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File: 109 KB, 948x665, stonks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17760448 No.17760448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

People have been telling me for months that they didn't care what he was doing because the stock market was doing great.

I wonder how they feel now.

>> No.17760535

Trump didn't cause this major sell off. Stop pointing the finger at him and look at everything around us that is going on.

>> No.17760630

He was more than happy to take credit for it when it was rising but now that bad things are happening suddenly he wants nothing to do with it. How convenient.

>> No.17760636

No it hasn't. It might do so tomorrow or the day after, but not today. And comeby next month it will pass 30k.

>> No.17760795


Ye olde Trump response:
>It's only Trump's fault when the economy is doing great! It's everyone else's fault when it's crashing ;)

fuck off with your Trump is playing 4-D chess! bullshit

>> No.17760865

you think Obama would've prevented the coronovirus.... You fucking retarded liberal faggot.

>> No.17760938

Nice lil' strawman there. Don't let a pandemic get in the way of your logic and reasoning though. More importantly, don't let the pump next month get in the way of all the squealing and crying you'll be doing, let alone the re-election.

>> No.17760955


This is a valid sentiment. He should have never taken credit for a fickle beast like the stock market.

The two faces in the media trying to pretend that he hasn't addressed the virus "adequately" however are fucked in the head and hypocrites. They were accusing him of being reactionary and over the top when he was putting travel restrictions on China 1 month ago.

>> No.17760977

Obama dealt with the literal ebola virus and handled it well because he didn't defund the CDC like Trump, you fucking idiot boomer.

>> No.17761054
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No strawman, bro. It's just that my portfolio is literally sick of winning under the Trump regime

>> No.17761092

I feel so bad for him honestly. All of his work is now gone. In like two weeks. All down the drain. Trump is stupid as fuck, but he was making the economy better, but now this fucked it all up. Biden will probably win now.

>> No.17761132

Its exactly what (((they))) want. Halt the economy in q1 bad financials announced in Q2, recession confirmed right before the election and blame Trump.

>> No.17761144

He didn't deserve credit for the longest bullrun in history, and he doesn't deserve credit for the crash and impending recession.
But since he claimed credit for one, so he will get the other.

>> No.17761148


Nobody fucking travels to the Congo you retard. China is the epicenter of global trade and commerce.

Obama let race riots and ISIS happen, I'd rather not have a pot smoking diversity hire faggot handling this crisis either. He was always more show than substance.

>> No.17761153

I'm black, relatively wealthy, and voted twice for Obama. I was really leaning towards Trump 2020 because my investments performed so well. I'll probably vote for Biden this November if there's no uptrend.

>> No.17761241
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Nobody can prevent a pandemic. But retarded "businessman" Trump could've not lied about the severity of the virus to try to manipulate the markets a month ago. He also could have appointed experts instead of his swamp goons to respond to this crisis. The dude's literally trying to cut CDC funding still!

>> No.17761242

dow still is up 30% from when he won
nasdaq is up 70%
how is this possible?

>> No.17761271

People who "dont mind" trump is president are anti Patriots

People who sold their spines and principles and looked the other way on unprecedented incompetence and outward corruption due to a cult of personality

Cowards. All of them.
And im a fucking conservative.

>> No.17761280

probably the same because they're not a braindead faggot who believes trump is responsible for this

>> No.17761283

Listen, it's about time for you to admit that you picked one of the dumbest possible people to elect president. He has not gotten a single thing right about this crisis and it's a fact that Obama would have done this better. I look forward to Biden absolutely trouncing this nincompoop so we can get back to fixing the country.

>> No.17761333

My Trump voting Boomer dad is saying he's finished and complaining about the government not pumping his bags hard enough.

>> No.17761439

>can't actually refute a statement

>>17760955 is right, you people are a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

>> No.17761478

He literally did this

>> No.17761510

As much as I want Trump to btfo liberals with another win, if he loses then honestly I think it's best for everybody, including him
He's already in the history books as president. No one can ever take that from him. A loss in 2020 means he can finally stop the media from hounding him/trashing him so much. No more presidential responsibilities/headaches, no more backstabbers and people trying to set him up at every turn, no more "hurr durr orange man bad/dumb/racist", no more stress
America lost its fucking mind ever since he got the Repub nom. I don't know what it is about him but Jesus Christ....he seems to bring out the absolute worst out of the left (not saying it's his fault)
The news media, daytime talk shows, late night shows, Hollywood, awards shows, music, even fucking sports....they're all obsessed with talking about him, and in the most negative way possible. I swear it wasn't this bad when Dubya was around
It's really getting old now. Let the idiots have Biden so they can shut the fuck up already

>> No.17761535
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Still don't care. Still voting for my Orange nigga

>> No.17761556
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guys correct me if im wrong, but a super flu virus cutting off supply chains from china is more an act of God/nature, how could that be the fault of the potus?

>> No.17761575

>Trump calls for travel restrictions
>Corona starts to spread
Dems: Why hasn't this idiot restricted travel?
>Trump restricts travel
Dems: Awful. We must pass legislation to undo this

I'm seriously just gonna vote for Trump no matter what at this point cause I'm done trying to even make sense of these political circus acts

>> No.17761585

Trump is fucking done if he doesn't figure out a way to jumpstart the markets again. All the people here saying shit like it isn't his fault, are completely oblivious to how it doesn't fucking matter. He is the fall guy in an event like this, and it's going to be particularly bad since he ran heavily on muh economy.

