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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 747 KB, 1080x2024, Screenshot_20200314-080758_SmartNews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17799644 No.17799644 [Reply] [Original]

RIP the markets

>> No.17799659

Google literally could have made fucktons of money off this but sacrificed everything for a quick jab at the president. What a good fucking idea during a national emergency to act like this. I'm sure the American people will totally appreciate the way Google is acting.

>> No.17799673

I knew it from the moment Trump opened his mouth

>> No.17799685

I don’t believe Trump, but I don’t believe Google even more. I guarantee they spoke with him and set him up

>> No.17799687


>made fucktons of money off this

>> No.17799698

you don’t think google is already profiting?

>> No.17799699

Jesus Christ, this entire economy is like a giant shitcoin

>> No.17799706

Good. This will tank the market even further as people realize his speech was just shitcoin shilling on a global level.

>> No.17799707

Fuck Google et al. I hope Alphabet gets raped in this crisis.

>> No.17799713

This is fucking evil, they could have EASILY done the right thing but they actively choose chaos

>> No.17799715

unironically Google should have done it either way. Would have taken 4 pajeets to link to the JHU dataset and link to Google accounts in cooperation with Walmart to do the testing.

Upload that testing data to the new map so that we all could have accurate and up to date data on the spread/cases. But no.

>Because orange man bad.

>> No.17799722

lmao I am already jerking off imagining the mass wall street and boomer suicides when Trump signs the executive order to nationalize their search index into a public good next monday

>> No.17799734

that's the final redpill

>> No.17799736

Share this news far and wide, I need the puts to pay for my grad school.

>> No.17799738

within less than a week we will learn that EVERYTHING trump said yesterday was utter lies

there won't be drive up tests available at every walmart
there won't be a website to tell people if they need to get tested

his speech was a desperate ploy and it only worked because people do not want to consider the alternative, which is that he REALLY has no fucking idea what he's doing and nobody is at the helm

>> No.17799742

Google, do evil.

>> No.17799746

there are a lot of pink sheets that are like worse, boomer versions of shitcoins, where the issuers legally exit scam

>> No.17799747


>> No.17799763

But it was supposed to be the greatest website, the best website in fact

>> No.17799774

he isn't based enough to do it

>> No.17799780


Nobody is ever at the helm, Badorangeman didn't change that.

>> No.17799785


>> No.17799794

wow deep

delude yourself harder

>> No.17799796

Oh god this is what made stocks go up by 10%? This is a joke, monday there will be blood.

>> No.17799805

i literally don't believe this article

>> No.17799808

kek they’re going to make a website either way. it’s not evil to say something is a rumor. also what kind of retard needs a website to tell them whether or not they feel sick? you afraid you won’t be able to find the Walmart, cvs, or target if google doesn’t tell you you’re sick?

>> No.17799809
File: 751 KB, 1205x677, 1584160661995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Bogdanov, he think we crash it"
Pump it and flag it

>> No.17799815

Lol they are developing a website. It’s a company called Verily whose parent company is Alphabet Inc. And the google engineers are volunteering to help build the website... so yes it is Google. Such a misleading headline.

>> No.17799837

God I hope so. I shorted sp500 during yesterday's rally

>> No.17799839

>"Instead, a health-focused subsidiary owned by Google's parent company, Alphabet, intends to launch a small-scale website next week to begin to triage California-based patients. The website will aim to serve a broader population only "over time" -- not "very quickly," as Trump said."

Thats whats actually a CNN article about the same thing. Clever manipulation of headlines yet again. Journalists get the rope soon....

>> No.17799840

There is a 100% chance this story is not accurate

>> No.17799846

>Why, Jus LOOK at all these fine folks we got onboard, corona-consoomers!
a fairly accurate summary

>> No.17799847

>It wasn't google it was a sister company owned by Alphabet lolol Trump said the wrong thing hahahahah what a dummy
Oh fuck off when people Say Google that's the same as saying Alphabet.

>> No.17799858



>> No.17799860


Wired is under control by the CCP. Do you think the US was the source of WUFLU too?

>> No.17799889


This. Alphabet is making a website. Literally blatant fake news. every. time.

>> No.17799892

We Bobos are ready

>> No.17799909

according to the biztards it is the fault of Google and not of Trump who tells lies ...

>> No.17799911 [DELETED] 
File: 864 KB, 787x443, 1584079044146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant find up to date pre market data. Did they freeze it?

>> No.17799922


>> No.17799944

Nigger it’s not open. Futures ope 5pmEST sunday. Fucking newfag

>> No.17799959

You really think someone who gets swapped out every 4-8 years runs the country?

