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>> No.17805883

Based jews

>> No.17805890

Only GUSH posting allowed in this thread

>> No.17805902
File: 192 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200314-104134_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He thinks stonks go up

>> No.17805909

both France and Spain are about to be on lock down, bulls are going to get BTFO amazingly hard next week

>> No.17805915

It's not betting on the end

It's betting on the clear seasonality as shown by global spread patterns and R0 differences.

Wuhan Chinas #1 tourist destination in the world was Thailand.

Enough said if you have any reasoning abiliyut

>> No.17805927
File: 30 KB, 599x617, 1583976317273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so did anybody else buy DGX and LH or not?

>> No.17805930

>b-but democratic nations can't act like China

>> No.17805931
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>you did buy puts for Monday, right anon?

>> No.17805937
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climate change and CO2 emissions will save us. Do your part and warm the earth.

>> No.17805944

israel is a nazi regime

>> No.17805949

is that pic real? da joos can't seriously be behind this shit too can they? was it all just so they could get cheapies?

>> No.17805950

No Stacy, you see, I'm what they call a SilverChad.

>> No.17805960
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>he bought? (SQQQ)

>> No.17805975
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is GE dead? feeling like i should buy leaps

>> No.17805976

I have short term puts on EWP (bought before the lockdown announcements), INDA (India will get assraped), and EWW (under-reporting severely in Mexico).
Long term, OTM calls on XOM and USO.

>> No.17805978

up to a point it's more authoritarian than say the EU
but you're kidding yourself if you think any of the other democracies would be unwilling to do this shit if it's getting too out of hand.

>> No.17805980
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the economy is fine, everything is fine you guys. look here, he signed the chart and everything. why else would he do that, if not because the crisis is now over?

>> No.17805984

Hell yeah brother sitting in my truck "supervising" some Mexicans digging a foundation for a Slug catcher, getting OT too lol 24 dollars an hour to watch Mexicans dig a hole

>> No.17805992

>18 #coronavirus #COVID19 cases in this 1 town, >25% of all cases in NJ! Mayor calling for all 40k residents to self-quarantine. My story at 6
P-please self-quarantine.

>> No.17806022
File: 30 KB, 300x301, 1579559873831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes I did.. you and your friend should come over to my place..... i also bought some toilet paper

>> No.17806030
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PFE domestically manufactures the majority of the medications which we use on a daily basis in an ER or ICU. KCL, CaCL, MgSo4, NaHCO3, epinepherine, amiodarone, nitrogylcerin, you name it. PFE is one of the few things I actually bought last week.

>> No.17806043
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1547626818464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews dump the market by releasing the virus
>They start accumilating a shit ton of shares in companies making them the new majority (or close to majority) shareholders
>Magically makes a vaccine
>Golden bull run begins
>Jews control even more

Damn, who could have known

>> No.17806055

bought some DGX and PFE calls on friday at close

>> No.17806057

Now post timestamp of the 3 month repo nigger

>> No.17806067

Is /smg/ usually this active over the weekends?

>> No.17806068
File: 21 KB, 479x222, weekend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17806073

Is this real? There is no way that is sustainable, surely he knows better...

>> No.17806082

with the jews, you lose

>> No.17806086


>> No.17806089

>Damn, who could have known
just about everyone on 4chan.....

>> No.17806097
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Hypothesis: start buying in at the same time that toilet paper becomes widely available.

>> No.17806112

Question: I put in a bunch of limit sell orders above where my stocks are at to make a profit, but I'm also considering putting some sell orders below where they are now in case everything shits itself.

Is this worth doing? I'm afraid of having things hit -50% but I also really want to avoid selling at a loss.

>> No.17806116

Oil is gonna drop like fuck on monday. Get ready to buy those cheapies boys. Sucks that dividends will likely get fucked for the next few months

>> No.17806117

no, but shit is flying off the rails at this point.
my mother sent me a picture of someone auctioning off like 4 squares of TP for $1 each, and people were fucking buying them.
yes it is, you can google it if you wish he sent it to Lou Dobbs.
it's pants on head retarded given market volatility and the fact much of that surge was trump actually sounded like he was taking the crisis seriously. I guess stimulus being passed might keep the market green monday but I wouldn't bet money on it.

>> No.17806120
File: 410 KB, 638x720, 1579112212241.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italy will be okay. Fearmongering should be stopped.

>> No.17806135

Trump saving Italy too.

Tomorrow is a national day of prayer. I hope you will all contribute to stopping coronavirus.

>> No.17806139

Just went out for hand sanitizer and lysol in rural fucking Canada and stores are out of pretty much all cleaning products

>> No.17806141

With all this banking stimulus shit about to happen, would 28$ Bank of America calls a year and a half out be? Seems cheap enough to sit on a few contracts for a while and ride it out.

>> No.17806148
File: 1.04 MB, 2160x2160, 20200314_164246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody do anything cool for White Day? We just had wagu rib eyes.

>> No.17806159

Anon why would you show me this? I didn't have to watch numbers on the weekend, until now. I mean thanks, because >>17805902 but yeah, you're still a dick. How often does this weekend action follow through to Monday?

>> No.17806160
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>Tomorrow is a national day of prayer.
I'm already prepared.

>> No.17806161

same situation in upstate NY/PA, for the record if you own pets stock up on food now because people are panic buying that too, but no one talks about it. I got lucky and had some extra money to get some extra just in case

>> No.17806168

just use soap and water for 30s, it's more effective than those hand sanitizers

>> No.17806169

You want a stop order if you're placing it below current price. A standard limit sell will fill immediately at the bid. A stop will not get activated until the price reaches your stop. Note that your broker may not allow you to have both a high limit sell and a stop loss for the same shares active.

