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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17802245 No.17802245 [Reply] [Original]

It's supply and demand. When there is an increase in demand the price needs to rise to match it to prevent shortages. Price gouging laws make shortages far worse.

>> No.17802259

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.17802296


You can wipe your ass with literally anything else.

>> No.17802316

ancaps literally have the worst opinions on everything


>> No.17802319

Americans are so retarded

>> No.17802333

>the average person uses 1 roll per day
Did you mean to type "per week"?

>> No.17802337


>Toilet paper has become a meme

Clown world is best world

>> No.17802347

One roll per day god damn you are wasteful. You only poop like twice a day how much do you have to wipe?

>> No.17802350

>1 roll a day
Lmao fatties are gonna die.

>> No.17802368

must suck being a digestlet

>> No.17802394

>average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month.

Jesus anon how many shits a day do you do. These numbers are insanely high and completely not normal. Too much curry. hahaha.

>> No.17802405


>> No.17802415

>Worried about Coronavirus, stocks up on toilet paper
>Doesn't care about being in that close proximity around other people to buy said toilet paper

>> No.17802434

>Anything the government touches goes to shit.

How about that.

>> No.17802437


>Not buying your TP off amazon

Literal poorfags

>> No.17802443

A massive rise in price won't cause supply to materialize out of thin air you kike-pitalist.

>> No.17802478

Just more evidence that this board is full of Pajeets shitting all day. 1 roll per day? Are you serious? How many shits does one need to take to use up 1 roll every day?

>> No.17802490

It would prevent people from buying more than they need.

>> No.17802496

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
Maybe in America.

>> No.17802502

they look like lemmings, rats, cockroaches and locusts,...
fucking disgusting

no wonder the elites have such loathing and disgust for the lower classes

>> No.17802520

like your worthless dollarydoos pretty soon

>> No.17802523

correct...higher prices create incentives to create more products. "anti-gouging" laws just produce empty shelves.

>> No.17802527

There is no shortage you dipshit. 90% of toilet paper is USA made with the remaining 10% from Canada.
>were gonna run out of trees bro!!!!!

>> No.17802534

new bait & pasta

>> No.17802539

It would change nothing. The elite would just end up sucking up the supply and further tightening their dominance on the markets

>> No.17802545
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>imagine buying toilet paper

waste of money desu

i just shit before i shower. almost never have to shit more than once a day

>> No.17802561

Ya the elites would totally send their goons around to every supermarket to buy up all of the toilet paper.

>> No.17802584

no argument

>> No.17802588

Are you living under a rock? TP is cleared everywhere because people gawk and laugh at prepping culture. Instead of healthily buying extra for storage year round a bit at a time, normies just dry out the supply in a complete frenzy.

I'm not saying TP production will stop, itll actually probably 8x. But le free hand will just make kikes turbo jump the prices and cash in on an epidemic

>> No.17802612

I don't get it why toilet paper? I'm stocking up on rice,canned goods, and freezing large amounts of meat that I bought for cheap. A gun is a much better thing to have in times like this. With gun you can shoot 100 toilet paper hoarders and take their toilet paper. With toilet paper you're at the mercy of someone deciding if they should just kill you and take your toilet paper or take it at gunpoint

>> No.17802618

What if they wipe you out before you fire the trigger?

>> No.17802622

Elites view the world through the optics of "how can I make money off of this" it doesnt matter if the nation is in complete chaos and shambles. The markets will always take precedent over a functioning society

>> No.17802625

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
See a doctor. I use 1 roll every 2 weeks and that's with shitting 2 times per day.

>> No.17802647
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>> No.17802651

Sheep herd mentality. Water is clearing out, not water filters. N95s are selling out, not house filters. Canned foods are getting nuked, but pasta, rice, and oats are all in good supply.

>> No.17802656

I'm wondering about this.
Lots of news sources keep saying there is no toilet paper shortage, there are tons of stock as it is manufactured locally, and that people are just buying it up faster than the supermarkets could refill shelves or even faster than truck deliveries could arrive.

But that there is no actual shortage.

This should mean that if you buy online, you can buy as much as you want, with no lines no fighting no hassle. And you'll get it, no problem.
Anyone here tried it?
Is toilet paper easily bought online from sites like online groceries?

