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17798582 No.17798582 [Reply] [Original]

Does American tipping culture breed entitlement?

>> No.17798651

Mutts are just the dumbest cunts in the western world. It's a race problem,they aren't white, they have their own race.

>> No.17798690


>> No.17798699
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>they aren't white, they have their own race.
One man could have prevented this.

>> No.17798712

>be a wagie in burgerstan
>get absolutely fucked by corporate jews
>ask your customers to compensate for your shitty wages
>get mad when they don't


>> No.17798714 [DELETED] 

The hidden /biz/ discord link is
discord gg gJzCVP

Join, we are currently talking about this trash economy and crypto

>> No.17798722

Wouldn't there still be someone who delivers it thus making them lose on any money they could get while the person ordering doesn't feel the effect?

>> No.17798724


>> No.17798738

>feeling entitled to compensation for their work


nobody cares

>> No.17798741

>customer is charged less bc of providing lower wages

I'm not for tips, as I think way too many people exploit it. But I think the pic is definitely a good idea. I've met enough people who make others suffer because they themselves shouldn't be buying it.

>> No.17798764

This. Why do I have to pay 'delivery fees' for a pizza and then tip on top of that too?

>> No.17798765

Imagine going to work and not getting paid enough by your employer. 'Murica'. Imagine being old and still having to pack bags in Publix 'Murica'. Imagine being poor and getting ill and unable to affo s medical care. 'Murica'. Imagine having hardly any vacation 'Murica'. Imagine a toxic workaholic culture with no work life balance and being scared to phone in sick. 'Murica'. Imagine every country laughing everyone your leader opens his mouth 'Murica'.

>> No.17798783

It's a money grab. They say it's insurance but realistically it isn't. It's an unnecessary service fee they scam you out of. If you can't afford to tip, that makes you a cheap. Don't be surprised if someone accidentally drops your food or meddles in it.

>> No.17798796

They’re college students.
I agree no tip is unacceptable but if you’re complaining that they didn’t tip you enough for driving food to them fuck off

>> No.17798824

To the Europeans itt, people who work tipped jobs make substantially more than their hourly counterparts in whichever establishment they work. When you see some faggot crying, it's because 1 asshole, out of the 15-20 they wait on/ deliver to, stuffed them with low or no tip. Everyone else tipped way more than what they deserve for the service provided ($2-$8/ person served x 15-20 people served per hour); plus, they get to hide all of those cash tips from the irs.

>> No.17798887

I always tip 20% but you're right that it's just another bs cash grab. Should start just making my own pizza from fresh shit

>> No.17798928

Delivery culture breeds entitlement. Tip or get it yourself you fat lazy fuck.

>> No.17798930

Would probably be better for you anyway.

>> No.17799037
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>At-will employment
>Waah this job sucks
Then quit and find a real job faggot. Do Uber faggots even realize how entitled they sound? All you need is a car, a drivers license, and a body temperature somewhere roughly in the 90's. And you get to work for yourself with no boss. This is literally an economic miracle for these wastes of skin. Literally the greatest thing to ever happen to the most worthless forms of life in our society, and they have the balls to bitch about it online like they actually have any type of bargaining power on the labor market. If it wasn't for Uber, these people would still be homeless or dead from starvation. Be glad anyone fucking tips you anything.

>> No.17799057

Why not just unionize like normal countries?

Or are those drumpftard amerimutts HURR DURR MUH SOCIALISM?

>> No.17799086

>restaurant adds delivery fee
>deduct that from tip

>> No.17799104

Jesus fucking christ. So you pay food tax, then a delivery fee, then tip 20% too? So that 10$ order now costs. 20 goddamn dollars.

>> No.17799130

Why agree to a job that doesnt have stable pay?

>> No.17799238

I think in America if they skip 3/4 orders from a notipping area and accept 2 orders from a tipping area they'll earn more.

In England we don't get tips like that but some Americans will earn $30 and then the tips will either be like $20 - $40

>> No.17799307
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Personally I like this job because I can work my own hours and I don't have a manager, i'm in England so we don't get tips.

>> No.17799337

US is a third world country run by the jews. Jewish elite is the only reason US is doing so well.

>> No.17799382

>Report said driver and other contribuitors with incriminating posts to said companies.
>Those companies don't want to have fraud cases on their ass, they fire all of them.

Wow that was hard.

