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17844570 No.17844570 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder America is a 3rd world country.

>> No.17844582
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>> No.17844595
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shutup nigger

>> No.17844617

>lived In USA for 2 months

Can confirm, USA is shithole, and too poor to have ass spray to clean their ass.

>> No.17844627
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>when retarded europoors take their own propaganda seriously

Id rather be in the country with #1 ICU beds per capita.

>> No.17844670

yeah youll be dead in one
imagine thinking this is an argument lmao
i suppose China has the strongest military because they have the highest population

>> No.17844720


So you can go medically bankrupt and have Shlomo pull the plug when he can’t make any more money off of you? Get real retard

>> No.17844766

norway is much richer than USA per capita PPP so it makes sense to go back to norway

>> No.17844790


>> No.17844956

Like you could ever afford one. And even if they let you in, you’d be bankrupt afterwards. Have fun sucking that bankruptcy judge dick

>> No.17844976
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Have fun in your non-icu hospital bed after getting infected on (((public transit))), im sure your undertrained nurse farquadina made the right decision to skip over treating your 30yo boomer ass, young abdul has much more life ahead of him and deserves rationed treatment, he is the future of norway!

>> No.17844989

>second most
Now I'm intrigued, who's your #1?

>> No.17845044

america has been a shithole for the better part of 2 decades now. theyve become consumer based economy with no innovation at all. everybody knew this.

>> No.17845082

So political irrelevant that they take the top spot in Europe.

>> No.17845099

Finland. They're chimp out even harder at the attention when someone, no matter who, says the word "fin" in any context.

>> No.17845137


>> No.17845142

Can confirm, Norwegistan is better

>> No.17845168


>> No.17845212

Take a guess. Starts with U

>> No.17845262
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>> No.17845789

Norwegia is 3rd world faggot

>> No.17845915

kek amerisharts coping so hard ITT

>> No.17846017

kek, burgers btfo

>> No.17846103


European is better period. America is a joke country.

>> No.17846112

damn everyone's getting shot over here

>> No.17846126

This! Don't come here.

>> No.17847042

>tfw 3rd lowest hospital beds per capita in front of only chile and mexico

>> No.17847809


>> No.17847863


>> No.17847947

lel it's funny but just recently there was an article about us only having like 800 respirators :DDD norway is fugged if this goes to shits anus

>> No.17847960

Politicized bullshit

>> No.17847989

Haha more like NorGAY

>> No.17848005
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Cope harder yurofaggot

>b-b-but muh free healthcare
We can afford to pay.

>> No.17848053

Sorry fags, we pay a premium for healthcare for a reason. It's a quasi-private entity here which means they actually have the infrastructure to handle a surge in infected people, unlike socialized systems that have no such market impetus and cut costs wherever possible.

Italy is overrun because their socialized system wasn't built to accommodate an excess amount of people, it was built to service the bare minimum, which is what happens with all government organizations.

>> No.17848054

good thing we still live in 2010

>> No.17848388

I´m from Norway

>> No.17848432

Lmao coping amerisharts.
We are they like this? Stockholm syndrome?

>> No.17848534

Why do europeans talk big when they know the only reason they are 't under russian control is because of americas protection it's like a gaul talking shit on rome

>> No.17848614

the only thing american and americans protect is their inflated ego

>> No.17848901

Pretty sure Italy is overrun because of the amount of boomers there are. Compare the numbers of Scandinavia and Germany because you'll notice their death rate is literally below 100.

>> No.17848923

all europe is filled with boomers

>> No.17848940

and sand niggers

>> No.17848967

Same with US.

>> No.17848976

we literally have the best healthcare in the world.
Literally EVERYONE comes to the US for surgeries and treatment, and they get it instantly instead of having to wait 6-8 weeks

>> No.17849068


We obviously can’t, with so many people going medically bankrupt and literally dying for not being able to afford medicine. Lick that corporate boot harder you servile faggot.

>> No.17849118


>US system isn’t overrun


Now this is coping


>muh Russia

Hillary is that you?

>> No.17849159


Except Rand Paul, The Godfather of Jewish free market healthcare, went to Canada for surgery

>> No.17849167

then you can imagine how things will develop in a couple weeks

>> No.17849184

I hope when US makes the vaccine Norway doesn’t get it

>> No.17849217


It isn't overrun. We're perfectly fine. My sister works at a ground zero hospital and they're taking care of it.

This is what happens when you're for-profit and hospitals have to actually compete with each other for a good client experience, they build more beds than necessary. Unlike Italy which can get away with building a tin roofed shack since taxpayers HAVE to pay no matter what.