>> No.17806178
File: 84 KB, 634x845, 1580514393143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mild control measures so the disease slowly spreads throughout the population. Keep schools and workplaces open so people who aren't at risk of dying get infected and recover. Keep old people and other at risk groups isolated. When the next wave of corona inevitably hits a large portion of the population would be immune so vunerable people are less at risk. After a few waves the country will have herd immunity.
The thinking behind this is that putting cities under quarantine just delays the inevitable and once the quarantine is lifted everyone gets infected all at once and you're back to square one except now your economy is all fucked up

The whole thing is a big gamble because we aren't 100% sure if people become immune after getting infected or not and we aren't 100% sure if the disease causes long term damage to the body. If the strategy works as intended then the UK comes out of the pandemic much stronger than other coutries and the population will be immune if future outbreaks happen. If it doesn't work as intended then the UK has needlessly killed millions of it's own people in a science experiment

>> No.17806195


>that video

clown world

>> No.17806196

UK will be fine. it's not the best plan but it's a good one. Also the climate is better than rest of Europe, they will naturally have lower R0

>> No.17806206

>A few weeks
Vaccine won't help after everyone's already been infected. Even if we had the vaccine today, it would take weeks for the body's adaptive immune response to make antibodies

>> No.17806223

Now it is, i remember robinhood general only being active during market hours

>> No.17806226

I can't put a sink in my car, I agree though.

>> No.17806239

>A jail in Ohio is looking to release hundreds on inmates due to concern of Coronavirus spread.

>> No.17806245

why. Donald said he's going to fill up

>> No.17806259
File: 48 KB, 1171x486, EITpr6BXkAYvxQk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monday comes.

>> No.17806261

Just wash your hands often. You dont need to go full autist.

>> No.17806263


>> No.17806264
File: 602 KB, 720x720, 17FAB48C-A3FC-42E2-8387-6B72A4037309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based fellow medfag
i wish GE Health or whatever traded separately, we use a lot of their equipment

>> No.17806266

dont touch your face

>> No.17806275

I'm retarded, is this bullish or bearish?

>> No.17806279
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>climate is better than rest of Europe

>> No.17806281
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If oil is $45 per barrel, what does that do for GUSH?

>> No.17806283

We got a 50 pack of masks, plenty of toilet paper, a chest freezer full of meat, a propane generator, a well full of water, plenty of canned goods, pasta, sauces, a couple dozen MREs, more of that freeze dried food with the 30 year shelf live. 2 things of lysol, more detergent, a few gallons of white vinegar, plenty of spices and oil. Oh and guns and ammo. I think i'm going to make it.

>> No.17806285

I live with my asthmatic immunocompromised grandmother, I absolutely need to go full autist. Who will bake my tendies if boomer remover removes her?

>> No.17806287

trusting jews

>> No.17806294

Don't use logic. Please pump the market on monday. M i have some calls open. :/

>> No.17806300
File: 8 KB, 402x198, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bad?

>> No.17806304

Based and bobopilled

>> No.17806306

For someone who's a billionaire and a master negotiator, you'd think he would know about not to announce a major buy before you intend to complete it.

>> No.17806310

depends how it gets there and how the fund rebalances in the process.

>> No.17806320

black man put into quarantine leaves to shoplift convenience store nearby and then hops on public bus.


>> No.17806324
File: 34 KB, 538x486, vince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go deeper anon

>New trading apps allow idiots to invest
>Inexperienced so panic sell and use stop losses improperly
>Pull money out at huge loss and sell to jews for pennies

Rinse and repeat. Easy transfer of wealth.

>> No.17806330


>> No.17806332
File: 834 KB, 2401x3000, 1584043219977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sterilizes blacks and retards
>controls borders
>strong military
>strong tech
>strong social services

Yup theyre nazis, except they are too pussy to fight their own battles unlike the real nazis.

>> No.17806342
File: 58 KB, 600x450, 1562629872723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that SNSS Tranny's account balance?

>> No.17806345

I heard there was a second strain in chink land now

>> No.17806367

> Implying a trip could make that much to begin with

>> No.17806370

What do you expect from niggers. Fuck my state. They let a woman who says she was positive on a plane walk away along with everybody on board because no symptoms.

>> No.17806376
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Our government is going to prop it up to the tune of billions.

>> No.17806378


>> No.17806387

In this market im not sure how much stop losses can help you lad. Stocks are slingshoting all over the place right now and you might get taken out and the very next moment your stock could bounce back. If i was long i would either be long stocks that i'd want to hold long term without stop losses or i would at least hedge them with a short position.

In general you want to look at the Average True Range of the stock (weekly/monthly/yearly depending on how much you plan to hold) and put your stop losses around there
Also, never limit your upside, if your stock starts mooning place a reasonable trailing stop loss and let it ride

>> No.17806403

>let's call it pure luck
I wonder what sort of poison these kikes are going to foist on the goyim this time?

>> No.17806415

Fuck you for equating the economic system nationalist socialist used to kikes. You are the one using a kike term that they never used for themselves, kike. Go back to your gulag.

>> No.17806416
File: 80 KB, 640x640, 1564710440077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek good point

>> No.17806417

wtf i love jews now

>> No.17806429

Need an oldfag to help me with an Uber buy put for Monday. New to options. Grace me with your wisdom: how would you do it?

>> No.17806449

nice me too, i got the short term ones for march 20. what about you? on monday im going to pick up some more longer term ones

>> No.17806458

you will have a fuck ton of more information tomorrow after futures open to work with.

>> No.17806470

why didnt you listen to us 3 months ago

>> No.17806478

Thank you based anon. I’ll be back tomorrow

>> No.17806488

Go to Investopedia and read everything related to options before you get rekt, lel. Why are you buying a put on Uber? What is your thesis as to why you think the stock will decrease in price?

>> No.17806494

Today's stonk tip :
Ignore gush shill, hide gush shill posting. Someone is desperately trying to get you to take their bags on this penny stonk that was in a death spiral even before the crash.
Imagine shilling on /smg/ like a memecoiner, such is the level of butthurt.

>> No.17806511

I bought $100 worth of GUSH at .52

>> No.17806516

I bought masks 2 months ago but didn't think about Lysol wipes, I've been following since the live raccoon "fish" market shut down.

>> No.17806525
File: 13 KB, 560x407, 1578034645398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets just call it (((pure luck)))

>> No.17806527

Not a GUSH shill but I would like to ask if you think that, despite being a penny stock now, it could not return to about the $5 it was before the 9th?

>> No.17806528

Not him, but Uber is over valued and people are using it less because of the social distancing.

>> No.17806536

What are the predictions on any changes to daily life over the next year or so, and/or when things get back to normal? As long as it's not literally the end of the world and things will eventually go back to normal in a reasonable amount of time (like 1-2 years), I'm fine with working from home indefinitely in all honesty. Great time to be an introvert I guess.