>> No.17761614


>> No.17761616
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you sound exactly like the bald black lady on CNN isn't that weird?

>> No.17761623
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life comes at you fast

>> No.17761630
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it's his response

>> No.17761637


>> No.17761657

calm down. if a complete moron idiot meme like GWB can get 2 terms, you better fucking belive Trump can beat HRC again. SCREENCAP THIS FAGGOTS

>> No.17761662

>act of god
Funny you mention that, why did god rain hell on Egypt again? To own the libs?

>> No.17761664

OK Boomer.

>> No.17761677

>that boomer image
Isnt it kinda late for you gramps?

>> No.17761690


>> No.17761697

so the extra billions in CDC AND HHS would've stopped the virus from spreading in china cutting off supply chains because china didn't report it until it had already infected a whole city? please explain

>> No.17761700


Nah, shut the fuck up. Europe is doing 5x worse than we are right now because they didn't have the balls to do what he did and immediately impede travel from China. And guess where most of the infection is coming from in the United States? Washington and California, two deeply Democratic, Chinese-cocksucking fag states that refused to heed his warnings on dependence with China or Chinese commerce. What were Newsom and Inslee doing while boatloads of Chinkshit washed up in their ports? Nothing, because their pockets are full of Chinkcoins.

There is no "ideal" way to deal with a global pandemic. He's doing fine as is. I know you really want your gotcha moment but this really isn't it because it's 1. The country he's ranted against for years and 2. Two of the most blue, anti-Trump states in the union basically launchpadding this virus into the rest of us.

>> No.17761703

Trump didn't "defund" the CDC. That was some of the latest bullshit peddled by normie news that you probably worship. He proposed a budget cut, and it was denied by congress, who then later actually increased it's budget. Look it up on politifact.

>> No.17761706

The fact of the matter is Trump didn't take this seriously and focus entirely on finance and the stock market. Yelling at the fed chair to cute interest rates to 0% doesn't fix the fucking pandemic that will freeze all commerce and labor.

>> No.17761730

Yeah I'm not a sympathizer of the left, but if the virus starts spreading in murica, and the left spins the truth in this case. Trump might not get reelected. Not even kidding.

>> No.17761732

>>It's only Trump's fault when the economy is doing great! It's everyone else's fault when it's crashing ;)
Even if you’re a braindead malfunctioning liberal, you have to admit the stock market rally and pump was actually because of trump. And the market crashing is because the of coronavirus shutting down manufacturing.

>> No.17761744


I dont care because Queen Vagina objectively wouldnt have played out any better.

>> No.17761782
File: 99 KB, 1176x244, 1584068076419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think this shit is over? This is just the beginning. Just wait 3-6 months from now when 25-30% of the US is unemployed because Trump & Moscow Mitch don't want to pay for CDC funding and basic-fucking healthcare for US citizens.

>> No.17761803

he said our interest rates shouldn't be so much higher than the rest of the world. he said 0 % tongue in cheek. ive come to realize those who melt at everything trump says only do so because they have 0 sense of humor. I mean sure you probably laught at sitcoms on channel 7 and 50, but that's because you are programmed to laugh, just like your programmed arguments and talking points here

>> No.17761811

I love it when non american subhumans are somehow experts on our political climate

>> No.17761828 [DELETED] 


You can't win with a media like this. You just can't. They're all based out of LA and NYC, it's a lost cause. Even Fox News is just a meme controlled opp if you actually dig into their staff. Set right in the heart of NYC. They want him to fail, they are gleefully calling for his demise, I wasn't even a Trumper prior to 2016 but seeing this shit every day has made me have to defend him ardently because God knows those Chink funded kikes aren't going to when he wants to do stuff like address immigration and trade.

Guess what would have slowed this pandemic significantly? More controls on movement and trade. Let's run that story.

>> No.17761833
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it has been foretold. never forget.

>> No.17761836
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 6404B20A-CE33-496C-95F2-67322438CACF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to pol and make another /cvg/ instead of being a waste of posts

>> No.17761860
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>Moscow Mitch


>> No.17761864

>Moscow Mitch
Trump is a fucking idiot, but this is resistance cringe

>> No.17761878

fuck me, you're right. I honestly thought I was on /pol/

>> No.17761879

markets got pumped before he won obviously.

>> No.17761921

> Trump & Moscow Mitch don't want to pay for CDC funding and basic-fucking healthcare for US citizens.
mitch and trump don't pay for shit. where do you think the money comes from? daddy Obama printed more of it than any other potus and all of them combined. we don't need to print money to pay for your sex change tranny.
>muh cdc
why are you such a bootlicker?

>> No.17761925
File: 79 KB, 586x684, {278135F9-1BA2-4296-B900-041AA9905BDC}.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think, huh

>> No.17761930

You are hilariously full of shit. It's so much worse here than you think it is but because Daddy Trump is telling you it's not you just up and believe him. Actual scientists are saying Trump is full of shit. Europe is without a doubt handling this more intelligently.

>> No.17761989

Boy, buddy, you are in for a surprise.

>> No.17762008

what the fuck are those numbers suppose to even mean?
>Free school lunch- 20B.
20 B what, a year or forever?

