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17815908 No.17815908 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized that the fiat system working after 1971 will collapse in the next 3 months if this virus shit continues.

Before with the gold standard the economy could stop and nothing would happen becuase fiat was backed by a real good with a natural low supply/inflation.

While this may not seem that relevant to a "fiat collapse".
What will happen when taxes stop coming due to economy being frozen?

They will need to print absurd ammount of money but that will put everyone into very high taxrates crashing the economy even more.

On a gold standard system the economy would not be reliant on taxation to prevent inflation because the fact that governments would not be able to pump mean they would not have created this house of cards in the first place.

I am serious wtf is going to happen when the government tax levels collapse?They literally have no reserves to endure this, the system relies on printing and taxation to control inflation.

And after 1971 the entire taxation system is dependant on economic mobility such as vat or income taxes.

>> No.17815914

On top of that if they stimulate the economy to prevent the tax collapse they will cause massive infaltion in foods since no one will be buying industrial goods while fearing they may lose their jobs.

>> No.17815957
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>> No.17815982
File: 85 KB, 1166x777, nimitz-a-USS-Nimitz-Largest-Aircraft-Carrier-in-The-World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the USD is backed by the US armed forces, it will always be reliable.

>> No.17815992
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The thing is that this is a systemic system failure , even if they brrrrrrrrrrrrr the money won't circulate due to the economy freezing.

Meaning that taxes will collapse no matter what they do to insane levels , meaning that deficits may go 50x which means the printing + deficit + supply line disruption will cause retarded inflation.

This is the happening that will bring down the post 1971 fiat system, it's so obvious but no one saw it , it's literally a systemic failure.

At least before they could endure the deficit era with reserves now there are no reserves , the reserves are other fiat that will suffer the same.

>> No.17816020

Not if they can't pay for the armed forces fuel, you are talking about a systemic collapse.

A bizarre event when you analyze it seriously it's like serious inflation mixed with serious deflation in one event.

But i get your point burgerland is the most prepared country in this regard , specially due to food independence.

But still if the inflationary event causes everyone to enter high tax levels + limits on things like banking and credit cards are not updated for inflation this will fuck burgers even more.

>> No.17816046

Also if everyone escapes to the usd the usa will be so deindustrialized they won't be able to even buy a sailboat now that i think about it.

I mean if everyone escapes to the usd the usa will suffer massive deflation(while internally it will suffer massive inflation in things like housing or healthcare).

>> No.17816053
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>systemic system failure

>> No.17816068

>the USD is backed by the US armed forces
Yeah, whenever my local gas station tries to raise prices, the US Marines roll in and defend the USD at gunpoint, lol.

>> No.17816109
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i mean it's unprecedented when you think about it the entire fiat system relies on heavily taxation that is dependant on economic growth(the type of taxes that go up depending on economic growth or down depending on economic slowdown).

But this is something unique a total freeze on the economy will rekt this so hard that i am suprised no one is talking about it.

We are talking about 30% deficits in first world nations maybe more.
Because you are not talking about yearly taxes like a tax on property but taxes like vat or income that depend on economic growth.

And most governments are now depending on those taxes.

He got a point tough but it may be for the worse because if the usd is the only currency standing everyone will buy it causing deflation for the usa to the point that even service jobs would be outsourced due to how cheap foreign labor will be relative to usa labor.

It's what trump is bitching about everyone devaluating against the usd but on steroids.

>> No.17816133
File: 36 KB, 459x612, istockphoto-491696350-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The USA is the MOST POWERFUL NATION ON THE PLANET. You need to take the Zeihan pill man.

>> No.17816163

What are AI and robots for? Mutts have no soul

>> No.17816164
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I know about the zeihanpill but the boomer is selling a story to other boomers in conferneces.

Yes if you own farm land in burgerland you will be fine.
But everyone else is getting fucked even burgers the fucking boomer tell stories like chinese buying appartments in LA to hide money as a good thing.

It's not a good thing , it's the fiat system collapsing, a young american is now out of the housing market because some boomer sold his property to a chinese escaping fiat inflation.

The entire system is a house of cards and this may be the event that fucks it up.

>> No.17817129

Ftfy and its not the us

>> No.17817164
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Jesus Christ. Stop smoking weed anon. Clearly, you don't know how markets work.

>> No.17818126

I have been through 1 banking collapse , 3 currency failures, on deflation collapse ,one inflationary collapse and have read quite a bit of economic history.

This is unprecedented, the fiat system was built in 1971 not in the 1800s or 1700s fucking 50 years ago.
This system was never put under stress like this they can't just use the printer on this one.

>> No.17818155

how the fuck does military back a currency? this is completely retarded. it would only make sense on a macro scale pre and post world war 3 with target countries trying to take advantage of the US somehow

>> No.17818310

Part of the plan anon, this is a total financial reset which has been planned for for decades, corona is a diversion but also a fake catalyst. It will be backed by gold and cryptocurrency will be the reserve.