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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17804321 No.17804321 [Reply] [Original]

What's going to happen?

>> No.17804437

If this market wasn't a complete clown shitfest then dump down through the triangle. But fuck knows.

>> No.17804505

its gonna dump? how new are you?

>> No.17804589


Yeah my stop buy accidentally triggered or rather, I put it too low so now I'm contemplating selling because it looks like we're going lower. It is bitcoin though, and there are many more shorts than longs right now. That usually means unexplained spikes and huge liquidations.

>> No.17804616

be honest with your self, have you use bitcoin for anything other than speculation?

is speculation useful when people are afraid to go outside?

>> No.17805024
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>> No.17805165


>> No.17805176

Hopefully one final dump, make some bullish divergence on the oscillators and hit the .886 retrace around 4400, then moon.

>> No.17805179
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>> No.17805188
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giga pump to 7k

the bankers bought your bitcoin at the bottom again
thanks for playing

>> No.17805217

you do realise we dropped 40% in 24 hours, and it's not even half way up to the point where we dropped from bull-boi?

>> No.17805234
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i closed my short from 10k at 4k.
have fun shorting the bottom newfag.

>> No.17805248

There will be a multi week period of endless fakeouts and shakeouts and extreme low volume crabbing followed by a fake pump then fake dump then real pump to new ATH

>> No.17805256

bitcoin has lost all credibility

>> No.17805309
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Probably more like this.

>> No.17805375

yes I forgot about the bitmexican owner

>> No.17805396

>be honest with your self, have you use bitcoin for anything other than speculation?
I have and if you or anyone reading this haven't then you're newfags and need to go back.

>> No.17805438

>he thinks we're at the bottom
i'll see you in about 2 hours.

>> No.17805443

7k? We are going to smash through ATH like toilet paper when they announce bail-ins.

Trump paved the way for student loan debt forgiveness yesterday. Debtfags no longer have to make payments during the 'crisis', but nobody is going to have the balls to turn them back on during the depression. Shit is going to get so ugly for normies it hurts me to even imagine it.

>> No.17805624

ive been smoking crack for the past 7 years of my life. should i be worried about te coronovirus? also heavily inbested in bitcoins

>> No.17805717

Imagine closing your short this early

>> No.17805809

he doesn't have to, his story is clearly made up

>> No.17805865

he probably longed 10k

>> No.17807172

nobody knows, anyone who tells you he does is an idiot.

>> No.17807199

need more meme lines

>> No.17807411

These "breakout" lines are so fucking stupid.
>omg check it out, according to these lines i drew this asset is either going to go up or down!!1

how is this informative in any way possible?

>> No.17807458
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>then moon

>> No.17807484

be careful anon, don't blaspheme around those who pray to the gods of technical analysis, or they will find away to predict your doom based on your past performance

>> No.17807782

It would've been less predictable during 2017, but nowadays this pattern 99% of the time ends with a dump.

>> No.17808251

well we just got our answer - huge dump

>> No.17808315

I buy out of spite for fiat but also have few hopes that others will embrace the cryptoes maybe its bc you cant make jewelry out of it so everyone seems to just throw it out at a moments notice you know?

>> No.17808325
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I tried to warn you pfffffft but you didn't listen pffffttt

>> No.17808337

Here's the cheatsheet.
Is it bullish? It's going to dump.
Is it bearish? It's going to dump.
Is it neither one of those two things? It's going to dump.

>> No.17808500

So what is the evidence this is bc of bubble and not that its the virus? the fed will inflate stocks again but that will inflate currency as people sell or dividends are paid so when anyone looks for store of value the thing based on computer power will see its mining grind to a halt thus strictly limiting new supply and eventually people stop panic selling or etc and price goeas up? either dis or eeconomic fundamentsals is actually bs and the fed can somehow magic themselves meaningful money w/o dealing with scarcity. poor fags always havescarcity and money is control so they just keep themselves rich with money printing and poor fags buy crypto but cant scrounge enough cash to beat rich peoples money printing based self inflation thus dispite crypto being the best asset as affords fundamentals the insane money printing of eliteoids will prevent anyone from making crypto valuable? except computing is always worth stuff....

>> No.17808829

lmao, imagine believing the agenda being pushed by mainstream media and not being aware that this crash has been coming for decades, being postponed by money printer going brrrrrr each time things crash

>> No.17808970

>What's going to happen?
The opposite of what most people think will happen

>> No.17809026


Nice, how much did you make roughly?

>> No.17809138

oh scuse me i knew that I just meant why the fuck is crypto dumping and why aren't you buying the dip?

>> No.17809285
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crypto is dumping because it's following BTC, and BTC is a dysfunctional shitcoin which has been propped up by mindless speculators who don't know what the word "fundamentals" means, but rather go around shouting "NUMBER GO UP", "MOOOOON", and "LAMBO"
BTC is about to go belly-up and take most of the cryptosphere with it, see this thread by a based guy for more pertinent details regarding what's happening right now, and also see image to understand better why it's happening right now
while there are some factors which has caused both things to happen now, ultimately the reason for why BTC is crashing and taking down crypto with it is not really related to why the economy is collapsing and taking the stock market with it

>> No.17809427

>ysfunctional shitcoin
you can move 430 mill for 60 cents using bitcoin
people have invested millions in mining equipment
other cryptos will def belly up but this is just big daddy bit scratching fleas off its back

>> No.17809523

I believe in Bitcoin, but the price can go MUCH lower before the big miners have a problem with it.

