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17834308 No.17834308 [Reply] [Original]

I don’t know about you, but I keep thinking of the Weimar Republic and how America could go down that hyperinflation path. We already are degenerate like the Weimar Republic. The parallels and similarity’s are numerous. History repeats itself, mainly because people forget. Think we will be wheeling millions of worthless dollars to the breadline for a loaf? Think we will be burning money this winter to keep warm because it’s cheaper than wood?

Some photos for ya-


>> No.17834351

It’s coming. Within a year

>> No.17834355
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If you wack off to bbc sissy hypno 3x a day you'll realize we're not turning into that lmao honestly bbc sissy hypno has changed my life, we arent degenerate

>> No.17834413

us dollar is backed by oil, every person that has tried to change that is dead

problem is china is bigger than any middle eastern countries https://www.scmp.com/comment/article/2176256/chinas-petroyuan-going-global-and-gunning-us-dollar

>> No.17834491

I have an idea. Let's die en masse for our Jewish overlords.

>> No.17834508


This but with bitcoin

>> No.17834674

If that happens there WILL be a war. Maybe 10-20 or even 30 years down, but there will be a motherfucking war

>> No.17834694

what do you even mean by that

>> No.17835032

pls i just want peace and a farm and a big tiddy mommy gf that'll gib me lots of babies

>> No.17835076

How the fuck will there be a war when Germany doesn't even have an army? The EU?

>> No.17835092

read a fucking book nigger
tired of these polcels throwing around weimar as if they have any clue about it aside from a handful of image macros

>> No.17835114

He means go to war

>> No.17835116

If we are Weimar 2.0, I pray we get Adolf 2.0 rising to power. OMG, that would be amazing !

>> No.17835154

May I remind you that Germany today has less of a restriction on arms and military than they did after the Treaty of Versaille? Guess what happened, they stilled developed and started manufacturing arms despite laws pressed against them by France, England, and the US. I also don't think anon was talking about Germany, I think he's talking about the hypothetical of hyperinflation and war in the US.

>> No.17835180

Why shouldn't I take on a shit ton of debt then? It will be easily paid back later.

>> No.17835202

A civil war would be pretty weird. It'd be between the cities and the rural areas. How would you even divide that up? The cities would just get swallowed up.

>> No.17835210

>Think we will be burning money this winter to keep warm because it’s cheaper than wood?
In that case, a hundred $1 bills will be more useful than a $100 bill.

>> No.17835221

worked pretty well for Trump

>> No.17835235
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>> No.17835241

Bitcoin is about to have lower than fiat inflation

>> No.17835327

German military today is a fucking joke and always will be
Poland could roll through germany with no fucking problem