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17817264 No.17817264 [Reply] [Original]

Is Coronavirus even real? 6k deaths is almost a statistical anomaly, but even if it quickly balloons to several hundred thousand, you don't shut down international supply chains for that, you don't freeze the global economy for that, wtf is really going on? Where are all the dead boomers? Does anyone actually know anybody who knows somebody who died from it? Or is even showing symptoms beyond a bad cough, which may indeed just be a bad cough? This shit really doesn't add up

>> No.17817297

It's not just the dead, but everyone who needs a respirator. And every single case that needs it needs it for like 3 weeks straight, not just 5 minutes.
Now imagine nurses and doctors tending to a lot of these cases, then one of them get's the virus. Fucks the entire healthcare system just like that no matter are people dying or not

>> No.17817434
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Even if it's real, it's absolutely ridiculous to completely halt global commerce for this. To put it in perspective, look at these death statistics, why the fuck are people buying all the toilet paper over a few dead grandmas? So far the worst effect of Corona is people panicking about Corona. Something much bigger is going on

>> No.17817738

This isn't just about right now, if the virus doesn't get contained it never will. It will become a seasonal bug except it's 10x worse than the flu.

>> No.17817776

>afraid of covid
>more afraid of government

Pick one

>> No.17817786

It doesn’t even exist. It’s just the normal flu. Literally 0 pictures of any dead people. Made up

>> No.17817800

Shhhh. Stop asking questions goy

>> No.17817843


>> No.17817909

Our leaders are fucking idiots

>> No.17817911
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Where have you been looking? Were just getting started. It's accelerating. Trump declared it a National Emergency, Travels bans from EU. Just had the first confirmed fatality in my State yesterday.

>> No.17817913

>what is a crisis

>> No.17817939

wow it's fucking nothing, better shut down all the global supply chains

>> No.17817941

It would have been easier to just type
"I'm a fucking retard who doesn't understand basic math"
You know

>> No.17817969

Stock market, pension funds, basically everything is in a huge bubble, they are using this to dump prices without people wanting elite heads on sticks.
And normies are falling for it en masse.

>> No.17817993

also, I said deaths, not cases
>Just had the first confirmed fatality in my State yesterday

>> No.17818020

For anyone who actually cares to think:




>> No.17818029

to these people "prevention" and "healthcare capacity" might as well be made up words, this is why we are doomed

>> No.17818031
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>> No.17818044

What part of exponential growth do you not understand.

>> No.17818045

Your whole argument is called "naive empiricism." COVID-19 is the real deal, it's a fucking bio-weapon made by the chinks. No one knows what their end game is yet

>> No.17818053

Promise to an hero if you're wrong
But you won't because you know you're wrong
You fucking coward

>> No.17818055

>imagine being this upset over being retarded

>> No.17818058

Nothing burger. It’s just a cold. Gave it a scary name and now people are panicking as they planned. It’s a distraction for something behind the scene. There is no cure for it just like there isn’t one for the cold or flu . It’ll be over in a month when everyone builds an immunity to it like the flu. Everyone panicking on here is just from reddit. They believe everything they read…

>> No.17818070

Is there any virus that doesn't experience a period of exponential growth at its initiation?
Are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand your statement is completely meaningless?

>> No.17818078

read a book, chimp

>> No.17818082

Thanks for admitting I'm right

>> No.17818085

>alcohol kills 3m people per year
legal and perfectly acceptable
>cigarettes kill 7m people per year
it's fine, it's nothing, it was their choice goy
>corona may possibly kill a few million long-term

>> No.17818092

this is going to grow so exponentially fast it's not even funny. I wage a job where I talk to normies all day, 75% think this is a nothingburger and are still going out to eat, going to church, etc. This will spread like wildfire and stores will be shut down while hospitals will be insanely overcrowded and nurses and RNs are unironically going to have to choose who lives and dies. No one is ready, Italy was the final warning siren

>> No.17818094

>This shit really doesn't add up
Yep. You don't shut the world down over a bad flu.

