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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17792801 No.17792801 [Reply] [Original]

>ate all my emergency rations

>> No.17792808


>> No.17792816

best thread on biz right now

>> No.17792820

kek this is literally me with the "emergency rations" of candy and cookies I bought recently ffs

>> No.17792885

Lol this is me as well, I just finished this whole bag of chips that I bought this morning and was like fuck that probably should have lasted longer

>> No.17793021
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I've fallen

>> No.17793067
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i would DOUSE her

>> No.17793205
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Buy beans nigga for $1 ea.
Eat 1 can per day during martial law.
Loose weight.
Have fun farting.
Invest savings into Indian hedge funds.

>> No.17793315

Me too bro, I had bags of that dream mix stuff with all kinds of nuts and chocolate and stuff mixed together in a bag, and bags of dried fruits from the store, I ate it all binging Netflix the past 2 days now I have to risk getting chinaman bat flu and go out again

>> No.17793371

you stored them in case someone wanted to steal, that's what animals do to survive

>> No.17793379
File: 29 KB, 640x519, 9atdhfyo3eay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you fat retards have no self control, why not buy emergency rations of food you dont enjoy eating, so you wont be tempted to stuff your fat face.

>> No.17793409

bro pls

>> No.17793467

i only dug into my spaghettios but still have a ton of canned food, ramen, and MREs

>> No.17793501

Yeah. I have a stack of MREs. I really hope I don't have to eat them.

>> No.17793633


>> No.17793711

I enjoy eating everything, that's why I'm obese.

>> No.17793723

are all /biz/ anons fat basement dwellers? I thought you guys were chad stock traders.

>> No.17793742

I bought a bunch of banquet meals and ate them, now I only have cans, which I don't wanna eat

>> No.17793748

Some of us are more into crypto

>> No.17793750

Were on 4chan, faggot

>> No.17793767


>> No.17793809


>> No.17793829

I prefer oversized

>> No.17793844

why are u fags even stocking up on food?you know food is grown and they cant really jack up the prices. atleast not without goverments subsidizing it. the world isnt over m8s

>> No.17793848
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This is what your average bizraeli looks like.

>> No.17793859
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I’m actually jacked and compete, I’m just bulking right now so currently eat like a fatass

>> No.17793862
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Trying to quit a sugar addiction, somehow ended up with a keto diet on accident, here are my observations:

>a keto diet is no carbs, some protein, lots of fat
>so cheese, eggs and salmon is a staple
>varies by region but salmon is surprisingly cheap- like 5 bucks on sale
>carbs would be wheat products, potatoes, and surprisingly carrots
>don't stay on a keto diet for more than 2 months- it's too new to be properly tested but there's a lot of evidence that it will fucking kill you. Your body just isn't used to living on fat

>(healthiest diet known is Greek, lots of vegetables, olive oil and probably fish, but that's irrelevant)

>main thing I would eat would be a vegetable soup (which I shouldn't have been doing were I actually on keto) and salmon or pollock with some vegetables on the side
>I would eat the fish and vegetables for its own sake, but making soup just to snack on felt like too much effort

>buy spices, they're the difference between a so-so and a 10/10 meal
>plus it makes it feel like there's more variation to your diet

>canned vegetables are like .77 cents at last check, and should keep for a year without refrigeration
>be sure to get some variety
>frozen peas are cheaper but fridges defeat the point of a survival food
>if you want to make cheap bulk meals for a week the term you want to look up is "poverty food"
>most of it looks surprisingly good

>if you drink reflexively get in the habit of drinking tea
>insanely cheap (I think it was like 2.99 for a box of 100?) and they're the only fun drink I can think of without sugar

>it's allegedly 22 days in a row without sugar to break the addiction, but I haven't managed it yet

>> No.17793870

thats alot of roids

>> No.17793927
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>> No.17795280
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>> No.17795309

You're a fucking moron.

>it's too new to be properly tested
people on earth have been living with ZERO carbs for millennia, e.g. the Inuits. And the "keto diet" was coined 100 years ago by doctors as a cure for epilepsy, and many patients used it successfully for long periods of time

>but there's a lot of evidence that it will fucking kill you
What the fuck? No

t. keto for 2 years, feel like v2 of myself. Are you really so stupid that you haven't heard of people doing keto for longer than 2 months?

>> No.17795312

Who needs food when you have coke and Kleros?

>> No.17795321
File: 401 KB, 623x489, holy_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played op

>> No.17795354

It'll be your kidneys if you're curious

>> No.17795471

I eat all the snacks but still have 10kg of chicken
Not gonna make it

>> No.17795501

You have a systemic yeast infection that is killing you. If you have never done an enema you have parasites living in your intestines.

>> No.17795508

I haven’t eaten in 28 hours . Just had a coke today at lunch break at work. Not hungry

>> No.17795537

>have not touched emergency rations
>it’s literally just OATZ and water bottles

Get on my level fags

>> No.17795554

because what will you do if the government forces you to stay in your house?