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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 400x400, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17808141 No.17808141 [Reply] [Original]

So this shitcoin faded into dust?
>Muh ethereum killer

>> No.17808205
File: 61 KB, 926x809, 8298EE7C-4772-435C-9174-7AE6918D981C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I just checked the price and it’s at its ATL. I bet there’s so many people that got rekt from this scam

>> No.17808250

I remember a few months ago how agressively it was shilled here. There were like 30 fantom threads per day.

>> No.17809311

I'm still holding and still comfy. Central banks go live in april, and the upcoming mega moon is going to wipe those smirks off all your faces.

>> No.17809489

Won't it dump when the staking rewards are unlocked tho?

>> No.17809987

Do you really think FTM would have died like this if the central bank rumours were true?
Not a single company is using the network or will ever use it.

You can bet your ass FTM will drop to single digit sats by then. Throwing half the circulating supply onto the market on a single day, I have no idea what they were expecting.
Fantom is literally the worst altcoin. Even pure scams perform better - not that FTM wasn't a scam, just a less obvious one.

>> No.17810210

people are still typing up these faggy fud essays? damn this shit might actually moon

>> No.17810261
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kek, shows what you know.

>Hurr banks are going to illegally interfere with markets in order to make sure their investment looks better to retards on the internet
You do realize that they only care about the tech right? The token price literally means nothing to them. What does matter is the fact that more than 5 banks (at least) are using fantom technology to usher in the next age of currencies, CBDC's. But don't take my word for it, take the Xar teams. You know, the guys who are actually working with the banks?
>Hurr but then why doesn't the Xar team announce anything then?
They do. They have their roadmap which says enough (pic related) also they are under HEAVY NDA dumbasses, you think banks are going to do this OTC like you plebs would? KEK.

The dump is a big nothingburger. They are already set to enable stablecoin lendings through staking services in order to allow people to MINT fUSD and fEUR, backed by USD and EURO holdings (you know the shit that everyone is running into right now) to mitigate that. Besides, use your head. Everyone sells their tokens, staking goes down. Staking goes down, the staking rewards go up. Staking rewards go up, people stake. The cycle continues.

Retards like you won't make it because you were too greedy and too retarded to do your own research and think for yourselves.

>> No.17810267


>> No.17811502

Based and redpilled.

>> No.17811702

lost 70% of my investment but i'm gonna make it all back by staking. Selling at the first pump

>> No.17812094

A suicide stack of 100K is now only $250.

>> No.17812110

You’re fucking deluded Kek

>> No.17813586


>> No.17813613

>Central banks go live in april
Absolute insanity. The delusions from you paid scammers (38 in "marketing" by Fantom Foundation and no devs) and absurd lies. If any central bank were even thinking of touching crypto, there would have been an insane paper trail and production of academic papers, reports to Bank of International Settlements, the central bank of central banks, etc. There is nothing. Everyone in finance with the slightest knowledge understand how crazy Bitconnect FTM is and what kind of scamming liars are behind FTm.

>> No.17813696
File: 26 KB, 1024x768, SUTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even people who "bought the dip" are 75% DOWN. Hahahahahaha!


Buy Suterusu.

>> No.17814199
File: 241 KB, 400x400, 4kUua5m2_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the low IQ traders keep bothering me? I hold Fantom. I win.

>> No.17814483

Hi schizo. Hope you're well. Take your pills.

>> No.17814500

>upcoming mega moon
kek not if coronachan makes more victims in the US and sends it into quarantine the boomers will fucking panic and exit everything

>> No.17814519

ultra retarded enjoy holding eth killer #3728

>> No.17814555

FTM is ranked #382 on CMC, #366 yesterday, soon to be #666, thanks to the "f*kc heaven, valhalla awaits" Fantom blasphemers and deranged occultists. Great job.

>> No.17814615
File: 87 KB, 750x600, Nano hodler getting assraped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano crashed hard after the incompetent sh!tshow hired satanist rockmsockmjesus as their community manager. Why would anyone do something that stupid? They didn't even bother to change his account name on various platforms.

>> No.17814772
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Imagine bagholding this, just imagine!
21y "community marketing manager" aka ex car wash owner shilling shit like this in 2019 on official channels all year long


>> No.17814808

>it’s not jibrel 2.0!
it’s not jibrel 2.0!
>it’s not jibrel 2.0!
it’s not jibrel 2.0!

this sums it up

>> No.17814827

Thanks just bought another 1m

>> No.17814852

Why not 10MM, so you have 10MM BCC and FTM?

>> No.17814895
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They are in full panic mode and are emigrating from telegram to discord, - deleting incriminating telegram comments, pic related, like crazy.

They have no devs, those listed on their internet page are from Russian blockchain companies or community dudes loosely working in tech, their core dev is not only a scammer, but also completely incompetent.

>> No.17814993
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Why Fantom investors love hell so much, I don't know.

>> No.17815244 [DELETED] 

Not true

>> No.17815315
File: 102 KB, 902x532, 2352434324324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom is crypto's most obvious scam and ponzi scheme.

>> No.17815402

this shit claimed 300k tps and smart contract , you can imagine the rest . KEK

>> No.17815479

Imagine still posting this shit nearly every day for a year. Nobody gives a fuck what you have to say, you ruined any credibility you might have had by shilling dag and mtv

>> No.17815587

How is schizo gonna feel when he’s btfo? Will he still be fudding when the whales pump this to top 50 after staking unlocks?