>> No.17799404

Shit like that are so annoying. If you're not paid enough ask for a raise to your employer, not to your clients.

>> No.17799429

But it won't happen.

>> No.17799464
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It's dumbfounding that people can coordinate at this level to shame individuals who dont tip but refuse to coordinate negotiations with their boss so they can actually get paid proper wages in the first place. Labor capital is a negotiating point you can hold over your boss' head with the threat of there being no profit at all for anyone. And these people completely ignore that in favor of negging the revenue source of the whole operation.

>> No.17799476

By the way, isn't it illegal to have private databases of people without their consent in the US?

>> No.17799499

For fucking real. As I get older I grow less and less patient with the shit too. I used to tip a 5 dollar minimum regardless of what I ordered, now they’ll be lucky if I tip at all after hearing all my friends who wait tables and- get this -DONT REPORT THEIR TIPS ON THEIR TAX FORMS complain that they don’t get “compensated” enough for their low tier jobs I’ve just stopped eating out almost entirely. This is the same nation where the few cities that did try to pass giving the service industry minimum wage had those same servers chimp out because it would end up hurting their tip totals.

>> No.17799510

Lol if my food isn't piping hot from dd I assume it was tampered with and bitch at customer service until I get a full refund + credit
>paying optional fees

>> No.17799511

Tipping is fucking stupid

>> No.17799530

>tfw delivery service here expects 3.45 delivery + tip to bring me food from a restaurant less than 2km away

>> No.17799537

It’s because there are too many idiots who think they’re entitled to a tip when they don’t even have to do these gigs. This is just a business model that preys on the stupid and I’m glad it works. Fuck these entitled cunts. I always tip $1-2.

>> No.17799545

You pay the resturant tax, delivery tax, service fee, then a tax based on the gross total

>> No.17799575

Well to be honest the problem here is America. The wages are so low that a significant portion of certain jobs' income is from tipping. The problems revolving around tipping culture go away when the necessity of tipping goes away. Next question!

>> No.17799601

You are too brainless to realize that this IS a rudimentary and primitive, albeit grassroots, form of unionizing.

>> No.17799628

Unions are supposed to work as a counterweight to employer's power, not as a tool to make customers guilty for using the service.

>> No.17799656
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kek their r*ddit is a fucking goldmine of 30 year old failed losers crying ahahhaahahahahahaa

>> No.17799669

Depends. You can't just collect and trade PII given to you as PII like credit card numbers, but if someone is building stuff on their own based on publicly available information that they compile on their own, or the consumer willingly provides, then there's no problem. It could even be argued that it's no different from the shit facebook does with shadow profiles, especially if its just a location based database which doesn't explicitly use customer information.

So... a driver could just log that they went to location X and didnt get tipped when they delivered Y to someone that looked like Z. All that information is available driver side and doesn't expose the customer's PII in an illegal way.

>> No.17799683

They work for the tips, so it's not entitlement

>> No.17799718
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I see your point, but since they're using screenshots of the company app and probably posting exact street addresses I can imagine any lawyer would have a field day tearing them a new asshole kek.

>> No.17799730
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>the absolute state

>> No.17799740

They work for their agreed upon wage. If you take a job where your lively hood rests on the generosity of strangers, you’re an idiot. Tips should never be considered anything more than gratuity. An unreported “gift” based on exceptional service. Not something expected to compensate a meager wage you agreed to work for.

>> No.17799758
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Also make sure to check the reddit to know what to order.

>> No.17799760

I never fucking tip. If they want a tip for walking to my fucking door like they're supposed to, they better earn it. I had one guy actually start to walk away, then turn back around and was like, "What? No tip?" Fuck that entitled bullshit. You want a fucking tip, you earn it. Tell a joke, make me laugh, dance, flash your tits. You earn that shit like any other fucking human being on this planet.

>> No.17799767

These faggots should take it up with DoorDash itself. The prices are almost always inconsistent with what the restaurant itself charges and they take a 15% cut as a service fee.
My parents ordered Wendy's and a $45 order came to $75 after all the doordash fees + tip.

Fuck these services, they're for lazy entitled retards.

>> No.17799791

That's been the case for as long as I can remember here in the states. Ordering two large pizzas with sides for a Friday night with your friends can easily run you $40-50 or more when dealing with most major chains even when you're coupon clipping. Meanwhile the cost of ingredients to make all the stuff you ordered is less than $10. Or you could have just grabbed a couple frozen ones from the store. It's absolute madness but nobody ever really thinks too deeply about it.

