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17808786 No.17808786 [Reply] [Original]

was this virus made by USA to fuck the financial markets and to fuck china, ofc?

>> No.17808790

The virus was made to ruin your life specifically

>> No.17809421

I can't believe the kikes made this virus just to cripple trumps chances at winning the election.
China was in on it.
Don't worry he pumped the market yesterday. The Democrats won't get away with this.

>> No.17809483

It was made by China to get Trump out of office.

>> No.17809988

No no no, it was made by the Armenians to destroy the Chinese supply chains so that Kim Kardashian could lead a Private Equity takeover using LA Armenian and also Kanye's rapper's friend's money so they can then can control all American industry with the net goal of making Armenia once again the the king of all nations and the true Caucasians rulers of the world...
or at least that's as stupid/valid as any of these other anthropogenic theories.

>> No.17810012

fabricated by the democratic party, i read about it on drudge report

>> No.17810055

Wasn't it basically confirmed it started from a bio lab?

>> No.17810100

Meant to demonstrate the importance of self sufficiency, isolationism, nationalism, not outsourcing everything overseas for cheaper profits and instead keep jobs in the US

>> No.17810107

>orb viruses
basic and boring
>orb virus with star shapes
okay this one is cute
>worm virus
>green geometric virus with pokey bits
looks alien, be careful
Look at this champion, this king of viruses, this master of design. A walking pedestal for it's own glory. A hyper futuristic nano syringe/moon lander combo. What a chad.

>> No.17810117

purely anecdotal. There was a biotesting lab that experimented with bats near the market.
It's tempting to think that some lackadaisical Chinese researcher didn't decontaminate properly after getting bitten by a bat and inadvertently brought it out into the wider public. But what's more likely is that it's a successful mutation of a virus that has fucked with humanity's shit since it first jumped form horses to humans in the late 19th century.

>> No.17810139

I’m partial to the giant final fantasy crystal on its head

>> No.17810173

Oh yeah dude there was a lab testing corona from bats near the market where corona from bats pandemic started. But it's purely anecdotal to believe it has anything to do with this, it's pure coincidence and if you think otherwise you are a dumb schizo. I mean a biolab playing with the exact same virus near the outbreak location? Happens all the time!

>> No.17810181

Pro-tip: Viruses (including AIDS) aren't real.

>> No.17810203

Yes it is a coincidence. Do you know how fucking common Coronaviridae are? No you don't.
Do you have any evidence that it is indeed the exact same genome? Or is it just a close relative?
What about the hundreds of other biolabs that didn't have outbreaks? Or did have minor outbreaks we don't even know about?

>> No.17810220

China is pretty chad too be quite honest.

>Doesn't bow to Western like other Asian cucks
>Manipulates own currency so they can gain $$
>Fucks over Western cucks for generations while growing in wealth
>Buys up all American properties and Businesses
>NBA, Disney, Netflix, Blizzard, and hundreds of other Corporation bows down too the mighty Chang China
>Spreads virus too Americucks too collapse its economy

How can one country be so fucking based?

>> No.17810247


>> No.17810258

>after getting bitten by a bat
nigga this isn't spiderman, it's more likely improper waste disposal, chinese scientists are pretty yahoo when it comes to safety regulations.

>> No.17810264

>lags behind every other developed economy throughout the 20th century despite massive territory, population, and resources
>settles for slave vassal status to the West in exchange for gibs
>now valued primarily for its enormous consoomer market and willingness to trade the health of its people for the ability to mass produce garbage

>> No.17810294


>> No.17810315

it was a race between the lab and the bat soup people whoever won we all lose

>> No.17810344

What's the viruses endgame? Why do they want to reproduce?

>> No.17810365

I remember asking myself this in high school when I learned that viruses aren't technically alive, but then I asked "well heck, what's OUR endgame?"


>> No.17810455

so why are you alt-right incels so threatened by china so much? if its such a fuckup then why do you guys spend so much energy hating it? lmao

>> No.17810473


>> No.17810518

they just want to coom

>> No.17810713

I don’t hate China, I don’t like smoothbrain commie subversive retards because they are annoying and gay

>> No.17810743

keep coping bitch

>> No.17810760

*copes a feel*

>> No.17810763

Honestly starting to believe this

>> No.17810769


It was made by China to fuck with the US economy and election but got out of the box early. Thing is, this is actually 8D Chess that le Ebil Orange Man knew they would attempt.

Even further, Trump baited China into doing this as:

gives the public a sample of Bernie's breadlines

shows that he is fucking on top of shit and will come out golden having saved the fucking planet

shows that capitalism and america's medical system / biotech is the best in the world

on top of all of that, he will cuck the EU and Merkel and let them cook in brown fever looking like inept retards until they finally take a fucking knee and ask for help (after paying up their UN dues)

Undeniably the greatest president in our lifetimes, but sell in 3 years when the beta-bitch republican and Xer Marx are rolled out in 3 years to totally blow America's lead and pull us back down in the shit with the rest of the world.

>> No.17810839

>muh trump is secretly a genius guys!

im the most right wing person you will meet but you guys are so full of fucking shit

>> No.17811877

made by chine to buy back production from occidental kikes. also china's economy is doing pretty well for a country that theoretically was in quarantine for 3 months, while the west markets and real economies are turning to shit hard and fast, a lot of euro countries are about to go into recession, even smart and rich ones will be seeing tremendous downturn, and i for one am happy for it

>> No.17812119

Not it is a conspiracy between toilet paper manufactures because people these days only use bidets or don't wipe their ass.