I don't live in burgerland so I can't tell, we have plenty of toilet paper in our supermarkets, no retarded tp hoarding here (alcohol/hand sanitizer on the other hand...)

>> No.17802677

Charmin, cashmir, and Kirkland have all already gouged their prices online

>> No.17802690

>1 roll/day
Based explosive diarrhea anon

>> No.17802693

Yeah I've got enough water filters to last me a year. Just went to store to buy 10 lbs of pasta and like 20-30 cans of vegetables. Meanwhile I see people buying big cases of water and fucking eggs that will last them 2 weeks at most. Rice was all gone though gonna have to go to Costco for that

>> No.17802700 [DELETED] 

Nice bait. I have colitis and even I cant crack 1 roll/day

>> No.17802733

This is a market failure. The TP wholesalers couldn't raise prices in line with the new demand fast enough, so middlemen stepped in and bought up the supply to arbitrage themselves.

>> No.17802769

Its societal failure and laughing and prepper culture

>> No.17802774

this is stupid, tomorrow supermarket are going to be empty cause everybody hoarded in one day
overall demand is not going to change, it's not that people will start wiping their ass more than before

>> No.17802925

Shortages of essentials when future supply is in question demands rationing. If everyone doesn't have the bare minimum of essentials, output will decrease as will the supply of labor.

>> No.17802944

That webm reminds me of SimAnt

>> No.17803022

How many people died in this webm?

>> No.17803212

because of credit cards raising the price is useless, the faggots buying toilet paper by kgs won't be stopped because you raised the danm price, they are on end of the world mode

>> No.17803417


They make shortages worse while improving social cohesion. It's an answer designed to assuage social and political dilemmas caused by shortages.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

lmao what

>> No.17803434
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>Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.17803448

One roll a day?

Anon, maybe you have the coronavirus, better get yourself checked out.

>> No.17803552

amazon is out of toilet paper as well.

>> No.17803644

>1 roll a day
Holy fuck how much are people using, I use like 1 roll a week

>> No.17803656
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One roll a day? Jesus you should get that checked up or eat a lot less you fat stupid fuck.

>> No.17803712

>1 roll per day
Based, I eat exclusively 7 pounds of fiber each day an drink 3 gallons of water.

>> No.17803732


Price gouging laws are so fucking retarded. I'm not even a free market guy. Who cares about something being 10x the price if the alternative is it not even being in stock?

>> No.17803761

Just go into the forest and collect some leaves, how is toilet paper even real

>> No.17803799

It's called usury and it's the inverse sin of Sodomy. Sodomy takes something fertile(sex) and makes it infertile. Usury takes something sterile(money) and makes it fertile.

>> No.17803898

i have a veritable selection of leaves in the backyard to choose from.

>> No.17803908


Except its not. Its called the supply curve. It costs more money per unit to increase the supply, so suppliers have to charge more to increase supply.

Think of the gas shortages in storms. A lot of times people will truck gas from other areas. It costs a lot to do this, so they have to charge more. But people are happy to pay because otherwise they'd have no gas. But in places with price gouge laws, you can't do this, so no one has gas.

>> No.17803959
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One roll a day!? What the fuck Pajeet?!

>> No.17804022
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You don't have showers in India?

>> No.17804047

The supply doesn't change just because it changes hands, it's simply the new seller upcharging.

>> No.17804081

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
Just think about the implications of this
I don't know about you, but I only have one bowel movement per day. I don't think that's peculiar, but let's say it is and that the average is FOUR shits per day (seems utterly unrealistic to me but I'm being as sympathetic as possible)
If I'm understanding the packaging on my toilet paper, it has ~350 squares of toilet paper per roll. Let's again say that's unusual and that the average figure is 200.
In order to go through a roll in a single day, you'd need to use FIFTY squares of toilet paper for every single one of your four-times-daily shits.
And again, this was using incredibly conservative estimates.
Something is seriously wrong with you if you are having messy enough shits four times a day that you need an enormous wad of toilet paper to get your asshole clean every single time.

>> No.17804123

>"Uh oh, there's a pandemic, we need to prep!"
>hoards toilet paper and nothing else

Why are the goym so retarded?

>> No.17804203

>it costs more money per unit to increase the supply
And that's why mass-production will never be economically feasible.

