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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17770488 No.17770488 [Reply] [Original]

Uni announced they're closing for a month. Fuck my shit fucking life. I was supposed to go back in 2 weeks and was looking forward to finally talking and asking this girl out who liked me. I was too pussy to make a move before and talk to her but I thought I'd do it the next time we see each other. Thats not going to happen now because I need to wait an additional month. Fuck my shit life.

On top of all this, my portfolio got absolutely rekt in half and I can't stop laughing at my life. I'm a fucking joke.

>> No.17770522
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>> No.17770921

Stop being such a fucking pussy and just message her OP.

>> No.17771004

Yeah, women are fickle creatures. Dont be surprised if she straight up become estranged to you next time you see her and fucking a fat beaner on the side.

>> No.17771031
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>4 semester
>finally have a chance to get practice and certificates
>corona chan happens

>> No.17771063
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>hate school

>> No.17771101

dude let me spare you the suspense
women these days if you havent made your move in the first few minutes of meeting her she has already written you off as beta af and now it is too late. it was too late the day you met, now it is months late. the world is not set up for romantics and frankly you are probably being a simp anyways. chad doesnt wait months before telling a woman he likes her and women are only wired to lust for chads and i dont even blame women for this one. face it dude, you are weak and women cant and shouldnt even want that weakness anywhere near them. give up, move on, move faster. of course it would be nice to get to know a woman first before deciding if you want to make a move but thats way too logical for this dumbworld and meanwhile we are in a pump and dump hookup culture where relationships dont last anyways. nothing works anymore, people dont know how to be people anymore. just give up and focus on literally anything else, women and relationships in this day and age are not something to invest in.

>> No.17771113

you stupid motherfucker, what year do you think we live in? 2020 AKA one of the years of the era of mass communication you niggardly, writhing afterbirth

go find her on facebook

>> No.17771115

She was getting plowed the whole time while away.

>> No.17771162

Imagine having a facebook in "2020".

>> No.17771228

No shit im beta as fuck bro this thing has been going on for like 4 months now?? How can someone fuck up so bad like me I dont know. Im a fucking failure.

>> No.17771254

Im not gonna do that bro I did that once and fked up so bad

>> No.17771255

Which uni?

>> No.17771265

Hint me yours and ill tell you if it matches

>> No.17771299

She's 100% getting fucked by her ex from highschool during this too lol, should have bought the dip

>> No.17771343

Oh fuck me, its in the Go8 and has maybe the 3rd most chinese, how about that?

>> No.17771362

No fren, def not it

>> No.17771378

she's NOT thinking about you
and you need to stop thinking about her

>> No.17771417

just message her and be yourself so fucking easy

>> No.17771511

he still has a chance if he keeps in touch but not too close and ends up being a beta provider in 10 - 15 years when she is ready to "settle" down.

>> No.17771529

this is true, you should be thinking about buying the dip.

>> No.17771554

I mean the only reason I still cling on to some hope is because shes dated absoute losers worse off than me in the past too

>> No.17771694

How about you start working out at home or at a gym, so that when Uni opens, Chad you will have no problem asking her out?

>> No.17771883

Thats the plan bro. Been working out recently. Truth be told I really dont have my shit together, I dress and look like a bum and im trying to fix that now in this break and be less of an insecure pussy.

>> No.17771939

Focus on your studies you retard fuck. I did the same but with other distractions and now I might fail a year because of that I'm still stuck at the 4th semester while my peers are at the fifth I need to study right now and pay fucking penalties while I could save those money and dump them into XRP just to see what would happen. Long story short do not waste uni with pointless shit focus on your studies

>> No.17772222

should be thinking about buying VRA desu

>> No.17772303


>> No.17772510
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>just workout bro!

>> No.17772722

>been debating going back to school for awhile now
this works out well. by the time this blows over, if I survive, and I find a program and finish, the ecnomy might start recovering.

>> No.17772913

I not op, but i'm slowly learning this.
I had always thought the way to find success with women was to meet, and then gradually, over weeks or months, establish a raport, and then maybe, MAYBE, after just hanging out with her socially for a while, yob just sort of transition into being a couple.
Bad strategy. It got me a relationship or two, but I was lucky that they really liked me and were patient. I won't get lucky like that again. Had to unlearn this.

I've recently started trying to date again and was getting nowhere. Finally got frustrated and said "fuckit" and started asking girls out directly. Surprisingly, 9/10 times, they said yes.

>> No.17772980

Hahaha are you me exactly

>> No.17773124

Same desu. Except I didn't ask her out because I saw a picture of her with a guy on her phone and I think I saw her sitting with same guy once too. All the femoids I want have already been stolen by Chad.

>> No.17773494

Chest day- flat bench warm up with 3 sets of 5 building up to 60% of your max weight then 5 sets of 10, 5x10 sets of incline bench with dumbbells, 5x5 dips, 5x12 lowerchest cable pulls, finish off with 5x10 tri pull downs

Back- as many pull ups as you can do, 5x10 deadlift 50% of your max weight, 5x12 cable rows, 5x12 lat pull down, 5x10 bicep curls, 3 sets of "21"s

Lower body-5x10 squat, calf raises, 5x20 angled sled

Make sure to throw in some ab exercises like ab rollers and hanging leg raises, throw in some shrugs or OHP on your chest day as well.


Clothes- Well fitting, go to the gap, American eagle, Uniqlo etc and buy slim straight jeans in dark blue, light blue, and black, buy basic colour shirts, buy some button ups with nice patterns nothing wacky, buy solid coloured hoodies with small or no logos, for shoes please stay away from autism tier "high fashion" sneakers, jordans, Chelsea boots or dad shoes from Walmart. Vans, Blundstones, Reebok, Nike sneakers are all good.

Get a hitler youth haircut. Congrats youre now closer to normiedom. Try not to put out the vibe that youre clearly faking all of this and deep inside youre a virgin who hates himself and women.

>> No.17774131

Thanks for the advice anon. I currently dont have a gym membership so Im working out at home but I will use this routine when I start going to the gym. Going to shop for new clothes soon as well. Thanks man I appreciate the advice.

>> No.17774244

Honestly man, Im on /fit/ a decent amount and theres a lot of people who just want to do home gym shit, Im gonna be real with you, the only people who will succeed to build a decent muscle mass with homegym are extremely dedicated people who have already excelled in other sports, if you're a 4chan user youre realistically not going to progress doing push ups and other meme bodyweight exercises. You need to get into a gym quick and you need to be eating minimum 120g of protein a day, please don't bulk, just lean bulk. I believe in your man. Get those clothes stat, not only will they make you look better but youll actually feel better. Good luck my autistic friend.

>> No.17774279
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she would have rejected you for chad anyway so the virus literally saved your ass

just jack off to porn

>> No.17774344

Why ask her out? Why not just fuck her?