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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17851426 No.17851426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

it's over. the chinks released virus to get back at trump with the help of traitor democrats.

>> No.17851476

fucking nuke them

>> No.17851531

Pretty shitty virus if it can be easily contained and doesn't kill much.

If only Trump wasn't a retard who caused an epidemic in the USA. But I guess China banked on that.

>> No.17851624

Keep dreaming cuck

>> No.17851674

>it's just a flu bro
>that's why we need to wage a unilateral war against the most populated country on earth
Pick a lane retard

>> No.17851741

where have i said it was just a flu?
i only said to nuke their bat eating asses, fucking eye slanted fucks

>> No.17851751


What world do you live in?

>> No.17851780
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This one

>> No.17851785

I wonder where parts for your computer came from. Or did you carve a laptop from All American Wood?

>> No.17851809

.....That they engineered to destroy our economy, China is going to get dicked

>> No.17851821

>he didn't build his own computer from scratch
enjoy your chinese backdoor

>> No.17851847

these people are literally too stupid to be real

>> No.17851859

america can still nuke itself before it's over

>> No.17851883

What economy retard? It's all just froth.

>> No.17851927

Actually that would make more sense. Imagine if you made such a powerful virus it could wipe out all of humanity? Then you are king of an empty rock. Some people might be that insane but most aren't.

>> No.17851945
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uhhh, Earth to Brint!

>> No.17851978

I hate that I share the same side of the political spectrum with people with dumb

>> No.17851984

>widely held belief
Lol no

>> No.17852011

Revised lmaooo

>> No.17852035

Plot twist: The Wuhan lab scientist hated the Chinese government so much he went insane and released the virus to troll them.

>> No.17852045
File: 65 KB, 500x564, 1584153508267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spreading of a virus can interpreted as a act of war by the global community. The Chicoms have seriously fucked up this time

>> No.17852047

>widely held belief
Literally nobody believes it came from the wet market.

>> No.17852060

>feb 17

Yeah nah

>> No.17852101

>w-we make you computa part!! U worship us!!
>everyone must believe the same thing so my argument is easier to make
Ccp shills working hard today

>> No.17852110

>implying anyone will do anything that'd affect the ifraud consoomer supply chain

>> No.17852115

We all knew it came from there

read this before Nature removes it

Wuhan was first author on the chimaera paper.
The real question is was it an accident or on purpose? The fact that China didn't have a cure and is now shifting rhetoric to it originating in US (which is ridiculously unbelievable) makes me lean towards accident.

>> No.17852121

No matter how you cut it, it originated from China and spread quickly due to globalism and reliance on Chinese trade. How is this not validation of Trump's economic stances?

>> No.17852147

This virus shut down the entire world retard I'd say that's pretty effective

>> No.17852189

his stance was too soft.
He should have shut down all borders 10 weeks ago if he really hated globalism

>> No.17852262

Olympic level of gymnastic kek

>> No.17852283


>> No.17852298


He went straight for China, no one else did. It's the fucking source of the disease. If only the Chink cocksucking governors of California and Washington had taken further action rather than resisting this measure.

>> No.17852300

It was time to prove his worth against the wuhan flu, just like BTC he failed to live to the expectations. Shame.

>> No.17852435

No he should have shut down borders with every country. This new wave came from italy you faggot.

trump is only halfway racist. He's not getting validated for shit

>> No.17852485


>> No.17852500

>posting literal fake news on /biz/

So did you get it from a troll farm, or did someone post it on /biz/ and you took it upon yourself to post here for free like the gullible fuck you are?

>> No.17852572


>> No.17852603


>he touched a wire that became exposed with his bare hands and got shocked
>how is that not validation of Trump's anti-electricity stances?

>> No.17852630

>Fund manager and investor spreading FUD to tank the market so he can buy low sell high


>> No.17852712
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>> No.17852817
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he didn't let the virus spread so he could blame it for the economy collapsing.

>> No.17852874


These posts are correct. If a virus is too lethal, it's counter-productive to its' survival. It will kill people before they have a chance to spread it. Coronavirus did a great job at causing massive global disruption, aided greatly by its dear friends in the media.

>> No.17853024

I’m from /x/, I think this really is the big one. Why else are all these celebrities are falling ill? Adrenochrome manufactured in Wuhan. This was a last ditch attack turned upside down. Not saying Trumps side is totally good (for fucks sake look at his son in law), but something big is fucking happening. Hold on, niggers, it’s gonna get a little weird.