>> No.17849244

where did it mention the US

>> No.17849255


Don’t worry, it won’t be developed here. US healthcare is about making money, not solving problems.

>> No.17849261
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>drive-in clinics
>Literal corporate CEOs part of it

>> No.17849317

>implying a vaccine wouldn't mean huge profits for whatever company makes them
You seem to misunderstand the whole supply and demand thing.

>> No.17849329


We are fucked nowand will be fucked even harder in the future. Shortage of testing kits and basic supplies. Literally all the top medical officials are saying this. Keep believing whatever propaganda you want.

US healthcare is based around world class services for the 1% and table scraps for everyone else. It’s a disgusting Jewish system that needs to die.

>> No.17849369


>what are recurring charges

Retard. We could’ve cured cancer by now if bootlickers didn’t want Cigna maxing out their profits.

>> No.17849388

I lived in Canada for a year and my Canadian friends were blackpilled as fuck about Canada and wanted to move to America. And yes I have a bidet. Eurolemmings are mentally weak and becoming weaker all the time with their nanny states programs including state-propaganda which they actually believe in. You are going to get demographically pozzed and your shitty no-incentives system will fail big time.

>> No.17849391

I have literally every symptom and there's zero chance I can get tested. I have a high paying job and great health insurance. I'm not worried about myself but I need to be able to let people I was in contact with know. America is a joke

>> No.17849412


I’m surprised trump didn’t give all the testing kits to the 1% and say they would trickle down to the rest of us.

>> No.17849415

Because markets are more important than making sure your populace is healthy against the virus??

>> No.17849474


Dude look around you. This is literal 52%. America is just as fucked. At least Europe does things for their citizens. We just get taxes and corporate welfare.

>> No.17849510


In a bootlickers mind, yes. They literally worship the rich like they’re some superior class of human being.

>> No.17849521

I'm in Norway right now, does that mean I get to live?

>> No.17849526

Except the cure would only be sold to people who have cancer.
In the case of the vaccine every motherfucker, infected or not, would be jumping on that, while treatment will only be bought by infected people, which is a very small percentage of the population.

>> No.17849544

>average American worldview
Having the courtesy to call europoors pozzed while cocksucking jewish corporates

>> No.17849550
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Having an older population is typical in all developed countries due to lower birth rates.

>> No.17849566


Testing isn't the issue. Handling severe cases is you retard. 80% of people have mild to no symptoms. I'm pretty sure I have it right now lol.

>> No.17849567

The vaccine will be developed in Germany. US gov tried to buy CureVac for billions and use the vaccine that is basically finished already for exclusive use in the US.
CureVac didn‘t take the offer.

>> No.17849602


It was an example you mouthbreathing retard. Take the CEO cock out of your mouth and listen for once. Thy can make more money charging a goy for care until he dies than they would for vaccinating people. This is a function of the profit motive, and proof that some industries like healthcare shouldn’t be run on a for profit basis. Private hospitals were literally discharging Ebola patients during that crisis.

>> No.17849629


Hopefully you’ll die off; one less corporate bootlicker in this country.

>> No.17849649

he went to a private practice, he didn't go to a NHS hospital LOL

>> No.17849673


>the absolute state of socialist niggers

I'm going to make more money than my cock can handle with this dip. I have a great, secure job and will be dumping money into this like I dumped cum in your mom last night.

>> No.17849690


>Literally EVERYONE comes to the US for surgeries and treatment,

Except for your leaders LMAO. You are being played so hard and don’t even recognize it

>> No.17849691

its true. We are genuinely a 3rd world shithole but with 1st world cost of living.

t. was unlucky enough to be born here

>> No.17849718

US gov tries to buy German virologists and scientists right now, how come?
US gov tried to buy German vaccine company CureVac for billions and use their vaccine finished by autumn exclusively for the US. CureVac didn‘t take the offer.

>> No.17849726


>wanting healthcare for your people is “socialist”

I bet you consider yourself a nationalist too lmao. This Jewish, atomized “every goy for himself” ideology is why this country is collapsing.

>> No.17849759

A bad example, since these two conditions are very different.
I just explained to you why making a vaccine would be more profitable than treating a disease that lasts for 2 weeks but if you're so shortsighted you can't see it then I guess there's nothing left to say.

I'm not defending companies here. I'm just stating the reality of corporate greed and you would be naive if you think companies wouldn't want take advantage of the situation for profit.

>> No.17849762

Is that why our universities are the best in the world and that one is a literal who?