>> No.17762056

Trump blew up the bubble

>> No.17762078

It's not really a climate shabbas goy. I'm just stating the obvious, that your corporate owned congress media who bows to israel will do whatever it is told. And in this case it's to blame Trump for the market crash and the virus response. Now go prep your moms bull.

>> No.17762083


Europe has caseloads that are overwhelming their entire populations. There are several nations ahead of the US in cases, including all of the progressive darlings. I don't really know what your reference point is.

I don't listen to "Daddy Trump", I don't need an authority to tell me how to think unlike title-waving authoritarian redditors

>> No.17762099
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all this hysteria will dissipate in a few months time and you'll be left searching for something else to blame trump for. sad!

>> No.17762102

>He’s proposed cuts but Congress ignored him and increased financing instead. The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren’t suffering from budget cuts that never took effect.

>> No.17762127

Is that real?

>> No.17762133


And might I mention these countries are a fraction of the size of the US. They are also way more dependent on Chinese trade.

This debacle is a literal validation of Trump's belief that China needs to be cut off.

>> No.17762134
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imagine being an actual fan of the orange man

>> No.17762137
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Pls delete this.

>> No.17762180

The stock market rally and pump is part of why we're in this mess. Value can't just go up forever, at a certain point you're overestimating by a huge amount how much stocks are actually worth.

Coronavirus is a trigger, but the bullets have been chambered for years.

>> No.17762192

People are only using the virus as a political club to smear Trump for their own game while at the same time causing mass hysteria and even more divisiveness in an already troubled country. You fuckers are so rent free that you'd see the world burn just to dethrone someone you lost an election against rather than win on your own merits, if you had any.

>> No.17762193
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>housing for all

>> No.17762210

>im a conservative
No, you're clearly a redditor

>> No.17762216

imagine being a ledditor

>> No.17762223

Yes it was a strawman. Your response was a complete waste of air. I don't really care what motivates your disingenuous argumentation, shitlib.

>> No.17762238


You know, pump resources into something that provides zero resources because it feels good.

>> No.17762272


>> No.17762277

Ebola? That little thing? A total nothingburger.

>> No.17762340


The funny part is the Reddit literally went ahead and deleted the only right wing sub on their whole shithole website with The_Donald, now the whole thing is dedicated to the worship of Bernie Sanders (soon to be Biden once ownership flips the switch and doubles down)

>> No.17762387

I mean this is the only reasonable take.

>> No.17762424


>> No.17762484
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>Actual (((scientists)))

>> No.17762548

Enjoy getting replaced by Nikki Haley.

>> No.17762564

Biden is s senile Brezhnev tier geriatric, he ain't fixing shit

It doesn't matter that travel has been suspended with China, all of our new cases for the past 2 weeks have come from interal transmission, which could have been stopped weeks ago.

>Trump might not get reelected. Not even kidding.
In the land of the blind the one eye'd man is king. The Dems would have fucked this up equally as bad, but they're not incumbent right now so they'll win by default on "fixing" the mess.

America and Europe are equally fucked because all of our institutions from top to bottom failed to do anything until it was to late.

>> No.17762573

The_Donald is still there you disingenous lying fuck. This is why everyone is rightfully tearing you apart in this thread, you just straight up fucking lie.

>> No.17762670

You realize the US barely tested anyone, right?
Maybe 10k tests so far last I checked. 1700 cases. Spain was lagging in testing too and they jumped from 60 to 3000 in like a week once they started rolling.

>> No.17762673

this it was artificially low interest rates for AT LEAST the last 4 years. ffs if you were following along theyve been alluding to this being an issue on right and left platforms since Obama.

>> No.17762700

Spain and America are based. fuck testing and fuck stopping everything. if they die. they die. invest in coffins

>> No.17762724


>Banned from front page, then quarantined, currently getting gutted of real moderation by reddit's admin
>I-it's still there!! Haha see we're so fair!!!

>> No.17762757


Go ahead and post verifiable stats and I will believe you.

>> No.17762796

Oh yeah anon it TOTALLY counts as still there what with literally nobody except its previous members being able to access it now.


>> No.17762799

Trump feels like a real president that you would find back in the history books who was based but nobody ever really talks about so thats why I voted for him I wanted to one day be like 'yeah thats Trump i remember him some crazy shit happened back then' like I wanted to vote for a president that might actually do something people remember if that thing is crashing this market with no survivors then so be it

>> No.17762819

Theres a fucking global pandemic. Wall Street is going to be quarantined by next week. How the fuck is that a presidents fault? If anything it’s testimonial to how good the economy is that we only slipped to May 2017 levels.
The economy and the stock market are two different things and this economy is strong. Once the crisis is over it’s going to be a bullgasim in all markets

>> No.17762824

It has been an utter enjoyment to watch actually get teared apart, you subhuman little traitor.

>> No.17762826

The_Donald has received special treatment for a long time. Any sub that broke rules this consistently would have been dealt with a long time ago but they were given opportunity after opportunity to follow the rules and they refused. They disingenuously insisted it was false flags so they admins came up with a way to prove that it's regulars consistently updating rulebreaking content, and they panicked when they were caught. This is exactly why the right has been losing relevance, because they just lie, lie, lie, and complain of unfair treatment when people have been as nice as they possibly can to them. You deserve everything that happens to you.

>> No.17762827

Did you get tested?
Do you know anyone around you who got tested?
Did anyone around you tell you to get tested?
Exactly. Now fuck off.

