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17789952 No.17789952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you pepped in case of a collapse of the society?
I bought food two weeks ago - 150k calories, should last me for 2 months, picrel is just a part of it.

>> No.17789966

eggs belong in the refrigerator anon

>> No.17789991

Thanks, it's an old photo, I put in in the fridge a few days ago just like fruits

>> No.17790045

Good supply of healthy food. Maybe one of the best ones I've seen. Well done.

>> No.17790124

Europeans don't put their eggs in the fridge, but they do put butter in the fridge. Americans are the opposite.

>> No.17790141

I don't know a single fucking person in the United States that doesn't put both of those items inside of a fridge.

>> No.17790192

Let me clarify. You know how americans open up a 4 pack of butter and put 3 in the fridge and one in a butter dish? Europeans keep all of it in the fridge. Americans leave the butter dish on the counter.

>> No.17790233

Nope. A butterdish here is an ugly female chef you bang for tasty food. Youre thinking of a refrigerator

>> No.17790271

>No 20 gallons of hand sanitizer and 500 rolls of toilet paper

>> No.17790282

Normal people put both in the fridge

>> No.17790287
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>no guns or ammo

not gonna make it

>> No.17790297
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On to a more important topic than where you keep butter.

What are you guys ordering from online?

Is it full panic mode, like I should be buying solar panels, water filters, etc?

>> No.17790315
File: 940 KB, 775x610, Ora ora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canned food is very good for barter.

Think about it a ounce of silver is like 20~ dollars but I can of beans is like 0.50 dollars~

Which one is more useful when global trade breaksdown?

>> No.17790328

>Wasa knäckebröd
that shit will last forever

>> No.17790356

No they don't you mong

>> No.17790368

>Which one is more useful when global trade breaksdown?
An ounce of silver. A can of beans becomes useless after three hours. I can pay people to steal your beans for two silver.

>> No.17790409

>a bunch of grains
>no meat
i'd rather starve than eat slave food like that. Thankfully I have a freezer filled with wild game and beef from my herd

>> No.17790413
File: 390 KB, 978x1303, __drawn_by_syotastar__4bf7381efa9b8448cadb5ce3b81b014b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't eat silver man and you can barter the same way with both, you really think people will give you 40 cans of food for a silver coin when shit hits the fan?

Canned food is the move underpriced asset on the planet.

>> No.17790416

Society hasn't collapsed yet. People will starve to death long before it reaches I can kill anyone for a can of beans.

>> No.17790423

I bought a lot of protein powder.

>> No.17790432

Wait, you can leave butter out? It won't spoil or something? It's impossible to spread when you refrigerate it so I always get the kind with canola oil in it

>> No.17790433

If that drink is actually glowing I would be worried. i have quantum as well but its the Jones Soda version.

>> No.17790445

>they wont just take your silver and the beans
>>bbut muh defend myself
>then why not just get the beans yourself and save the silver and sketchy deal

>> No.17790452

>here dude carry this useless heavy shiny shit around in exchange for stealing food from that guy
>h-hey what do you mean you don't want my coins?!
>why are you pointing your guns at me, if you want the coins you have to go steal food for me, you can't just steal my coins from me, what are you doing reeeeeeeeee
fags that think precious metals are useful in le ebin apocalypse are the dumbest motherfuckers around.

>> No.17790458

Now I know and why I couldn't find rice in the store. Oddawaj ryz cebulaku, na chuj ci 10 kilo ryzu?

>> No.17790502

I have enough that I could stay in my apartment for the next 3 months or so. As of right now I don't intend to fully quarantine, but am working from home and will do weekly grocery runs for bread/meat.

>> No.17790510

Butter can and will go rancid. But, you can freeze butter just fine. Most things can be frozen, and still be edible.

We're not even remotely close to needed frozen butter, however.

>> No.17790610

Why are those eggs not in a fridge

>> No.17790620

I heard supply chains are collapsing and soon supermarkets will wholly run out of food. Is this true? Or is my prepper friend just schizo?

>> No.17790623

Yurops have different food standards for dealing with salmonella. They don'twet wash them which leaves the outer layer on and protects the inside of the egg. The Burgers wet wash so they need to be refridgerated.

>> No.17790702

>Bait this fucking weak and gay

>> No.17790766


>> No.17790838

ever been outside of america faggot?

>> No.17790864

A butter dish. I dont have one of those. Literally just left in the wrapper.

>> No.17790884
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>my prepper friend

>> No.17790887

not as well no.
i prepared for about 2 weeks of no supply.
if it's longer than 2 weeks i have a backup location i can go to where there is a few months worth of food but mighty uncomfortable bed.

>> No.17790906

my gun

>> No.17790907

The standard American butter is salted so it last forever in or out of the fridge. If your butter's not salted it might be best to leave it in the fridge.

>> No.17790937

Actually I put neither in the fridge because I don't buy eggs from the store like a retard and I don't like cold butter plus pure fat doesn't spoil at all that's why you can store lard at room temp too. The average person is pants on head retarded when it comes to food doing all kinds of superstitious and silly rituals to ward off the "bad germs" when they know fuck all about microbiology or what food is actually composed of.

>> No.17790952

>Wait, you can leave butter out? It won't spoil or something?
My family has always left the stick of butter we are using out. It is good for like a week or more. Never much lasts that long in our house..

