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File: 88 KB, 1280x720, kotoura_san-08-haruka-surprised-cute-blush-fever-sick-illness-virus-cold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17766067 No.17766067 [Reply] [Original]

Volatility and u part 2 edition

Popular brokers:
https://pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (embed) (embed)

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https://pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed) (embed)

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https://pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed) (embed)

Live Bloomberg stream:
http://www.livenewson.com/american/bloomberg-television-business.html (embed)

Educational sites:

Free chart:

https://finviz.com/ (embed)

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>> No.17766077

no anime

>> No.17766097
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>> No.17766100

Imagine being Powell and printing funny money to hold up a fake economy and it is still being liquidated lmao

>> No.17766104
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>> No.17766108
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>> No.17766110

Chance of a rally is too high bros. I think I'm going to wait for next week.

>> No.17766112
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n-no u!

>> No.17766115
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are you the teacher on the left, or the one on the right?

>> No.17766123

>Educational sites:

why exhentai blank page

>> No.17766127

>Futures still red and slipping further even though multiple countries have announced their stimulus packages

>> No.17766128

Buy puts then ya dummy

>> No.17766136
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>> No.17766145

i dunno a previous op slipped that in

>> No.17766149
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>> No.17766156

Im seeing green futures on investing.com and Bloomberg. Where are you getting that info from anon?

>> No.17766159


>> No.17766164

I’m thinking bullish

>> No.17766168

Jap bears trying to offset Straya bulls

>> No.17766175

Futures are indeed in the green. You are correct.

>> No.17766177
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>he thinks monopoly money printing = action

stay tuned, the fun has yet to even begin

>> No.17766183

>futures back down
What a pathetic attempt bulls. Couldnt even open green. Didnt even make it to premarket hours.

>> No.17766200

Chance of crash also too high.
Better to see what happens over the weekend.
FWIW I think we're going to continue to trend downwards over the next month, but for now.....

I really need to get an account that can trade futures.

>> No.17766202
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DIX shat itself by the way... it's been really really high and suddenly it dumped off the charts.

Holy shit.
I need more Spurdonaviruses

>pompeo somehow
Isn't he like... fatter than Chris Christy?
Oh shit, is Christy somewhere that's got the virus? He's gotta be reeeaaaal diabetic.

I'm definitely jealous of those 'ceps, and mesmerized by those busts

>> No.17766203

obviously i am talking globally as i refered to multiple countries, but whatever bullfag, cling to that +5% that's already slipped to 0.5%

>> No.17766230
File: 52 KB, 640x480, ALRIGHT!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The war is over, Iran lost.

(so did the US though fuck the Saud)

>> No.17766251

It makes no sense to compare 2008s financial fueled recession to today's virus fueled correction, we're not going to see a decline over years like during the financial recession in 2008, that is why the markets drop so fast, and why I think the worst of this epidemic is almost fully priced in.

>> No.17766257

I am in bearish positions, was hoping I was wrong and you were getting the most real-time data

>> No.17766260

Too late the Arabs fucked us.
Look at the oil chart.
They are the ones responsible for the coupe-de-grace on the US economy.

>> No.17766268
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>> No.17766269

Golden bull run

>> No.17766274
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fuck tripfags btw

>> No.17766289

cringe and redpilled

>> No.17766309
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>> No.17766317

yeah you're right, because this one is going to be worse and just as long

>> No.17766318
File: 331 KB, 1000x666, PeepoDab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy until the bottom bros It's only gonna be a month or two at most

>> No.17766327

imagine your only job is to post anti capitalist propaganda in /biz

>> No.17766332

If a country's economy depends on something it buys to be expensive, it fucking deserves to burn to the ground.

>> No.17766339
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>> No.17766343

Half of all Americans can't afford a Surprise $400 bill. Instead of a bill coming due, what happens when this half loses $400 in a month due to their jobs sending people home for a week or two? What happens when they can't pay rent or mortgage, get their cars repossessed, can't pay for insurance, see their credit rating plummet for missed card payments etc? It could have a huge negative effect on the economy.

>> No.17766355

why is it rising, bros?

>> No.17766367
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what do i sell to free up the cash?

seriously considering liquidating my RH... I want to switch anyways. But schwab is soo clunky...

prolly just toss the bill in the bin
lol who cares paper can't hurt me

>> No.17766376
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>green futures


>> No.17766380

imagine the sniffy sniff

>> No.17766381

How many days until our fiatbux are worthless, /smg/?

>> No.17766390

we get trapped between an underconsumption crisis and a credit implosion, and unless america gets over its fears of 'gommunism' we see legit Marx-tier end-of-capitalism level chaos

>> No.17766403

maybe half of America should be smarter work harder and make better decisions

>> No.17766405

based and redpilled

>> No.17766409

Can anyone tell me how much shit is going to inflate in the short term with all this multi trillion dollar money printing?

>> No.17766412

I unironically think a one off Bush tier yangbux plan might be a decent idea....

>> No.17766420

You mean those things that are surging in value under hyperdeflation?

I can't wait to buy more gold when it's worth nickels.

>> No.17766422

We needed at least one fucking green day
like god damn I actually feel assaulted with what has happened the past two weeks

>> No.17766424

Why is PTY's price so low and always stayed kinda low for the dividend it pays?

>> No.17766425


>> No.17766432
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Enough red to cover the market!

>> No.17766433
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if we tech bubble nao, i hope this means we get to short all/most of the FAANG stocks into absolute nothingness
between boomers all dying of plague, and their portfolios transferred to all of /smg/, the (relatively distant) future is lookin BRIGHT for those ineligible for draft lol

no worries m8
SOMEone is gonna rub out MBS at some point
hes acting retarded
or like hes on scarface levels of cocaine or something
i can just see it now
>sitting in some bunker on a solid gold throne
>gold plated rocket launcher across his desk
>mountain of cocaine on a tray
>covered in the shit
>giant screen that shows the order flow of entire oil market
>broker keeps calling "what should we do my liege?"
>yes ur eminence
>[wife #26 of 52 tries to walk in]
>blasts her thru a wall
>[does 10 more grams of blow]
>cianiggers/fsbniggers/kgbniggers/regular niggers come in and """heart attack""" him

next morning:
>reports have now surfaced that the crown prince of saudi arabia is kil
>oil is going back to 50 lol everythings fine why worry?
[bombs iran/iraq/iranywhere/ireverywhere]
>oil to a hundred gorillion cuz muh """"civil war"""" in all the other desert cunts that make it
>mfw (rather, USfw)

muh "death to USD"
you sound like a gommie/retard, or a kid who didnt see this episode already my dude
house always wins

>> No.17766443


>> No.17766449

what are we looking at today, red or green?