>> No.17799801
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Also, whenever I order delivery I ALWAYS create fresh accounts to take advantage of a $5 off 15 coupon which used to be $7 off 15, it pays for the tax and delivery fee

>Always have these new accounts forward to my email
>Get a bunch of emails with pic related
>$15 off no minimum
>Free food for weeks

>> No.17799810

I can agree to the prices of DD if it’s used on occasion, and not just because I do t wanna walk away from my vidya for 20-30 minutes. Leave it to the generation raised on McDonalds to consider driving to the store too much.

>> No.17799831

I used to be an assistant manager at Domino's Pizza (fuck them by the way) and I can tell you for a fact they pay their drivers for driving. I even asked my boss (owner of all the Domino's Pizza stores in my area why tip if they get paid for driving, and he literally shrugged and said, "Extra money."

>> No.17799903

>ITT: college-aged "campus conservative" entitled boys in shitty state schools who order Postmates/Doordash on their parents' credit cards

The problem isn't Postmates or whatever. That's the gig economy, that's a discussion that everyone has already had years ago. Unfortunately, it's not going away any time soon, though it really should. People here talking about unionizing? fucking what?! how clueless are you

the problem is the younger generations of faggots shouldn't be buying themselves a $20 meal. the era of frugality has collapsed as something to live by. if you can't afford a $3 tip, fuck off. Don't order food to your freshman college dorm, bubble boy. College students who don't have jobs should not be buying meals that cost more than $10, and a ten dollar meal should be a rare, special occasion.

>> No.17799924
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>Imagine tipping to bottom of the barrel wagies
I only tip if the service was met with skill or kindness. I don't tip just because you drive 2 miles to deliver my pizza. I tip if you done an excellent service such as a good haircut or bringing my food at actual restaurant with professionalism and kindness

>> No.17799936

>dear customers stop ordering what you want because I don't want to work for a living

>> No.17799980

>the problem is the younger generations of faggots shouldn't be buying themselves a $20 meal.
Who are you to tell people what they can do with their money (or their parents money)? Maybe they can afford a tip; but maybe they don't want to give it because the service is not good.
Stop trying to move the issue toward the customers. If the service is not profitable enough without tips then you should raise delivery fees... Tips are optional by definition.

>> No.17799994

>advertise price
>lol, jk! you actually have to pay double.

>> No.17800010

Don't see whats wrong with this. Supply and demand. If a customer doesn't want to pay what you want to charge, then you don't transact. The only weird thing is using tips + blacklist for nontippers vs just charging more up front w/o tips.

>> No.17800023

My argument is less affordability, and more principality. Wether or not one can “afford” a three dollar tip (and having hung around drunk wait staff and delivery boys, I can tell you giving any of them 3 dollars will warrant the exact same response as just not tipping them) is nobodies fucking business but whoever is paying the bill. If some loser bottoms themselves out because they can’t manage their money well, that’s their damn problem. The me should not be expected to pay more than the cost of what they are purchasing. Any issues the staff have with their wages should be taken up with their employer. The real issue no waitstaff will talk about isn’t that they aren’t being paid enough in their checks, it’s that if they were, they’d lose more to the tax man than the current set up.

>> No.17800036

I live in a college town and have like 15 roommates. If my address in in some database I could argue to a court that I fear for my life. I could also report this to dd & ask how it's fair for me to receive subpar service because of something that a roommate did last semester that doesn't even work here. These people are retarded & likely to be sued & fired

>> No.17800130

it breeds shitty greedy people. today my barber charged me $4 for a tip when i didnt tell him to. i didnt say anything at the time, but fuck that guy. he probably thinks i didnt notice.

>> No.17800137

This is where conservative-minded folks lose everyone's respect, when they start Jewing fellow Americans out of a few bucks, to enforce this "THE MARKET HAS TO REGULATE ITSELF HAHAHA WE HAVE TO FORCE YOU TO COME TO THE REALIZATION THAT IF YOUR JOB DOESN'T PAY ENOUGH YOU NEED TO FIND ANOTHER JOB HAHA WE'RE THE FREE MARKET JOKERS."

no, tipping is an American custom that white American males are PROUD to carry on. It's a sign of class. You don't need to disguise your cheapness by over-rationalizing this. Your dad didn't teach you to tip. Mine did. It's that simple. But if you can't pass on a few bucks (delivery people are asking for $2-3 bucks, it's not even that much, just not a NO-TIP), you should be saving your own money to get yourself up to the standards that have been set here in America. Poor ass campus conservative losers waging your ideological wars on behalf of your cancer-ridden, cheap fathers.

