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17803438 No.17803438 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me the rundown for a brainlet like me?

Did the Fed just buy all these stocks?

>> No.17803488

No they loaned 1.5 tril to banks so that they are solvent enough to withstand a bank run. As long as the banks have money, you have money.

>> No.17803950 [DELETED] 

>Protection from eviction

People take out massive loans so they can collect 9000/year in rent and take half their lives to pay off the mortgage just so that, when they're finished, their rental property now generates income of..... 9000 extra dollars per year..... before taxes.

Landlords are entirely too villainized in this society. Why do so many people think they have the right to live for free in a dwelling someone else paid for?

>> No.17804052
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this is correct
literally just google this shit guys

>> No.17804089

Alright, I’m alittle confused. Bernie Sanders seems like he knows a lot about the fed and he was tweeting something about it

>> No.17804102

>he was tweeting something about it
this tells us nothing
link the tweet or you're just posting conjecture

>> No.17804246


>> No.17804298

he's not wrong but he's not right either
it's a bit misleading on purpose because like Trump, Bernie is a populist. He's effective in his messaging to rally his base

The Federal Reserve is indeed coming up with 1.5T seemingly out of no where BUT as a loan, not just "spending" or "handing out"

>> No.17804418

Repo markets have been on life support since September. Corporate debt is poised to trigger a cascade of major institutional defaults. Boomers, whose spending leveraged by Keynesian funny-money has been the lifeblood of economic growth, are about to retire. Fed has been trying to keep it all under wraps.

Then the Coronavirus appeared and began to shut down entire nations.

Markets, having expected more time to prepare, began to rush for cash ahead of the collapse.

The fed, desperate to give institutional investors more time to escape, spooled the printing presses into overdrive.

In anticipation, day traders closed profitable shorts, fooling boomers and galaxy-brains into thinking they were seeing genuine buy action. These goobers have since been "buying the dip", inadvertently covering institutions setting up their shorts.

...and now you're up to date.

The government could have printed to secure people's savings and then let the banks eat their lunch, but parliament and the media are PR for the central banking cartel so it was never going to happen.

...and don't you dare notice tribal affiliation.

>> No.17804561

plz explain to a brainlet what that last line is about.

>> No.17804619

"the Jews did it"

>> No.17804628

>In anticipation, day traders closed profitable shorts, fooling boomers and galaxy-brains into thinking they were seeing genuine buy action. These goobers have since been "buying the dip", inadvertently covering institutions setting up their shorts.
And this is why I'm not buying LINK until it's back to $0.50.

>> No.17804712

The Fed injected liquidity into the repo market to prevent the economy grinding to a halt. This was not Government money, as Sanders and a host of idiots on Blue Team say. This is not free money- it is an opportunity for institutions to restructure their debt and remain solvent due to severe issues in the bond market.

>> No.17804762


>> No.17804796

Fed buy low with fake money, sell high and spend it on more cocaïne

>> No.17805079

You are still a nation of retarded masochists for not voting in politicians that would give you universal healthcare and paid sick leave.


>> No.17806450
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The reason Americans dont want that shit is because in America "free healthcare" means "free healthcare for niggers and jews only" and "free college" means "free college for niggers and Jews only"

>> No.17806757

They may be printing fast or have reserves of nre money they dont release until they want to but it must be physically impossible to print 1.5 trillion fast idk but i must take months

>> No.17806782


>> No.17806810
File: 163 KB, 785x757, 1580784591109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can i have gibs gibs gibs?
>best i can do is gibs
die leeches

>> No.17806844

Can you prove that’s how it will go? You do know there are black tax payers to right?

>> No.17806848

i mean i do not enjoy the crash but as european i hope this will finaly kill the eu and all the socialists pigs who lead it

>> No.17806864

Welp. I just got furloughed for a month

At least the stock market is up though :)

>> No.17806890

>1.5 trillion pump
>i can barely afford cheap beer to get drunk and forget about my problems


>> No.17806942

So youre telling me a lot of the "money" in the market is literally nust 0s and 1s on a computer screen.


>> No.17806954

Exactly, so why are you so scared of healthcare bills and student debt it's just 1s and 0s lmao

>> No.17806968

>black tax payers

Lmao, absolutely delusional

>> No.17806974

It's all fake and gay anon just enjoy the ride.

>> No.17807004

How so?

>> No.17807008
File: 358 KB, 781x348, 56534453345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you really though they physically printed 1.5 trillion ?
nigga this is what 1 trillion USD in $100 bills looks like

>> No.17807022

If you need to jump through this many hoops to justify corporate welfare, just give it to the people who need it instead.