>> No.17766452
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did u fail to account for

>> No.17766459


tomorrow will be green


monday will be another bloodbath


>> No.17766461
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>> No.17766462

And after that?

>> No.17766463

>could have made it by just buying any put back in february
once in a lifetime chance gone, now everything that could be shorted has insane premium, oh well.

>> No.17766465
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Debate me.

>> No.17766468
File: 690 KB, 1062x2048, IMG_20200313_001353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys get the fuck out of the US market, you can probably make everything you've lost back by taking what liquidity you have left and longing the chink indexes. We're gonna flatline.

>> No.17766473

green or riots in the streets this weekend

>> No.17766487

Obama ARRA seemed to work now we just need ARA ARA

>> No.17766489

From last thread:
Isn’t past performance always used when analyzing value? We’ve been doing it for the past week. I don’t believe that we’ll see the gains made since the Trump election completely erased because we’ve seen how the economy has grown in the US under him in every other metric. I’ll be honest and say that I’m really hoping that improvement happens so maybe I have a bias. Out of curiosity what would your guess be in terms of the DJI come June?
>Coronavirus has only just begun in the US
I don’t necessarily disagree with that but I disagree with the notion that it will even be Italy levels of bad. We’ll see more cases but I don’t think it will accelerate like it has everywhere else. I’m 2 hours north of Seattle and if you went into a Costco anywhere between me and Seattle and asked anyone who was “prepping” about it and they would give you an outrageous Doomsday response. Slow gradual build? Maybe. I don’t think this goes anywhere near H1N1 did in 2009

>> No.17766496

Tomorrow is green. Rip my puts.

>> No.17766506
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>futures are green
>for now

>> No.17766512
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God I wish I was a cute girl so I could sell my body for capital to invest in cheapies all the way down.

Also I'm curious, how would the market react if the fed was not controlling interest rates, what were crashes like before the fed?

>> No.17766514
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Buy oil, and Disney.

>> No.17766515
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You're supposed to double down.
Buy the dip, pussy.

>> No.17766519

fuck u bobo i need to close my positions

>> No.17766521
File: 125 KB, 1024x769, 16ewgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice risk management bro. Mine was down 30% and now I'm only down 10%, soon to be up again.

>> No.17766522
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if you think chinks are smarter than american's you are actually dumb af

>> No.17766537

>I disagree with the notion that it will even be Italy levels of bad
>worse healthcare systems than Italy
>worse state and federal response than Italy

>> No.17766539

>I can't wait to buy more gold when it's worth nickels.
this desu
been telling these fags for years now
>shiny rock go down in crash n shieet
not that hard

central banks will rub their hands together and pull some more mathematically impossible black magic out of its asshole, everything fucking crashes even more in a giant global credit crunch, and then we go back into whatever stonks is left

first up tho:

>> No.17766558

>get out

>and get in chinkbux
Nice try chang

>> No.17766563

Depending on what you're holding/when you bought I wouldn't sell. You can transfer your holdings from RH to a better firm just gonna cost you like $70. I only have my Roth IRA with Schwab but haven't done any actual trading through them so wouldn't know.

>> No.17766564
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>get the fuck out of the US market
>longing the chink indexes
Good one, m8

>> No.17766567
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>> No.17766568


>> No.17766577

Sweet, let's kick this bitch down the stairs already.

>> No.17766580

>Debate me.
buy oil once they (anyone really, take a number) kill king sandnigger or we bomb iran or go back to iraq (again(again))

>> No.17766587

>worse healthcare systems than Italy
Wrong, America has the best healthcare, its just more expensive.
>worse state and federal response than Italy
Also wrong. How the fuck is it worse than Italy when Italy is already completely fucking closed?
>Also ignoring the fact that American cities/towns are extremely spread out and many small towns won't even have a single case.

>> No.17766595

Also is like to add that a unified China operating as a monolithic economic entity is a myth propagated by the Chinese government

>> No.17766602
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How did Bobby know the perfect time to get out?

>> No.17766605

Wonder what will become of this thot in the Mad Max future?
I'm not really wondering, I have a fairly good idea.

>> No.17766609
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What worries me is how sure I am that we're going down, and how sure everyone else is. Isn't that the sentiment that often marks a bottom? What if shit really is handled in the credit/debt markets? If MBS and Vlad decide it's over, then corona might be nearly priced in, and the recession could be a shallow one?

EVERYONE is thinking they're going to sell into any strength. Isn't that EXACTLY when MM's come in to scoop up cheapies? Most likely though, we'll oscillate between bear-trap and bull-trap for a while.

>> No.17766613
File: 106 KB, 1052x1052, 1494998086017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are u guys picking up before open tomorrow
i predict a trap, what with the futures trending up

>> No.17766615
File: 132 KB, 960x640, 202d8accbec91ce0b11c619b9dde21db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Disney puts I bought yesterday are already +50%

>> No.17766619
File: 228 KB, 1080x1192, IMG_20200313_015334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was something I could say to make you know what I know, because I care, but im sorry friend, I'm afraid I don't have the energy to battle your FUD right now.

>> No.17766621

More likely Israel and the CIA would precision strike their oil refineries and blame it on Iran

>> No.17766626

I wish we went full crab, this fucking 10% drops are taking years off my life.

>> No.17766633

Basically the same thing the Japanese/Korean/Singaporean/Hong Kongers/Arabs/the big IBs (JP Morgan/Goldman Sachs etc.) have been doing

>> No.17766638
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>> No.17766641

i mean i was being a little hyperbolic
but yea fucking anything like that is a buy
till then its gonna be a fucking shitshow tho

>> No.17766645

>Buying on 13.03 Friday
Not gonna make it

>> No.17766650

He's an international business man with people all over the planet, including Shanghai and Hong Kong...

Same with Mastercard, I'm a FUCKING IDIOT for not dumping then.

They might be pulling a Jack Welch, and leaving behind struggling fragile companies while appointing underqualified successors to make themselves look even better by comparison.

You could uhhhh just tell us what you know?
When can I buy Bilibili?

>> No.17766664

reminder that the GFC bottom was 666...

Buy a foreign gf
You can still do that if you're that much of a degenerate.
mate... what goddamned inflation?

Oof that's a nice bum... but really all she has is her youth, makeup skills, army of betafollowers... uhhhh she's set for life isn't she?

>> No.17766675


>Wonder what will become of this thot in the Mad Max future?
>I'm not really wondering, I have a fairly good idea.
Selling ass will always be an option for her.
I've heard that she completely dropped off the grid and deleted everything but her patreon.