Like... are we looking at eating squirrels and shitting in a hole in the ground levels of fucking collapse that we can't return from, or are we just gonna be shut-ins for a year or two while some boomers die and their long term holdings lose a bunch of value in the short/medium term? Numbers go down isn't a big deal to me, just means I'm going short instead of long, I make money in both directions.

>> No.17806540

No problem. We all start somewhere. Make sure, whatever option you want to choose, DO NOT BUY TO OPEN!! Instead, you want to click "sell to open". Otherwise your downside will be unlimited.

>> No.17806554

Normally, you'd have to pay hundreds per hour for an oldfag to teach you. Be thankful you discovered /smg/. The links in OP is very helpful and free, so please do read it now that you have plenty time to stay at home doing either nothing or masturbating to hentai. Have fun buying stocks!

>> No.17806560

may and june.. basically just a shits and giggle gamble..

>> No.17806562

Today's stonk tip :
BUY GUSH. Someone is desperately trying MAKE YOU RICH on this 3X BULL ETF that was UNDERVALUED even before the crash.
Imagine being GUSHLESS on /smg/ like a DIVIDEND INVESTOR, such is the level of BOOMER.

>> No.17806571

Are we gonna see American banks go up because of Fed's pumping in cash??

>> No.17806581

3x ETFs are notorious for constantly reverse splitting, which this is about to do on the 23rd. It is mismanaged, stay the fuck away, and if you had any like I did, sell it to some boomer for +2% returns. That's about the best you can get on this trash.

>> No.17806582
File: 22 KB, 360x360, 1583002294690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, GUSH is still cheap.

>> No.17806584

>finance capstone is requiring a marketwatch game
>won last two games in other courses by maxing out in 3x ETFs
whats the winning strategy in a circus market?

>> No.17806586
File: 1.44 MB, 615x346, 1461797674057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GUSH decays constantly, look at the charts

i lost $2000USD on gush, fuck gush, Im investing in dividend providing federal backed oil companies who are at 2008 lows RN. Going to be getting a nice 8% yearly dividend + a recovery bonus in 6 months, feeling good.

>> No.17806589
File: 66 KB, 1440x960, GENIUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews sneak into wuhan
>release virus they made secretly, make it look like the chinese did it
>surprise surprise we just so happen to have the cure right here, goy!
>all goys love the jews now and they are seen as saviors

G E N I U S !

>> No.17806590

>help me with an Uber buy put for Monday
where are you getting this language from.. had a friend that talked like that.. would say he's buying a sell call or selling a buy put and shit like.. one time told him i have no idea what he is trying to say to me.. as he tried to explain it i just hung up and called him back and changed the subject.. he blew up his account about a month later.....

can never understand where people are getting this weird language from

>> No.17806594

I'm considering adding uber to my put list seen above, but can't say until I see what premiums are Monday morning.

>> No.17806600
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>Oil and gas

>> No.17806613
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>Im investing in dividend providing federal backed oil companies who are at 2008 lows RN. Going to be getting a nice 8% yearly dividend
surely nothing could go wrong there lol

>> No.17806615

GUSH fell to nothing during a bull market and it will fall eve more in a bear market. GUSH will NEVER GO UP.

>> No.17806620

i feel like if you just set a rule for yourself that you don't trade anything worth less than $20/share, you can easily save yourself a lot of heartache.

>> No.17806625

i wouldnt. go with inverse ETFs instead, less risk

>> No.17806632
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x799, 1563053208337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm market buying 100 GUSH at open just to spite you.

>> No.17806634


>> No.17806637


>> No.17806639

I can't believe some of you thought yesterday was the bottom. You are in for a reckoning. This won't end until businesses start filing for bankruptcy.

>> No.17806650
File: 229 KB, 1920x1276, 1920px-XQ-58A_Valkyrie_demonstrator_first_flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's stonk tip: Buy Kratos
1. Look how fucking sexy this sleek bird is
2. Hot damn, if that fighter had a pussy I'd fuck it so hard
3. God I love the stealth aesthetic
4. Loyal Wingwoman program, will ALWAYS be loyal to you
5. Pappa Musk said drones are the future of warfare

>> No.17806657

My 5/15 SPY 200 Put is reeling after yesterday.
I'm holding on to it for a little while longer. There's no way yesterday was the bottom. No way.

>> No.17806672



>> No.17806674

i wouldnt worry about name brand stuff like that. get some bleach, its easy enough to find still and will do just as good a job at disinfecting hard surfaces. not for fabric obviously but luckily the virus doesnt survive as long on fabric. it doesnt take much bleach either, just about 2-3% mixed iwth water is enough

>> No.17806686

You people have no idea what you're talking about. US oil is the least competitive among oil producing countries. I genuinely feel sorry for people falling for this horrifically ignorant shill. They will become broke and know none the better.

>> No.17806698

id say its more like a 90% chance of sure win. if you sell yours monday let me know im going to be buying more

>> No.17806713
File: 408 KB, 1550x1705, 16216546132447447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm still happy we got Trump instead of Clinton, but...

if Hillary was president instead, how do you think she'd be handling the crisis currently? feel free to include how you think the past 3+ years would have gone to set up the circumstances of how you think she'd handle it if you want.

>> No.17806716

>Exposure to Oil & Gas Exploration
>If it's not already in the pipeline, it gets priced against current Saudi oil dump.

How bout no. Sounds like someone is bag holding on a terminal patient.

>> No.17806749

They've actually been on my shopping list for a long time

>> No.17806752

It can't get much lower than it is now and will probably spike on the first good news, I'm sure I can double my $58 kek

>> No.17806758

i have a price target % wise that i'll take gains and losses on for that type of trade...

>> No.17806762
File: 39 KB, 384x313, 580b585b2edbce24c47b29f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um ok, its your money? Doesn't affect me at all. I own DRIP.

>> No.17806785

kek, people fretting over lack of sanitizer. But look over there. Plenty of Dawn's antibacterial dish soap. Does the same shit don't it? You clean your dishes with it and then eat from them. Doing that ain't killed you or made you sick yet after all these years so..

>> No.17806791

I got some at $11.20 on Friday, before the Trump Pump

Also consider any company involved in high grade sensors, drones, and communications. Turkey absolutely shredded the Syrian Army with cheap indigenous drones two weeks ago. It's absolutely the future of warfare.

