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17831439 No.17831439[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Are all boomers like this? Is it really wrong for Bernie to acknowledge China's positive achievements?

>> No.17831478

Americans like to stay in denial about being overtaken by a foreign country, so Biden is music to their ears.

>> No.17831491
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please look away from this chart, we must not acknowledge facts

>> No.17831507

It's a black and white world op. You cant just praise an evil super power even if central planning is proving to be highly effective

>> No.17831520

chink cope post GET

>> No.17831535

My gf is Chinese. Her grandparents were piss poor peasants. Her parents are succesful bussinesspeople who easily make 500k a year. They can't vote nor do they live in a liberal democracy. But guess what: they don't care.

>> No.17831585

Isn't Biden somewhat the president the burgers deserve?

>> No.17831603

>just give up your dreams and freedom for money goy
>okay now that your dreams and freedom are gone, give me back the money

>> No.17831604

And they are massive outliers in a system where you can literally get non-personed and just removed from society, and other people know its best to keep quiet lest it happens to them too.

>> No.17831640

I'm not Donalds biggest fan, but even I'd be doubtful about what would be left of Uncle Joe Degenerated, 4 years down the line. Mans got the Big Red Button, after all. Might try to ate it

>> No.17831677

Money is happiness in modern society. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.17831710

If you like it so much why don’t you move there?

>> No.17831813

What dreams and freedom? There is enough of that in China. You just can't critize or influence the government openly, that's it.

In America there is the illusion of democratic freedom. Your policy is almost enttirely shaped by big companies and banks. Your vote doesn't mean shit. Your tweets don't mean shit. China is just more honest and succesful than the USA.

They're not massive outliers at all, statistics back this up. You can't shit on the government and so what? It's the same government that provided them with the welfare and stability they so desperately longed for. Americans lack this welfare and stability, but hey, at least you can call your low IQ president a moron on Twitter. But who cares? No one ever achieved a better live by spouting their nonsense on Twitter.

>> No.17831861

pretty based post
Burgers will seethe of course

>> No.17831867


>Your social credit score has increased by one point
>You are allowed to keep your organs for one more week

>> No.17831907
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>Americans think they are more free than China because they have 1 extra party

>> No.17831950

Imagine being rich having all the money you could have, but you live in a country where most people are poor, you think it doesn’t matter because you’re rich right he? Wrong. You’re a target because of what you have, while they struggle to get by your flaunting of wealth makes you a target.
You still live in a poor country where if you need doctors they get paid shit and couldn’t give a shit to save you.
You still live in a highly polluted place
You still live in a place with no construction standards or codes of any kind which means your million dollar apartment can literally collapse
Poverty and struggle increase crime
We could go on and on, why do you think millionaires from China go to USA and Canada? You are not apart from your surroundings

>> No.17831987

Well Biden can't stop the infection rate rising exponentially, so he's a wop. Based chinks get to have a society, boomers will die soon

>> No.17832004


>> No.17832022

What the chinks are doing to their Muslims in east Turkistan is evil.

>> No.17832065

Also let's not forget that there are literally hundreds of thousands of American people who get non-personed and removed from society by the American prison system. This system LOBBIES at both Congress and the Senate for a quota of prisoners to keep the private prison companies flourishing. America has the highest incarceration rate in the world. You're the most unfree country in the world yet you keep eating your stupid propaganda that tells you otherwise. America will go down in history as the most degenerate and corrupt society the world has ever known. The problem is that the average American, both Republican and Democrat, does not have the ability to see this. From an early age on you are spoon fed that America is a unique country of freedom even though the cold hard facts contradict this claim, and any rational person would have no problem being convinced by these claims. America is an absolute lie, and it always was. You're just taught and manipulated to hate each other instead of the powers that control your puppet government (that is: big companies and the deep state). Why do you think you have a low IQ moron as your president?

>> No.17832071

>east Turkistan
no such thing

>> No.17832097

Question for burgers:
Why does CNN call Biden "Vice-President Biden" on their debate, when he hasn't been vice president for years?

Is it some kind of mind game shit to make him seem more than "Senator Bernie"?

>> No.17832107

Literally nothing in this post is true. You're fed propaganda of China being some backwards country where buildings collapse and where people shit on the street. Americans will eat that shit up because 80% of you retards never even leave the country. Seethe harder stupid ass burger moron

>> No.17832131

Commies are to be shot on sight.

>> No.17832136

>people do literally shit on the street
>buildings in China literally last week

>> No.17832146

It's as much a thing as Inner Mongolia.

>> No.17832152

You're ignorant or liar. 90% of China is a shithole, its just that 10% is still 100m people.

>> No.17832164

>china isn't evil

>> No.17832165

it's called Xinjiang province

>> No.17832171

I think I should weld you into your apartment

>> No.17832202

It's a lifetime honorific
George W Bush is still called "President Bush", Bill Clinton is still called "President Clinton" etc. America is more like a meritocratic feudal system.

