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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 269 KB, 646x595, sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17829964 No.17829964 [Reply] [Original]

Or still holding out for the tiny chance of moon/going down with the ship?

>> No.17829980

im never fucking selling

>> No.17830020

I am holding NEO and I have some very good reasons to do that. Nobody expects a Chinese cook to moon so they? But that's why it will ;)

>> No.17830027

Never selling.
What do you think will happen when interest rates go negative and you start paying interest on cash in your bank account?
This is why btc exists

>> No.17830059

no i keep my crypto

>> No.17830066

Why would you hold crypto rather than precious metals such as gold and silver?

>> No.17830074

Not selling, buying in increments. When the number infected plateaus, drops, and the general sentiment is “that wasn’t that bad” we will moon harder than you’ve ever seen as cash rushes back to markets.

>> No.17830082

> this is why LINK exists

>> No.17830086

Buy high sell low. Where do you think we are?

>> No.17830092

Holding. It's dumping now because people need the liquidity. It'll go back up once hyperinflation hits.

>> No.17830101

This is our time guys, remember why we waited so long.

>> No.17830102
File: 19 KB, 213x264, soyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money in my bank is losing me .02% a year

>better buy some hyperspeculative scam money that just dumped 50% in one day

>> No.17830104

>Why would you hold crypto rather than precious metals such as gold and silver?
Because if mass adoption happens btc and crypto will be more useful

>> No.17830106
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Why would you go pee pee instead of poo poo?

>> No.17830116

They'll all go up. You can't spend gold and silver over the internet, so crypto will be needed when fiat collapses.

>> No.17830123
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yes but it could dump below 1K, so you make profit if you sell now.

>> No.17830132

if you're not selling now to swing when it plummets in 24h you're literally braindead

>> No.17830133
File: 40 KB, 968x681, alex-jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think will happen in summer when all these corovavirus panic bullshit blows over?

>> No.17830155

its at $5k, still very high in the overall history of BTC, and could go much much lower dont you think?

>> No.17830171

That's pretty optimistic but fair point
Now that is the best argument I've seen so far, I guess my concern is that if shtf we may not even have internet

>> No.17830174

I'm going down with the ship. If crypto fails, there's no saving us anyway.

>> No.17830221

I don't know. I'm just a humble watermelon salesman.

>> No.17830226

I know people who would sell me essential things for BTC right now. Can you say the same about your shiny rocks?

>> No.17830230

I'm using these low prices to buy even more!

>> No.17830243

another anon was telling me that if the rates stick we could be looking at very long term slump like Japan but i dont know anything so don't take my word for it

>> No.17830254

Nothing. The debt bubble has already burst and governments will destroy their own currencies to bail everyone out.

>> No.17830292

Would this scenario also involve all of our fat roasties somehow turning into little squinty sloots instead? Asking for a friend.

>> No.17830300
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"Crypto is a great investment!"

>> No.17830305

agree completely

however things are gonna be bad tomorrow and it will be a good opportunity to buy very low

t. panic sold at $6.9k and $2.70

>> No.17830332
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So my linkies and crypto won't moon? :(

>> No.17830336
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Something like this

>> No.17830349

This. Already like 70% because Im a moonboy bagholder. Might as well hold on for the slight chance of making. The thing that seems worthless at one moment could help you make it someday. Like if you had a box of ALpha MTG cards that you stopped your mom from throwing out in 1995 because "you're too old to be playing with cardboard!"

>> No.17830396

Bitcoin will moon when fiat becomes worthless. I don't know anything about chainlink.

>> No.17830401

I'm in stable coins right now, but I'll come back in when I think we've bottomed. my crypto stack has always been play money....mostly past gains and the initial money I could afford to lose. for me, it's either cash out when I've made it, or don't bother.

>> No.17830415

I'm going down with the ship all the fucking way to the bottom.

>> No.17830452
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It is the desire of our temporal overlords to destroy national currencies to establish supranational currency. Sooner or later the dollar will crash and burn (after all which empire lasted forever). US dollar first shot in the foot will be the bye-bye petrodollar. Once this is done, the. slightly gonna lose more value until worthless. QE negative interet rates, bail outs, bails ins will be the second part. Crypto might be good for a transitional (as they can't confiscate it) period until they establish their own crypto/stable coin based on possibly SDRs or some alike.

>> No.17830768

Mostly in XSN
Not selling a damn thing til end of 2021/early 2022

>> No.17831162
File: 24 KB, 430x325, mandalf_ogn_manhattan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not selling at all, every time i can i buy the dip. My OGN stack is growing like crazy atm.
Financial freedom is coming

>> No.17831171
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>> No.17831197

No. Gonna try to short with low leverage.
>tfw would have been better off selling now and buying for more than i possibly would get by shorting

>> No.17831218


when the stock market is going to zero, yeah its a pretty good idea actually

>> No.17831219

Naw dude, the feds literally shitting themselves. Like one month of collapse and they've already blown the 0% load. The stock market is fucked and when boomers finally realize that, Crypto will Fucking Moon.

>> No.17831239


>> No.17831267

I'm holding 10k LINK, 1 BTC, 5 ETH

The rest all cash for now, but ready to DCA with 1/2 if we go <4k again

>> No.17831382

The internet is a critical service that actually takes almost nothing to run compared to the utility it provides. You can be absolutely guaranteed it will stay up in an emergency capacity even if plebclass home and mobile internet is rate limited.

>> No.17831405

Why is that fucking shitcoin going up, seriously?

>> No.17831408

Sometimes I wish all of your kind would die..
But then I realise you need to be alive so the real people who see this world for what it is can capitalize on your pathetic nature.

>> No.17831427


>> No.17831471

No OP I'm holding, in fact I just bought 4000 more XRP thanks to this thread.

>> No.17831475

Nope. Actualizing my losses would be more perturbing than watching my positions slowly bleed to death while preserving my hope for a resurgence in the next decade.

>> No.17831512

Because investing in gold and silver is essentially the same as leaving your money in the bank. Some of us like risk because we aren't pussies.

>> No.17831684

riding it down to zero if need be
crypto was our generations only hope of making it, without it there would be no point

what would i even cash out into: a 50 year mortgage on some boomers crackshack or a bank account that is about to be bailed in

>> No.17831733

You aren't realizing losses if you know it's going lower and you buy more when it's lower

>Buy 1 BTC for $1k
>Sell it for $600
>Dips to $300
>Buy 2 BTC

Was a loss actually realized? At best you can say you bought way too early when you bought at 1k, and you could've bought even more (3.3 BTC) if you had waited. But that's sunk cost and nothing you can do about it now.

People who hodl in the face of obvious upcoming price dumps just aren't thinking about it correctly.

>> No.17831763

The alternative is you HODL THE LINE while it dumps even lower, and although you don't get to increase your Bitcoin stack, you don't have to deal with the pain of admitting you bought at the wrong time.

>> No.17831780

Dubs don't lie, Either bail out and reinvest lower, or do a low leverage short.