>> No.17815607

>Imagine still posting this shit nearly every day for a year.
You are absolutely insane, Fantomiac. I started to warn about Fantom being a scam mid NOV. Since Jan I have posted between 0 and 2 days per week and made one or two threads last 2 months.
>Nobody gives a fuck what you have to say
Look at the price action, low IQ Fantom loser
>you ruined any credibility you might have had by shilling dag and mtv
DAG 10x in a bear market after I promoted DAG early last summer. DAG has now a larger market cap than Fantom. MTV is still a good buy

>> No.17815640 [DELETED] 
File: 2.81 MB, 1280x720, 24324324234.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whales pump this to top 50 after staking unlocks?
Where the hell did you Fantomiac morons learn basic economics? So you financially illiterate idiot seriously believe that when half of the supply is dumped on the market at the very same time, you scamming and spamming psychos believe the price will skyrocket? Time for you to put down your crack pipe, pic related.

>> No.17815657

Where is your DAG mainnet.

>> No.17815670
File: 2.81 MB, 1280x720, 24324324234.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whales pump this to top 50 after staking unlocks?
Where the hell did you Fantomiac morons learn basic economics? So you financially illiterate idiot seriously believe that when half of the supply is dumped on the market at the very same time, you scamming and spamming psychos believe the price will skyrocket? Fantom will crash hard and go to zero, just like Bitconnect did. Even with an artificial decrease in supply via staking, the price of your scammy shitcoin is falling. Imagine what will happen when everyone is free to dump. Plus your Fantom team has been dumping on you for months. Time for you crazy Fantom "investors" aka ignorant onecoin gamblers, to put down your crack pipe, pic related.

>> No.17815716
File: 193 KB, 860x1200, DAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainnet with horizontal scaling and big data onchain, as first and only blockchain in crypt space, tentative end of month.

Constellation (DAG) will be top 10 CMC within the next coming months. Every idiot ought to be able to see this after watching these short videos:




>> No.17815815

Shizo is getting desperate. MTV has already flatlined and pull a BCC. DAG is on its way next. No volume, no interest. Get out while you still can.

>> No.17815893

B-but muh Econ 101. Why else do you think whales are staking right now and not selling? It’ll dip when it unlocks but the weeks after you’ll see the big movers push up the price and volume.

Also this is just pathetic. Top 10 in the next few months? hahahaha you’ll be lucky if volume is over $50k

>> No.17815941

How can you be so right while also being so wrong? FTM and DAG are both literal who shitcoins that will never do anything of note

>> No.17816082

>whales not selling
Have you even seen the price of FTM?

>> No.17816120

Also this.
Delusional scammer.

The only reason schizo is fudding fantom is because he works for the DAG team in some capacity or is a heavy bagholder.
The mainnet has been delayed countless times and will be delayed again citing Air Force NDAs. The volume is pitiful and no serious exchange will list it. The fact that even bitmax refused to list DAG should be proof enough of the low tier brainlet bait scam that is DAG.

>> No.17816388

>The only reason schizo is fudding fantom is because he works for the DAG team in some capacity or is a heavy bagholder.
That's absolutely rubbish. I have also warned against Nano, >>/biz/thread/16596049, Bitconnect etc etc

>> No.17816870

More lies from the scamming spamming DAG schizo. I have warned this board about people like you before and I will continue to do so until you are all gone.

>> No.17816931
File: 66 KB, 715x660, 98695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off paid spamming Fantom scammer. 38 scammers in "marketing" paid by Fantom Foundation and no devs.

>> No.17816941

More copypasted lies from the unpaid spamming scamming DAG schizo.

>> No.17816956

dude, unless you are paid by Fantom, you should realize by now this was always a cash-grab scam.

get out because you bleed another 50%. buy monero or something. or BDK (an exchange token that's worth a damn)

>> No.17817007

Fuck off with your blatant shilling, you're just as bad as the schizo, at least he tries to make it less obvious than "BUY MY COIN SIRS IT IS BETTER THAN {THREAD.TOPIC}"

>> No.17817111
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>> No.17817235

I actually dug into this, and that 'cbdc' is an incubator ran by the south africa central bank.
It's not meant as a technology to use, it's a demonstration, among other projects. Some banks are participating and are going to review the solutions.

In short, it's absolutely nothing. Anyone starting in that program gets to make a mvp after fulfilling basic conditions. One of which is extreme black affirmative action (BEE+) which cuts most things at the start, but that's another topic.

>> No.17818689

I made my best trade selling the binance listing, and now I am actually thinking to get my suicide stack back if 100k will go bellow 200usd. Imagine I sold 66k for 0.3btc a while back, lol

>> No.17818756

FTM finally fully transitioned, Fiat To Merde

>> No.17818793


>> No.17819770
File: 38 KB, 460x389, EKQvG9uXUAAdQhB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fantom will go places on horseback at high speeds once banks announce.

>> No.17819984

>once banks announce..
so never

>> No.17820048

Kept telling faggots here that it’s a chink coin and they shouldn’t trust this coin but they called me a fud shill. Same with harmony one, matic newtork and nkn. With chinks you always lose. When will people learn.

>> No.17820967

yawn, yet another spectre pumpndump

>> No.17820990


>visible conk

>> No.17821115

I feel better knowing it AND DAG are both going into the toilet.