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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17776217 No.17776217 [Reply] [Original]

I am officially down 115 dollars from when I first started investing 3 years ago and I dont know what do to. Im down to 19,885

>> No.17776313
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I feel like Dom from gears of war 2 when he finds his wife. I dont know what to do man, I sold everything

>> No.17776541
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>be you
>have $20k
>"invest", wasting countless hours of your life
>three years later, you have $19.885k
>basically you spent $115 for the unpaid job of "trading"

Sounds excruciatingly great, bruh.

>> No.17776607

Tell me what to do please

>> No.17776675

cash out, get a mortgage

>> No.17776748

Im just gonna wait for the market to hit rock bottom

>> No.17776788

I've held silver for 11 years and am currently down $2000

>> No.17776814

either buy ammo or condoms nigga. boog or boipucci you decide.

>> No.17776816

Go all in LINK.

>> No.17776959

how much did u make on btc?
like, i mean the money u really used irl, not numbers in browser

>> No.17777014
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I'm unironically back to the exact same point as 3 years ago

>> No.17777017
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>> No.17777024


>> No.17777041

Stay alive for your bro Marcus.

>> No.17777094

Did you put a lot of work in too?

Reminds me of when I was waking up early and doing research and watching the stock market for hours. A few months later I lost about 10k a significant chunk of my money. What a waste of time.

>> No.17777315

Yes and I too feel like I wasted my time

>> No.17777354

I went in with 750 dollars in 2017, now it’s 1900 dollars.
3 years in crypto and nothing

>> No.17777366

You could be -99% down, so be thankful.

>> No.17777392

Buy gold.

>> No.17777438

Buy when it's low you absolute retard. Only sell when it's high.

>> No.17777486

buy more when this drop settles down a bit

>> No.17777517

Your first mistake was getting into crypto after ATH

>> No.17777563

Let's be real, these charts are no different than som baby playing with an etchasketch

>> No.17777661

I got in before ath though. I got in summer 2017. But I didn’t buy any coins that actually went up. Or I was too diversified. Basically my peak was 5k both times and I held all the way down.

>> No.17778040

If it makes you feel better, I had a lot of gains on Nano, buying before its moon but locked myself out of the wallet somehow (says wrong password) and poof. It's gone. I still have the wallet, but the coins are useless now. This left a bit of bad taste in my mouth and I don't touch crypto since.

>> No.17778098

You take your fucking like a real man for not listening to the practical air raid sirens saying the market was gonna crash.

>> No.17778105
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>I feel like Dom from gears of war 2

>> No.17778138

remember to take profits, brainlets

>> No.17778144

I'm personally think I should avoid stocks until full on fear. The fact there's still a decent chunk who think they can profit makes it look like it has further to go down.

>> No.17778200

At least you're in good shape from holding the silver bags.

>> No.17778342

Thats my plan now, im done investing until the bull comes back

>> No.17778370

I buy low then it goes lower!!!! Hold you say? GOES EVEN LOWER.

>> No.17778376

Sell low of course.

>> No.17778404

While the market tanks I have bought a little but am purposefully restricting myself. If stocks are back to all time high in 6 months, then I make a profit and sell all of it. At that point wait until an actual recession or depression. If it continues to crash at least i only began with a small amount going in until it looks full on fear at which point ramping up investments.

>> No.17778435

Gears is redpilled buddy, especially gears 4 and 5 and del gets in your fucking way all the time on insane

>> No.17778508
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>until an actual recession
how do you determine an "actual recession" if not by the current signs

>> No.17778661

When Ford is back to one dollar

>> No.17778746


>> No.17778825

It becomes blatantly obvious as stocks are on an overall downtrend for several months. Prime example 2007-2009.

>> No.17779378

you lost more than that because of inflation

>> No.17779456

Don’t a worry anon i an down 20k from last week never selling