>> No.17804219

>The average person uses 1 roll per day

>> No.17804269
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Why don't people just steal those fucking huge rolls out the toilets in shops? It's not hard to bust them open and the roll is both massive and free.
But seriously other anons are right dude, get yourself checked out what the fuck nigger, get some fibre in your diet too

>> No.17804305
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>> No.17804338


>> No.17804364

There is no reason to heighten tp production
Tp will be used at the same speed as before
Next quartal will be shit for tp companies

>> No.17804383

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
>Holy fuck how much are people using, I use like 1 roll a week

Damn, I use one per two or three weeks. All you need is some of that good cushy three ply and you only need 4 squares and maybe 4 wipes to do the job.

>> No.17804419


>> No.17804455

Why would the supply need to increase? Its just a temporary spike in demand from all the iq89 retards who are buying 100 rolls.

Once they buy their rolls and the shelves keep getting refilled its back to normal, the only thing that could lead to a longer term shortage is if literally everyone starts thinking they need 100 rolls.

There are no problems with TP supply in Chna, Italy and South Korea which are the hardest hit countries.

>> No.17804512

1 Roll a day.... wtf my man.

>> No.17804526
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>> No.17804588

Most effective bait in months. Congratulations if you're still reading. A job well done!

>> No.17804624


I'm talking about in short term.

>> No.17804692

You poop twice a day? Tell me how I know that you are fat.

>> No.17804720
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Remember me from the other day? You did listen to my warning, right?

>> No.17805519

Lol I'm.a single guy I live alone I use maybe 1 roll a month your numbers are retardedly high

>> No.17805539

youre dumb as fuck

>> No.17805559

London is doing this too its not just the US you foreign fag kys

>> No.17805627

You guys are so stupid, I'm going to take this chance to get my girlfriend into scat fetishes without toilet paper.

>> No.17805682

>jews create an artificial crisis through the jewmedia
>jews insist that usury is good and they must exploit every last shekel from the masses that are only panic buying because of jew lies
>jews act like they are the victims when the 110th nation to evict them starts wondering if the ovens were a good idea or not

>> No.17805725

*coof coof*

>> No.17806118
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w-w-what is this? MY GOD!! NASA just saved us! They invented the BIDET

>> No.17806218

you're an idiot.

>> No.17806248
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Oy vey! All according to תכנית

>> No.17806321

how do we use that? just insert the tube into our butthole?

>> No.17806369

As a birb lover I find it really hard to open a webm on 4chan with a bird. I'm more likely to see that girl eat that bird, than kiss him. Still glad it was a love bird one.

>> No.17806395
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that's weird, because NASA would never use a French name when inventing an existing Italian product.

>> No.17806485
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Nope. You can sit in the bidet, then open the water. the water jet will hit your butthole. Nice warm water. This will clean at 90%, then you just wash it with some liquid soap, like you do in the shower. I use it since I can remember and it's the best thing.
How I do:
- Take a massive shit.
- Pre-wipe with paper. (the paper can smear all the shit to the butt area)
- Sit on the bidet, open warm water and let the jet do it's thing.
- wash with the liquid soap.
- I have my own little butt towel to clean the water.
And I'm like new.
Good to wash all the dick and ball area. I like to wash with peppermint toothpaste just to have that fresh sensation.
But hey, that's me.
What it prevents:
- hemorroids
- bad cleaned butt
- smelly crotch
- And I wash my feet there also. Clip the nails and carefully wash between fingers.

>> No.17806497
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Nice post /pol/tard

>> No.17806604
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Imagine not going to your local restaurant or business and stealing all of the toilet paper out of their bathrooms (in Minecraft)

>> No.17806645

put me in the screencap

>> No.17807337

Americans belong in a zoo Jesus Christ

>> No.17807600
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Get your tickets to the Moon

Shit Ticket (SHT) - The first ever TP backed crypto

We have officially released the first ever TP backed crypto currency.

With the rising costs and demand of toilet paper we decided to release the first backed ERC20 - Shit Ticket

The first batch of tokens have been minted. 12,750 SHT

These are premium 2 ply tickets. Total of 30 rolls, each with 425 tickets.

Each time we aquire more real toilet paper, we will mint more tokens. Up to a maximum of 1,275,000.

The existing 12,750 SHT are currently backed by real TP holdings.

Airdrops will start soon

Join the discord


>> No.17807716

Have you ever heard of sticky prices, OP?

>> No.17808052

Looks like FOMO