>buying AMD and SQQQ
Wtf is your strategy here? You've got bull AND bear investments in there

>> No.17766677

>You can still do that if you're that much of a degenerate.
You really can't as a man unless you are under 25

I can totally see this happening, $20 oil won't be allowed.

>> No.17766680
File: 105 KB, 1080x1080, A0046601-51E3-4BCD-85E3-5977AC8C2F7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any Americans buy a chinese index they should be castrated and shot.
The only acceptable play for a chinese stock is to short it. Anything else you are aiding the fucking enemy.

>> No.17766681

"Past is prologue"
I'm on my phone now laying in bed instead of sleeping so it's be a chore to try to defend that pithy saying

As for guessing a target I don't do that because that's full on gambling, it's hard enough just guessing red or black let alone what number the ball will land on (that's a roulette reference)

>> No.17766687

Now is the perfect time to accumulate.
Geely, BABA & BYD are also good buys.

Pro-tip: Buy their semi-conductor stocks if you never want to work another day in your life.

>> No.17766702

the enemy is aiding me, my man

>> No.17766710

Strategy is buy the first 3 for cheap and hold, for the other two, try to surf+sell the inevitable pumps the FED is going to shit into the market tomorrow

>> No.17766713

>Oof that's a nice bum... but really all she has is her youth, makeup skills, army of betafollowers... uhhhh she's set for life isn't she?
I've heard that she's deleted everything but her patreon.
She probably made enough cash to never have to work a day in her life, then immediately cashed out and shut everything down

>> No.17766717
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>> No.17766728

srsly tho
see >>17766433

>> No.17766730

Besides being wrong on healthcare you (like mist people) ding understand the importance of USA's geographical size and how jam packed italy japan south korea are

>> No.17766740
File: 245 KB, 338x717, Thot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gone die

>> No.17766748

plus we all dont ride trains like poor people lol

>> No.17766753

Seething subhuman judensklave amimutt

>> No.17766766

I mean, I'm not going to sign up to buy directly on their exchange with a vague promise from an anon. Gimme some details.

And any of the semis that are trading on the HK exchange and have a US ADR

You KNOW what the long-short is and I know you do.
but here's this anyways

New york is pretty heavy on public tranpo though

>> No.17766768

she should go spit on a politician desu

in fact we should all make a habit of this, just in case

>> No.17766769

What do you guys think the bottom out on Boeing will be?

>> No.17766794

Seriously can some dude give me some info on how suddenly creating trillions of dollars yesterday and more over the coming weeks will affect inflation, combined with a collapsing economy?

>> No.17766795

>Australia's home affairs minister has Coronavirus
ASX -10% soon

>> No.17766802

Pro tip, the NYSE is going to once again hault itself, and never unhault itself. GET the fuck out now.

>> No.17766808

>she should go spit on a politician desu
If I get sick with this, I am gonna fill a spray bottle with spit for future endeavors

>> No.17766814

The cold hard ground next to a 737

>> No.17766825

>You KNOW what the long-short is and I know you do.
>but here's this anyways
It sounded like he was going long on all the positions he posted, and I believe he confirmed that as his plan

>> No.17766828

>Wrong, America has the best healthcare, its just more expensive.
>Also wrong. How the fuck is it worse than Italy when Italy is already completely fucking closed?
no, that's why italy's is better
>Also ignoring the fact that American cities/towns are extremely spread out and many small towns won't even have a single case.
they're also economically irrelevant

>> No.17766833

hahaha get fucked peter dutton you naked molerat looking mofo

>> No.17766835

I just have puts and a bit of equity in in some dipped energy stocks but nothing major atm, just curious about how far they will fall.

>> No.17766838
File: 102 KB, 450x443, 1583175758495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck does this even mean in the context of the Chinese state companies? Isn't this basically like playing with funny money considering China doesn't let foreigner companies own a company inside their nation?

>> No.17766841

Probably we will have some stability, but due to depressed demand, and supply shocks, dip will continue for atleast another 4 weeks.
Also fed has very little tools now that the interest rate is 1.25, vs much higher in 2008, 2000

The wild cards are
>mutation, could become harmless, could become more deadly
>second wave
The virus is 100% going to get worse in the US, so will the restrictions on movements of people.
Most experts think China will experience a second wave as they start returning to work

>> No.17766844

look at the bull retards in this thread alone
look out your window to the people jolly interacting with each other spittle's distance apart

>> No.17766845

>America has the best healthcare, its just more expensive.
Imagine being this circumcised

>> No.17766848

Damn she has AIDS? I knew her bath water wasn't an investment grade commodity but it's worse than I thought

>> No.17766854

just make several contracts on the way down, so you don't get burned out.

>> No.17766857

imagine if you had 10 apples and you were selling them at your personal apple stand for $1
Then some dude with 1 trillion apples shows up and opens a stand right next to you and starts selling them for $0.01
your apples are now worth $0.01 lmao

>> No.17766861

>Pro-tip: Buy their semi-conductor stocks if you never want to work another day in your life.
TSM is the only one i know and its taiwanese

>> No.17766868

they grow on trees though....
if you really believe that apples are worth $1, then just buy all of his apples and sell them for 100x gains


>> No.17766875

Who the fuck cares? Stop shitting up the thread with this garbage

>> No.17766882
File: 70 KB, 551x473, 1563127577253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waaaaaaaay too many shares outstanding. You're competing with chink oligarch money laundering capital, kek.

>> No.17766888

people will buy the $0.01 apples anon 2 has a fucking trillion of them.

>> No.17766893

Google money supply, m1 m2 and m3 then find where on the line that quantity falls

Incidentally as a former University economics student the Fed makes those numbers a real chore to look at

>> No.17766894

If you can't think of any semiconductor stock besides TSM, then the AMD shills here are truly BTFO

>> No.17766906

He doesn’t really have that right either. Switching to a single payer M4A system would be way more costly than what the US has now. Even Dem reform in Obama’s ACA was costly for Americans and it cost them even more if they didn’t want in.

>> No.17766915

ill support small business owners and buy the bespoke 1$ apples

>> No.17766923

Not disagreeing but deadlier strains are self limiting

>> No.17766927

also anon if you wanted to do your example just get into oil $20 barrels
"just sell them for $40 you would make 100%"
except no one is going to pay twice as much for the same product ever.

>> No.17766932

Apple is reopening all branded China stores.

