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File: 2.08 MB, 286x508, sexy bitch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17799154 No.17799154 [Reply] [Original]

How much of your income is it ok to spend on whores?
I earn a decent salary, around 2x the average in my country so that equates to spending around 16% of my monthly income on prostitutes. This amounts to about 2 one hour sessions per week with top notch young cumsluts.
Anyone else does the same? I kinda feel bad for essentially wasting money, but prime pussy does indeed feel amazing.

>> No.17799167

probably not that bad considering a gf would cost you more money

as long as you dont feel the need for love or affection

>> No.17799176

Why pay for what is free. If you can't get laid in the age of Tinder and feminism teaching thots to sleep around as much as possible. There is no hope for you.

>> No.17799177

You'll get tired of it after a while and will regain the cash flow. It can take months or years but sooner or later you'll realize that a Fleshlight is a better investment and that your body's urges are just in the way of actual meaningful accomplishments.

>> No.17799184


whores are a terrible investment

>> No.17799192

Seek God anon.

>> No.17799209
File: 184 KB, 768x1024, 1582502468069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a "sexybitch" OP. Like fucking EAT something. Have you ever fucked a bitch this thin? Its miserable. I'd take this over OP any day of the week. Minus the shit trigger discipline of course.

>> No.17799233

get a better quality onahole dude you literally picked the shittiest one available.

>> No.17799256

Every time I feel the urge not to be a khv anymore and get hookers, I just wank a good one and the desire goes away immediately.

Diogenes had a good point when he said that sexual urges are a joke compared to stuff like hunger since you can just solve it with a bit of rubbing.

But then I guess if you have no other use for money.

>> No.17799287
File: 357 KB, 1080x1920, El_rapto_de_Proserpina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that is my line of reasoning.

I'm really not that good looking so tinder doesn't work for me.

Yeah I guess that's true, with older age the sex drive should go down but I'm in my late 20s now.


I like all kinds of bodytypes, except fat cunts.

I used to think like that, but once you experience a wild fuck session with some ukrainian barely legal submissive girl... Well, there's no going back to masturbating after that.
Although not all prostitutes are worth it, some times it's really a shitty experience.

>> No.17799319

Nice. You seem to live in a good area for whoring. In NA, except if you're in or close to Mexico, it seems pretty terrible and not worth the risk.

>> No.17799322

Me neither. Luckily for us, women pay more attention to personality, confidence and sense of humor than looks. Thats how 3/10s sometimes end up with 8/10s.

You may not catch their eye, but as long as you can strike a good conversation, you can still reel them in.

>> No.17799341

Its illegal in america

>> No.17799368

OP, mind if I ask what country you're from?
I'm in New York and even the mediocre whores are expensive as hell. Out of this shit hole soon.

>> No.17799390

can you jizz on their face?

>> No.17799400

I'm stupid never mind

>> No.17799416
File: 296 KB, 750x527, 5DA2045F596C44DAB282732CDCB93FD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luckily for us, women pay more attention to personality, confidence and sense of humor than looks.
Thats how 3/10s sometimes end up with 8/10s.
doubt it, never seen it
>You may not catch their eye, but as long as you can strike a good conversation, you can still reel them in.
I'm on 4chan, I've been here since my teens, I'm semi autistic. If I didn't have a lot of money to blow on whores I'd still be a virgin probably.

>land of the free


Depends on the prostitute, most are okay with it, some will want you to throw in a little extra for that.

>> No.17799446

>Have sex with condom or pay for a ridiculous risk

Just get a gf.

>> No.17799451


also swiss here, why do you not go to germany?
also, what places do you recommend?

>> No.17799479
File: 10 KB, 245x249, 8AF14371-A069-409A-B1C0-F06EDDAB2E58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much government regulation involved in relationships nowadays

>> No.17799491

Good gf costs you more money but if she's traditional and accepts her gender role she will be of much help and use to you, so that money is well spent.

>> No.17799505


>> No.17799520

OP so you have money and can’t get girls?? Unless you’re a teenager, theres a certain point in life when sex is not about the act itself but the fact that you were able to conquer a woman and make her woman willingly spread her legs for you.

It’s all about the hunt.

Use that money to take them out and charm them into giving you that pwussy

>> No.17799549

I rarely visit brothels nowadays, I mostly look for ads online (sites like xdate and others)


If I found a proper gf I'd consider a serious relationship, but so far it seems it's not meant to be.

>just be a simp bro
Lol @ spending money on dates and gifts for some broad. I'd rather spend a fraction of that for any kind of sex I want.