>> No.17799968

>I guarantee they spoke with him and set him up
>I don’t believe Trump, but I don’t believe Google even more
also this

>> No.17799976

So in other words fake news strikes again?

>> No.17800005

Who knows at this point. How many times did we think we were going to make it then Bogdanov crashed it

>> No.17800006

>Instead, a health-focused subsidiary owned by Google's parent company, Alphabet, intends to launch a small-scale website next week to begin to triage California-based patients. The website will aim to serve a broader population only "over time" -- not "very quickly," as Trump said.
>"What we're building is a triage tool that will live on ProjectBaseline.com, and we plan to pilot it in California next week," said Carolyn Wang, a spokesperson for the Alphabet subsidiary, Verily.
>"Our aspiration is for the triage tool to be used much more broadly over time. Initially, we're linking it with several sites in the Bay Area to test and iterate, and collaborating closely with organizations like Quest Diagnostics and Labcorp who are also working on additional approaches to making testing more accessible and expedient in other areas."

Trump said
>"I want to thank Google," Trump said. "Google is helping to develop a website. It's going to be very quickly done, unlike websites of the past, to determine whether a test is warranted and to facilitate testing at a nearby convenient location."
There was no "bogus announcement. They are making something.

>> No.17800014

doo you believe there will be a website soon to provide corona testing infomation for all americans?

>> No.17800015


>> No.17800031

The website isn't being made by google you idiot. If they lied to cover the president (why the fuck would they?) it would only be worse for them.

>> No.17800058
File: 406 KB, 1079x766, Screenshot_20200314-084138_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even CNN? Hmmmmmmmm.

>> No.17800073

>Instead, a health-focused subsidiary owned by Google's parent company, Alphabet
99% of the population has no idea who "Alphabet" is. It's still Google. Trump did well by referencing Google.

>Initially, we're linking it with several sites in the Bay Area to test and iterate
These retards. By the time they're done "iterating" the virus will be long gone.

>> No.17800091

>quick jab
Telling the truth about not working on whatever lie just came out of Trumps mouth is a jab? Is this really where we're gonna go with this? At this rate you people are going to start saying its "taking a shot" at the president to not immediately work towards making whatever lies he tells reality after the fact, and that Tim Cook should have known to change his name to 'Tim Apple' instead of saying his name wasn't 'Tim Apple'. Fucking slave mentality.

>> No.17800098

Who knows?

>> No.17800131
File: 254 KB, 376x476, 1583780388914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus Christ, this entire economy is like a giant shitcoin
>says the internet tulips buyer for the 99th time

>> No.17800138

They just want people to SELL. SELL and vote for BIDEN

>> No.17800172


Already said this, but this entire media hype over reaction is an attempt to make trump lose the election

>> No.17800185


>> No.17800187
File: 400 KB, 891x434, 1584090656537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think Trump will just give power to Biden if he loses? He'd rather crash the economy than give it to him at this stage in the game.

>> No.17800194

I think Google is trying to avoid responsibility.

>Google literally could have made fucktons of money off this but sacrificed everything for a quick jab at the president.
They're trying to short stocks but Trump fucked them in the ass.

He is right though. Google should have went through with it to avoid panic. They could've shut up and worked the website in background, but they chose to be assholes instead.

>> No.17800201

or Trump could stop going on stage to ramble about shit that isn't true.

>> No.17800203

Yeah that corporate motto is long ago in the trash at google.

>> No.17800218

Trump did his announcement half an hour before the close of the market so the stock could rise before anyone had time to debunk his lies. What a genius.

>> No.17800225

It's being made by Alphabet, which is essentially Google.
>Alphabet Inc. is an American multinational conglomerate headquartered in Mountain View, California. It was created through a corporate restructuring of Google on October 2, 2015,[2] and became the parent company of Google and several former Google subsidiaries.[3][4][5] The two founders of Google assumed executive roles in the new company, with Larry Page serving as CEO and Sergey Brin as president.[6] Alphabet is the world's fourth-largest technology company by revenue and one of the world's most valuable companies.[7][8]

>> No.17800234

He's the President of Corporate America. If they don't do it, they are saying they are the Sovereign, not him. he's the kind of corporate. That's the President's role.

>> No.17800237
File: 32 KB, 399x293, 874B46EE-BF1D-4B9A-99EC-C7FA44F6518E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t understand.

>> No.17800239


Lol, wow OP. Yes, this was definitely google’s fault and not that of a sociopath desperately trying to lie his way out of an election-ruining crisis he helped engineer. Remember that he fired the national pandemic response team in 2018 to save costs. Also i hope you seethe when this is what galvanizes americucks to vote in bernie for socialized healthcare

>> No.17800256

So this is more typical liberal petty bullshit. "no no no its achtuhallly...."