>> No.17766934

in china? yeah i dont know any except maybe qualcomm though i think their business is more the end-user product

>> No.17766944

Keep track of the VIX.
Also important that the VIX does not predict lows, but volatility the VIX totally misses the bottom in 2009, but the market was stable after the panic selling in the end of 2008
The VIX shot up during that, and then missed the low point after

Also recognize the largest daily gains happened during the Great Depression, 2000, and 2008/9
So just becuase the market shoots up a day, doesn’t mean that’s the trend

Also dumb women are talking about “buying the dip”, so expect lots of dead cat bounces

But the fact that the market saw 2 of the largest daily percentage losses in a week, is a sign of a coming recession/depression, due to panic selling
So most likely the fast paced damage is done, and it will be a slower decline from here on out. Bottom probably around early/mid apirl

>> No.17766957

Appreciate the input buds. Thanks you.

>> No.17766960

Its more like a trillion apple IOUs being given to Apple dispensaries that only have to stock 10% of their apples as real apples

>> No.17766966

Sure I know that, but with a long incubation period and asymptotic transmission, could leave the possibility for deadlier strains to transmit

>> No.17766971
File: 307 KB, 1280x1688, oil tycoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait. It's going to be a bloodbath in a couple of hours.

>> No.17766981
File: 389 KB, 380x529, 18A8C23B-B509-4584-AE56-4BDB563E5681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amd isn’t chinese
Source on most experts?
He’s going long on inverse ETFs, SQQQ is a 3xbear Nasdaq etf. It’s effectively a short.
This seems HIGHLY implausible. Unless you just mean the physical exchange, which is basically a tv studio. Have you got anything to back up anything you’re saying, or even a story to explain it?

>> No.17766982

true, so on paper their supply is 10x but in reality it is not.

>> No.17766984

Do you think A boeing put would still be worth it at this point?

>> No.17766998
File: 10 KB, 180x157, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17767004

I mean I like your thought experiment, I'm just pointing out one possible response

and some people have been suggesting that we do what I mentioned with oil: if the Saudis want to sell us $25 oil, we call their bluff. Buy it, build up our strategic reserves here, then when the price normalizes we're sitting on a huge amount of cheap oil. Meanwhile the purchases apply some upward pressure to the oil price. It was on Cramerito earlier tonight

>> No.17767014
File: 99 KB, 1176x244, 0DD74D63-CF27-4353-AF60-F4B92B26485B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a really embarrassing display
And he had a hot mic so people heard him worrying about the pen mark kek

>> No.17767023
File: 27 KB, 794x171, 1562733089884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amd isn't chinese
might as well be lmao

>> No.17767024

Nah. Markets are bouncing back a little due to government stimulus.
Monday will be another drop
Like I said, it’s dumb people buying the dip. With the ease of trading apps, really dumb people can buy in. And do dumb shit like “buy the dip”. Investors for the most part, aren’t smart, you have to trade in the short term for investors and the long term for Marco trends, like depressed demand and government stimulus
We might be over panic selling, but the overall trend will be down.

>> No.17767025
File: 348 KB, 450x493, 06295c4fb1a273209ff6f2f875e7613fb5c2d9850cc4b7d746cf1ce8e11abb07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New york is pretty heavy on public tranpo though
NYC is a bunch of poor people trying to LARP theyre rich, and a bunch of rich people trying to LARP theyre poor

believe me, ive seen all sides of that fucking shithole in muh """""""career"""""'
i look and act like a fringe lunatic irl which allows me to get along with both sides LARPing, as theyre not entirely sure which team im batting for

but thats literally all that place is
any real people got FUCKED off to jersey or queens or bronx or some other hellhole in the last couple crashes
just a bunch of transplant LARPers in the metro, and foreigners, but they have their own corner store/senpai restaurant hierarchy. not my thing

>be nu"""""NYer"""""
>lives in brooklyn for 6 months
>goes to party
>"soooo... im like from wiliamsburg"
>"oh cool do u wanna go pretend were poor at some warehouse party and then go pay for overpriced drinks after at some exclusive bar? i got my dads credit card and a neat property im subletting to some porn studio down in LES. ill suck ur dicc btw"
>well.... ok i guess...
etc etc etc

whole citys like that
top to bottom
and people wonder why its so fucking fuckt lmao

>> No.17767032

its clear that the economy is hurting trump very badly because he couldn't afford a tide stick

>> No.17767035

You mean Tuesday when he was looking at the oil, natural gas, and dollar charts?

>> No.17767039

Yeah. But tomorrow looks like a gain overall.
Depends on the stimulus.
With the Virus, people aren’t flying. Tourism is down. That’s 5% of world gdp

>> No.17767043
File: 247 KB, 515x485, 7623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still a thousand times better than the other candidates in the election though

>> No.17767049

it was tonight in his "6 step process for trump to defeat the corona virus and save the economy" segment
near the end of the show
I don't really watch cnbc or TV at all, but someone posted the link in the thread so I checked it out
he's not the first person to suggest this, of course.

>> No.17767052

If I don't own any stocks is now the time to get in? Or should I wait for them to plummet even further?

>> No.17767055

Based. New York is disgusting

>> No.17767056

Ha ha ha
But seriously it shows where his head is at. Sure appearances are important and all but this is embarrassing.

>> No.17767069

We're not near the bottom

>> No.17767071

steady in, steady out
buy some nice stocks, then wait, then buy some more. plenty of cash

>> No.17767082

all my crypto investments are in the gutter and i'm down around $4k. help.

>> No.17767088

That is not a good defense at all!

He’s doing a shit job and any of the primary candidates or dem opponents would’ve listened to the professionals.

He never should’ve been on the ballot.

>> No.17767090

Austrian here:
Today it out government will announce that every non essential store will be closed for a while from next Monday on.

Meaning only supermarkets, pharmacies, post offices, hospitals and police stations will be open.

This will fuck the Austrian and the EU economy hard.

>> No.17767091

I didn't vote for him but if I was going to be on national television as the leader of a country, I would be concerned about my appearance lol.

>> No.17767102

I lived in PA/NJ (Trenton) now I live in Idaho

It's like living in the shire, it's a different kind of tiring and they won't suck your dick

>> No.17767103
File: 1.97 MB, 800x1200, 1561334731235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you're just trying to b8 i see lel

>> No.17767104


This applies to London as well, in my experience.

>> No.17767107

i heard your prime minister tested positive for CoV i'm sorry.

>> No.17767112
File: 684 KB, 1250x1450, xddxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally buy everything you can before it too late

>> No.17767119

what do you think about the Austrian economy in general?
like, before the coronavirus, excluding the impact that it has
what kinds of cool things are going on on Austria?

>> No.17767125


honestly... they’re going to be a damn blue chip in 10 years.

>> No.17767131

No he wasn‘t that was Canadas prime minister.

