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File: 28 KB, 638x545, Screenshot from 2020-03-14 12-25-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17796969 No.17796969 [Reply] [Original]

Yes yes be hysteric piece of shit and ignore all the recovered coronavirus patients

>> No.17796975

Post the link

>> No.17796988

Be a piece of shit and downplay the risks, yes. Good job polcel

>> No.17796990

>liberal governors and mayors calling for stAte of emergency
>liberal media crying hysteria

It’s almost like there’s some conspiracy

>> No.17796995
File: 28 KB, 687x267, Screenshot from 2020-03-14 12-28-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, does this look serious, yes go buy more TP :D


>> No.17797005

italy will peak at 4000 cases
absolute nothingburger

>> No.17797007

Yes yes the numbers are there, ignore it entirely and stay hysteric pos

>> No.17797008

>lol just 7% dead xD

>> No.17797019

The world has 7 bil people

>> No.17797032

>w-what? are they downplaying coronavirus's level of danger >:(

>> No.17797037

Load this page: https://www.random.org/integers/?num=1&min=1&max=72556&col=1&base=10&format=html&rnd=new

If you rolled above 5,443 you'll recover. If you rolled 5,443 or below, you die.

>> No.17797044

There are confirmed cases of reinfection.
If you get reinfected while recovering you'll be severely damaged.

>> No.17797050
File: 568 KB, 998x631, 11904AD3-6BF2-48BB-B08C-C9046CBF75B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s so much more worse than you know!
>china lies about their numbers
>hundreds of million are already infected!!
>billions are already dead!!!
>they’re hiding the numbers!!!
>you’re already dead!!!

>> No.17797058

7% because shit 3rd world countries like Italy are only testing people right before they're pretty much dead already

if you test everyone in the world at the same time death rate would be same as flu

>> No.17797060

That's pretty much impossible. What happens is the symptoms lighten up and then resurface depending on where the infection travels in the body.

>> No.17797070
File: 118 KB, 720x700, Screenshot_20200314-123512_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh... Such a relief to see communist China reporting their cases recovered...

>> No.17797075

It already has mutated. Not really impossible when the same happened with the Spanish flu

>> No.17797083

A 7% death rate just makes me panic more. The actual reassuring thing is that many people get it and recover wihout even knowing, so they don't get counted.

>> No.17797089

see >>17797058

>> No.17797105

Whiew, was worried there for a second. Looks like I'll live until the next one at least.

>> No.17797138
File: 453 KB, 850x1200, ESFE-ByVUAAZ7Be.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have enough knowledge about thr flu that we can build vaccine every year.
The coronavirus on the other hand is new to us and the fastest vaccine we can get is maybe in 2021. Vaccine for new virus would take really long to produce, but health organisations have seen the issue caused by the corona.
Also the virus isn't one virus.
It mutated into what is called L and S. So now we need vaccine for two of them.

>> No.17797141

>That's pretty much impossible
t.retard, there is a possibility that the specific antibodies will not last long and you can actually get reinfected
still better than UK approach: "it's all right, just prepare to say goodbye to your grandpa"
mortality rate for a grandpa is like 25%
so you can play roulette and say goodbye to at least one of them
but it's ok, once you will realize that it also leave permanent lungs damage to 20 years old guys you will probably get scared...

>> No.17797149

The vast majority of the recovered cases are from China, and it's already confirmed they're lying about the amount of people newly dying and getting infected.

>> No.17797153

Hahah all the whiteys are dying.

I can't wait it til goes full blown in the US and everyone parents/grandparents fucking die ahahahhaha

>> No.17797162

Are you aware that people that have had the virus can get it again? You don't get immunity, in fact it's going to be worse the next time

>> No.17797174

Actually that death rate does look very very concerning as does the crit. rate. I wouldnt't be concerned if there was no such thing as exponetials in the natural world

>> No.17797197 [DELETED] 

>if you test everyone in the world at the same time death rate would be same as flu
explain further. we dont even have all confirmed cases, our measurements are limited

>> No.17797201

No. Dont be an idiot.
There is even a research paper from chinese researchers who said they found a new strain of it in bats and called it "SARS like".... IN 20005. Go be an idiot somewhere else.