>> No.17806794

>Like... are we looking at eating squirrels and shitting in a hole in the ground levels of fucking collapse that we can't return from
No. And stop reading /x/ and /pol/. This is a bad flu with potential for pneumonia. It's only really dangerous to the elderly and already sick from unrelated. The economic impact is definitely serious but there's no reason for it to be anything close to post apocalypse boog whatever.

>> No.17806795

probably get us involved in Syria heavily
no big tax changes, nothing gets done, lots of congress vs president talk

>> No.17806803

>It can't get lower
Let me guess, you don't even know they are doing a 40 to 1 reverse split? You don't know how a 3x ETF works?

>> No.17806805

this GUSHKEK is retarded but so are you. US Oil is competitive. Yes cost of extraction is higher than Russia or Saudi, but prices will undoubtedly rebound. Energy independence is extremely important for the defense of the US and gov won't let the industry be completely wiped out.

GUSH is fucking retarded because its a 3x EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION BULL ETF and is mismanaged as fuck, constantly reverse splitting.

Going long on US oil is fine, buy OTM leaps on USO (still risky), or better yet, the majors like XOM, OXY, etc. Or just buy shares outright. OXY will go back to paying a comfy dividend soon enough.

>> No.17806807

Ok also what is the deal with airlines? Are they fucked or not? Thinking about loading on puts 6 months out

>> No.17806815

Antibacterial doesn't do anything to a virus, regular soap is fine. Hand sanitizer is just convenient if you have a car.

>> No.17806816

Theres been one faggot who will just not shut the fuck up about it, last night he kept asking what people thought the price was going to be monday 5 times a tread like a non functioning autistic retard


>> No.17806818

heavily fucked, but probably getting a bailout

>> No.17806829

dumbass, IV is so f'in high right now. wait a bit and buy Boeing, you're getting it at almost a 50% discount. US wont let Boeing die, ever.

>> No.17806834

soap and water actually works better than anything alcohol based

>> No.17806835

>She would not have closed the pandemic office that Obama set up
No clue if that would actually stop or slow the Corona but it would be handled differently than now
>she would not have given all the trump tax cuts and all the CEO glad handing that Trump has done
Stocks would never have reached the record highs that they did last Feb so we probably wouldn't be seeing these massive drops

>> No.17806837

God I fucking hate boomers

>> No.17806843
File: 1.10 MB, 1023x991, 1570301470535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok let's say it skyrockets there on Monday

>> No.17806847

You're really worked up about me gambling $58, kek.

>> No.17806852

Back 2 reddit, normie

>> No.17806856

based, thanks for the advice.

>> No.17806857

This won't be reflected in the price until earnings hit though

>> No.17806858

is Trump taking advice from Cramer a good thing or a bad thing? i don't watch boomer news so idk how trustworthy/smart this guy actually is.

>> No.17806860

Ya I agree, why waste lives when you can just throw drones at your enemies

>> No.17806869

She will be making the same response that those European countries are making now

>> No.17806874

>boomer stepfather up until yesterday was unironically parroting shit like "the flu kills more people it's nothing"
>today wants to get a shotgun in case people try to rob the house after seeing all the panic buying and shit
I'm not making that up either, and I think technically he's gen x? since he's 50
I can't imagine the retardation of 65+ right now.

>> No.17806877

I plan on selling GUSH before they split it. Take whatever profit I can get. Better than losing.

>> No.17806892

What does the "break even price" mean on a put? I want to buy SPY and DOW puts but I'm afraid of fucking it up.

>> No.17806894

>oil will rebound
When? Not anytime soon, thats for fucking sure. This is an oil war, its not just going to stop when the market says so.

>> No.17806903

>so retarded he thought all old people are boomers

>> No.17806911

>Buying anything after an artificial pump

Fucking Top fucking Kek

>> No.17806916

Gush is low i dont see how buying a small amount could go wrong

>> No.17806918
File: 138 KB, 700x800, 1584124384218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Republicans (aka most boomers) literally think Trump is doing fine and everything is under control

>> No.17806919

That's what their called in clown world fren.

>> No.17806924


>> No.17806935



>> No.17806950

I'm merely memeing around with the label, I know he's not a literal boomer but I forget which generation is after them, is it in fact gen x?

but keep in mind this is a 50 year old calling it a nothing burger until it wasn't. imagine the actual old farts who are stubborn as fuck anyway. I recall someone just did an article about the ones STILL going on vacation even this week. Luckily my one grandmother lives in an old folks apartment building and can't drive, and the other one won't leave her town, so they should be relatively safe since we live quite rural.

>> No.17806956

Ok so long call on Boeing? Ima look it up but those premiums are probably expensive you nigger.

>> No.17806967

If you are so retarded you don’t know the gens, fucking google it you dumb fucking redditor

>> No.17806971


Do your fucking research

Also, it means exactly what it says.

How the fuck do you expect to make money on something you don't understand at all

>> No.17806973
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, 1576184010656m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... if oil goes from 30 to 45, a gain of 50%, GUSH should go up 150% to around $2.50 right?

>> No.17806975

>nigger on top

>> No.17806985
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If you guys could just stop saying oil will rebound, that'd be great

>> No.17806988
File: 783 KB, 1200x630, 1565501526751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senior living communities and nursing homes are ticking time bombs. The Haitian CNAs there don't wash their hands on the best of days, trust me.

>> No.17806989
File: 410 KB, 900x676, 1566253595948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going anywhere but down
Name a single Boeing project in the last 10 years that wasn't a safety and design catastrophe, delayed by years, billions over budget, or a combination of the above
>737 MAX
>Airline orders going to 0

>> No.17806995

i'd rather buy TDOC

>> No.17807001

Your a fucking retard, but you can sell your option before the break even price, and you normally should because they rarely reach it

>> No.17807002

is this an new epic me-me

>> No.17807005

FACT: All (((ANTI-GUSH SHILLS))) are DOOMERS who think the world is ending just because of the sniffles.

Sorry to tell you but its just a NOTHING BURGER, Economy recovers by June and Oil (which was UNDERVALUED before Corona or SAudi- Russia price war) will RETURN TO NORMAL

>> No.17807007


K just looked it up $24 premium on $200 call in september. That's steep I got like $4k to spend

>> No.17807009

All these stickies and happening migrants have driven the IQ down of this place to nigger levels.