>> No.17767137

Google dollar cost averaging

>> No.17767153

absolutely retarded and no argument-pilled
terrible. terrible job of defending him shill.

what's the best "everything"
favorite bolly play?
plz don't die, lay off the corona-tainted BTH

>> No.17767154

Well Austria is (was if the country stands still for months) a very rich country.
Very cold and unfriendly people though.
And it‘s quite boring here outside of Vienna.

>> No.17767156
File: 87 KB, 250x250, 1cf342af432746cee1141e283b589392d7da92bfe02f392ab02ece4718357a3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go dress like a fucking hobo and sneak into some exclusive bar in LES
pretend to play guitar/be an artist or something fucking gay like that
as a wise man once said:
>"it just works"

>> No.17767163
File: 48 KB, 540x726, 1332983229838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is 1,500,000,000,000
Only 85,000,000 americans pay taxes
That is 17,647.05 PER taxpayer given away for free.

>> No.17767165
File: 92 KB, 600x600, __artoria_pendragon_and_saber_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_tsukumo__f40bf4e03816cb57cb16ee55ecf4ad58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I should invest some now, and more when the market potentially dips instead of hoping for some magical moment when it's at the bottom?

>> No.17767167

muh globalization
such cases

>> No.17767178

they bought treasuries
that they can (will) sell later for a profit
nothing was given away

>> No.17767181
File: 83 KB, 718x301, YOU WIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NYC is a bunch of poor people trying to LARP theyre rich, and a bunch of rich people trying to LARP theyre poor

>> No.17767191

those dont matter
we recession nao
then later well go to war with some oil competitor

>> No.17767211

i clicked OK and it got smaller
is this a virus?
pls help

>> No.17767219

>favorite bolly play?
hundreds of amazing stocks are 2-3 segments. look at dunkin, look at jack, anything on the dow, look at tyson, look at spy, look at bank etfs
Buy Everything you can before the april superwick

>> No.17767224

Think you misread, I'm in ID now not NYC
Boise "downtown" looks like inside I'd mall of America but with streets, there's no lower East side

I really should learn guitar though

>> No.17767225

>very rich
where do the riches come from? industry?

>> No.17767228

>+3% in 30 minutes
we bull now

>> No.17767237

Google seignorage

>> No.17767241
File: 1.29 MB, 301x397, ultra retard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17767243

The truth is that Trudeau getting the Corona is better for the world as a whole

>> No.17767245

>Chance of a rally is too high bros.
>implying the market will rally when multiple European counties enter lockdown next week over overburdened medical systems
>implying the market will rally over money printing as corporate earnings start going to zero from literally no sales
A working prototype vaccine could be debuted next Monday and the Fed could start QE4 and the market would still sink from the pandemic.

>> No.17767247
File: 18 KB, 480x320, 271fe724e95c9d945c628bc69bdabc03a01a2835bc30b2459f4e395d379f0f03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think you misread, I'm in ID now not NYC
im stoned af and too excited to sleep desu

>> No.17767252
File: 691 KB, 3216x2064, RARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that they can (will) sell later for a profit
>nothing was given away

You really think the banks are going to pay (((their))) debts back?

Think about it for a second. There is not enough liquidity as it is. How do you think the banks will magically have more of that missing cash in a few days?
They will take the money and close their doors.
Too big to fail then fail part 2

>> No.17767255


>> No.17767256

isn't Idaho falls the Lower East Side?

this is still all part of the overwhelmingly large, gundanium allow unbreakable crab market superstructure

>> No.17767263
File: 906 KB, 500x349, heh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me bruh
t. NYCpro

>> No.17767274

>Bull globe
Worst outcome. How can anyone be rich if everyone is?

>> No.17767277

there is no debt
they bought treasuries
you can google what treasuries are if you want to learn more

>> No.17767290

Boomers and 'Lenials talking about how they are buying the dip so hard at work today. Yeahhhhh, I'm thinking there's plenty more room to drop.

>> No.17767298


>> No.17767304

It’s a zoomer’s world and you’re all living in it

>> No.17767324

>How can anyone be rich if everyone is?
Bernie it's way past your bedtime
If you aren't going to concede the noms, you need to get your sleep so you can get out there and campaign tomorrow ~~

>> No.17767325

They(the government) bought useless IOUs from banks...
The banks literally sell the goverment terrible ass useless shit with made up numbers for billions or even trillions of dollars. Its a pyramid scheme that WILL run out of assets and then the government will be left holding the bag.

Its literally bags of shit the banks are "selling"
to the government in overnight repos
It fucked up in sept and is now on life support needing a trillion dollar injection

>> No.17767333
File: 144 KB, 1600x1066, 1503709919235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't use that kind of ablist language, shitlord!

>> No.17767337

Based and nothingburgerpilled

>> No.17767345

anon, I...

>> No.17767355
File: 80 KB, 686x689, talk shit get hit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think fast

>> No.17767381
File: 399 KB, 240x240, AdolescentLongItalianbrownbear-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there's a chance in hell I'm not buying the dip
LMAO of course I am, that's what dips are for.

I just looked at Tyson before I sent that and saw it was above the band! Also does business with Chyna. And was looking at JPM as saw it was about to hit. But CEO may be dying so I'll stay tuned for now.

Anything not in the food-service or finance that looks good to you?

Maybe it's another no-sleep night so I can do some research and set some limit buys!

>> No.17767386
File: 1.43 MB, 225x400, 1531408821978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly certain that fucking schizo musician without health insurance that used to tripfag over a year ago is currently posting in this thread, but I completely fucking forget what his tripcode used to be.

>> No.17767392

>US futures +4%
>VIX -2%

>> No.17767405
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x720, i am the cook.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17767427
File: 7 KB, 233x216, 1582814436599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We bull market now get your cheapies while you can

>> No.17767434

If we plunder the stars we won't have to fight for the scraps on earth

>> No.17767448
File: 367 KB, 1004x485, bighon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything not in the food-service or finance that looks good to you?
yes everything, buy everything
yeah teh profit needs to open up space in his homeless tent Im about to move in

>> No.17767470

>useless IOUs from banks
Wrong. The US is not buying corporate bonds. That is what the ECB has discussed doing though.

You should really learn about QE and repo, it'd very interesting and frightening. But if you're going to spread fear, you should at least get your facts right.

Don't ask him! He's embarrassed that he was ever a tripfag. Something about having a trip being a pathetic need for attention and desperation for identity in the real world... I forget exactly how he said it.

that's a big horn you got there bud
mistress kicking you out? can't you just use cactus to pay the rent? Or is that money to buy cheapies...

>> No.17767473
File: 16 KB, 90x78, genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw the 2nd video and filename "I am the cook" before seeing the original "I am the cook" gif posted earlier in the thread
>Still immediately thought of that original "I am the cook" clip
I've been using this website wayyy too much and wayyy too long.