>> No.17832217

>You're ignorant or liar. 90% of China is a shithole, its just that 10% is still 100m people.
This was true maybe in the 90's. Not today. Less than 6% of people in China live in poverty and they have a middle class of over 500 million.

>> No.17832220

And if the CCP renamed Inner Mongolia to Not Mongolia it would sill be Inner Mongolia.

>> No.17832226

>no arguments
>just repeating the same coping mechanisms over and over
Burgers in a nut shell. The Chinese are at least aware that they live in an unfree country, and they genuinely do not care. Of course that might be a problem when their economy will decline someday, but for now they really do not care.

>> No.17832227

>moving the goalposts

>> No.17832245

its because he has nothing else to talk on. bernie roasts him by being an adult.

>> No.17832273

You can claim false equivalency and be wrong if you'd like but there's no moving of the goal posts. They're the same thing. Ruled by China but not populated by the Chinese.

>> No.17832278

Joe learned to respond to VP, he got too confuse when they tried to explain to him he no longer was. For Joe, like a PTSD 'Nam Vet, everyday begins someday in '09. GOOD MORNING MURICA, HEEEREES JOE. And his wife. Or sister. He's not sure which
>but also >>17832202 confusingly

>> No.17832294

>niggers ITT think China's economic prowess is from the brilliant CCP leadership
People coming out of poverty is from the (recent) reduction of middle kingdom communist bullshit. There's a reason why Hong Kong and Taiwan have also succeeded.

>> No.17832310

>They don't care
and I suppose you speak for everyone in China

>> No.17832364

It takes good governance to escape the middle income trap without blowing up your economy like Japan did

>> No.17832367

>Hong Kong
Literally a small British trade outpost that has always been rich in the first place

Literally a small island where the rich Chinese anti-communist dissidents fled to.

It's easy to succeed when the US feeds you with petro dollars so you can be an opposition to China. Same goes for South Korea.

>> No.17832384
File: 81 KB, 1000x667, laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AMERICANS calling their president "Leader of the free world"
>AMERICANS calling themselves the only free nation
>AMERICANS believing they are less brainwashed than Russians/Chinese/North Koreans
>AMERICANS believing they have any understanding whatsoever of international politics of or affairs
Please stop I'm gonna piss myself.

>> No.17832386
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>> No.17832389

This. It was because of Capitalism and good decision making. But what I don't get is why China is improving so drastically under Xi's rule. He's far more authoritarian. But I think he's more fascist than he is communist.

>> No.17832420

Am a burger but this is pretty based, never thought of it that way but it's true.
HK riots demonstrate that they are capable of conspiring when they feel like it as well.
Only guns would make china more based.
Good post tho anon.

>> No.17832462

Excellent brain dead take, you dumb chink.

>> No.17832470

Literally no human society has reduced poverty at such a massive scale and speed as China. And no, no other country that abandoned Soviet-style planning comes even close, so it cannot be that.

>> No.17832482

*just that

>> No.17832548

Because Xi is an actual good leader. Not many want to admit it.

>> No.17832581

>Poverty is the worst thing that could happen
This is the mindset of a well paid whore, I hope you realize that.

>> No.17832584

Ugh, another thread filled with europoors, SEAniggers and spics who hate freedom and God.

>> No.17832597

This. The only country I can think of that comes close is Turkey. Same thing: authoritarian yet people do not care because of the massive economic gains that were made. Difference is that Turkey is going through the shitter right now with the Lira collapsing, war at their borders and the massive influx of refugees from Syria. This has expressed itself in the declining influence of Erdogan's AK Parti, yet still even after 5 years of economic decline and hardship he gets almost half of the votes. Creating welfare and stability for the masses gives the powers that be legitimacy and praise. In the West we get a hard on by preaching empty concepts like 'freedom of speech' 'democracy' 'liberalism' 'human rights' but none of those words don't mean shit when your children are starving or when you need to work 60 hours a week.

>> No.17832633

its funny how hard burger altright incels cope when anyone says anything nice about china. the US is currently addicted to COPIUM lmao

>> No.17832652
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>its funny how hard burger altright incels cope when anyone says anything nice about china. the US is currently addicted to COPIUM lmao

>> No.17832670

You just proved his point retard.

>> No.17832720

>pretends to love God
>proceed to rape, pillage, kill, enslave, and genocide

You know who else does that?

>> No.17832728
File: 42 KB, 640x633, 1584034009946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yuropoors gagging on rice dick to get attention from americans

>> No.17832748


people in the bible commanded to do so by god

>> No.17832767

There's no helping them, their brainwashed by their political elites and communism.

>> No.17832796

It says no where in the Bible to do any of those. You white devils are of your father and do that things of your father. Enjoy hell.