>> No.17762837

just print some more teth, I mean TRUE AND HONEST DOLLARINOS

>> No.17762844

MIGAtards still haven't realized he never made good on a lot of his populist promises, so they think any criticism of him is just Liberal Butthurt.

>> No.17762848

"Verifiable" stats?
Here's the CDC's own count, you could have googled this yourself

>> No.17762849
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>> No.17762865

Hmmmmm, could it be that Washington and California are the closest states to china?? Gee idk man. Also, Chinese love travelling to cali bc its paradise compared to methville biblebelt trash red states. Use your brain trogman

>> No.17762885

note also that people often have several specimens (samples) tested so number of tests > number of people, though I'm not sure it's more than twice the number of people.

>> No.17762896

lol this isn't about obama this is about incompetent drumpf

seethe harder, your guy is a moron

>> No.17762909

It's the system, not the president. Though the president does make decisions with a budget he is given, it comes down to the money. The people behind the money. The federal reserve. The banks. Not the fucking president. But there is one party that puts all the blame on Trump just like all the media and the talk shows. The liberal agenda is bullshit.

>> No.17762946

Trump will be the only president people remember from this era, he's literally in the top 10 most famous/infamous people of all time at this point.

>> No.17762955

Holy shit, the cope and delusions. By losing relevance you mean winning election after election and reversing a hundred year old taboo on right-wing politics. It is absolutely hilarious to watch the left crash and burn.

>> No.17762957

>we were going to ride the longest bull market in history forever!
Trump like a fucking idiot should have been paying off our debt while the economy was great instead of indebting us further. The bear was happening corona or not, but because of Trump we will see the worst US economy collapse in the history of this country

>> No.17762996

no one can be this retarded

>> No.17763001

Also a classic example: almost 2 weeks ago, they ran some tests on 46 of the 3600 people on the cruise ship (more than half were positive)
2 weeks later, we still don't have any info on other cases for the 3000+ people currently in quarantine.

>> No.17763014

>But not the UK for some reason despite them having a thousand fucks with it

>> No.17763020

LA and New York are smog cities just like Beijing. Not paradise. It's paradise because of palm trees, the beach, and notorious for Hollywood? It's a dump. California has about 25% of homelessness in the whole country. Fuck California.

>> No.17763042
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I didn't vote for him but I hoped he would win.


>> No.17763061

Lol, if the US economy collapses then what do you think will happen to China? There's literally no reason to pay off that debt, ever.

>> No.17763125

Due, the debt will never be paid off. That's the way it works. Obama fucked the country up worse, but it's the policymakers around the money who dictate where this ponzi is going. Blame Trump all you want, but it's got nothing to do with him. Ain't a damn thing we can do about it either.

>> No.17763137

>Bill Gates asking for a modest amount of money to help prevent this instead of inflating the defense budget by another gayillion dollars
>the literal exact thing Gates warned would happen happens

>> No.17763206

The government can shut down the exchanges at any time. They will do it for Good Friday soon. They could do it for an entire year. They had an excuse with the virus to sit through it. You boys got liquidated by the bigger boys. No refunds.

>> No.17763209

Stuff like this is literally why I voted for him, I couldn't be happier

>> No.17763223

Yeah I should trust politicians who flipflop between saying it's a cold that you shouldn't worry about then immediately shit the bed by not doing anything about earlier because muh stocks won't like it if you say the e-word.

>> No.17763247

wtf someone with a functional brain? I keep telling people that shit is never going to be paid but do they ever listen? We're all being played but people are too busy fellating themselves trying to win arguments to see it.

It doesn't even matter who the president is from a policy perspective. I mean it makes a difference sure but in the grand scheme of things the president's power is minimal at best

>> No.17763300

Is LA like the only place you know in cali? I'm from the East coast and have been to cali multiple times for vacation. Driving that coastal highway to Big Sur was on another level of beauty. You should go anon, I recommend.

>> No.17763366

Speaking of cope, how fucked up is it that people around the world from this coronavirus, the stock markets are crashing, lives are being ruined, and your biggest concern is "Oh no we can't post on Reddit anymore." You people are fucking deranged.

>> No.17763373


>> No.17763378

I wish we were part of a different state :/ i want them to perma quarantine everything south of the grapevine

>> No.17763389

Onigger took credit for it back in 2017, but not for the 2016 market crash hur hur

>> No.17763413

There was no 2016 market crash.

>> No.17763433

100% south cali is full of shitskins and nignogs. Everything North of the valley is where its serene and pure.

>> No.17763453

Listen Carefully. Lets say im a hedgefund, 10% of my portfolio in BTC looks great. We placed at 4k last year, never took profits, itsa healthy hedge right like gold. 90% is margined in traditional assets, traditional assets plummet, i get margin called, now i need cash to settle margin calls, bitcoin is still at 6k nice i can sell for cash and survive another day. All hedgefunds do this at once, price plummets. Bitcoin is not a safe haven, it is a highly speculative asset i can sell for liquidity easy. This is the beginning, bitcoin will never recover, as the liquidity is not there, and gov insurance doenst exist.

>> No.17763482

Yeah I've been to Ventura and Santa Barbara county a couple of times. Of course Cali has beautiful landscapes and wine country is nice. Over sentiment is it's an overpriced place to live, but a good getaway for a week or two.
The democratic party is demonic. The republicans aren't that far off either. I feel like we're stuck in this firepit and no matter which way we try to get out of it, it's just doomed. Now is the time to prepare like a doomsday prepper desu. Don't go crazy, but start looking into being more skillful in case shtf.