Now a bad flu that also infects the testicles and renders men infertile? Yes, that's when you shut the world down.

The leaks out of China are true and secret information regarding the fertility effects of the (engineered)virus are why world governments top-down directed the panic mongering in order to get everyone to comply with isolation.

>> No.17818102

People expecting to be under quarantine that explaims the TP and video game hoarding

>> No.17818101

If covid19 kills more than 500k globally in the next 6 months I will sharpie in pooper with an apology written on my ass
This whole fucking thing is a joke

>> No.17818128

It's not real, it's obviously a cover. Goys gonna goy

>> No.17818135

and that's why the absolute numbers are so low currently you dumb nigger, do a bit of research, why the fuck are you even here if you can't do the most basic math?

>> No.17818154

Alternatively it is a ploy to mass deploy a vaccine with secondary effects, possibly even chip people for "health monitoring" to "prevent future outbreaks".

Watch for a new company to develop wearable monitors which can detect corona antibodies before symptoms begin to manifest. Within a few years parents will begin chipping their kids with "anti pandemic detectors" for public health reasons. Remember that kikes convinced people to cut the tips of baby dicks off with lies about HIV during that epidemic.

>> No.17818170

You must be new. There were vids here of the dead lined up on the sidewalks in Wuhan months ago at it was first hitting.

>> No.17818172

now factor in corona virus returning every season like the common cold

>> No.17818174

Exponentials are weird. Assuming it keeps growing unchecked, we could be looking at an untold amount of suffering and possibly over 100M deaths and then a plummeting of infections around ... early June.

>> No.17818204

Chinks are notorious for mass participation propaganda. Did you see the bullshit video about people screaming out of apartments at night in wuhan? That didn't get as much traction because it was stupid.

>> No.17818242

Did you look at the china curves? How about the SK ones?
How does it feel knowing every bit of data is against your argument and the only thing you have to go on is your low IQ panic?

>> No.17818255
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Amerikeks, how much does a coronavirus test cost the patient?

>> No.17818273

FUUUCK the numbers at the bottom are RED this is scary.

>> No.17818283

yeah, though the exponential growth of a disease is always in its early period(where we currently are). people recovering and not getting reinfected has to be accounted for too. there won't be 100M deaths that's certain. I'm gonna say something like 2-6M deaths worldwide this year.

>> No.17818300

Italy will turn out to be an anomaly and the perfect storm of variables to transmit and kill at the maximum rate.

Do you really think Americans who live in McMansions and drive everywhere are going to contract it at the same rate as Italians who live in apartments with multiple generations under one roof and kiss eachother when they haven't seen eachother in 10 minutes?

>> No.17818309

it's free

>> No.17818352

It ready failed when profit came before putting China under quarantine

>> No.17818375

sk had the best response in the world, they isolated and tracked the fuck out of everything with 10k daily tests and as far as china goes, once they realized what was happening they went full autism mode and locked down absolutely everything. now compare that to the response of the rest of the world, it's laughable.

now also think about the fact that this virus may return seasonally. think of the strain on the healthcare of each country that this may cause. also remember that this is a corona virus and no vaccines have been developed for a single corona virus.

>> No.17818494

Is there a vaccine for the common cold?

>> No.17818555

common cold is way less serious than influenza. there is a vaccine for influenza. corona is way more serious than both and there is no vaccine. it's that simple.

>> No.17818772

how are these big brain takes still s thing on four

>> No.17818990

You are actually retarded. There’s probably no helping you.

>> No.17819126
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>think of the strain on the healthcare of each country that this may cause.
Have you not been to a hospital recently? Are you some redditnigger faggot that's pretending beaners don't exist?

There was already a crisis of illegals flooding and fucking up every ER possible at all times...but along comes some meme cough with miniscule numbers compared to existing conditions and the sky is falling we're all going to die.

1.5mm is a 53% increase in the US death rate. A speed bump.