>> No.17849804

You can't be denied by hospitals in the U.S. This is unironically the best place to be.

>> No.17849826

Because surprisingly, private healthcare and government based healthcare have their own problems!

>> No.17849857


And, once again I explained to your bootlicking, Cigna worshipping ass that there’s more money in billing everyone for continual care in a for profit system when it comes to any disease than there is for a single shot.

The ancient Greeks would be disgusted at the idea of for profit healthcare, but I don’t expect any of the knuckle dragging simps on here to know classical philosophy, even though you larp as being all about the Western heritage.

>> No.17849865


Jews created socialism you fucking idiot. That ways the whole point of the Hitler thing. The problem is that there is no free market in healthcare, it's all FDA enforced price gouging.

>> No.17849902

jesus christ this can't be real

>> No.17849913

>Our Walgreens stores are a beacon of hope for the community in times of crisis
made my day. America is an amazing country

>> No.17849938

Mutts are blind to how bad they have it. So many are brainwashed into thinking its the best country in the world...Its pathetic really
InB4 I'm wrong b/c reasons
t. lived in that shithole

>> No.17849939
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>doesn't know that jews are found both
in capitalism and socialism

>> No.17849984


>> No.17849996


Trump is a corporate puppet, what do you expect?


>retard identifies himself with a corporation


>> No.17850036
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Cause we're exceptionalists that have been the leaders of the free world for 70 years, or something like that. Sheep herders from Austria wouldn't understand.

>> No.17850037


>it’s not a REAAAAAAL free market

Sorry, yeah, we need to just eliminate all regulations on corporations and protections for workers and let Big Business run roughshod over the country. Because that worked out so well in the 1800s.

>> No.17850136


Lmao Austria is literally whiter than muttland. The only thing we lead is the final victory of Judaism over the world to plunge this planet into an eternal consumerist hellhole where every action is commoditized and priced. In 100 years we’ll be paying to breathe air.

>> No.17850179

Already happening

>> No.17850296

>retard identifies himself with a corporation
I was laughing my ass of over the fact that quote was part of an official address to the nation. The USA is a fucking meme country

>> No.17850338


Oh sorry. Some Americans really are so retarded that they say what you wrote. But yes I agree we are a joke country.

>> No.17850414


The audacity of socialist niggers when we ALREADY saw just how shit a collectivistsphere would be with the USSR. Fuck off.

You may suggest tweaks to address and fix some holes in capitalism but to suggest a fundamental overhaul simply isn't valid anymore. Sorry.

>> No.17850460

How you retards like you exists think socialism isn't a kike weapon. Also this shit only works in white homogeneous societies that once again, kikes and destroyed along with installing vaginas in places where they have power to make decisions.

>> No.17850468


The only thing who said anything about socialism is you, dumbass. This thread is about how shit American healthcare is because of the for profit meme.

>> No.17850507


Let me guess, you think Wilhelmine Germany was a “”””””socialist””””” country?

>> No.17850632

>because that worked out so well in the 1800s
America before the late 1800s was an agrarian backwater that couldn't even enforce the Monroe Doctrine and had to compete with Chile. America after the 1800s was an industrialized great power able to go toe to toe against European colonial empires and win. Seems like free market capitalism working to me, bud ;)

>> No.17850675


Oh, now we're going to play semantics games. Sure thing, have fun with that.

>> No.17850716


>By the end of 1800s America had degenerated into the exact opposite of what the Founding Fathers wanted

I agree, free market capitalism worked as intended. There was a reason Jefferson et al were against industrialization. But hey at least we got iPhones.

>> No.17850744


Except it’s true and the post history shows it. Thanks for playing.

>> No.17850748

Europeans are so beta jeeeeeeez

>> No.17850776

Why do you faggot europoors have so many health problems ?

>> No.17850808


>> No.17850810
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>when I said Americans should nationalize their healthcare I wasn't being socialist XDDD

>> No.17850832

Aren't you from the country with one of the highest obesity rates?

>> No.17850893


Again, maybe if you think 1880s Germany was socialist.

>> No.17850894

End it

>> No.17850993
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Europe is a joke country and Portugal is the Greece of Europe.

>> No.17851023


This is just terrible. I hate bothering to argue with socialisniggers. You can't even own up to your own beliefs cause you know they're shit.

>I-it's not REALLY socialism..yet heh also CAPITALISM SUCKS

>> No.17851035


t. literally 52% white

>> No.17851050

Where's that one image comparing how countries transport someone infected with the virus? I think it showed Italy using a fully sealed gurney while the US was just draping a bunch of bed sheets around it while it moved. That was a really telling image right there.