>> No.17807016

Osmosis Jones is a WHITE blood cell he just talks like a nigger, like Eminem

>> No.17807018

I wish stonks were that simple

>> No.17807035

Yeah I just looked at them, too much fuckerey still from even before coronashit.

Was looking at Delta puts a month out but they are high IV

>> No.17807037

Sad but true

Honestly don't know how they are still in business

>> No.17807040

>this seething
are you an actual gen Xer by any chance? lmao
yes forgive me for not knowing 1 out of 5 of the generations that are meme categories arbitrarily defined by pollsters like pew because they kinda work.
No one remembers gen x anyway, they got fucked over hard in that department.
the town has 800 people and it's not really a nursing home per se. There's no caregivers it's just literally an apartment building for senior citizens.
They'll still be fucked if it hits the town but everyone else will probably be fucked long before that.

>> No.17807041
File: 48 KB, 530x410, Fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you're wrong.. trust me.. i'm from the internet

>> No.17807053

that pic related scares the shit out of me, i'll likely hire someone to work in our home when the time comes for my parents. somewhere i can see them on a regular basis.

>> No.17807054
File: 61 KB, 208x216, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oil demand is only going to fall, yankee. get with the times.

>> No.17807061

Dont do that retard

>> No.17807066

Shorting individual stocks is so fucking try hard. You might as well drive uber instead of sleeping if you are hustling that bad to make it.

>> No.17807073

The virus is nothing but don't hop on your own sinking ship just because everyone else's ship is sinking faster

>> No.17807076

Shot guns with the partner

>> No.17807077

Lmao imagine the salt when GUSH does a reverse split and it dumps harder

>> No.17807082

meanwhile AMD is a fanatastic company and will continue to be after the corona shit is over. their factories are in taiwan not china iirc. they're just getting fucked by the global crisis but the fundamental company is still very sound in comparison to something like boeing while also being more or less a household name still.

>> No.17807089

/Smg/ was never smart but lately it *has* been extra stooooopid

>> No.17807093
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>> No.17807094

I'm not. I might stick with a long as fuck Bank of America call though, $28 June 2021

>> No.17807096

I love people who think IV is bad for options, it's the meme CNBC pushes all the fucking time. Who the fuck buys an option contract, and Hope's the price doesn't change much? When I buy a call, I don't want the price to slightly increase, I want it to moon. When I buy a put, I want it to plummet. My most profitable options have been in TSLA and SPCE, both bad IV's over 200%, 300% in the case of SPCE.

>> No.17807103

Mic check

>> No.17807108

baggie you didnt have to purchase a prostitute, we dont think any less of you for your height

>> No.17807111

Get fucked
AMD is trash and impossible to predict from all the incels circle jerking

>> No.17807112

It's bear season lads!

>> No.17807113

You guys don't know what you're talking about. Literally 96% of modern technology is still dependent on oil and fuel.

>> No.17807117

Don’t help me I’ve got it

>> No.17807118
File: 70 KB, 702x740, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in USO and kinda afraid but I don't think it will dump as hard as it did with the whole Saudi Russian OPEC breakdown. I got a good deal comparatively on those options. Highly unlikely they will dump back to 90 cents and 5 cents respectively.

>> No.17807122

people who say this are fucking dumb. what do you mean get with the times? do you realize how many people in SE Asia and Africa are still industrializing? What do you think they are going to power their homes and autos with when those opportunities arise - fucking wind? Solar? What do you think is going to power the container ships that deliver these billions of consumers their cheap shit? Batteries? You are a fucking retard dude.

>> No.17807123

agreed, there's to many questions and not enough intelligent input now

>> No.17807127

im just saying that unlike boeing, AMD is a good company to try to find a "floor" to start a position at.

>> No.17807126

Actually a smart move

You probably shouldn't post here anymore

This is a place for morons

>> No.17807133


AMD has a p/e of 150, it could literally drop over 90% and still be overvalued in a bear market.

>> No.17807134

FACT: sunday night/Monday morning Trump will tweet about his OIL PLAN

The fed will also PUMP ON OPEN, this will lead to GIANT GREEN DILDO



>> No.17807138

IV is always overstated, therefore the prices of buying options are always too high.

>> No.17807153

i'm going hard as fuck on XOM - don't forget about MRO. They have $1 per share in cash alone...made me a lot of money since I bought in at $3.67

>> No.17807159
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>> No.17807160

for the current crisis
>use it as an excuse to kick off martial law
>any remaining political enemies are thrown in jail
>night of long NEETs where autists at the top of spook lists are neutralized
>fake news covers for any contingencies thereafter
>crash market with no survivors
>boomers killed by virus are replaced with SJW POC's
>ban cash due to potential for virus spreading
>zoomers traumatized by corona willingly receive chips and mandatory vaccinations each year to stay ahead of corona mutations

>> No.17807162

Nice, hope you got some GUSH too. I only have 166 LCI so fuck me.

>> No.17807163

i'm happy you're happy baggie... i had a friend that had a couch that looked like that.. aswell as that stereo equipment.. if you don't use that shit.. why do you still have it? or do you actually use it?

>> No.17807170

those elderly numbers, fucking wew
it's a boomer/silent generation culling at this point

>> No.17807171

Have you seen their p/e??

If you hate yourself just keep fapping to hentai and stay in your mom's basement

If you want to actually make money trading, you have to look where no one else is looking

>> No.17807176

>buy calls on thursday
>sell on friday
>buy puts on monday
>sell on thursday
no other advice will be given

>> No.17807187

that mexican dude is the type of guy that gets caught masturbating while looking for underwear in his neighbors 7 year olds daughters room

>> No.17807191

Woah, an asset is inflated in value in 2020? I'm shocked, really I am.

>> No.17807204

It's a kid lmaooo

>> No.17807212

sounds about right

>> No.17807217
File: 11 KB, 237x192, 1572620169734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but thursday and friday are over

>> No.17807232

yeah.. and.. whats your point? he's going to carry his same behavior for the rest of his life.. you can see it in his dumb face and confused eyes.. he's gunna be that guy standing there with his pants down and dick out at a strip club wondering why he's getting kicked out..

>> No.17807245

Paying down the debt

>> No.17807251

I hope my grandma doesn't bite the dust but she also 90 something and thats older than dirt

>> No.17807270
File: 671 KB, 512x456, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you have no idea the drop in oil demand is related to the decline in economic activity due to the don't-go-into-public virus. Less economic activity means less container ships, less auto trips to work, less places that need to be powered up, etc etc. You're waiting for that to come back? Thoughts and prayers.

