.1 and the attached RFD for documents referred to in FI-17.1

you admit the allegations by default if you can't explain yourself at the hearing

guess how much it costs to get a lawyer to represent you and help you answer ALL of those interrogatories, RFDs, RFAs and the ensuing MSJ

small claims fuckboys are truly pathetic.

>> No.1786295

that's if you win a judgment

which you wont

which is why you'd be lucky to settle for 5k

>> No.1786312

lol missed this gem
>1 mil exemplary

I'll leave you with this quote
"Exemplary damages are often requested, yet seldom awarded."

please take screenshots and come back here to gloat after you most assuredly win this slam dunk of a lawsuit and are awarded the full $5.5 million. we all know that's what's going to happen because nothing about your case is unreasonable.

>> No.1786446

not happening my man!

>> No.1786461

if you scroll down to landlord-tenants/wrongful evictions, it looks like it's far outside the norms for your settlement number to be anywhere near 5.5 million


good luck ^_^

>> No.1786467
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fucking lost it when OP claimed he lost 20 years of sublease payment

>> No.1786504

rawling 4... "its ok, ill just drop the charges"

>> No.1786531

I will say this: judges like lawyers. You will be doing yourself no favor not having a lawyer.

But you don't seem to be a listening type of anon. We can all tell you just want to brag and show off about this and how "well" you are handling it.

>> No.1786640

Everyone needs to stop replying to this thread, it's either a bored troll or a genuinely delusional mentally disabled trans kid.

This should be on /b/ not /biz/

>> No.1787190

i hope you guys don't actually think that a demand matches what is achievable

>> No.1787208

I hope you don't actually think that a judge will give any credibility to a mentally ill man with a wig representing himself and asking for $5.5 million when there is really $10,000 worth of damages.

>> No.1787213

>get logically destroyed
>stay mad and buttblasted
The judge doesn't have the discretion to make that determination in a real lawsuit, retard.

>> No.1787215


>> No.1787225

>can't even post images right
It must hurt to be so completey destroyed by a teenage tranny that your higher functions are shutting down.

Hey, post your email so I can show you the settlements as they come and make your ass hurt even more, faggot.

>> No.1787284

>Asking 4chan for legal advice

Are you a retard?

>> No.1787293


>> No.1787296

>Teenage tranny
Thats all I wanted to hear.
You'll get 5k if lucky, or you'll go to prison if the judge gets tired of your crazy shit.

>> No.1787325

>$5,000 after statutory trebling
>prison in a civil suit in san francisco
Holy shit, so mad. It's delicious.

>> No.1787340

OP you seem confident that the judge won't be able to throw you out for being a deranged boy in a wig attempting to show off what he learned about court off google, because of the existance of a jury. Yet did you ever stop to think that if all of us think you're a twat then a jury won't be any different?

>> No.1787355


>> No.1787365

The jury isn't what matters, retard: I will win summary judgment in my favor on at least the statutory wrongful eviction count, and maybe the tenant harassment and a few other counts. The jury then only decides the amount of money I'll get. I may in fact be capable of getting summary adjudication as to some of the damages, which will make the damages computable and make the jury irrelevant.

The current presiding judge is the first black female presiding judge in San Francisco, btw.

>> No.1787385

Please come back when you don't get shit so we can all laugh in your ugly face.

>> No.1787388

The typical laconic response of a butthurt retard.

>> No.1787441

damn the neuroprotective effects of high estradiol levels must be kicking in

>> No.1787442

Why would I be butthurt over the fact that you're a mentally ill moron?
Go to court to get laughed at, please.

>> No.1787464

>[blank] asserted that in February 2016 that since I have accepted rent checks directly from him he is not bound to his father's written agreement with me


You don't have a rental agreement, your dad does

And you're suing for lost revenue from subleasing which you were conducting without permission?

While you weren't personally resident?

And your defense against violating the terms of the lease is that you were paying rent on a lease that wasn't yours?

and you think you're going to get anything more than a few grand go-away money?

No amount of Oscar-winning 'poor little transgender boy' is going to swing this around in a court, man.