>> No.17767481

>6 minutes to INO premarket
Wish me luck guys

>> No.17767496

>teh profit
Yeah, that guy!
He needs to make room for 3 because I might be joining too

>> No.17767518

>bloomberg calling it a dead cat bounce

>> No.17767521

You own most of the BWL.A stock in existence by now, they should let you sleep in their corporate office overnight at the very least

>> No.17767541

Dont delude yourself bull. A bounce up from a huge drop like 2300 in a single day is pretty common. We will be back to red all next week.

>> No.17767559
File: 187 KB, 372x360, vvxxiuuvv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mistress beat the fuck out of me and I have 0 weekly income until hollywood opens back up, this is like really bad
Im actually in major distress at th moment its not anything to do with stock
Thats a 20 hour drive
ok we need a drummer, learn the drums

>> No.17767585
File: 67 KB, 576x576, Steyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Today mostly high tech and machinery exports ... and some tourism. German engineering has really gone to shit and we've jumped into the gap left there. Also, lots of business with Eastern Europe

>> No.17767598

lol imagine holding your puts overnight

>> No.17767599


>> No.17767605

Since about when has crypto been following the stock market? Shit went free fall anywhere from 30-60% down depending on the coin.

>tfw no circuit breakers in crypto

>> No.17767606
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>> No.17767618

I'm sorry to hear that
me too unironically
Ohhhh I forgot you had that thing, I have a friend who does press tours and conventions and shit... I should probably make sure he's not starving

I need to figure out a good skill to learn or new hustly that will work well if we get one of those global depression things.

>> No.17767623

/smg/ = Supermarket general?

It was amusing to see the shelves so empty. Not a single packet of pasta left. I already bought 30kg though

>> No.17767646
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, 1555884841900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many FLIR shares for one night with this warm hole?

>> No.17767653

this is a huge opportunity
while Hollywood is shut down, people are still going to want fresh entertainment content.
Remember all those Werner Herzog films? Be like Werner. Do the drugs, get a super hot wife 40 years younger than you, get out on the streets with a camera, and get some footage. If everything else is shut down, it mean you have no competition for the massive, unbelievably large entertainment market.
Get out there with a camera and some lighting equipment and show the world your vision

I'm actually going to buy a Steyr Aug, not even joking
I need to learn some Austrian tech/electronics companies. I'm somewhat familiar with some European tech companies because I work for a Belgian firm and we use all euro stuff. BnR automation is the austrian company that comes to mind. They make good stuff (X20 PLCs etc.)

>> No.17767655

Why would you buy 30kg of pasta?

>> No.17767670

because it turns into 70 kg of pasta when you add water
gotta eat big to get big

>> No.17767680






>> No.17767685
File: 1.08 MB, 1050x1974, 0xpuq9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hustles/skills work well during a depression?

>> No.17767702


Because I knew I wouldn't be able to buy any for months

>> No.17767704

That's what I asked!

>> No.17767717

the same exact skills that work well all the time:
be attractive and charismatic, and then just do whatever you want.

...the firm handshake
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile...

>> No.17767729

If you can overcome your gag reflex you'll have a steady source of income

>> No.17767734

Last four digits of this post is how much the Dow is up tomorrow

>> No.17767741

Oiling some fucking nooses is probably a lucrative business right now

>> No.17767776

WHAT THE FUCK IS THE FED DOING???? literally dead catting the market like some amateur panicking company keep dumping this is fucking spooky

>> No.17767780

Tomorrow's Saturday.

>> No.17767788

they haven't started pumping equities yet
if they do, you'll know

>> No.17767789
File: 39 KB, 333x411, Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 1.11.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow... I should use twitter more often!

>> No.17767791

They are getting raped by Le Bond Market and Arab Oil Dumps.

>> No.17767800
File: 73 KB, 750x750, 1580388782228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going down aaaggggaaainnnnn noooooooooo

>> No.17767807

>dax +2.40%
after yesterday -12% it's fair

>> No.17767809
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>> No.17767810

This is going to end very badly. I don't think I've ever seen a more desperate and manipulatedarket in every fashion. I think it's time to go off grid regardless of the virus or happening or not. I'm done with society

>> No.17767811

sell your boi pussy

>> No.17767822

FTSE already shreading the opening gains

>> No.17767824

We are definitely out of the bottom. I just bought €2000 in stocks in the last 18 minutes.

>> No.17767826

how do i invest in cats, /smug/?

>> No.17767856
File: 360 KB, 410x448, 1576777751817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be yourself bro

>> No.17767866

Is this central bank pumping or buying the bottom?

>> No.17767885

seriously considering buying $55 of btc...
but... I could just buy another KO!!

>> No.17767886

im not buying anything until april

>> No.17767902

The fed injected 5b a few hours ago.

>> No.17767905
File: 313 KB, 641x831, 1451569236597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>companies and outlets giving everyone till the end of March to stay home and try not to catch/pass the virus
>as soon as April hits, everyone will violently flood back into the public square, causing anyone still incubating or having it without telling will cause mass spread
>Wave 2 commences

If stocks are shitty now, just imagine in a few more weeks. Companies will be so backlogged that people will both be overworked and susceptible to corona-chan.

>> No.17767907


>> No.17767912

>Oof that's a nice bum... but really all she has is her youth, makeup skills, army of betafollowers... uhhhh she's set for life isn't she?
isn't that what makes women attractive? their youth, fertility, and not being hideous. their sex appeal. at least enough to make men want to fuck them. which makes them think they are perfect and deserve the best. unlike the other way around. which doesn't work because women expect too much. but are not willing to offer more than a wet hole. and have a lower sex drive

>> No.17767937
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x796, smug_Austrian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm actually going to buy a Steyr Aug, not even joking

Good lad! Fine Austrian engineering! Engineer and entrepeneur here, mostly dealing in steel and metalworking industry. B&R is a good example, others would be e.g. Pirkheim, ASMAG (though I heard they are "restructuring"), Fill Maschinenbau, FACC, voestalpine, Voith Hydro ... list goes on and on. We'd actually be in a decent position after the crisis if our companies can sit through it somehow. And even if not, just found new ones afterwards, unless we all go full Mad Max the know how stays.

>> No.17767964

Is Austria as pozzed as Germany? Might come for a visit after this is all over.

>> No.17767978

Might be a good idea to hold out even longer.
Soon we'll start seeing businesses going bust and massive layoffs happening, which are going to cripple the market even further for months to come.
Also we're only now starting to see the effects of the Chinese material shortage. Give it a month and everything is going to be way more fucked as it's not only speculative panic that affects the markets, but real fundamental things getting assraped.