>> No.17797219


>> No.17797221

It's chinks dying you retard. Lmaoing at you.

>> No.17797232

Pasta la vista

>> No.17797237
File: 289 KB, 1088x1189, testing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine this burger thinking only 2k people are infected when they only tested 8k people.

It's over fatboy.

>> No.17797242

It's bait retard

>> No.17797269


Stop spouting bullshit. You are either a whiney fearful pussy who doesnt leave bedroom much, or a complete idiot who wants to believe weird unverified bullshit like permanent lung damage being a consistent side effect because you hate the world that much due to virginity

>> No.17797273

It's because it effects old people and old people must live because reasons.

>> No.17797297

Just because it's froma family of virus we know doesn't mean it isn't new.
SARS wasn't this infectious to that level as Covid 19. It's definitely new.
>Health experts are closely monitoring the situation because little is known about this new virus and it has the potential to cause severe illness and pneumonia in some people

>> No.17797303

Covid-19 is not the name of the virus, you fucking brainlet

>> No.17797306

shut up and pls give me the toilet whitepaper

>> No.17797330

Fuck off. I'm only going by its offical name.
Don't care if you want to call it the wuflu or the bat soup virus

>> No.17797344

Excuse you but the scientific term is 'Kung flu'.
I'm a doctor.

>> No.17797353

That´s a lot.

>> No.17797374

Oh wow that's a pretty high ratio

>> No.17797406

>chinks sending their parents to the nursing home

Lmao, only white bitches do that cuz they don’t give af

>> No.17797413

a. it is still a high mortality rate
b. a significant share of the recovered wher in a bad state and would have died of collapsed lungs without respiratory assistance
c. if the disaese spread the order magnitude of people needing assitance will swamp the hospitals, as it happened in Italy, Iran, China.
d.mortality rate increases when hospitals reach max capcity and can't treat everyone

>> No.17797422
File: 60 KB, 500x598, 6FAE268E-65C0-4515-9B2F-6B042F951FA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h1n1 killed almost 300,000 during Obama

Nothing to see here!!!! Close everything down cuz corona killed 50 old ducks in USA !!!!

>> No.17797436

Covid-19 is the official name of the disease that's caused by SARS CoV 2

>> No.17797440

Hi Chang-Lee

>> No.17797448
File: 76 KB, 761x844, 02D865C2-CAFB-418F-8CFB-A9EE4AB2EF04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Drumpf is DEPLORABLE for letting people die of corona!!!

>> No.17797449

>only china lies!
>everything white people say is true
>muh tp cuz we don’t wash our ass

>> No.17797697

Ironically this is how most burgers think.


*goes to politics*

burgers are pretty low IQ and emotional not gonna lie.

>> No.17797714


>> No.17797744

corona will have killed 1m mutts by the end of 2021, screencap this

>> No.17797754

Oh you mean these that are straight from china. Just like how china just magically stopped reporting cases once it hit 80k. It was growing exponentially in china and now it has vanished, WOW thank you great leader XI!

>> No.17797785
File: 300 KB, 548x527, 45y4y5shr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking zoomers don't realize that Coronachan is only just beginning.. This is only the beginning you fucking idiots. This will last for MONTHS. The only question is whether or not Crypto will keep following the behaviour of the stock market which it shouldn't because stocks are tied to companies who are FUCKED by Coronachan's disruption of the already disturbingly weak production and supply chains across the world. Crypto is only following it now due to panic selling but for companies it will only get worse but crypto shouldn't (it really shouldn't) be impacted because there are no physical supply chains to be disrupted unless you count mining equipment. If people realize this and if this really manifests then crypto will have a lot less downwards momentum than stocks and people might finally see that crypto is a non-correlating asset. It only fell now due to fucking panic selling and not poor revenue etc. Do with this what you want but this might be INSANELY good for crypto in the mid to long term.