>> No.17819396

3 thoughts

> its a cover up for bankers that need to press the reset button on the economy


> china made it up to fuck with everyone


> its a bioweapon and they know it can get worse

Pick one

>> No.17819554

People writing it off as "its just a cold" obviously havent left their basement in months and seen whats starting to happen outside in the real world

>> No.17819602

>it's just a cold
>it's a bioweapon and they know it can get worse, taking aggressive measures
>People want to test aggressive measures to prevent pandemics
>It's being used as a convenient excuse to reduce freedoms and exert more control over populations

>> No.17819899

I'm hoping Epstein's wife is in custody and it's a worldwide pedo sting
>whats starting to happen outside in the real world
People are freaking out because the media told them to, not because they actually know anyone who died from the corona hoax

>> No.17819953

30% of Italian men smoke too and 65% of Chinese. Remember everyone not all pops have the same risk factors

>> No.17819980
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That’s over 7% boy-o and most still havnt recovered

>> No.17820001

>whats starting to happen outside in the real world

Lots of people panicking. No noticeable increase in people coughing, even with the placebo effect working in the virus's favor.

>> No.17820122

I agree the media frenzy is totally unprecedented in my lifetime. That said, a whole lot of elderly are going to die because of overloaded and underequipped hospitals. Shutting down business will at least slow the rate of infection giving health care a fighting chance. Also theres a decent chance this is a Chinese bioweapon so who knows what’s going to happen.

>> No.17820195

Based retard doesn’t understand what the threat is

Don’t listen to the haters anon
Stay in ya bubble

>> No.17820209

You're ignoring the facts that
-we don't have a treatment aside from respirators
-it's an extremely infectious disease
-it has a latent phase and lingers in environments
-if we do nothing the hospitals will fill up meaning that everyone else who needs a hospital bed will be forced to go into infection central or wait on treatment. It doesn't make sense to compare it to smoking or malnutrition

>> No.17820306


add the fact that you can get reinfected worse even after it clears

>> No.17820327
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>No fair! You can't compare this disease to other things that kill way more people!

OK doomer, what is your excuse for the 2 million deaths by communicable disease this year?

>> No.17820624

Not true

>> No.17821147

>10m deaths per year from alcohol and cigs
>perfectly acceptable losses

>a few hundred thousand grandpas will die a few years earlier than they would have otherwise
holy fuck

>> No.17821180

40 million HIV carriers
fucking hell m8

>> No.17821286

Yeah its pretty crazy. People panicking is the real culprit here it seems. Idk if its real lol. I won't be suprised if it isn't. Right before the markets crashed a whole lot of plebians came in and bought the top. Imho. Im not looking for a crash, I'm looking for the economy to go 10x stronger after this as supply chains get relocated. Plus theres still tons of more capitalistic nightmares to dream in eastern europe and africa. I dont expect a recession for another 10-20 years.

>> No.17821324
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>> No.17821924

Can you fucking retards even read? These numbers literally don't matter. People choose to smoke, drink and get fat, nobody chooses to get a virus. If the healthcare system is at its limit young and middle-aged people will die from this too.
Of course we could just let this run free, let the old and vulnerable die and only put younger people into hospitals. This might be acceptable for people in third-world shitholes, but it isn't in first world countries.

>> No.17821960

all of them

>> No.17821976

this. wait until hospitals are overloaded (they already are in peak flu season, as well as being undersupplied) and young people that would normally be treated and survive start dying. even if the 15-20% of all cases requiring hospitalization isn't quite accurate, you're going to see a lot of young people die from not having access to ventilators and oxygen

>> No.17821988

it's a real virus, but the current crisis has nothing to do with it, the financial system was headed for collapse since long before, literally for decades
repo operations started in September last year, that's what signalled the Titanic hitting the iceberg back in 2008

>> No.17821994

None of those things i crease exponentially like coronavirus (except for the flu, which is easier to treat and we have vaccines for)

Panic buying is stupid but that doesn't mean you can pretend this shit aint real and dangerous.

