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File: 182 KB, 1300x866, 127762881-indoors-chicken-farm-chicken-feeding-farm-for-growing-broiler-chickens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17821871 No.17821871 [Reply] [Original]

>2/3 of america is overweight/obese
>demand for chicken keeps going up
why wouldnt i run a chicken farm? the big guys supply everything except land and labor, what am i missing?

>> No.17821886

Take it from someone that lives beside Tyson and Simmons. You'll make shit for money.

>> No.17821902

i dont buy it, my parents know people who are chicken farmers and they make decent-good money

>> No.17821928

>>17821871 Chicken is the healthiest meat you fucking retard. You’re missing fat. Be a Chad and run a cattle ranch.

>> No.17821932

Real question. Have you guys tasted a difference in the taste and texture of chicken in the last 4-5 years.
Like a mushy texture
Or sometimes rubber chewy?
I swear I’ve thrown away dinner so many times I no longer buy chicken or eat it at restaurants.
I’m in Los Angeles

>> No.17821934

chicken farming on a mass scale would be annoying as fuck. Taking care of 10 of the little fuckers is hard enough. just grow dope.

>> No.17821943

um, i dont want to go to prison? thx
raising cattle is 10x more costly and more work.

>> No.17821980

You killed a thread to have people talk you out of something you are already made your mind up on?

>> No.17822014

just wanted to see if anyone here has experience running one

>> No.17822038


The movie was free, but you can probably find a torrent to pirate.

>> No.17822056

Try /out/ .

>> No.17822057

Yeah. Chickens are getting low quality. Not sure what's causing it.

>> No.17822064

sweet thx

>> No.17822087
File: 46 KB, 564x383, frchickens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that hard. It's very tedious and you have to stay on top of it though. In OP's pic, that just isn't the way to go. Fuck the kind of chicken product you receive from treating them like that. Those chickens have no space to run free and are treated like shit. They break their legs because of how big they get without running around to build strength in their legs. The eggs and chickens I eat are from a local chicken breeder who does free range.

If you can, try to eat chickens and eggs raised by local breeders. It's worth paying more.

>> No.17822092

I think it's just been most non organic food. I actually started paying attention to taste not long ago and have found an increase in what I consider "unacceptable" forms of food. Really is gross.

>> No.17822111


>> No.17822115

yes i have same, experience but been happening for the last decade or so

>> No.17822116


It’s a real issue in L.A
Had some bad chicken in Vegas and Washington D.C too

>> No.17822125
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treating living beings like objects in factory farms
>not sure what's causing it

>> No.17822128


>> No.17822148

np, I saw it, the movie talks about big chicken companies, how to use small independent chicken farms to raise your own flock, and set up your own chicken business and stuff.
It's pretty educational. Good movie.

>> No.17822326

I’ve worked in one which is pretty much like running one.

You don’t want to deal with raising “free range” chickens, just raise them in their own individual cages. When you see how free range chickens really live it’s like watching a non stop fight to the death amongst a big group of chickens. The fuckers are mean.

It’s been illegal to give hormones to chickens since the 1950’s but the average American brainlet believes hormones are in everything so advertising your chicken as “hormone free” or better yet “growth hormone free” works. People can’t do the math to realize paying big money to pump each bird full of growth hormone wouldn’t really be profitable with an animal that is sold to the distributors for about $4 a bird.

Eggs are like gold. Fertile eggs are like diamonds.

Your biggest expenses will be upkeep and legal fees. It’s an easy job and you can hire high school kids for labor.

>> No.17822327

Thanks anon

>> No.17822356

is it hard work?

>> No.17822408

The partner farm model:
>Conglomerate provides equipment to farmer, with an agreement that they get first right of refusal to buy the chickens at ____ price
Really you just need the capital to start taking advantage of pleb farmers OP

>> No.17822487

>eating chicken won't make you fat

>> No.17822590

John Oliver, the British host of the American news/talkshow program 'Last week tonight', dedicated one of his weekly shows to talk about poultry farming, in particular the kind you eluding to.

if you don't have time to watch the entire video, a rough summery would be "worst possible idea, you will be signing up to be the designated victim in one of John Oliver's shows".

>> No.17822611

Whatever they've done, I suspect is related to costing-cutting. Buy the free range chicken. These taste better.

The taste and texture for other food products have changed as well. I remember the chocolate chip cookies at Safeway tasting very good. But these have gone to shit from every store I've tried since the last decade.

>> No.17822698

Tedious but not much thinking involved. There’s that scene in Napoleon Dynamite where he’s working on the chicken farm and one of the chickens is freaking out while he’s trying to put it in its cage, and that sucks but you wear really thick gloves that go up to your elbows while doing it.

I haven’t read through this thread but I’m sure you’re getting comments from city dwellers about cruelty to animals and stuff, but if you ever work with chickens you’ll see that they’re basically mindless little dinosaurs. They eat everything and anything. I saw a group of chickens on a farm get ahold of a full grown cat and a kitten and they tore them to pieces and were eating them alive.

Cattle can be different. The majority of farm cows are giant idiots that panic if you so much as fart but I’ve seen a handful of cows that act like dogs. My uncle had a cow that was basically like a pet and he didn’t slaughter it until the end of its life.

>> No.17823061

>he didn’t slaughter it until the end of its life.

>> No.17823251

>I saw a group of chickens on a farm get ahold of a full grown cat and a kitten and they tore them to pieces and were eating them alive.

That's nothing unusual. Cats do the same to chickens and other animals when given the chance.

>> No.17823276

Oops, meant to reply to >>17822698

>> No.17824062

Never said it wouldn’t, you cunt

>> No.17824241

Chicken has fat, dumbass.

>> No.17824418

margins are dogshit, you can find reports with a bunch of farmers crying about it

>> No.17824743

My chickens kill any small bird that lands in our yard, its fucking great.

>> No.17824784