>> No.17763494

Do you even know how debt works or who it is indebted to? Fucking retard

>> No.17763544

honestly give it back to mexico in exchange for the wall plus a long term mortgage on the LA area and we'll shift the deficit debt to Mexico and then pump the peso down to Zimbabwe levels and then we can go to LA for the cheapest vices in the world.

>> No.17763565

No but he did trolled Powell into not normalizing rates

>> No.17763607

Nobody could actually believe this without being retarded.
>Stock market goes up for no fucking reason
>Takes all the credit
>Actively does things to fuck the economy in its ass
>Responds poorly to a pandemic
>Not his fault the carpet got pulled out and everything is fucked
It's 100% his fault, shut the absolute fuck up you daft cunt.

>> No.17763653


I must admit I also thought like this anon someone told me Trump cut the CDC funding. Fuck these Jews man.

>> No.17763675

Now imagine if the virus had hit WITHOUT the 4 years of Trump growth.

>> No.17763712

Trump is playing politics when he takes credit for things like the stock market (as he can and as he should). You however are simply retarded.

>> No.17763750

>just go to work :^)

>> No.17763779

Stocks started going up before Trump was in office. Just as Bush was getting out, Obama came in and it started going up like a rollercoaster. Right around the time social media starting kicking into gear and a lot of different tech took off. Smartphones went mainstream when Obama took over. Streaming services and Amazon went on a big run up. Guess what else happened? The banks were bailed out and money was injected into the stock market. Before you blame Trump, remember who's his daddy as was Obama's daddy and Bush and Clinton and...

>> No.17763864

He did how ever fail to replace the pandemic repsonse team as well as half of his entire cabinet 2 years in.

The guy is retarded. Its not much more complicated than that.

>> No.17763886

They are blaming everybody and everything but Trump for things getting fucked while trying to minimize how badly he fucked up. If this blows over by summer, they'll promptly claim Trump din do nothin rong and if it continues past that, they'll say it wouldn't have been any better under the Democrats. If it is the former, they will march out in droves and Trump will get re-elected. If it is the latter, a bunch of them will quietly pretend they never voted for Trump and stay home during election day.

>> No.17763893

Hillarious to see the trump pussies doing anything to protect trumps isreali dick sucking

>> No.17763926

hmm wonder who pissed off God/ nature

>> No.17763962
File: 2.75 MB, 1536x2048, 8EF3CAFE-591B-4BE0-88F8-482D5E7041D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moscow Mitch
>basic(hyphen)fucking healthcare for US citizens

>> No.17764076

You are so fucking retarded it’s not even funny

>> No.17764152

As a lurker I was somewhat onboard with you, but now you’re just a flat out liar.

>> No.17764215


when has any kekistani ever said they care about the world?

>> No.17764261

Not an argument

>n-no you!
And your other post is horrible too.

>> No.17764372

I hate Trump so much. Gas used to be $2.56 when Obama was in office. Tell Donald my wallet "Trumps" his wall!! And tell him about that stock market too!!!

>> No.17764421

Kill the poor people, they're behind this panic faggotry due their mental weaknesses. And by doing so, hospitals will have plenty of room for actual people who deserve the cure

>> No.17764446

We'd probably be better off without mirage stock values plummeting to their real values and freaking everyone out.

>> No.17764477

everyone knows he's a terrible person/president. the people who latch onto the performance of the stock market as justification/validation of their vote are grasping at straws. everyone knows trump is a shady businessman who has no moral compass and can't see past his own belly, much less 5 years in the future, and only wants to be president for the power that comes along with it (i.e power to put your sons/daughters/in-laws in positions that grant them federal paychecks) without having to do any real work. plus you get to golf on the public dime, how cool is that

but really, anyone that voted for him should feel bad

>> No.17764542

People are fucking braindead and I hope trump delays corona tests so we can wipe the slate clean with these jewish puppets.

>> No.17764547

I agree, but calling that liberal bullshit when a Trump supporter is the one who said he caused the rally and pump is dumb as fuck. It's apolitical. People want their party to be the good guys and the opposing party to be the bad guys.

And to be fair, if a president falsely takes credit for a booming economy, it's cosmic justice when people blame him for the same thing. I won't blame him, but it's absolutely his fault he's going to get blamed for this.

>> No.17764570

>California has about 25% of homelessness in the whole country
They come from shithole red states so that they don't freeze to death during the winter or die of heatstroke in the summer.

>> No.17764899

very based actually.

>> No.17764951

That fag actual has a good take there if those are his words.

>> No.17764959


good goy, ignore the real (((problem))) and blame bad hair man!

>> No.17765117

one good opinion amidst an ocean of shit. and that opinion probably came from a gop lobbyist

>> No.17765149

Liberals are literally retarded.

>> No.17765185

Hey mouth breather, it’s being blown out of proportion to mask this intentional financial collapse. You’re so gullible, like a fat child.

>> No.17765274

Amazingly bad posts.

>> No.17765469

I feel great, I made a lot of money and now I'm making money on this dip. Leftoids get the rope.