It's still profitable to mine in eastern europe and China, where the majority of the hashrate it.
3.8k will be broken if stocks dump like hell on monday. It's a raft in the sea of the global economy, the waves will effect it.

>> No.17809590

but it aint gonna sink so just wait for dumps and accumulate.
how is everyone so stupid to have even sold?
fucking fagtarded fucggits you all are it should moon when other shit is dying!! It ffeeds on death and entropy and blesses the deserving and based neets

>> No.17809674

then how does gold perform so well? jewelry? Guess we need bit jewelry.
oh wait most gold is traded on paper and most humans dont invite theft and assault on their person

>> No.17810080

you can't move anything of value at all, since
1) BTC will very soon be worth $0, and
2) miners will stop mining on the network, so you literally won't be able to move anything
again, see the image I attached to my last comment for why it doesn't matter that miners have invested all that money in equipment, it simply won't be profitable anymore, miners can't magically make number go up through wishful thinking
it is most definitely going to sink, to the very bottom where it will rust for eternity
people aren't stupid to sell, the people selling right now are among the smartest people left (I personally sold all BTC at $14k way back)
and it almost sounds like you're one of the imbeciles going around screaming "MOOOOON!" when BTC literally has zero utility from which to derive its fundamental value
gold has always been, and will always be, an incredibly valuable commodity, due its many unique properties as a metal combined with its rarity
jewelry is indeed something it's always been used for, and even if society were to collapse completely, people in whatever bands left would certainly like to acquire it
and yes, gold traded on paper is quite ridiculous, much like fiat currency itself (in fact, fiat currency originated as notes with which you could claim actual gold, and was only later decoupled, and similar moves in other incarnations have happened throughout the millennia)

>> No.17810137

People currently accept payment in bitcoin way more than gold so you're argument is literally irrelevant

>> No.17810634


Ever buy guns and cars with bitcoin? A few people I know have so with gold.

>> No.17810686

Why is the wave shrinking? What does it mean?

>> No.17810704

it mean it go up or down hehe

>> No.17810719


you forgot where you were, we short the bottom here

>> No.17810976
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>he think he knows the future
kidnap him

>> No.17810991
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>> No.17811027

this is the scenario that i prepared for with my orders
so most likely this won't happen

>> No.17811298
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>> No.17811381

TA is meaningless.

>> No.17811386
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>> No.17811391

Sicker then your average nigger killer, Twist niggers heads off fucking stink niggers and gayers, Chicken wing eating players triple K hooligans like Moonman, Dead right if they had rights fucking your mom every night.

>> No.17811441

Is the short squeeze over?Resume dumping?

>> No.17811453
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>> No.17811459
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a huge dump

>> No.17811500
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we flat line

>> No.17811532

you and that poster are both retards

>> No.17811570

So, what you are saying, is that satoshi is a fool for holding onto his original bags?

>> No.17811587
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I would short this.

>> No.17811590

Crab wins. Everyone go home

>> No.17811690
File: 98 KB, 1644x1014, nigmex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally nobody left to liquidate below 3.5k and their dump bot ended at 3.9k. It's fucking over for bears you missed your shot. The only reason we see lows now is to liquidate the longs that piled on between here and 3.9k which is probably fucking nobody because anybody who was long already got liquidated.

>> No.17811814

nah nath u fine

>> No.17811816

Btc is the only version of Bitcoin that is developing a small fee market, yet people always bring up this fud. The subsidy to fee ratio for the forks is basically non existent. Keeping the blocks small while helps maintain decentralization and keeps fees a bit higher to encourage miners

>> No.17812317

Anything to say bitch?

>> No.17812353
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>> No.17812968

Stop doing that.

>> No.17813001

Imagine typing all that and still being fucking retarded.

>> No.17813592

You literally can if you're not a boomer who doesn't use internet.

>> No.17813651

doesnt look like a reversal pattern at all

>> No.17813662

wtf I love government healthcare now

>> No.17813685

you forget the part where BTCs chart is almost perfectly correlated with the general economy which is completely tanking right now.

>> No.17813712

>there is this alleged invisible threat that no one can see so we literally implemented eugenics without asking anyone or telling you, lmao

>> No.17813722
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Shutting down BitMEX and its liquidation engine could save the crypto markets.

>> No.17814019

nice counterargument
do you kiss your sister with those fingers

>> No.17814062

I do a lot of fasting(so not a lot of shiting) and use a bidet
norimes cant handle my wet clean ass powers

>> No.17814541

>Shutting down BitMEX and its liquidation engine could save the crypto markets.
Maybe people should stop using them. No one forcing you to use 100x leverage on a bucket shop website.

>> No.17814553

>80 year olds are breeding age