Bubble oil if you want, coroneconomy is here to stay

>> No.17807275

Looks like 80% of 90 year olds who get COVID 19 recover?
Is that for real?

>> No.17807276


IV is just price of the option. Options have an expected value based on future volatility. But you can't know future volatility. So of course options are under or over priced at any given time. IV is bad for options, because it requires a larger swing in the price to be profitable. The question is whether the future volatility will actually be greater than or less than what the option market is pricing.

So yes, IV is "bad" for options buyers, just like a high price tag is bad for a buyer of anything. It means the option costs more. And options aren't "always" overvalued. The value just drops over time if nothing else changes.

If you buy puts now you pretty much need continued historic crashes daily to profit, because people believe that is more likely now than a month ago, when options were obviously under priced.

>> No.17807296

>caught corona at work
>no test though, they aren't testing anyone
>going full COOFER and trying to infect as many as I can
>retarded country helps me by having lockdown parties and circumventing as much as possible
>even boomers willingly expose themselves

tl,dr: don't be long on yurostox monday

>> No.17807301

this. Not only that but oils demand has been falling since before coronavirus

>> No.17807312

I want to be in for 1000$/each. they are all trading at half or less of their 1Y charts and UWT is trading around 1$ with a huge upside

how long do you think the oil war will last? saudis pull shit shit every so often and US Oil always comes back over 6-12 months

>> No.17807313


they won't listen till monday comes

>> No.17807330

There are reports this virus can cause shit like permanent lung damage and damage to your balls, if the UK is wrong on this Boris needs to be executed

>> No.17807336

This is true. And the virus is just accelerating a trend that already existed.

But there’s a good chance most people and businesses will return to the way things were before. And the economic slowdown won’t last forever either.

Some will stay though. I hope this does result in more classes being primarily online, work is a maybe. But this may damage the wework and Starbucks models.

>> No.17807343

some of us are actually investing instead of flipping stocks to make a quick buck. XOM pays a 9% dividend at the current price....and yes, in less than a year demand will come back (and increase steadily until about 2070, when the global population maxes out.)

>> No.17807345
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>> No.17807346

That's in italy apparently, and is current stats.
frankly, 1/5 90+ people dying is an atrocious death rate.
original source was a peer reviewed journal so it's almost certainly real
also, that was "as of march 11th" so three more days to add to the pile

>> No.17807358

Proud of my granddad. He's 91. Still gets around pretty good. Still drives. He has all his hair and it still has color in it. Hope I'm in that good a shape when I'm that old. He's got dentures so I hope I miss that bullet though but so far so good on that front.

>> No.17807363

nice LARP, faggot.

>> No.17807365

Trumps order to buy the hell out of cheap oil will likely cause many traders to unwind their oil shorts. Possible that they increase the insane short position on natural gas.

>> No.17807385

It is, but it’s not a guaranteed death like I was imagining. But I will continue being careful so I can visit my relatives.

>> No.17807402

This isn't the normal Saudis yanking the chain. Russia wants to bankrupt US oil, so they nuked the OPEC deal. Now its full on oil war. It doesn't matter if oil prices are back to normal in a year when US oil companies are going to go bankrupt. I would wait at least a month before getting back into oil and they will cut dividends soon to weather the storm.

>> No.17807409

Remember, the Fed's printing money as we speak. Don't be surprised to see another green day Monday. The week will be still be deep red as anyone remotely sane pulls out.

>> No.17807420

Ask him questions and maybe record His answers while you can, ask him about what it was like when he was a kid. Ask him about his parents. Ask him about the war. Ask him about what he was like when he was your age.

Suddenly they stop being as talkative and with it. Get those questions in while you can.

>> No.17807421

True. Low bar went somewhat lower. We limbo general now.

>> No.17807424

the guy must be really bored today.. he follows me around and screen caps all my post then once in awhile pretends to be me.. kinda weird desu.. but whatever..

>> No.17807440

This. And if you think the U.S. is just going to sit back, well...I have a bridge to sell you. We'll be at war in weeks.

>> No.17807444

that's wrong though....

>> No.17807447

I think Alcohol is going down. Alcohol is literally the only thing left at the three grocery stores I went to.

>> No.17807451
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>Maybe you have no idea the drop in oil demand is related to the decline in economic activity due to the don't-go-into-public virus. Less economic activity means less container ships, less auto trips to work, less places that need to be powered up, etc etc
Yeah no many countries still NEED oil to keep the electricity running, so that pajeets can shill their internet tulips. There WILL be ten-fold increase in energy consumption by next week when everyone literally becomes NEETs.

>> No.17807450
File: 52 KB, 720x960, 5596855A-6B32-4A7B-A4ED-B90F00D6AE82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*buying of T-bills intensifies*
Oh god
Look at all this hyperinflation
The price of gold is through the roof!

>> No.17807474

God I wish that were me. I hadn’t thought about that I wonder if those data center REITs are a good play right now.

>> No.17807492

Reminder that in december 2018 bearniggers in this thread were claiming it was the end of the dollar and we were heading to a recession well, and as you can see that was retarded

Dont believe bear propaganda

>> No.17807496

sane people pulled out 3 weeks ago. stupid people pulled out last week. we're down almost 30% from just a couple of months ago. there isn't much downside left.

>> No.17807501
File: 99 KB, 448x537, 1559523284342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /smg/'s weekend plans?
I'm gonna eat a whole digiorno pizza for dinner, go to bed early. Then listen to audiobooks and nap tomorrow until pre-market.

>> No.17807503
File: 1.49 MB, 823x1000, 1583178192136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump tested NEGATIVE for coronachan

>> No.17807506

tell me more about what 2018 /smg/ was like.

>> No.17807515

Oil war will last until either the saudis or russians capitulate or hot war fisticuffs break out in the middle east for "totally not oil related" reasons. Oil is worth day trading due to all the volatility but it's not even safe for swing trading yet let alone long positions. Given the right circumstances it can go to low 20s.

>> No.17807530
File: 234 KB, 826x1122, ta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Bless President Donald J. Trump and tomorrow's great prayer day to beat the virus.