>> No.17765634

Karma's a bitch

>> No.17765677


>> No.17765704
File: 215 KB, 454x520, janny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese peon eats a diseased bat
>unleashes a new super virus across the world
>the panic shuts down much trade, migration and the stock market market crashes

I wonder if they're just being opportunistic bugmen that desperately need something they can cling onto to bash the guy, or if 3+ years of failed attempts have damaged their brains to the point where they actually think Trump caused this pandemic.

>b-but his response was bad!

Europe is a socialist bugman utopia, and they're eating corona shit 10x harder than the US is right now, so why aren't you blaming the EU?

>> No.17765707

First he dismantled the pandemic response apparatus part of the CDC

Then he engaged in conspiracy mongering, called it a democrat hoax, and tried to make himself the victim while downplaying risk for crass political purposes.

Then he seemed unsure and all over the place with conflicting messages and of course lying about what he has previously said. We find out he ordered fewer tests and he puts VP Pence in charge again for purely political reasons.

Finally he comes out and announces an odd and too-little too-late travel ban that surprises our European allies while he had the Fed suddenly find a load of money to artificially pump up the panicked markets.

It's a total disaster from start to finish.

>> No.17765726
File: 183 KB, 900x600, 1581121767902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah right

No refunds.

>> No.17765772

It didnt come from bat soup
That was made up by fox news

Trump supporting pussies eat up anything

>> No.17765775

banning yuros had and will have a direct negative impact both for US and Europe, aka the two first economic zones in the world.
he did to push an agenda (not banning the bongs), ignoring (or most likely not understanding) how it would hurt everyone including the US
he didn't cause the crisis, but every time he opens his mouth he makes it worse

>> No.17765806

Why wouldn't he take credit for the rise? He instituted great economic policy and fostered a very business friendly environment, causing massive growth in the economy and the stock market.

The reason it is dumping now has nothing to do with him, or his policy - it's literally a virus pandemic that he had no hand in creating, and people are selling due to fear and quarantines. No actual fundamentals have changed.

>> No.17765830

>intentional financial collapse
holy fucking lol

every single one of you is so fucking stupid it physically hurts i legitimately can't believe the lack of self awareness you guys have

>> No.17765888

Let's pull these dumb boomers' ventilators out in a few weeks and see if they have anything to say about the Trump economy.

>> No.17765920
File: 83 KB, 1331x480, 9BA78FAB-04CD-4172-8969-07BC77B83C12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder it’s just leftypol kek

>> No.17765937
File: 78 KB, 711x509, TRUMP-OBAMA-BUSH-EMPLOYMENT-CHART-2005-TO-2018-JOEL-SHORE-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah im sure trump the guy whose own cabinet says he is an "idiot", "fucking idiot", "moron" with " the understanding of a 3rd grader" who "wont read daily intelligence breifs unless they put his name in every sentance" and "stops people from explaining basic concepts to him because he doesnt want people to think he doesnt already know" has done plenty

>> No.17765958

He's retarded for playing politics?

>> No.17765965

Kek Google up what repo is

>> No.17766029

Sad desu

>> No.17766050
File: 25 KB, 663x442, F597D8FE-C856-492E-AFD3-0D41E32A3679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes both ways, faggot. He was saying HE was causing the pumps. Now that it's dumping, you're gonna say "lol nvm"?

Retards, I swear.

>> No.17766055

>the debt will never be paid off.
The debt gets paid off constantly all the time. The reliability with which the US pays off its debts is part of why we're able to accrue such a massive debt in the first place. Treasury bond holders, probably until now, have basically been sure their bonds are worth what they're supposed to be worth. Other countries that have loaned money to the US, such as China, do so because they know they will get paid back.

The debt will never be zero, and it absolutely shouldn't be, but it's still important to pay off as much of it as you can instead of randomly injecting cash into a bull market to artificially inflate its value.

>> No.17766071

Saudis did

>> No.17766072

>The reason it is dumping now has nothing to do with him
Same when it pumped, dumbass
>NOOO he can take credit for all the good BUT NOT THE BAD
>WHAA dont insult my god, mr. Trump!

>> No.17766075
File: 10 KB, 212x250, 1584071671057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

load him into a cannon already


>> No.17766088

no refunds
btw, all my short term capital gains taxes from my short? Going to The United Negro College Fund

>> No.17766095

Also, gotta love the fucking tax cuts he gave to businesses which has no actual significant effect to the economy. Trinkle down economics isn't real. He even says on video he does believe in trinkle down economics Lel

>> No.17766118

>didn't have the balls to do what he did and immediately impede travel from China
Italy did that sooner than we did. Didn't help them.

>> No.17766218
File: 19 KB, 474x394, leavebritanyalone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17766293

Regardless of how much blame is his, I think it may be over for him. Unless Biden fucking dies, this could be his undoing. Putting the markets aside him saying it's just the flu bro is gonna age worse and worse

>> No.17766350

all you fucking morons actually think your votes are counted. lol

>> No.17766351

>A total nothingburger.
It was a nothingburger precisely because of the steps taken to avoid the spread. The levels of idiocy are off the charts. Morons like you should be denied the right to vote.

>> No.17766439

Payments over a 10 year period.

>> No.17766474

Trump is pro central bank and pro artificially low interest rates.

>> No.17766485

That's exactly why the DNC is okay with Biden despite his gaffes. They know that he cannot possibly lose. Hillary only barely lost despite being hands down the most despised person in politics. On the other hand people love Biden. All the attacks and smears on him are just bouncing off.