>> No.17790974


>> No.17790990

Because you forgot to provide proof that you have more hidden...you deserve it desu. Not hard

>> No.17791000
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>> No.17791009

Where's the onions?
Seriously though, you have some good items but not that much nutrition. It's all cheap carbs... and fucking pesto? What prepper spends on pesto?
Beans, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, protein powder, vitamins, omega-3, frozen meat, frozen veggies, dark chocolate, brown rice... I'm probably missing a bunch
I give OP a 6/10.
Also put your fucking eggs in the fridge

>> No.17791030

til onions lent changes into onions lmao

>> No.17791055

>Wait, you can leave butter out?
yes you can (not too long though). my grandfather used to do it (but it was salty butter) and let it out for a week. never got sick. way easier to put in on bread.

>> No.17791056

fuck s o y lent changes into onions fuck lmao

>> No.17791086
File: 104 KB, 2000x1333, 303664_BlueZonesDailyDiet_02_Okinawa_101618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the healhiest people on earth ate sweet potatoes + rice every day (90% of their diet). Almost no meat.

>> No.17791103

Yeah it's true actually, i forgot about sweet potatoes. I should go get some. How long do they last though?

>> No.17791137

They last forever bro that's why they can be subbed as a staple crop instead of grain. I had a few sweet potatoes sitting in my fruit basket for months. They won't even sprout unless you put them right over a glass of water in a window sill.

>> No.17791195

Oh shit that’s good to know.... will get some tomorrow. Anything else I should get?

>> No.17791263

A grocery supply chain analyst in the US was posting here this morning and said there are no disruptions, things are being sold as fast as they hit the shelves, but the stock is still moving. He'll update us when that changes. Your friend is a retard schizo

>> No.17791303

I dunno I got dry rice and beans and a freezer full of lamb and pork I raised and two full hams curing atm but they won't be ready to eat for a while. I'm good to go. Plus I got a couple of wheels of cheese. I basically home ec Skyrim LARP so I'm good. Plus I got flour and other essentials on hand like always. I haven't even been stocking up on anything because I'm always stocked up and I rarely eat out or eat prepared foods.

I don't really know why you would need protein powder tho. Also maybe I'm thinking coffee i should stock up on. It's all imported from the tropics and I will die without it.

>> No.17791312

Yeah I mean the reality is the high end office jobs are nice and you can work from home. But you work in a factory or at a farm and sorry but your ass is there or fired.

>> No.17791323

This. America makes like 90% of its food and 100% of staple crops. Fuck we actually have too much atm there are supply gluts in cheese and grains.

>> No.17791327

Quality troll.

Sweet potatoes go bad in a matter of days. Unless it's pumped on all sort of pesticides and preservatives, which is the case if you are American.

>> No.17791339
File: 119 KB, 576x1024, 5AC5F0D5-368D-48BD-82B9-848358CC6B43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet your ass I have

>> No.17791358

i misread that a peanut butter and was going to yell at you

carry on

>> No.17791376

This is disinfo. Okinawans eat mainly raw fish

>> No.17791399

okinawans eat jiffy, spam (basivally old war/soldier foods) and homegrown veggies (that keep them alive forever)

>> No.17791418

Americans put eggs in the fridge because they are washed and lose their anti bacterial properties

>> No.17791428

Mine were organic from my friends my guy. I don't know what's wrong with your sweet potatoes. Do you buy them from the store? They've already been in cold storage for months by the time a store consumer gets them. If you don't believe me there were civs in Africa and South America who used sweet potatoes as their staple because they are so slow to spoil.

Just remember what you buy in the store isn't fresh no matter where you live or what the sign says.

>> No.17791446

You having to tell me this means you have a mental problem.
Also the fort threads were better than the old E3 food threads.

>> No.17791473

I hope you have some strong fucking alcohol saved up. I'd kill myself having to be stuck inside for 2 months eating that tasteless shit.

>> No.17791491

Can confirm. Always used the butter dish. Never worried about bad butter.

>> No.17791495

I just ordered 24 pounds of protein powder and mass gainer from amazon. If shit gets bad, I want to preserve my muscle mass. It's a pretty good value in terms of the calories you get per dollar, they contain a lot of vitamins, and it breaks up the monotony of fucking grains.

>> No.17791509

I am fucked. I have all the silver and gold I'll ever need and no food

>> No.17791522

Silver can be used as an antibiotic. it has tons of uses.

>> No.17791638

Protein powder and grains sounds bleak anon. I'm making carbonara with scratch made fettuccine and a pancetta I cured. I'm actually kinda pumped if everything slows down I'm just gonna start making all my food from scratch I got flour and yeast so I'll make my own French bread etc.

>> No.17791871

I've also got ramen and sardines. Fucking maruchan ramen went up 5x on amazon overnight

>> No.17791943

Just make your own noodles nigga like wtf how is pasta shortage real? Like nigga buy flour lmao

>> No.17791976

nigger that doesn't taste nearly as good as the processed shit

>> No.17791985

It's a viral pandemic and your prepping with candy and diabetes?

>> No.17791987
File: 51 KB, 495x496, 1527928205313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supply chains are collapsing
>or is my prepper friend just a schizo

>> No.17792000

Lol you're broken

>> No.17792001

you could keep both at cool place not refrigerated but if you live in a warm apartment they last longest in fridge.

>> No.17792161


>> No.17792210

indians dont put their eggs in the fridge.

>> No.17792241

>no nuts
>no dark chocolate
>no honey
>no peanut butter
>rotten fruits
>no water
>5 canned fish
never gonna make it

>> No.17792245

old photo newfag

>> No.17792372

they live longer because they don't eat processed american poison that gives cancer just looking at it