>> No.17851071


Just answer the question- do you think Imperial Germany was socialist or not? By your own definition America is already a socialist country since we have plenty of welfare programs for corporations and the MIC.

>> No.17851092


The quicker this country is destroyed, the better

>> No.17851128
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>defending (((private))) healthcare

>> No.17851153

It's true, it is like a 3rd world country. The writing is on the wall. I am an American saying this. This country needs a huge over haul, starting with the education system.

>> No.17851155

>I-it's not REALLY socialism..yet heh also CAPITALISM SUCKS
You niggers do the same shit with "I-its not actual capitalism." You're no different from commies.

>> No.17851176
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Europoors stay mad

>> No.17851267


How about you fuck off? I'm not going to play whataboutism games with you, who gives a fuck about what 1880's Germany was you absolute retard. The entire paradigm has shifted at this point post-Industrialization, world wars, and Information Age. Are you going to quiz me on fucking Sumeria as well? Faggot


No I don't. I proudly claim the USA. Capitalism is a passive system so by definition it can't "do" much, it simply allows private actors to operate freely. Yes we have vestiges of nationalization here but on the spectrum we are firmly free market. The USSR tried the other thing and failed plainly, this argument is settled. Go away

>> No.17851384

How many people go to the emergency room for the common cold or a minor injury just because they do not have a primary care clinic to go to with insurance? There is a reason why urgent care clinics are spreading rapidly.

>> No.17851400

>capitalism is a passive system
Fair enough, I understand you.

>> No.17851460
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Unfortunately, some people in USA have been conditioned to speak against their own interests. You see them regurgitating the same soundbytes over and over like mindless drones. "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. American healthcare is great!"

>> No.17851761

>By the end of 1800s America had degenerated into the exact opposite of what the Founding Fathers wanted. I agree, free market capitalism worked as intended.
Are you seriously trying to claim that the Founding Fathers of America were against free market capitalism?
>There was a reason Jefferson et al were against industrialization.
Yes, and he would be somewhat justified as he lived in the 18th century - but the world changes as time goes on. You need industrialization to support a large manufacturing capacity and retain any semblance of power - a predominantly agrarian nation today would be a third world shithole on par with Indonesia or the Congo.

>> No.17852240


>”socialism is when the government does things”

How can you be this retarded?


Are you seriously trying to claim the founding fathers wanted a world spanning empire that got its mose in every little corner of the world and turned into another Rome? They literally left us tomes of literature telling us NOT to do this

>> No.17852371

USA's healthcare for most people is an absolute joke

>> No.17852437


Everything, literally everything in America is run for the benefit of the top 1%. Everyone else is just kept around to maintain the system. We are a feudal country.

>> No.17852536

>corona virus?
> i'll prescribe a years supply of benzos and blood pressure medication
>land of the free

>> No.17852570

How do we fix it? The biggest problem I see is too many unskilled white service meme workers. There's so many you need a bachelors degree to push papers now.

>> No.17852625


We just need to cut billionaires taxes one more time, and the wealth will trickle down

>> No.17852632

>Are you seriously trying to claim the founding fathers wanted a world spanning empire that got its mose in every little corner of the world and turned into another Rome?
Goalposts : moved. You can oppose the military interventionism of the U.S. without opposing free market capitalism, industrialization, or private healthcare, they're different things entirely.

>> No.17852650


There is unironically still more parity than socialist/communist states like China, USSR, or Venezuela. There rather than a ruling 1% class it's a ruling 0.05% political class and everyone else is POOR, not poorer, STRAIGHT UP POOR.

>> No.17852678


Free market capitalism and industrialization drove those things. New markets and control over resources. There is literally an entire academic field dedicated to this. Now go pay your 20k deductible and shut up.

>> No.17852688


uironically yes


income taxes are only a tax on the working class, not "billionaires". Billionaries don't have a fucking day job.

>> No.17852719


Give it time, we’ll get there. We’ve only been trickling down for 40 years. Bezos and Musk aren’t done buying up everything yet while you bootlickers cheer.

>> No.17852775


Good thing trump cut the capital gains tax and corporate taxes too, so they could conduct stock buybacks and enrich themselves even more.

>> No.17852857

except the USA doesn't have that

>> No.17852865

B-but people flock to America to enjoy our superior for-profit healthcare system!!!

>> No.17852882


Too bad we are factually improving in the bottom 50% and you have no rebuttal for that.