>> No.17766518

>basic-fucking healthcare for US citizens
That's a funny way of saying coercive state monopoly.

>> No.17766528

just lmao at this fake graph.

Leftards get the bullet.

>> No.17766578

>anything I don't like is fake!

>> No.17766606
File: 9 KB, 238x192, 1583792233864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2016 market crash

>> No.17766649
File: 46 KB, 640x781, 1558714324190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Business get tax cut
>Business expands
>Business looking for new employees
>Business hires more people
>Employment goes up
>Competing businesses looking for people as well
>Competes for hires
>Wages goes up
>Production goes up
>Economic activity goes up
>Market confidence goes up
>Stock market goes up


>> No.17766727

Obama created a special National Security Council unit specifically to manage global pandemic response and coordinate between the departments. Trump shut it down two years ago because "lol, who knew it'd happen".

>> No.17766749

america in general.. if you really think God has picked a side then you are unironically dichotomy pozzed

>> No.17766751

>>Business get tax cut
>>Business expands
That isn't what happens though, nice try

>> No.17766777
File: 446 KB, 463x674, 1583822459460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's retarded. He's always been retarded.

>> No.17766819

And they call threads like that "valuable discussion" and complain when nobody wants them on their site.

>> No.17766837

Retard. Ironically trinkle down economics is socialism for the rich. Faggot.

Also, this destroys your delusional "trinkle down economics" bullshit: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-economy-investment/1-5-trillion-u-s-tax-cut-has-no-major-impact-on-business-capex-plans-survey-idUSKCN1PM0B0

>> No.17766849

you're overcomplicating a simple reality
>Business gets tax cuts
>Business hoards excess wealth

>> No.17766879
File: 68 KB, 653x606, leftism_from_parents_basement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No argument found.

Back to leftypol trannyfag.

>> No.17766881

How many tests did the USA run?

>> No.17766885

I didn't know Trump was the CEO of every company in the country and that he owned 65% of the supply. Oh wait thats Sergey Nazarov.
He is in charge of picking people in his cabinet and some board of the Fed's, but we have a relationship with other countries and there's a lot that factors in. China is playing rough ball with the U.S. No shit he's over his head with what he's saying, but they all do that.

You don't want the people knowing what's really going on. But he's not lying as bad as the former guy did.

Shit, it's hardly nicked with a toothpick instead of using an axe or a chainsaw. You need debt because the money is backed by the debt. The loans taken out to pay for everything. They're printing money to fund a lifting o the stock market because it's crashing. Injecting a trillion dollars to keep it going. Wait for when Bernie or Biden get in. It'd be disastrous.

>> No.17766901

Yea that's why current unemployment numbers are at record lows for all demographics.

It just happens by accident!!

>> No.17766904

>Wait for when Bernie or Biden get in. It'd be disastrous.
For the 1%.

>> No.17766975

No. It's normal for a politician to play politics. It's retarded for non-politicians such as the retards in this thread to take all of that at face value and attempt to play politics themselves.

>> No.17766985

So it's Blue Jews vs Red Jews? The Black Jews are the referees. The 1% aren't going to get hit nearly as bad as the bottom 70%.

>> No.17766995

It is literally an argument dumbfuck lmfao. That link I cited os LITERALLY what trump's policy did.

>> No.17767022
File: 46 KB, 558x600, 1562401068663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of a sudden there are many threads with an overriding narrative.. the pattern is artificial, it almost looks like a coordinated political campaign to sway voters and public perception. gee I wonder who this is

>> No.17767026


>everyone with more money than me is a mustache twisting, monocle wearing bad guy :(

You really have to stop learning about the economy from rachel maddow.

>> No.17767044

pfffft... you cant actually believe this

>> No.17767057

basically every Hollywood movie, the meta is rich=bad guy
Reagan was right the commies ran Hollywood

>> No.17767063
File: 463 KB, 1242x677, 3366998B-42EF-4A15-8F2B-66F62137E37B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17767077

HRC will come in after Biden unable to continue after biden sweeps Bernie and hrc gets btfo(again) by trump daddy next year dow 30000
screencap this

>> No.17767094

Get fucked mossad

>> No.17767101
File: 1.90 MB, 220x160, 1409713359225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably tired from all the mental gymnastics he's been doing so he can believe he's done enough. Instead he's made things worse by being overoptimistic and pretending he know anything about epidemiology to be able to make a rational decision on what to do in this situation.

It doesn't help that
1. he defunded the CDC by 3 billies
2. he disbanded the global pandemic team
3. assigned Pence as the federal response lead. Maybe he should have give that to an actual expert in disease and pandemics?

Then we have idiots like this guy here saying it isn't Trumps fault that the markets tanked. President's use the Oval office address as a way to instill confidence ans assuage fear instead he bungled through the entire speech like a buffoon. In no other time have Presidential aides had to issue redactions and clarifications on the talking points made in a Oval office speech because they are always carefully calculated events. But your trump fumbled that one as usual. Fuck you trumptard.

>> No.17767118

Trump's policies had nothing to do with the economy doing well. The economy did well when he got into office because the people were energized that a president came into office who loved America, and would actually try to make the country a better place. A hundred million people, who had thought that our leaders had intentionally been sabotaging things for decades, then believed that things were going to get better. And THAT consumer confidence is what made things better.
Trump could have raised taxes, instead of lowering them, and if he had said that it was a part of "making America great again", with infrastructure spending, it would have been the same.