Blue checkmarks can't get the rope soon enough

>> No.17800290
File: 416 KB, 2000x1333, 1583829533032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't they just say it was Alphabet inc. And let the masses connect the dots? Is trump committing Economic suicide?

>> No.17800297

How old you guys are. Everybody knows that Alphabet = Google, it shouldn't even need to be mentioned. Alphabet ticker is 'GOOG'

>> No.17800323

holy fuck
the pump would be surreal
Please fucking do this. They literally cannot keep getting away with it.
If we're going to have clown world at least let something fucking hilarious like this happen.

>> No.17800336
File: 17 KB, 300x209, Bill-the-Butcher-300x209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the garbage media really trying to play gotcha with "alphabet is building it and Google is only a subsidiary of alphabet"? The jewery is unreal. This is the political commentary equivalent of correcting "your".

>> No.17800349

Interesting I must have missed the part where Trump filled buses with illegals and drove them into swing states to vote Republican

>> No.17800354

There's no way he just made it up. He's getting fucked by some jews here. They definitely had a deal.

>> No.17800385

This is like a reverse of shitcoin shills with their Microsoft/AWS/IBM partnerships. I've noticed a lot of similarities with media and spinning Trump's words to the tactics of shills on here.

>> No.17800391

Trump hyped up this non-existent BS website to be the cure to the virus, old-age and national illiteracy tho. The only thing it could ever be was that what is intended, a No/No flowchart designed to stop the mugs demanding either medical attention or equally non-existent testkits. The CDC or whoever should be the ONLY fucking agency authorized to be fronting this shitshow. Having gutted the CDC, I'm guessing they told El Prez to take a flying fuck to himself, they wanted jackshit to do with Trumps Magic Cure Website. As would anyone sane, like Google. Trump was then not giving it up as the bad idea it is, but simply shoving this shit as far from his field of personal responsibility as possible. By Monday, all be forgotten, and someone will eventually come up with one-pager that says 'Yo, you Fine, goto bed for a week and wash your hands. Don't call us btw'

>> No.17800470

reminds me that obongo sold out the internet to the highest bidder, it’s been shit ever since

>> No.17800521
File: 342 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200314-101347_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> They thought stonks went up
Surely, announcing this after markets closed on that pump is coincidence.

>> No.17800607

>Apple donates a whole $15m towards fighting the worldwide plague that costs them $billions per week in lost revenue
Way to go, Tim Cock

>> No.17800640

>done the right thing
>Fucking over all your current projects and throwing your company into disarray to scramble together some bullshit that won't have actual results for weeks if not months to try and cover for some retard's lie (which includes saying everything will be ready by tomorrow)

Are you an idiot?

>> No.17800771


>> No.17800792

Too many maga tards in this thread. Clearly google wasn’t ready and by the time they built the database and tested nationally, the virus will have peaked. The results are what matters, not the optics

>> No.17800887

>tested nationally

Google said the website is only for the bay area

>> No.17800903

>The results are what matters, not the optics
The results are a strong flu season, retard. The entire panic is optics. Every beyond the initial wave of closing public events is the news media harming people for pageviews.

>> No.17800955

>The entire panic is optics.
>"The White House says it is now conducting temperature checks on any individuals in close contact with President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence out of an "abundance of caution" in response to the coronavirus outbreak."

Man why is the White House freaking out about a strong flu season? I thought it was no big deal

>> No.17800957

>The results are what matters, not the optics
The flu is literally a nothingburger, optics are the whole fucking thing.

>> No.17800973

Because everyone in the White House is a fucking boomer and every flu ever is a boomer remover.

>> No.17801104

That’s what I’m saying. If they had to do this nationally it would take forever and a ton of manpower. Verily isn’t funded like the other parts of Alphabet

You say this like Fauci didn’t call it more lethal than the common flu. 10 times more

>> No.17801345

from the government contract and traffic. Duh?

>> No.17802221
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Pic related is why he said it

>> No.17802244

Donald, how the fuck did you find this board?

>> No.17802314

>Not Google
>In fact is an Alphabet company
This is why journalists will get the brick

>> No.17802361

>the helm.
Get a load of this star trek watching gaylord. Hurrrr

>> No.17802591
File: 10 KB, 274x274, 1583631470603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the heck is going on anymore.

>> No.17802793

It would take me, an idiot who barely knows HTML, about a day to whip up a website as described by the POTUS and ready to deploy to the entire country. In fact I could probably post the entire HTML in less than 5 posts on /g/ if I wanted. It would also load blazing fast because I don't know javascript.

