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17771332 No.17771332 [Reply] [Original]

Post evident bearish sell signals

>> No.17771353
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>> No.17771387
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There are so many boomers that got totally rekt

>> No.17771430

Based. That Tweet from the video game streamer saying "what stonks do I buy"

>> No.17771935
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black swan man BTFOd Blumpf

>> No.17772192
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The most bearish signal out there is that today is going to have massive pumps throughout the day and it still might be a red day. We are going into one of the most uncertain and panic driven weekends in memory. Holding right now is stupidity. Nothing about the fundamental nature of our economy is strong, this whole bubble has been created by interest rates that are about 2 points lower than the inflation rate, which are still available and able to do nothing to stop this crash. The only option the government has right now is to print money, and I mean trillions of dollars worth of money. The big problem is, the whole global economy needs money. If they do this, it will make QE1-4 look like a joke and we may get the inflation rate to double or triple over the next decade (I base my inflation rate on the big mac index which has the inflation rate between 2012-2020 at 3.4%).

So right now the only reason people think the market could go up or stay the same is the government/FED manipulating the market to do that. Can we think about that for a minute? There are people right now who are "buying the dip" because they are hoping that a few TRILLION dollars are injected into the market so they can sell high before it crashes again.

What drives an economy? Expanding markets, new technology, natural resource extraction. We have had none of those things since 2012 yet the DOW doubled in that time. Our current bubble is simply based off the FED having interest rates so low that it is PROFITABLE TO GO FURTHER INTO DEBT. It's a joke and this crash is the punchline.

>> No.17772276

Yes and when will the crash come? When will the armageddon unfold? These things take years because of the manipulation the fed can do. It's all manipulated and schemed at such an extent that it's so complicated to predict anything exactly. But what the hell do I know, I'm just a 20yo zoomer who has been holding LINK for more than 2 years now.

>> No.17772315

why does he look like he's in a lot of pain?

>> No.17772480

Because he's badly faking a smile.

>> No.17772500

why is Eric so miserable?

>> No.17772611

I think the biggest indication has been that first the NY FED said they would pump tens of billions (probably hundreds based on the 12 minute pump) into the market and then the 1.5 trillion being thrown into repo which is completely dedicated to ensuring bank liquidity. Our financial system is fundamentally unsound and I don't know if the FED can print enough money to keep it afloat before people start grabbing pitchforks and rope. It will probably take 1-3 years for this to all play out though, so don't expect some overnight societal collapse. First people have to lose their jobs. Then they get free time and anger and then they start doing dumb stuff. The whole game right now is how much money does the FED have to dump into the market RIGHT FUCKING NOW to stop that from happening and can/will they do that? And, even if they do, what is the real benefit of giving money to a bunch of businesses that should be failing or restructuring?

Basically, even if the fed starts the equivalent of an unending IV drip of capital into the market, that doesn't improve the economy and the state of businesses. At this point we are basically running a massive corporate welfare scheme, which makes sense since the people who own the FED are also the people who stand to lose the most if the whole system is restructured to something that is economically healthy.