>> No.17812158

Other way around. I will tout America's economic model all day but the place where China has got us is government geopolitical strategy. They don't have to worry about elections, they can craft destructive long term strategies to hurt their opponents even if it causes collateral damage at home. I'm almost convinced they unleashed this virus during an election year to get rid of a big opponent (Trump) as well as possibly rebalance their fucked population pyramid. Curious how it only kills people 70 and over, huh? In a totally socialized society like China the elderly are a massive, massive liability and drag on their economic potential.

>> No.17812188

Jesus fucking Christ, anon.

>> No.17812207


Someone in Trump's campaign/administration is a genius because it's remarkably effective and on point. Then he gets on a podium and has trouble articulating that in a convincing way.

>> No.17812210

Euthanasia for boomers? But one must ask a question, those who are young now will eventually be oldfags there is no stopping it and you wouldn't want to be shoah'd when your old because of ill conceived ideas of economic expansion?

>> No.17812228


Remember how China had the one child policy? That put a massive, 30 year fuck up in their population pyramid where they have way more people 60 and over than middle age and young. Economists have mused about how that's going to kill their economic potential eventually, especially as they're socialized. Well, this would be quite an efficient way to address that. Usually infants are just as vulnerable to a virus as the elderly and that hasn't been the case with this one. How lucky huh?

>> No.17812283

There’s truth in this. China is fucked when it comes to the elderly. There’s no retirement. The one child policy fucked things up because parents needed a boy to grow up and be successful so they could take care of them when they’re old. Now you can have a kid and if it’s a girl then you can again. If it’s a boy then one and done. There’s too many old people and not enough at the bottom to support them.

>> No.17812302

viruses are self replicating machine, but what they don't tell you is that viruses are actually everywhere in our universe, their automated nature might point toward other intelligent life forms (source: trust me)

>> No.17812328

just look at how the media and dems blame trump for this as if it was 100% his fault. i'm not a MIGA-fag but clearly this is coordinated somehow to make him look bad. all you have to do is look up how the media reacted towards h1n1, and see that they simply did not blame obama at all for vilify him in his handling of it. the fucking shitlibs failed with russia collusion (aside from putting 2 trump-connected guys in jail), they failed impeachment, now it's media-hyped "super flu". and yes, the /cvg/ threads are very popular because they feed into /pol/'s existing love of happenings. people are panicking because sites like this helped spread all those weird videos from china of people in containment suits with guns, and random idiots fainting in iran.

of course china is anti-trump, because he's been busting their balls about tariffs, and china accused the usa of sponsoring the hk protests. with this virus, china achieved two big goals: ended the hk protests, since people are too afraid to go out now, and also showed the entire world how fucked the economy gets if china shuts down.

>> No.17812350


All life operates just like a virus. We all have the same goal: propagation. Because propagation is the only way to exist. If that isn't the goal, you don't exist, ergo it is the only goal.

>> No.17812473

it could be engineered to kill weak old people above age 50, then stay in the body of younger people, so that when they do eventually reach old age, it kills them too. that way, the government (both in china and usa) doesn't have to payout monthly SSI for their senior populations. there's also a YUGE % of italians who are elderly. my elementary understanding of viruses is that you can't build immunity to them, they somehow get you either later on, or immediately. look at HIV/AIDs for example. it just stays in the bodies of faggots and roasties and slowly kills them unless they have millionaire-tier health care. recall the joke from southpark of magic johnson getting injected with money to survive as the cure to HIV. which brings me to the question of whether tom hanks will survive. yes he will, for that reason I just mentioned. they engineered it, released it, and know how to control it for their elite members. people in the Los Angeles area started prepping around end of Feb but went into turbo-drive when they heard their beloved nigBallassociation was on hold, and that tom hanks got it.

so many different goals are being accomplished right now with this combination of virus + media hype. of course, being fans of happenings, a lot of /pol/tards will help spread panic, just look at the guy posting webms in here. imagine saving these vids of dead chinks on your PC.

>> No.17812553
File: 198 KB, 1024x682, wine aunt cat lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. that's why they also want to push LGBTQ and hook-up culture, because there's too many people now. there's also too many low quality shitskins as well as jersey-shore type whites. look into abortion stats, a high % of them are blacks or half black fetuses. the Elites spent the last 20 years pushing feminism to maximize their tax gains from both working men and women, along with more sales revenue generated from simps working harder to buy luxury shit for entitled women. are now they are deploying their next master stroke with this virus that mainly kills old people. i'm not saying that if you're younger than 50 you are immune. it will fuck your shit up too, just like a Flu and perhaps even worse, but you'll be strong enough to survive. when i was in my twenties i remember getting the flu badly, twice, and it was 7-12 days of just pure agony but i got over it.

everyone knows the flu is the worst thing you can get, whether stomach or respiratory. now they are making this chinkflu out to be some sort of bioweapon super-killer. thus the massive panic to buy supplies.

>> No.17812575

my mistake, i meant the guy posting webms in this other thread: >>>/pol/248174247

the virus has gone viral, especially on 4chan. there's now like 7 threads on /biz/ talking about it. before last week, 100% of threads were about shitcoins and how to make money without working.

>> No.17812748
File: 105 KB, 828x1472, 47E93B49-C8A8-49F8-A0AA-1AFB548268E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a fucking retard? He shrugged it off for weeks and didn’t take it serious until yesterday. Pic related is you.