>> No.17800283


The problem is when people not accustomed to tipping come and essentially rip people off by not knowing the custom, if peoples tips are intended to offset a low wage.

The modern economy is so impersonal now, tipping doesn't really make sense any more.

In markets like Amazon, Uber, services are automatically matched to customers based on best price. That is when you order and uber eats, you're just going to pick the lowest price. You don't give a fuck who the driver is, or anything else about the transaction. These are hyper automated markets. Tipping doesn't make sense in this scenario.

Compare that to something like a hair stylist, where someone might pay double the price just because they comfortable with a certain stylist, then tipping makes much more sense.

>> No.17800364

Nations with much more respectable cultures and much closer ties to their ancestral heritage, and much better reason to be proud, pay their wait staff fair wages, and tips are unnecessary, or even rude depending on where you are. “Hur dur pride” “Hey wagie, do all but beg so I can judge your service at your 9-5 and giver you somewhere between 2-5 dollars.” Not to mention you’re ignoring the large percentage of service industry workers who’s complaint is the 3-5 dollars isn’t enough. Again an argument of principality, not affordability.

>> No.17800416
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Based wagies

>> No.17800440

Tipping culture is a sham that was created to make sure full-time workers don't starve, since the unions are either bitch-made or non-existent.

>> No.17800498

This is why I loved living in Japan. Reasonably priced delicious food and no tipping culture. If you try to tip they just look at you like a retard.

>> No.17800530

uber, airbnb etc, its pure cancer. worst thing coming from america since it exists. fuck them all. i hope they forbid airbnb in eu zones where people live from tourism. everything coming to airbnb brings no money and just leaves garbage. fuck this stupid shit born from idiots living in dirty citys owning nothing and not caring for anything.

>> No.17800531

I’d honestly love to live somewhere where the staff gets paid a fair wage, and I could tip if I so choose without getting looked at sideways.

>> No.17800559

>doesn`t tip = stingy

Fuck you. Only americans think this is normal.
I never tip anything, only if it was a exceptional job.
The only exception is in restaurants, where the usual is a 10% tip in my country.
All other services there's no "mandatory tip"...

>> No.17800585

lmao how about these whiny cunts get a real job so they dont have to pester their customers for extrra money?

>> No.17800591


>> No.17800617

>Most gig workers that service you make less than minimum wage after deducting expenses
Then why do that job? Like ever? It's so funny seeing these "entrepreneurs make that hustle" when all their profits go towards maintaining and paying off their $30,000 Honda Civic. I legit cut every Uber/Lyft driver I see on the road off just so they brake too hard and end up getting a 4 star instead of that precious 5 star. I've only taken rides in those a few times and in every single ride, they always wanted to tell me their life problems and to show me their self defense weapons they have in the car. Anyone that does these jobs with their own cars are too stupid to do basic financial math and deserves to always stay poor

>> No.17800663
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You sound like you’re projecting. Tipping is retarded and I even delivered pizzas in college. Why should I be subsidizing corporate profits by paying the worker to perform a service which I already fucking paid for? Tipping is dumb and it’s greedy kikes fault, waste of space delivery workers and kids who want extra cash are just caught in the middle.

>> No.17800690

gib clown bob

>> No.17800700

I would love to live somewhere that 95% of the people look like me.

>> No.17800753

God fucking damn, so everything's prices is pumped through taxation?

>> No.17800754

>Fucked by corporate Jews
Jews only make up 40% of the billionaire class you anti-Semitic incel fuck. It’s mostly white men who are fucking everyone over as they make up 60% of the billionaire class.

>> No.17800762

Jews convinced American customers to pay for both the product and the worker's wage, holy shit

>> No.17800800
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Tipping is so fucking stupid that I can't even begin to write about it. How about the wagies' boss to pay livable wage to begin with?

>bb-b-b-ut muh it will raise the price of food


>> No.17800818
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>> No.17800836

>only make up 40%

>> No.17800844

honestly this. if my food costs more, i don’t give a fuck