>> No.17832844

One thing that always interested me is how Americans live in constant fear of losing it all. The toilet paper hoarding is a symptom of this. In America you can be sued for the smallest things and literally lose your whole life's work over some judicial loop hole. You can be accused of rape by some rich bitch and her attornies will literally end your entire future. You can have some rare medical disease and insurance companies will bill you an amount of money you're unable to pay back until you die. There are Americans who peed against a tree close to a school and they're registered as sex offenders for the rest of their lives. There are Americans who got locked up for thirty fucking years for having ten grams of weed in theri car. There are Americans entrepeneurs who made a small mistake in their bussiness finances and had to live under a bridge for the rest of their lives. Not to mention the ethnic minorities that can be executed on the street by police for moving their hands too fast to the cop's liking. There is no social security at all and somehow they're proud of it because they're fed propaganda from a young age on that muh gubbahment is bad because of the Soviet-Union or some fucking bullshit. Americans know the system is against them, which is why they hate 'big government', which is why they live in constant paranoia of losing it all. If there will ever be a serious crisis, countries like Germany, Italy etc. will survive but Americans will literally eat each other alive and call it self defense.

>> No.17832872

Shut the fuck up with these obvious lies

>> No.17832940

You're a retard dude. Your girlfriend's parents got rich thanks to blood money from doing dirty work for the government. If you want to get rich off of blood money you'll make much more in the US. Her parents did some shady shit in China that allowed them to make get to a position where they could send their daughter to the west. In the end, after all the murders and licking the government's ass her dad did she ends up with some yellow fever nerd and will end up popping an Elliot or two

>> No.17832942

It's a well known fact.

>> No.17832973

Her parents are not even members of the Party you fucking nerd. Project and cope harder you stupid ass moron. America is an empire in decline and your kids and grand kids will live in a third world shit hole, like Rome in the middle ages.

>> No.17832991

>Americans get erased off society so that changes the fact that Chinese people who criticize the government disappear
>Americans put criminals in prison so they are not free
You're an absolute retard dude. Although America is a statist hellhole your whataboutism is clearly showing. Hope your credit score goes up bro

>> No.17833029

Chinese people get absolutely butthurt the moment anyone says anything bad about their country. The reverse is also true. Go to any event with lots of mainland Chinese and tell them "I love China" in Mandarin and they will smile and become your friend. The hive mind is almost as real as their sensitivity.

>> No.17833034

>no arguments again
Cope harder stupid libertarian

>> No.17833078

Yes they are. They locked boots to get there.

>> No.17833100

Licked boots*

>> No.17833126

>n-not an argument
Lmao when did ccp bots start using /pol/ memes

>> No.17833127

Cognitive dissonance in action. I'm 100% sure they aren't members of the Communist Party, but you'll tell me otherwise because you refuse to face the fact that America is a shit hole and other countries are much better off yet you do not see this due to your stupid ass CNN / Fox News propaganda.

>> No.17833160

Where is your argument other than name calling? Try to refute my argument point by point and then come back. But guess what, you'd rather stay in your comfortable bubble of lies rather than challenge your own beliefs.

>> No.17833167

You're an absolute brainless retard. There are better countries out there than America. It's just not the shithole where they eat bat soup,live monkey brains, and live baby mice. Also your girlfriend's parents if they've ever tried any of these Chinese delicacies

>> No.17833234

Lmao it's great that the people you made up aren't part of the ccp, chang.

>> No.17833238
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>My gf is Chinese

>> No.17833253

>eat bat soup,live monkey brains, and live baby mice.
They eat bat soup, but it's a very rare delicatesse eaten mostly in rural areas in one or two provinces. The live monkey brains and live baby mice are literally fake news and hoaxes. Cope harder you stupid ass American.

>> No.17833281

>fake news and hoaxes
He really doesn't know guys. He's really too pure for this world or it's Zhang working to get his credit score up

>> No.17833294

China is bad. Chinks are lying scum. After Corona is dealt with, China is next on the chopping block.

>> No.17833298

Yeah at the end of the day, China built something of the literal blood of their people.

>> No.17833302
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>> No.17833354

The Chinese do not eat live animals, mice or monkey brains or whatever. Even the eating of dogs only happens in two provinces during the occasion of some rural festival. Yet Americans eat meat filled with antibiotics and they're totally unaware of it due to their low level of education.

America will go down as the most uneducated and stupid country the world has ever known. Your moron president is a reflection of this. Enjoy living in the 40 IQ version of 450 AD Roman Empire you fucking morons.

>> No.17833363
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Burgers seething China overtake them. LMFAO it's eventually gonna happen regardless if you like it or not cucks

>> No.17833390

>In denial

>> No.17833400

Fuck off Xi

>> No.17833420

Democrats are commie sympathizers. They were during the Cold War with the USSR, and they are during Cold War 2 with China