>> No.17807039

No not all

>> No.17807064

Define “need it”. Why don’t they get better jobs so they can secure healthcare and better pay? Are they incapable?

>> No.17807075

Your gay

>> No.17807120

Anon said I’m delusional for saying some blacks pay into the “free” system too. There’s only 43 million of us. So I’m asking how I am delusional?

>> No.17807136

Thats the worst part the average person likely actually believes that if u told them. That'd quickly crash the economy when they realize literally typing in
And hitting enter
Is all theyre doing

>wait a second youre telling me its the same as just 1000 in google and hitting enter

>> No.17807148

because it would literally create hyper inflation overnight
1.5 trillion /327 million american means like 5 grand per person including kids, that's like 2 month salary for the average guy

>> No.17807174
File: 37 KB, 644x362, pri_66299876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So youre telling me

>> No.17807175

Thats a lot more work than the FED telling banks to just add a 1 on the front of a bank account and two 0's at the end. $100 for the poorest with bank accounts and absurdly rich for those with a decent chunk in there.

>but anon that will inflate the value of the dollar!!!!

And the FEDs current actions arent? Just at a slower pace as many seem to be unaware but give it to the people and theyll quickly realize it.

>> No.17807178

I really wonder if it would though.
Maybe giving everyone a single gibs injection could help stimulate the economy.

>> No.17807244

Thats because the public would quickly realize the sham versus the slower method that still causes inflation but at a slower rate.

>> No.17807273

>Despite criticism from the left
Its not only "leftists" who criticize this, many right wing dumbasses do, like ancaps and austrian economists

>> No.17807327
File: 75 KB, 540x564, 1545682421200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As long as the banks have money, you have money
It used to be the other way around. Sad times we're living in.

>> No.17807715

Stfu faggot banking is older than the bible. Nobody ever kept all their worth on hand because then they'd have to spend all their time watching their house instead of accruing more worth.

>> No.17808384

I think he’s referring to the fact that the average white american pays more in taxes and takes less free handouts than the average african american. I know there are plenty of based blacks that contribute positively to society. But a majority of them are are poor and a net drain on society

>> No.17808439

Why do banks need to be propped up after a 10 year bull run? Shouldn't they be swimming in cash?

>> No.17808464

What is a loan that you aren't planning to collect on?
>it's a handout.

>> No.17808505

Just wait until the banks are unable to pay back their debts

>> No.17808937
File: 108 KB, 750x1125, 3d7a6227a2744b9240c6890357d38773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average person cant even do math

>> No.17809024

>Why do the banks "need" 1.5 trillion dollars. Can't they just make better investments so they can secure more money. Are they incapable?

>> No.17809056

>what is fractional reserve.

>> No.17809117

Why does wall street need welfare?
Can't they just do better investments?

>> No.17809771

We SHOULD let them crash and burn. But that would cause a global financial meltdown. And the people in power don’t want an global meltdown on their watch. So the meltdown will be prolonged as much as possible. And it will be prolonged at the average mans expense

>> No.17810373

That is financialized economics. The 1.5trln they gave could not be spent on medical equipment etc. Thats also why world hunger and pollution are still there, even if you see so many ppl w huge fortunes who could seemingly solve it.
You take that 1.5trln, go to a pharmacy and buy all their medicine. Right? No. Medicine prices go up as you increase the demand, at some point pharmacy euns out of pills and you still have all that money. That's when you realize that the value of all this fortune is now zero, cos there is nothing you can buy with it anymore. All those banks, stocks, markets collapse as whatever money these activities generate is worthless.

>> No.17810511

They collect on it. The repos are for 1 month and 3 months.

>> No.17810545


Found the brainlet. Where did they get 1.5 trillion dollars from to begin with? The Government doesn't have any money. It's broke....

They just printed money out of thin air.

>> No.17810640
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10 trillion now

>> No.17810657


no one knows, but that's because this is all a simulation anyway, you're actually in a coma. Wake up. Please wake up.

>> No.17810972

Pretty sure you're the poorfag leech.

>> No.17811385

is this real life?

>> No.17811401


>> No.17811446


>> No.17811450 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 756x672, 29 - LDEAg2R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average nigger will consume the tax income of 3 white people to pay for their gibs.

>> No.17811591
File: 322 KB, 430x430, confused plutia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 trillion/week
What the fuck.

>> No.17811942
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>> No.17812157

this is the entirety of us politics.