>> No.17822022

The reason everything is shutting down is because nobody wants to get sued over this shit. You know how easy it would be to get a negligence lawsuit/settlement over this shit?

>> No.17822060
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It is nothing. It could be the next thing we would get a seasonal vaccine for alongside the flu. Retards are freaking out on Twitter and shit because the media is telling them Coronavirus is Trump’s fault.

>> No.17822102

>media is telling them Coronavirus is Trump’s fault
Give one example

>> No.17822107


>> No.17822122
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Those number out of China seem totally credible. Totally. Credible.

>> No.17822132

addiction is an illness which we allow to spread. 10m deaths per year and nobody bats an eye. We advertise alcohol on TV ffs
This may be the case, it's definitely blown way out of proportion

>> No.17822181

>there are other problems
Noone is denying addiction is awful, but it doesn't hit hospitals in one huge wave and spread through the air

>> No.17822185

>10m people die a year from personal choices, therefore a couple million dying from something they didn't have a choice with makes it ok
your entire argument negates responsibility

>> No.17822247

Shit source. Anyone can add to that sites case/death totals for any country. No personal info required.

>> No.17822253

Well 1919 spanish flu killed 18 million people it had a R0 of 1.4 and Covid 19 had a R0 of 2.2 making it much more infectious and it has a higher mortality rate as well at between 3 and 5% we could easily get to 30 million dead

>> No.17822261

yup, this, right here:
>90% + of infected have STILL NOT RECOVERED
this while hospitals etc are already running at capacity, this stat is not fucking promising

>> No.17822275


Literally ever statistic shows that young or middle aged don't die from this unless they have AIDS or something serious compromising their immune system, and no being fat isn't enough.

>> No.17822277

I'm just saying govt. is blowing this way out of proportion, to the point where it's actually suspicious

>> No.17822308

Tens of millions of people getting sick would crush our medical infrastructure

>> No.17822352

Old people are dying anyway. If you're young and healthy, literally just take a week off and eat some chicken noodle soup, there's no need to induce a TPocalypse

>> No.17822357


Medical technology was also not quite as advanced back then, everyone smoked and drank, hygiene standards were lower, it was introduced in populations that had zero immunity to that virus...

>> No.17822375

checked and agreed

>> No.17822405

Unless you're one of the unlucky 10-20% of general population that requires hospitalization, in which case young people will die where they'd ordinarily be treated and survive.

>> No.17822411

what about SK, they're part of the trusted sphere of influence?

>> No.17822415

It’s all over the place retard
>Trump reacted slowly
Flashback to the media calling him a xenophobe for restricting travel from China in January.
>Trump cut CDC funding!
Easily disproven. Funds increased under Trump and the cut he proposed earlier were for 2021
There are outlets calling for his head over things that are false. They’re even calling Google liars over the website proposal despite Google stating that they have people developing the triage site.
Cope discord tranny. Notice how EU countries are in worse shape than any other disregarding China.

>> No.17822432
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The problem is that the rate of infections is not accurate as we don't know about mild cases, only tested cases. Actual cases > tested cases. South Korea's numbers are likely the most accurate as they've had the most aggressive testing. Their CFR is 0.6, I would guess actual is 0.5 (though this will depend largely on the general health of the populace, it might be far higher in America for instance due to the obesity epidemic).

Deaths are likely far more accurate than infection rate. If we assume CFR 0.5 then actual infections, globally, is somewhere around 1.2 million, a third each coming from China and Italy and the rest spread throughout the rest of the world.

Deaths are currently spiking and should be seen as tied to the ultimate rate of infection. We're not flat lining at all, it's growing as you would expect a binomial function to.

>> No.17822480

Maybe the US army prancing around Italy and other European countries as part of a military exercise. RIGHT NOW amid all the fucking chaos and border closures, could figuring out why they're here shed some light on all this?

>> No.17822501

>>>17822253 (You)
>it was introduced in populations that had zero immunity to that virus...