>> No.17852900

Then why are they all the way out here trying to get our education

>> No.17852919

the number for the USA is calculated in a different way than for Germany

>34.7 ICU beds per 100,000 population, where population is 224.3M and defined as 20+ year olds.

in Germany it's for the whole population

>> No.17852935
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>> No.17852957


>> No.17852965


Don’t worry, bootlickers will defend it

>> No.17852998


Percentages mean nothing. 40% of America doesn’t even have 1,000. Meanwhile trump gave 1 trillion to his buddies. By the way, how many 401k millionaires do you think there are right now? Why isn’t trump bragging about the economy like he always does?

>> No.17853017


>Rather than a CEO making $2 mill and the average worker making $50k, in a socialist state the CEO gets 2 loaves of bread a day and the worker gets 1

Holy shit, such parity

>> No.17853039


Percentages mean everything. Even in absolute terms, the US blows most of the world out of the water in median pay. This country is the envy of the world and has to literally build walls to keep people out, gtfo.

>> No.17853056

yeah japan, germany or the uk are paying their people in pastries

>> No.17853061


Yeah, “””””””””””socialist””””””” countries like Japan lmao

>> No.17853109


Again, bad statement. We make more but have more things like medical debt, no retirement savings and student loans whereas Europeans have all that taken care of. Several years ago there was a study that said PPP wise, Chinese make more than Americans.

>> No.17853115

Lmao look at Venezuela and Japan.


>> No.17853141


By the way, the wall is to keep out the illegal labor that all the billionaires you worship use. Ask yourself why trump pardoners that kike who hired illegals and why he hasn’t made everify mandatory.

>> No.17853167


I don't fucking get it. Earlier you guys were saying these countries aren't socialist, now they are? They're free markets with higher taxes than the US.

>> No.17853204


They’re not socialist. You’re the one claiming they are.

>> No.17853210


Move to China then faggot? I'm sure Chang and his ramshackle hut are doing better than your average fat ass poor person here.


>I mention fully socialist countries like USSR, Venezuela, or China
>you guys start talking about fucking Germany

please leave

>> No.17853268


>people make comparisons between the US and first world countries like Germany and Japan
>you sperg out with some retarded straw men and divert the conversation to areas no one is discussing by screaming “socialism” 1000 times

Please neck yourself

>> No.17853276


>> No.17853598

Some people are just going to have less, some are satisfied with less than more. The issue is can they work for themselves rather than waiting to be employed.

>> No.17853675

>points out obvious flaws in Ameican exceptionalism
>can't help but tell him to go somewhere else if he wants things to remotely change for the better

>> No.17853772

Propaganda from a young age and refusal to admit weve been in decline for decades

>> No.17854100

It must be nice talking shit about our health care system with 350 million people compared to their 6 million population
And sittting on top of so much oil and petroleum to fund the system for that small group of people
But yes, we should provide your standard of healthcare for over hundreds of times the amount of people
Even if we completely taxed the rich 100% and scrapped the military it won’t be enough fucking retsrds

>> No.17854309
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>> No.17854563
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Feeling comfy in my only 8 confirmed cases country. None of the cases were transmitted here (they got them from backward countries like USA).

Cant wait to close the boarder next. Yeah, we have universal healthcare too so I can spend more money on cheap crypto!


>> No.17854593

Sold out by our own representatives.
Yeah it's getting bad.

>> No.17855701
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they edited their original post because Ameritards got butthurt

>> No.17855817

>babbies first visit to visio

>> No.17855853

its owned by our richest billionaire who doesnt need extra money

>> No.17857320

People in Venezuela are eating rats and zoo animals to survive. They have seen the return of erradicated diseases like malaria, they are gathering water in buckets from shit infested rivers because there is no running water. It was a somewhat functioning poor-ish country that collapsed into an apocalyptic hellscape in the span of a decade thanks to socialism and communism so I don't know why you would use them as an example of anything. We have hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan refugees here in Argentina, they cross the entire continent by bus (it's like going from Alaska to Florida) just to get here, and apply for asylum and then they show wonder at ordinary things like stocked supermarkets, so please shut the fuck up about using any communist country as a positive example of anything.

>> No.17857349

>So you can go medically bankrupt
I'd rather go medically bankrupt than die

>> No.17857416

>too spineless to keep the original version uo
just like the average european
spineless gutless effeminates who cave to strong voices

>> No.17857465

To be honest a toilet hose wand is a great invention and it’s a shame America has none

>> No.17857510

Just because Norwegian university degrees only get you minimum wage jobs in the US doesn't mean America is a 3rd world country