>> No.17807529

More trip fags niggers like pendulum comfy rkg

Baggie was actually making money

>> No.17807532


>> No.17807537

Doomspergs will just claim it's fake so doesn't matter

>> No.17807549
File: 200 KB, 985x1024, 1569927138132m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my position:

10 calls for september for GUSH at 1$

2 puts for Tesla at 200 for July

>> No.17807548

TSLA was a rollercoaster
Smart people buying AMD at $17
Lots of zerohedge sentiment

Elon's $420 moment was the biggest event of the year

>> No.17807553

Is this a girl?

>> No.17807560

It seems like a certain part of the population (probably jews) don’t get any symptoms and are spreading it to most of us. Without a lockdown this can be deadly


>> No.17807562

I just finished my weekend bottle of wine and watching some chaturbate. Sleep soon, and then read up on statistic analysis until Monday.

>> No.17807571

I hope not

>> No.17807576

>Given the right circumstances it can go to low 20s.
What are you basing that on? It would cost Russia money to pump lower than 28, nobody is going to sell for less than that. Saudis pump for about 15 but they have trouble funding their government at anything less than about 40.

Where are you getting low 20s from?

>> No.17807577
File: 599 KB, 720x900, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it over?

>> No.17807581

price has been dropping on oil for awhile now..

>> No.17807584

well it certainly doesn’t tell us anything.
didnt The White House doctors also say trumps heart was that he was not overweight?

>> No.17807586
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>There WILL be ten-fold increase in energy consumption by next week
Nope. NEETs and Nu-NEETs are already giving their rates of demand, and oil hasn't mooned yet. Do you have any data to back up this literal bullshit? If there was anything to it, you'd be seeing a steady climb. Where is it? You had a week.

>> No.17807594

>Reminder that in december 2018 bearniggers in this thread were claiming it was the end of the dollar and we were heading to a recession well, and as you can see that was retarded
It was around this time I took a break in /smg/ too. Bears were literally on full faggot mode it was fucking sickening. Bears are so blind and stupid that they don't see good opportunities ahead of them, they fail to take opportunities and when they do take it, they will short it.

>> No.17807595

Reminder that on Tuesday the price of oil went up 10%. GUSH should have been up 30% but it was only up 1%. GUSH is flawed and mismanaged.

>> No.17807597

buy back into spy when

>> No.17807599
File: 8 KB, 416x416, 1363045142206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought XOM at $40
>but didn't DCA more shares in when it was at $35

>> No.17807606

people shilling vanguard index funds.
which are actually not a bad idea long term

>> No.17807609

it was actually called /rhg/ at the time........

>> No.17807613

yes, the belly is a undervalued

>> No.17807617

Bullish as fuck.

On a side note Trudeau's wife and his wife's boy friend have tested positive. Trudeau is still negative.

>> No.17807624

So, buy GUSH?

>> No.17807626

>guaranteed death
m8 very little is a guaranteed death, plague had like a 60% mortality rate prior to antibiotics and shit so yeah I guess we're at 1/3 that level for old people

>> No.17807630


Does your non-vanguard broker charge fees to enroll you in vanguard mutual funds?

Schwab does and the MF outperforms the ETF.

>> No.17807633

Thats because retards don't know what GUSH is. Look at its holdings. Its not based on oil futures.

Don't worry, its going lower.

>> No.17807636
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Stability in the face of a global pandemic means being brutally realistic, not filling people up with empty optimism and casino tricks

>> No.17807638
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Isn't it managed by the same guys as DRIP?

Is DRIP mismanaged?

Also, I expect GUSH to CRUSH on Monday

>> No.17807639

did your girlfriends boyfriend get tested?

>> No.17807644

We had /smg/ in 2016, I remember there was an oil guy who always shilled DWTI and UWTI
Then you zoomers came in with that RH bullshit

>> No.17807663

>oil hasn't mooned yet

>Do you have any data to back up this literal bullshit?
Why are you asking data that's about to happen yet?

>If there was anything to it, you'd be seeing a steady climb. Where is it?
Be patient bobo. Either you'll be selling TPs next week or use it all on your tears.

>> No.17807667

Heh well I thought it was higher than 1/4 didn’t recover

Good year. I wish I hadn’t been too much of a pussy to put money in the market. I had like 20k in savings back then, and I would have learned a lot more by now...
Ah well woulda coulda.

>> No.17807669

you didn't say price, you said demand, which is retard tier retarded. demand for oil is growing, and will continue to grow for at least another century.

fucking moron don't try to slip out of being held accountable for the shit you say. you're a dumb faggot dude.

fucking tripfags are all cancer. LCI is getting stomped by the way. what's your portfolio look like lmao

>> No.17807670

smg was created December 2017 newfag

>> No.17807671

na.. pretty sure it was a robinhood general then we all agreed to change it to /smg/.....

>> No.17807673

I was saying buy T like crazy. Cause you know that Fat Divvy will save you later in life. At the time T was trading for under $30 per share. Note that even now with all this shit happening T has never dipped below 31.00. So if you had bought then, you'd have never lost a dime of you investment and still be collecting the Fat Divvy. Plus you'd have also had two divvy hikes as well. But all is not lost. You can still be saved! The high is 38 something so He is still kinda cheap.

>> No.17807679

No, /smg/ and /rhg/ merged in 2016

>> No.17807683

no I didn't get tested, but i have a scratchy throat for the past 2-3 days.

>> No.17807687

well shit.. time flys when you're shit posting doesn't it.. i guess maybe it was 2017 when it was created.. i don't remember... it's been awhile..

>> No.17807690

Fidelity does.

>> No.17807694

you weren't around then so you wouldn't know anyway you fucking faggot

>> No.17807697

I played around with DWTI and UWTI for a few weeks based on that one guys advice. Made some money, lost some profit, got flagged for daytrading for the first time. You remember that oil guy I'm talking about? Always avatar fagging with a pic of a IRL oil tycoon.

ok zoomer

>> No.17807704

it was /rhg/ up until when they added crypto to robinhood we changed the name of the thread to /smg/

>> No.17807707

My grandma is also 90. She was born Tuesday oct 29th 1929.

>> No.17807711
File: 155 KB, 1100x733, 5d7a7cc02e22af182209aef8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babe! It's 4pm, time for your dick flattening!

>> No.17807712

A ten-fold increase in energy consumption, that's what you said. Ten-fold.