>> No.1787468

>rental agreement
Oral rental agreements are enforceable in court.

>lost revenue
Loss of use due to rent control, not revenue.

You obviously live in a third-world shithole part of the country, so I'm not going to waste too much time on you.

>> No.1787471

>San Francisco
I was wondering how rent would go so quickly from $1000 to $5000. Fuck commiefornia. Add that to the fact that you seem to be an unregistered immigrant taking advantage of our legal system by way of relying on identity politics with the black judge and your own mutilated genitals to demand a completely unjustifiable amount of money, and what we end up with is: everything wrong with america in a single post. Congratulations. What a disaster.

Something else that kind of bothers me about this (maybe someone else can explain): if you're grandfathered in from rent control, does that mean you can just hold onto the apartment for-fucking-ever, subleasing it to your entire extended family until you die? If your dad moved to singapore then how does the rent control not end with him? It'd suck to own a place worth $5000 per month yet you're forced to make pennies off it because one of your tenants is stretching his grandfathered rent control from the fucking 90's all throughout his entire bloodline via subleasing.

This isn't to say I think these outrageous rent prices are fair, but in this case the owner is renting the apartment out for a fifth of its value.

>> No.1787479

>oral rental agreements are enforceable in court
they have been enforced in the past, yes, but your case is going to be:

"We had this agreement"

"No we didn't"

"Yeah we did, I have no record of it, but we talked about it. No, there's no witnesses or evidence of any kind."

"We really didn't have any sort of verbal agreement and unless he/she/it can provide any evidence of this, I move for dismissal of these baseless charges."

>> No.1787482

Too bad he just admitted all of it to a government agency.

In any case, cancelled checks are perfect and irrefutable evidence whether he agrees or not.

No wonder you people are all so poor.

>> No.1787492

Also, retard, a motion for dismissal/demurrer attacks only the face of the charges. You're thinking about a motion for summary judgment or a motion for sanctions. Almost all motions have to be in writing and include a memorandum of points and authorities. He will also have to admit it in discovery or face sanctions once supporting evidence appears.

>> No.1787493

>Oral rental agreements are enforceable in court.

Right. Sometimes.

But you still violated the terms of the written contract that your father signed by subleasing.

>> No.1787499

It's similar to what you think it is. The caveat is that it can't be rented out at a profit.

I don't care what my father signed. I was not a party to that contract. In any case, San Francisco law allows unauthorized subtenants if proper notice is given, and whether I breached any contract is irrelevant because it is most likely not an affirmative defense to violation of the statute.

>> No.1787503

It's actually really funny how lower-class Americans are so incapable of understanding their own legal systems. I learned the basic 'motions must be in writing' thing after I got a fucking traffic ticket.

It must suck to be legitimately retarded and held back by both your inferior intellect and lower social standing.

>> No.1787506

If he admitted all of it to a government agency, why would you settle?

the uncashed checks do not prove any sort of oral agreement, in fact they speak more to the lack of any sort of rental agreement.

no, I'm thinking of a motion to dismiss, which is appropriate for frivolous suits of this nature.

and why are you so angry? is it the hormones? do trans men pms?

>> No.1787515

>why would you settle?
He doesn't have enough money to pay a jury verdict. I want to settle with him on a bond to teach him a lesson, then go for the blood with the landlady who actually owns the property and participated (likely masterminded) the illegal eviction. My case against the landlady is considerably stronger with the master tenant's support.

>motion to dismiss, which is appropriate
No, it isn't. You're 'thinking' of a motion for sanctions, if you're capable of thinking. Motions to dismiss (which aren't allowed in California, because they use the common-law demurrer pleading instead), as I literally just said, attack the complaint on their face and assume the admission of all facts stated in the complaint. They do not allow extrinsic evidence or attacks on the evidence available.

>why are you so angry?
It's very painful to try to reason with people of subhuman intellect.

>> No.1787518

>I don't care what my father signed.

