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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17778068 No.17778068 [Reply] [Original]

I am a 20 y o eastern yuropoor loser and I wanna turn my life around. I have already read most of the resources from the >>/smg/ but I want to learn as much as possible before I start throwing my hard earned money (which ain't much, I make about 500 euro a month) on bullshit.
What books/information resources do I need to read? Please recommend me things with as little bias as possible .

>> No.17778116

Buy chainlink

>> No.17778724

Get in now. Now is the best time. Don't waste this opportunity. Time is money

>> No.17778891
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idk why I even hoped that someone will actually give me some advises instead of shilling the meme coin they bough in/fell for themselves
Is it trough? I already said that I barely make any money and the markets are kinda fucked atm, Isn't it kinda suicidal starting out now with barely any experience .. ?

>> No.17779064

Crime. It works.

>> No.17779127
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You dumb fucking idiot. The answer is right there in front of you and you dismiss it. You are hopeless and you will NEVER make it. Your life will never be anything more than wageslaving away for crumbs in your third world shithole and it's all your fault.

>> No.17779248

I want to know what I am buying in exactly because I am poor fuck off.

>> No.17780148

Lad the point is that you buy when the markets ARE fucked. "buy when there's blood on the street, even if it's your own"

>> No.17780326

get a 10k loan
put 6k into crypto
quit job
life off remaining 4k while you learn how to trade crypto
try swing 5k to 20k
a) succeeded? great enjoy a non-wagecucked life and continue living off trading
b) failed? back in cagie or suicide

>> No.17780333


depends what stock you want to invest in.
American stocks are still laughably overpriced.
Eastern European ones, are laughably underpriced.
In Poland there are companies with price/book value <0,2 and price/profit ratio <1

and they still lose value ...

>> No.17780555

If you really want to turn your life around, LISTEN TO PEOPLE’S ADVICE and THINK OUT OF THE BOX or you’ll stay poor for the rest of your life.

>> No.17781583

I think corona madness has only begun, I wouldn’t invest now.

If you want to make money, practice options trading and shorting the world economies for the next couple months at least.

>> No.17781613

Do research then you slav cuck. People were being spoonfed 2 years ago, now the info is already out there, don't be lazy.

>> No.17781894

Being young and single is the absolute dream scenario, now is not the time to be a timid pussy, I speak from experience. My bank balance made me feel good, reassurance, I had thousands just sitting in a regular savings account but my crypto portfolio only had a couple hundred, I was terrified of losing money, would get nervous before buying some crypto

As I got older, moved out, got a girlfriend, had a drug habit and hit rock bottom, literally £8 in my bank account... it hurt, but then you quickly realize it's not the end of the world, being this poor was my worst nightmare... but next week I get paid and I have money again, so who cares. Now I try to accumulate bitcoin, but my wagie income limits me, I have bills and responsibilities now, and all I can think about is how easy I had it back when I was single and lived at home, you can literally buy £150+ of crypto every single week even on a low income job, it doesnt matter if you lose it all

Take the risk while you still can

>> No.17781987

get pussy
dont come here

>> No.17782363

Can't you learn to code? t. Balkancel

>> No.17782538


XRP will give you the freedom bro.

>> No.17782755
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I'm a poor wagecuck with no knowledge whatsoever on stocks or investing. I have $10,000 that I can afford to lose, but I don't know a single thing to do. Help me turn my life around guys.

>> No.17782836

XRP and hold until the end of the year.

Don't just listen to me, do your own research.

>> No.17782899

best advice

>> No.17782934

Is it true tptb are eyeing XRP after they hang the world economy and fiat out to dry with this whole virus situation.

>> No.17782959
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Here you go anon. You can ask /lit/ for the other charts but this one is pretty ok.

>> No.17782966

Yes, they created XRP and will use it to "save the economy". XRP is a sure thing.

>> No.17783021

unironically this
this board is just a bunch of retards shilling their retarded investments
i'm not gonna give you any advice because it would be equally retarded
do your own research OP

>> No.17783050

if these books are so good why is everybody losing here

>> No.17783419

No such thing as a sure thing, huh?

I’ve done a lot of conventional research on the subject but is there anywhere to look for more “proof”?

>> No.17783451

let me reason that:
1. you are poor
2. with that kind of money you can only make it by gambling
3. you apparently don't want to gamble
4. take that money and get better education/skills to have more money to gamble
5. work on your social skills and get pussy
6. as you get older you will see most guys do things just to impress pussy. once you find out that this is not what matters you need to find your real calling. good luck!

>> No.17783591

Twitter, if you know who to follow.

Here's one: https://twitter.com/J9Dalton

>> No.17784101

this happened in how many years?

>> No.17785075
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Part of the research is accumulating more information about economy because I still fell like I don't know shit and I don't wanna fall for some ponzi scheme being shilled around her in the mean time.
Sounds reasonable.
Sounds reasonable, ty m8.
I was only average at programming back in high school but because I couldn't get an university spot paid by the state I gave up on the whole idea.
No, I will look in to it.
same as the above
ty, I will also ask /lit/ later I guess.
Yes but I don't want to start gambling like I retard not knowing what I am doing, I might as well just buy only lottery tickets for now on, no? I want to be smart about "gambling" .. .
Yeah sure try to do that with 500 euros a month .. . The last girl I tried to "talk" with gave up on me about 3 months in because I am so poor.

>> No.17785337

If you want to gamble, options trading is your friend. I don’t know what brokers you have access to but if you want to make and lose riches in a day you have to trade with Americans.

>> No.17785527

Quick, too quick, 3ish years?

Ego was the reason I was scared of losing money, having a few thousand put aside made me feel good, even though nobody knew, it was just sitting there doing nothing, and I was scared of risking a single penny of it

Even though in reality I could have lost every single penny of it overnight and nobody would have known, nobody would have thought any different of me, my life would not have changed. Like I said, I lived at home and could probably have survived on £50 per week, but the blow to my ego of not having that money was too scary for me to risk it