Do you think anyone is immune to Covid 19? No one has immunity and in the shit parts of the world they still have 1919 level medical standards. Its gonna be bad in north america but 3rd world countries are gonna get absolutely horse fucked

>> No.17822568

Italy's northern region is predominantly populated with the elderly

>> No.17822578


Of course its growing, its spreading around the world. The issue is that the number of deaths aren't that high, are limited to already at risk populations, and the countries that have had it the longest have flat lining numbers. People are going to die of this, the question is if the reaction meets the actual threat.

>> No.17822594

>are limited to already at risk populations
50% of people in ICU in France are below the age of 50

>> No.17822595

>10-20% of general population that requires hospitalization
This isn't random. It's the elderly and those with existing comorbidity that require hospitalization. If you are young and healthy, the chances that you will need to go to the hospital is low. You're more likely to die in a car accident. Think about that.

>> No.17822601
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>3rd world countries are gonna get absolutely horse fucked

>> No.17822623

Use logarithmic charts. Actual cases will always be greater than tested cases for any disease or condition. Some people get the flu or something with similar symptoms and treat themselves at home. I know I would. I don’t see why you’re comparing deaths and infection rate. Being infected doesn’t immediately correlate with death. By your logic I could say that recovery numbers are more accurate than infection rate.

>> No.17822651

Right because they are just telling everyone over 60 to go home and die without saying so much. They are only giving ICU beds and ventilators to people who are younger and have a better chance of recovering. Say there is 1 ventilator available and 2 sick people one is 45 and one is 65 they are going to both die without it but even with it the 45 year old has a much better chance of recovering than the 65 year old so it's getting to the point rapidly where nurses and doctors are going to literally be deciding who will live and die

>> No.17822662

Deaths are the most reported statistic. There will of course be more COVID-19 related deaths than actually reported, but it's CLOSER to the actual number of related deaths, than reported infections vs actual infections.

Infection rate requires testing. Death rate does, too, but it's far more difficult to miss someone dying.

>> No.17822680

Problem is those shit skins are gonna become "refugees" and attempt to get to 1st world nations and we have seen how many of those 1st world nations are liberal bleeding hearts who accept millions of them aka germany

>> No.17822682
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>Zuzulu died from white man's coughing curse!
>Come bruddas, it's time for the death ritual where we eat his lungs and brain.

>> No.17822683

Wait til there are no ICU beds and ventilators left. That is the entire fucking point

>> No.17822687


People have been exposed to related viruses before, not this strain. SARS, H1N1, etc have gone around the globe already. This is different than in 1919 when global travel was much more limited.

>> No.17822737

Yeah that's correct why I said soon doctors and nurses are gonna be choosing who lives and dies based on there being no more beds and ventilators available

>> No.17822739


That's a grand total of 150 people, of whom we have no idea of their health history.

>> No.17822760


>> No.17822780

It’s just as hard to miss recovery numbers. You’re forgetting that those numbers are just cases where the person died with COVID-19, not solely because of it. For a lot of those people it just creates new complications with their COPD or other serious ailments that were likely to kill them anyway.

>> No.17822814


Should I put some of my sperm in the freezer?

>> No.17822871

>It’s just as hard to miss recovery numbers.
Which is why I'm not looking at them. All I'm suggesting is that the death numbers are the most accurate, and the best gauge as to whether this is slowing down or speeding up.

Statistically if we had an accurate CFR we could determine very easily actual infections from the death rate. CFR is a guess so I'm not suggesting actually doing that, simply looking at the death rate as the thermometer

>> No.17823073

Way to walk back "blame trump for the coronavirus" to "blame trump for a poor response". And no your anecdotes are not links to media outlets. And re: the trump cut cdc funding myth, that was actually not the media spreading that lie, it was joe biden and mike bloomberg. It IS worthy to note though that Trump did *try* to defund the cdc but (r)s in congress said no we're going to fund the cdc