>> No.17797807

History shows when a pandemic happens people pull out of luxury gambles. Crypto being one of them. Bitcoin is going to shit itself HARD. Is it going to die? Probably not, but sub 2k is possible.

>> No.17797840

>unverified bullshit like permanent lung damage
t.retard, it literally punch hexagonal holes in your lungs, just like SARS, this is very well documented
just fucking do a 1 minute research
enjoy Darwin awards faggot

>> No.17797874

Yeah i think this is going to be insanely good for crypto too, you are a wise man.

>> No.17797924

>It only fell now due to fucking panic selling
nope, it was a coordinated attack on btc (ab)using bitmex liquidation engine

>> No.17797934

Can you source?

>> No.17797940

how about the (((recovered))) people who have permanent lung problems after? how about that yang?

>> No.17797950


>> No.17797967
File: 51 KB, 474x476, 1565250419863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but crypto shouldn't (it really shouldn't)
absolute retard. there is nothing wrong with getting profits from meme tokens, but actually thinking they have any fundamental value?

>> No.17797982

You're an actual literal absolute fuckin retard

>> No.17798043

You are retarded. Italy has the second best healthcare system in the world and its about to collapse.
People here stocking up on toilet paper are so fucking dumb and shortsighted, the average Joe thinks this will go away in a couple of weeks while it will stay for the rest of the year if we dont use the police to force people home like italy is doing

>> No.17798062

Your pasterino country has been doing a pretty shit job you subhuman incel.

>> No.17798124

I am from the us brainlet. I guess you are one of the dumbfucks hoarding paper rolls like thats all that matters.

>> No.17798135

There are no risks unless you are a faggot boomer, fuck off

>> No.17798158


>> No.17798161
File: 255 KB, 720x659, SZGwOcPn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That are getting reinfected after discharge and testing positive once again
6969 checkd

>> No.17798165

Yeah I agree too. Its possible it crashes hard but this logically makes the most sense. Also whales really enjoy taking advantage of literally any bad market sentiment so this is on another level.

>> No.17798167

recovered =/= cured you dumb fuck

>> No.17798182

from which country are you dumbanon?
italy is doing good, either you smash infection rates to zero during the next 3 weeks, either it will be a disaster

>> No.17798220

How is Italy doing well? 17.6k infection with 1.3k deaths?

I'm from Korea and our infection rate has stabilized with a death rate of 0.62% from 7.9k infected mostly due to the psycho cults.

>> No.17798224

Different anon but
>On Monday, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention released clinical details on the first 72,314 patients diagnosed through February 11.
That's a month ago, I thought according to most predictions the infected would double every 5-7 days?

>> No.17798246

>People who have gotten the new coronavirus and recovered can get it again in the future, health authorities say — the body does not become immune after infection.

Both Japan and China are reporting cases of reinfection.
But hey! Stay uniformed your brainlet

>> No.17798251

Tbh 1 in 17 is an insane death rate. I doubt you'd play a game where I said you have to press a button and there's that chance of dying.

>> No.17798257
File: 65 KB, 640x357, 1574717282151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virus killed a Sheik. This shit is going to destabilize the world

>> No.17798258

SK has done the best. Great systemic response except for your cult thing, but nothing could’ve been done about that.

>> No.17798263

>Crypto is only following it now due to panic selling
So is that why that whale decided to make it dump 20% in an hour?

>> No.17798281

Italy has taken the right measures by forcing people in their homes. We let the virus spread for weeks, denied tests to the ill ones and did not care until yesterday and still people move from one place to another assaulting supermarkets. I wouldnt be surprised if us has more infected ppl than italy now. Also kys k-chink, its bat-eaters like you that gave birth to all of this.

>> No.17798288

Northern Italy has a lot of 80-90yo that can only function on tons of medicine and up the death rate