>> No.17807713

>Trump test supposedly came back negative
well that's good I guess, one less thing for the markets to panic about.
On the other hand would he admit he had it even if he did? I sure wouldn't to quell panic
>Heh well I thought it was higher than 1/4 didn’t recover
if cases keep exploding it will go up simply because hospitals would start engaging in the equivalent of wartime trauma protocals where you'd focus your resources on those with the best chance to survive, and the vast majority of 70+ people are not in that category. 90+ would be a practical death sentence.

>> No.17807714
File: 80 KB, 981x1024, ETG2-zhXYAEAlw7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump confirmed clean of Corona

>> No.17807727

would you suggest fidelity over etrade?
should i just use more than one platform?

>> No.17807730

no, we had stock threads on /biz/ before you zoomers did /rhg/
sometimes they were almost all oil trading though

>> No.17807733

>demand for oil is growing
>bear market on oil for a whole decade

> LCI is getting stomped by the way. what's your portfolio look like lmao
considering that my whole portfolio isn't in LCI and that i've been trading mainly puts on SPY.. i'd say my portfolio is looking pretty damn fucking good and i'm going to be buying a fuck load more LCI.. gotta be greedy when others are fearful

>> No.17807747

Was there really ever a chance they'd say it was positive. Even if he dies from it they'll still say it was not Corona.

>> No.17807752

where do i find a girl like this and how much?

>> No.17807755

baggie is right.. you are obviously either a newfag or a troll.... kys

>> No.17807758

They should do one every week.

>> No.17807760

oh my bad.

>> No.17807770

Why are you pretending the corona demand drop doesn't exist? Putin and MBS understood this and used this to put a bullet in shale, why are you in the dark?

>> No.17807778

That's not even clearing the huge pump from Friday. It will go up from what it would be without the last pump.

>> No.17807784

Robinhood General Thread

>> No.17807785

no i remember wrong. he's right and we should do a sudoku

>> No.17807796

how much does fidelity charge to buy non-fidelity ETFs? i thought that shit was commission free for all ETFS fidelity or 3rd party

>> No.17807809
File: 44 KB, 680x666, b69e494548e7d902908bda1046526e1f3f9adc5c83b8b5ac7d3381c1ebd874c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok zoomer
it's the only reason I ever even touched UWTI and DWTI but you would know, right?

>> No.17807816

na.. this guy is right..>>17807784.. and no it wasn't /smg/ before /rgt/ .. sure there may have been stock threads but not this thread that has been going for years.. this thread started as /rgt/ the only general that was really on /biz/ was a fucking crypto currency general.....

>> No.17807817
File: 955 KB, 921x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You best adapt to the coroneconomy, you're in one

>> No.17807824

I've never used etrade, so I don't know.
You should use multiple platforms if it would cover all of the features that you need.

>> No.17807827

The only reason i bring up 2018 is that i had 6/21 LMT calls for 280 and woulda made bank but I fell for bear warmongering, dont let it happen to you friends, the people in these thread are not smart and most are degenerate gamblers, now that said BUY GUSH

>> No.17807828


new thread

>> No.17807836

Unfortunately I do not.

>[reserves federally]

It’s not that you have to find a girl like this, it’s that you have to be the type of man that can get girls to do things like that.

Isn’t that what they’re already doing in Italy? Shouldn’t that be driving up the rates already?

>> No.17807839

wow.. were those your first trades?? you must feel so special that you remember your first trades from 2 years ago.. amazing.. you must be fucking proud of yourself.. congrats bro.. really.. truely amazing

>> No.17807858

>LCI steadily going down for 5+ years

>demand for oil is growing
Yes....fucking moron. You said it wasn't growing which is just wrong, so obviously wrong it begs me to call you a retard again and again, because you are a fucking retard and a trip using faggot whose trip faggot name is a failing company.
>bear market on oil for a whole decade
Has literally nothing to do with demand...fucking idiot.

>> No.17807861

fresh bread

>> No.17807862

I have disregarded a few of the traders who turned out to be right, and then disregarded my own concern to embrace their point of view and deeply regretted it.

>> No.17807875

No. First time fucking around with ETFs inverse or otherwise though (they were really ETNs)
You really should turn off your trip and just be anonymous. Much less annoying that way.

>> No.17807877
File: 55 KB, 460x520, bogdanoff_not_even_final_form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grichka Bogdanoff's thesis was "Fluctuations quantiques de la signature de la métrique à l'échelle de Planck" (1999) and Igor Bogdanoff's "État topologique de l'espace-temps à l'échelle zéro" (2002). They published five articles with two republished in Annals of Physics and Classical and Quantum Gravity.

>> No.17807887

Demand being down temporarily has nothing at all to do with my point, we were discussing macro trends on oil consumption, which are up and will continue to rise for the foreseeable future. Fuck you people are dumb.

>> No.17807898
File: 85 KB, 633x738, 1543300587059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok newfags i'll keep that in mind

>> No.17807899

>Isn’t that what they’re already doing in Italy? Shouldn’t that be driving up the rates already?
well that data was only until the 11th
and from what I can tell there has been a surge in cases by like ten thousand since then
deaths went up by a fucking quarter the next day, so shit could get a lot worse if they keep soaring

>> No.17807924

Grampa Gino Noooooooooo

>> No.17807926

No, fuck you for saying

>you didn't say price, you said demand, which is retard tier retarded. demand for oil is growing, and will continue to grow for at least another century.

You literally shilled demand drop didn't exist, now own it. If you know demand is down from corona, don't go rattling off your expertise about oil mooning like a mofo.

>> No.17807939

I've been on /biz/ since before robinhood was an app on your phone little zoomzoom.

>> No.17807963
File: 83 KB, 750x1108, 1581340791130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, no, it is a mentally ill male.

>> No.17807971

you want a cookie or something? what do you want from me kid? go show your mom you stupid acheivment and participation awards.. i don't care

>> No.17807987


>> No.17808040

its just a flu

>> No.17808151

It's true, the U.S was already slipping into recession prior to corona. The pandemic just compounds the issue

>> No.17808300

>It’s not that you have to find a girl like this, it’s that you have to be the type of man that can get girls to do things like that.

that girl has a tramp stamp tattoo and i guarantee she is an escort being paid to be degraded. so the cost is probably like 500$/hr or something

>> No.17808526

>coughs into your well

>> No.17808610
File: 49 KB, 1100x619, donald-trump-stock-signature-super-69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signing his legacy