But without the original lease you have no rights to the property whatsoever. You can't just disregard the original contract because you feel like it. Your presence at the apartment was under the terms of the two-tenant agreement your father made. He makes specific reference to that written contract in his activation of the 30-day notice to quit, which in any sane court in any sane land indicates that regardless of the nature of the oral contract the written contract retained primacy.

>> No.1787524

>you have no rights to the property
Sorry, no. The checks were cashed by him and were from me, not my father, and I obtained a separate tenancy as a result. The written contract is irrelevant because it concerns an arrangement between my father and him, which is not related at all to the separate oral arrangement between him and I.

Maybe you should actually ask a lawyer about this instead of trying to argue with someone who knows what she's talking about.

>> No.1787546

>which is not related at all to the separate oral arrangement between him and I.

You claim. But here are the facts:

A judge is going to look at your case, and he's going to see a written agreement between the landlord and your father, clearly outlining the ability of either party to terminate the lease with 30 days notice, and he's going to hear from you a vague recollection of some oral agreement you made with the landlord, and he's going to follow the paper, because that's what judges do. You can kick and scream and bitch like the little girl you want so badly to be but this is the way it's going to go down.

>> No.1787549

>wrongful eviction
kek, give them $5.00

>> No.1787552

You're a fucking nigger. Kys.

>> No.1787556

>he's going to see
She's going to see.

>look at your case
That isn't how the law works. Even if he submitted a 30-day notice by email (illegal method of service btw), he must go through the unlawful detainer process like everyone else. 'Follow the paper' doesn't work when the paper says he accepted rent checks from me directly for years.

How are you so unbelievably oblivious?

>> No.1787563

Since this thread is full of retards who learned about the law from Matlock, I will from now on ignore all critical posts that don't define at least one key difference between requests for admissions in California and requests for admissions in New York in the first paragraph.

>> No.1787566

talk to a therapist dude.

I don't live in California, and in my state when someone sues me for $5.5 million and can prove $0, I file a motion to dismiss unless I have a counterclaim.

that's not the real reason and you know it

this is what so many people have tried to tell him/her/it.

>> No.1787576


Alright, let's make the incorrect assumption that she's going to lend credence and primacy to your oral agreement, What were the terms of that agreement? You yourself refer to it as a subtenancy agreement, which implicitly gives the original tenancy agreement priority. And by that agreement he's done nothing wrong.

>> No.1787583

Wow, you actually didn't read any of the fragments of the documents available in this thread. You don't even understand how criminally illegal it is to lock someone out in California.

GG I guess. It must suck to be dumb.

>> No.1787603

you're gonna have a happy life with a nice family and tons of friends, because who wouldn't want to be around you?

>> No.1787610

I have a girlfriend who I'm planning to marry in a couple of months. Thank you for your concern.

>> No.1787624

wait, but you're a girl sort of? you mean you two are gonna scissor? but don't you still have a penis or non-functioning vagina? or sexless marriage cause you're so advanced beyond base animal urges?

>> No.1787629

I have a fully functioning penis. My semen is fertile. I take estrogen, but I stopped taking antiandrogens (anti-testosterone medication) a few months ago.

>> No.1787635
File: 170 KB, 1024x848, 1486590215308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this shit attached to your name on the court docket, no one will ever rent to you again. Enjoy trying to explain "b-but that landlord was a meanie!" to people who reject your rental applications.

>> No.1787638 [DELETED] 


I have enough money to buy a house, retard.

>> No.1787658

>my semen is fertile
you call yourself "she" but you have a fully functioning penis and fertile semen? you're not a girl at all, you're a great big phony.

seriously, good luck with your brave lawsuit. I hope it brings you the happiness you deserve. Your courage and bravery is an inspiration to us all. Thank you for being so brave.

Sincerely in awe of your bravery,
Normal Gender Happy Anon

>> No.1787721

>look at me, im projecting

>> No.1787743

You'll settle for a pic of the landlord with a sharpie up his pooper

>> No.1789176

What's your blood type, amigo?

>> No.1789181

Only in places like California and others like it.
Texas and those like it don't care and even penalize you if you can't prove it.
Look at clock boys family fine