This is like a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs, but eventually it's going to hit the ground.
It's the most fun I have had in a good while.

>> No.17767985

Some of them have other nice things, a smile that makes you feel good and a cute laugh, good bone structure, nice skin and hair, good musculature, a good trick like knowing how to play the piano...

>> No.17767998

really bored atm. Any good /biz/-related youtube channels to follow / binge-watch?

>> No.17768008
File: 21 KB, 248x245, xfsfx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent been on the actual set in many years, and i Remember its awful. I hate people in the film industry they make me want to throw up
Im actually going to starve since I spent 3 weeks of income on a fancy new computer 2 days ago and everything else is illiquid

>> No.17768010


>> No.17768021

you did good, today is going to be a pathetic attempt at recovery, we'll close green but not too high enough to offset yesterday's gains
cash out at the end of the day, monday is going to be red

>> No.17768024
File: 91 KB, 344x455, home_sweet_home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Is Austria as pozzed as Germany?

>> No.17768046

lads, which good online brokers actually work with regular Dutch bank accounts? there's no debit cards here, only iDeal

>> No.17768055

I'll have to look those other companies up. Thanks again :)

what kind of computer ~

the repo meme is stale
the next misunderstood doomer hype train is already starting: "autocallables"
get on board, don't get left behind !

>> No.17768061

With Dow futures being at +5%, I didn't dare wait for 14:30 local time, we are sluts who always follow the American stock market. I still have the feeling that most stocks will go down quite a bit again between 3-4PM and closing time, because people with paper hands might not dare to hold corona bags over another (potential) bad weekend of news.

>> No.17768069
File: 541 KB, 727x576, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17768071

can't you return it, buy food, and a shittier computer? and then when you have money again, return the shitty computer and buy a better one? And if you don't have money... just return it to try out another shitty computer?

I know they keep track of people who do that though, there are private agencies who store that type of stuff on consumers

>> No.17768079
File: 2.87 MB, 400x227, enchanté.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One is glad to be of service! Would love telling you mine but not gonna dox myself. ;)

>> No.17768081

Italy and Spain banning shorting kek

>> No.17768082

holy shit... for real?

>> No.17768107

Its real

>> No.17768109

2 years of Vanguard gains wiped out in a week, feels cold.

>> No.17768114

You can’t make a flu vaccine they mutate so often that once you hv a vaccine it’s already a different strain that’s why people have to get a flu jab every year as it changes every year

>> No.17768120

aah yes the firm handshake great idea in times like these

>> No.17768133

>corona has hiv components
>so does the vaccine
>injecting yourself with hiv willingly

>> No.17768142

Good thing it's not a flu vaccine then

>> No.17768149

But I thought it's not the flu?

>> No.17768154

>DAX already falling back to yesterday's close

>> No.17768166
File: 577 KB, 1280x1478, 1404596653488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe already shitting its bed again

>> No.17768172

>he doesn't take truvada for prep

>> No.17768174

2% fall within 30 minutes

>> No.17768179

It’s corona chan, the almighty kek god has sent to eradicate the Jews and the non believers a mortal vaccine will have no effect on this virus

>> No.17768182

>Now even Yuros are pumping
>Even though Austria will be on lockdown like Italy next week and Germany after that
The panic from the Boomers and Bulls is pure comedy.

>> No.17768183

I can't say I'm necessarily having fun (even if I am now richer) but I'm definitely not bored.

>> No.17768195

>air has air in it
>breathing air willingly

>> No.17768208

its a cyberpowerpc from bestbuy its probably overpriced because I dont know anything about computers and just asked for the best thing they had in stock. I dont even play video games, what game should I buy?
no Im going to become a pro gamer and win a tournament, I just have to choose my game to learn wisely

>> No.17768218

>Once the Austrian chancellor announces the new laws today, ATX will drop like a bowling ball out of world trade center 1
I am hard now

>> No.17768223

its dumping, fuck them i wanted cheap shorts

>> No.17768234

>air is HIV
This has to be the biggest Bull cope ever on this board.

>> No.17768235

Austria here, can confirm. People are freaking out already.

>> No.17768236

other anons are retarded but corona literallly can't get a vaccine, no coronavirus has ever got a vaccine

>> No.17768245

buy next week or do you guys reckon this shit is going to cause a recession?

>> No.17768247
File: 84 KB, 1136x663, Screenshot_20200313_084717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London Stock Exchange bans short selling
>London Stock Exchange bans short selling
London Stock Exchange bans short selling
>London Stock Exchange bans short selling

Bearfags BTFO!!!


>> No.17768249

>its dumping,
Nice, get ready for this >>17768218
Then buy super cheapies!

>> No.17768253

What laws will be announced, and why will they lead to ATX dropping?

>> No.17768257

>is going to cause a recession
this is like the "is this going to change my life or become a pandemic"
it literally already is bud

>> No.17768261

No corona has needed one as much as this one, so a lot more money is being pumped into it.

>> No.17768268
File: 553 KB, 2973x1741, 1555443490024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once the golden bull run starts, buy EU IV and all the DLC, but only when it's 50% off on steam sale

if you want to be a progamer, uhhh start with Osu! (it's free, you click along with anime music)
that will get your mouse skills up
then you can play other games and go pro

o shit

>> No.17768271

SARS????????????? don't be dum dum

>> No.17768279
File: 881 KB, 1500x1500, 1584069931565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, they can do that?

>> No.17768284
File: 25 KB, 626x460, 2cf372d0f4860353e84f8637dbbe3efb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finland 11% down
Yeeeah buddy.
Now hitting 2016 levels.
When it goes under 3k we'll be back to 2014 levels.

>> No.17768285
File: 238 KB, 1136x1154, 1584089464968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can’t make a flu vaccine

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.17768286

Dropping 20% in a week isn't a recession you nigger. It's just a bunch of boomers having strokes and smashing the sell button.

>> No.17768290
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>> No.17768292

now boomers don't have a chance to hedge against their portfolio anymore, how is this a free market?

>> No.17768297
File: 1.81 MB, 2592x1944, rUdltHm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S&P 500 is gonna tank again today right guys?

>> No.17768299
File: 61 KB, 540x511, 17j7na.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dax has fallen 3% in 50 minutes

>> No.17768301

>Austria here, can confirm. People are freaking out already.
My company is making everyone go on home office, yesterday my company (before home office) told us to buy sanitizers and NO STORE HAD ANY LEFT!
The supermarkets are also fucking empty now, all the essential foods are gone, kek this is going to be big.
And Kurz will announce the lockdown today!
Get ready for civil unrest in a rich 1st world Western European country my market Niggers!!