Google is fucking idiots for not just have three autists take 10 minutes to make a "demo" and then release it as is and have a bunch of normies maintain it after that.

>> No.17802817
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>> No.17802833

>me, an idiot

Yeah we can fucking tell

>> No.17802851

Go get an abortion you tranny-loving faggot NIGGER

>> No.17802890
File: 42 KB, 700x346, B95DDDBD-300B-4387-B91C-6B65E6EEF618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All tech companies going down. 10 days of darkness

>> No.17802912
File: 143 KB, 500x669, BFFAD34E-9013-4AD4-9FE2-5CCD68F78CAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags are so retarded damn... poor low IQs you all suffer from dunning Kruger syndrome

>> No.17802930
File: 39 KB, 640x559, 4A72F45F-BDBB-42D8-ABC1-31F51AC1A6EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17802950
File: 108 KB, 640x646, 72B09354-DC56-4869-BE8C-73BCAA01C20F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people (leftists) are stupid

>> No.17802964
File: 112 KB, 881x1024, 691D8574-9D3F-408F-8AC5-8DEC28B9412D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked JIDF

>> No.17802967

>Google said the website is only for the bay area
No, the website is being tested in the Bay Area, with plans for national rollout.

>> No.17802983
File: 183 KB, 636x827, 71BE222D-F50C-4DE6-A2D4-54651D94CD07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What annoys me is instead of lurking here for the truth, you spew your fake lies here trying to subvert other anons. 3 fucking years anons have gathered evidence in the deep state. YOU ARENT CONVINCING ANYONE ORANGE MAN IS BAD.
>tell your boss you failed to infiltrate /biz/

>> No.17802988

They actually do have a website to ask if you have specific symptoms. Its just for SF supposedly though

>> No.17803087

>Guys from Google/Alphabet come tell Trump they are doing a thing
>Trump says Google is doing a thing
>Verily is owned by Alphabet.
>B-but Alphabet isn't Google!
>Literal fake news
They either intentionally misled Trump or they are being petty. Either way, its not a good look for them.

>> No.17803111

I trust Google way more than Trump. Look how long google has been around (1998)
Trump doesn't even use computers which should tell you all you need to know about the conman.

>> No.17803113
File: 5 KB, 220x87, Verily_Life_Sciences.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Verily Life Sciences, also known as Verily (formerly Google Life Sciences[1][2]), is Alphabet Inc.'s research organization devoted to the study of life sciences. The organization was formerly a division of Google X, until August 10, 2015, when Sergey Brin announced that the organization would become an independent subsidiary of Alphabet Inc.[3] This restructuring process was completed on October 2, 2015. On December 7, 2015, Google Life Sciences was renamed Verily.[4][5]
Media is just straight up lying, again.

>> No.17803196
File: 216 KB, 640x565, 62CE717C-84ED-4D3D-BDC7-DBD9543E7945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The celebrities on twitter were pleading with people not to go get tested. Chinese in Wuhan were yelling at Chinese officials telling them “it’s all fake, everything is fake” . ITS ALL FAKE. AS SOON AS JEWS ARE EXPORTED OFF THIS PLANET LIKE THE MOUTH BREATHERS THAT THEY ARE, THIS CLOWN WORLD ENDS AND HUMANITY CAN RETURN TO THE TRUTH. FOR TOO LONG IT HAS ACCEPTED JEWISH LIES AS TRUTH. NO MORE. GOD WINS. THE TRUTH WINS.

>> No.17803218
File: 493 KB, 640x1136, D2D0D565-F8C8-45DF-B8C6-D2EE3C2033C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17803223

Kill yourself in front of your family

>> No.17803236

Google is owned by china there's a cold war heating up

>> No.17803312
File: 463 KB, 1160x961, 1573823782870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MIGA faggot please fuck off back to /ptg/ where you belong or really back to lebbit would be best. Trump is a jewish cock sucker that has done nothing for us.

>> No.17803474

>this pic
Absolutely acurate

>> No.17803509


>> No.17803741
File: 303 KB, 640x819, DBCF3E5F-05B4-4FF4-BF64-E77937A664D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17803779

google rekt me when i was swinging chainlink with their cloud news drop, now google gets rekt
justice served

>> No.17804461

Do it.
I'll laugh about you ignoring security, regression testing, and more later.

>> No.17804591

Trump is going to lose the election and he won’t care because it’s all about his business. He’ll blame coronavirus for the economy and go back to whatever he does. It’s all a marketing stunt unironcially.