>> No.17768302

>tripping the breakers twice in a week isn't a surefire sign of a recession
are you literally retarded or

>> No.17768304

fucking sneaky chinks

>> No.17768309

>Bears and bulls fucked
Feels good to be a /nobagger/

>> No.17768310

the chinese did that for years, and then they opened up the market to short sellers. after a bit it got so out of hand they banned it again. i think its still available but you can only short companies on the shanghai composite with good fundamentals, etc

>> No.17768311

I already own EU4 I Just havent played it since 2015. Im pretty good and lucky with it, Ive almost done a world conquering with the one provence nation of Yaroslavl. the trick is to ally lithuania and pray they dont merge into commonwealth

>> No.17768316

you can be certain that the big players were already notified and could get into position for the big dumpening

>> No.17768321

>What laws will be announced
Same shit Italy has, only essential places will be open likie Supermarkets, Post Offices, Police Stations, and Hospitals!

>> No.17768322

Yeah good point.
I deserve what's coming. Had to get greedy

>> No.17768328

The cope is strong on bullfags

>> No.17768338

So are we gonna see another negative day? Dax is already down to +1% after opening +3%

>> No.17768347

Yea I thought this may have been him (>>17767025), he was one of my favorite posters

>> No.17768348

How many people did SARS infect? A few thousand? This has infected hundreds of thousands and can't be contained. It doesn't matter how bad SARS had the potential to be, this is worse in reality.

>> No.17768349
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>> No.17768351

it sounds like you're already a pro gamer...
I think they start as a vassal of muscovy on current patch
how many hours total in EU4 ?

>> No.17768353

Can someone explain to me in detail why the fuck people are freaking out to such a ludicrous scale?

>> No.17768356
File: 83 KB, 732x732, 1580426679174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one who called DOW to 20k 2 months ago you stupid nigger.

>> No.17768360

Negative by close almost definitely, it'll probably crab for a bit before dying.

>> No.17768361

What are you on about?

>> No.17768363
File: 2.25 MB, 2592x1944, rY6WaZr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It better be a red day, guys.

>> No.17768367

>home office
I don't think this term means what you think.

>> No.17768373

Depends on the headlines. Belgium just announced Italy style lockdown so the panic might cause another rout

>> No.17768389

Here in U.K. if ur above a certain age you have to go and get a flu vaccine every year because the flu bug changes every year, this corona bug has probably mutated already so the vaccine they are making is most likely going to be useless considering it’s moved from Asia to Europe with two different climates

>> No.17768392

Because a disease with no cure is rapidly spreading and deaths are growing exponentially?

>> No.17768396

what about puts and bear-certs?

>> No.17768399

Now the right time to buy in shorts on europe? should have bought two hours ago..

>> No.17768405

>no vaccine will be made
>10% death rate without treatment
>literally everything is closed or will be closed by end of march
>extremely contagious
>targets the exact people who would be trading
>growth is exponential, within 3 months a billion will be infected

>> No.17768410

because it makes them feel alive in a way that the humdrum of modern life cannot
survival instinct and raw emotion and all that good stuff

>> No.17768415

>Global supply chains disrupted
>2 weeks of no productivity or buying for every person in the world
>Potential for many thousands to die
>General panic selling

>> No.17768425

High leverage bear certs (x15) from Morgan Stanley are "sold out", cant buy any

x10 are available though

>> No.17768432

Will the ban on short selling cause a massive sell off because you can't hedge anymore?

>> No.17768438

When the fuck is that bank going to collapse??? I've been waiting for so long

>> No.17768439

I am fully prepared for 6 months

>> No.17768442

>boomer remover
based zoomers

>> No.17768448

doubt they aren't banning that too, they are not that stupid

>inb4 they ban selling all together

>> No.17768449
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>> No.17768460





>> No.17768465

>Implying banks will be allowed to collapse post 2008

>> No.17768468

I remember in 2018 when everyone was saying it'll shit the bed when it goes below 10.00

>> No.17768473

Because everyone knows that the entire market is held up by hot air and that bubble can be pricked very easily.
Corona isn't the real issue, it was just the catalyst for this everything bubble to get going.
We'll see DOW at 12k at the end of this shitstorm.
Remember that they never let 2008 play out properly. It was printed out of existence and that money printing has been going on ever since.
There comes a point where printing doesn't work anymore and things are going to get really fucked up. Especially considering how much debt everyone has.
This is going to get really ugly.

>> No.17768483

Nah, it's just that Germans use made up English terms. For example 'mobile phone' is 'handy'. Same in Japan with 'Salary man'

>> No.17768487

you aren't seeing the loads being squelched out of Deutch's spinky?

>> No.17768488

>I don't think this term means what you think.
Well in Austria it means you work at home

>> No.17768491

I dont remember, but Im more interested in Age of Empires 2 now since they have a 50k tournament this year and probably going to double prize pool next year. all top players from Scandinavian countries so they need good american representers

>> No.17768501
File: 340 KB, 493x493, fruits_of_our_labor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There comes a point where printing doesn't work anymore

At one point injecting more money into market will suddenly act like a huge monetary AZ-5 button.

>> No.17768514

>2008 was never played out properly
LISTEN TO THIS MAN. 08 never popped. They inflated a broken bubble and covered it in tape.

The virus didn't have to be here for this to happen

>> No.17768549

>black belt in sucking dick

sign me up

>> No.17768564
File: 1.27 MB, 1448x2048, download_20200312_085845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salary man is fine though, it just means you work for a company and thus get salary. But the japanese mansion(マンション) is fucking retarded.

>> No.17768586

very nice pit
very nice

>> No.17768720

not saying this fuck is correct, but the measures chinks have taken have stopped the marked from imploding. my shares never went below a certain level. US shares in the other hand have seen lows that hadn't been hit in years. Market manipulation does work, which makes you wonder why the US hasn't implemented the same measures if they actually intended to not let the market crash.
plot twist: they want the market to crash.

>actually believing the (((experts)))

this is what should have been done from the start. uncovered short selling is pure manipulation. The damage (and the gains) is already done.

>> No.17768742


You clearly have a lot to learn

>> No.17768816

Oh fuck the fucking Reddit shills. Stay calm everyone I've read both Marx and Engels they are both bullshit.

>> No.17768978

They do!? I loved that game!
Wonder why they use an outdated game

>> No.17768980

are futures green only because they banned short selling for spain and italy ? wtf

>> No.17768987
File: 393 KB, 1000x940, 1584057773414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, literally banning the Yang to the yin.

What could possibly go wrong...?

>> No.17769082

Flu has thousands of strains and hundreds of millions of carriers where it can mutate. It will take hundreds of years for coronavirus to get to the same level of genetic variance.

>> No.17769149

all yang :)