>> No.17767121

I fully support death camps for communists and all forms of leftoid squealers.

>> No.17767151

>Trump says the wall is being built
Wall isn't being built
>Trump institutes muslim ban
600,000 muslims come in AFTER it's upheld by hte Supreme Court
>Trump says ICE is fully re-energized, and the border is great
4 million illegals caught and released into the country since he took office
>Trump says travel is banned from China
Chinese keep coming in.

He's just a fucking liar, anon.

>> No.17767172

I have no respect for Trump, but he's not responsible for the corona FUD.
I hope we can blame him for overreacting. If he's underreacting, then COVID will get him anyways, so what's it matter?

>> No.17767173

Chinese revenge for all the trade war BS, lol

>> No.17767197

Was that from a movie? The one where people have the power to blow heads off just by concentrating?

>> No.17767208

Or maybe people are actually sick of Trump's incompetence.

>> No.17767212

>In the land of the blind the one eye'd man is king. The Dems would have fucked this up equally as bad, but they're not incumbent right now so they'll win by default on "fixing" the mess.

Exactly. That's just how it always works. Things go good = re-elect. Things go bad = no re-elect.

>> No.17767254

It's from a Tim and Eric Skit.


>> No.17767265

Wall is being built.
It's not a Muslim ban. It's a ban on travel from countries with Muslim extremism and very little emigration control.
Criminal alien migration is the lowest it has been in 40 years
Chinese/American citizens are not banned, and do not fly from mainland China.

As usual you are lying propagandist scum and you deserve a bullet in your brain for trying to deceive actual Americans.

>> No.17767272
File: 40 KB, 660x495, 1582595762866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, its an obvious invasion of organized trannies, vomiting their garbage ideology and cucked arguments all over our board.

Jannies better step the fuck up.

>> No.17767276

That's not what I said.
They don't have mustaches or monocles.

>> No.17767278

That's why George W. got a second term? Because things were going so well during his first term?

>> No.17767300
File: 68 KB, 467x470, 1582784167129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17767303

Idiots like you are the reason why you'll lose the center-rights in the next election.

>> No.17767331

This is why i'm bullish on Asian coins like ARPA, they will recover from this first

>> No.17767332

>just repeats slogans
You deserve to be tricked, you fucking retard.

>> No.17767335

i want the complete race and names of all these fucking corona deaths. we need to know what's going on, see patterns, draw connections.

>> No.17767347
File: 3.63 MB, 1739x960, 1582012771118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump's base is only growing, and there is literally nothing you can do to stop it.

Entire country turns red in November. Including California.

Screenshot this.

>> No.17767353


>> No.17767378

This delusion is so unbelievable that I'm just going to assume you're joking. Pretty good joke, man. I guess you guys CAN meme!

>> No.17767390

Keep believing that, Retard.

>> No.17767425

Understand this, communist discord trannies: we ARE going to kill you. Not because we are evil, but because what you represent is so far removed from what it means to be American and live healthy fulfilling lives that you absolutely have to be eradicated before you drag others into your spiraling drain of misery and self loathing. You are a cancer. A blight. A stain on our culture.

You wouldn't have to die if you were subversive and simultaneously successful and happy. The problem is that you seek to destroy, without ever having built anything yourself. Not even a satisfying life and meaningful existence that is worth sharing. You have no interest in family. No interest in community.

You merely want to consume and fuck and knock things down.

This is why you have to be put down. You are less than animals, because even sick animals still have natural motivation. You are more like programmed suicidal robots that demand replication.

You're going to die violently. You will be so terrified in the moment you won't understand what is happening, but I promise you that I will personally take a moment for each and every one of you, to explain the crimes against nature and US citizens you have comitted. An admission of guilt and an apology will earn you a bullet in your skull. Quick and merciful.

Anything less and you will be disemboweled and left to clutch your bloody guts as you bleed to death in agony.

>> No.17767471

You're completely brainwashed. You've created a composite man that is so far removed from the realities of what the left is. You're as bad as the antifa-tards in regards to how they view the other spectrum. Get help.

>> No.17767483

Turn off the computer and step outside man, it's time for a break.

>> No.17767503

But it's global panic, not exclusively america dummy

>> No.17767544
File: 1.63 MB, 1807x602, incumbent_voting2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It will be a turnout like you have never seen before. You know it as well, because the demonrat candidate your have chosen is fucking TRAGIC

You will unironically kill yourselves when California, along with the rest of the country, turns red.

>> No.17767566

>I have no respect for Trump,
>but he's not responsible for the corona FUD.
>I hope we can blame him for overreacting.
>If he's underreacting, then COVID will get him anyways,
>so what's it matter?

first, its really rare for me to acutually with some on 4chan but when i do its great.

>> No.17767572
File: 308 KB, 1227x695, incumbent_voting_newhampshire2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17767582

Kek at you cultists.

>> No.17767584

Dude the stock market just got wiped, the dems are running a centrist, and like 400k people are going to die of a disease after he cut the CDC's pandemic team.

>> No.17767611

It's been a wild ride because the donkeys refuse to take the saddle off and give it to 45 so he can have a fair shot at trying to sell us a car off his lot. Cant do much when the other party refuses to let you execute your plans you spoke up that got you elected. It's been one hell of an attempt to get this man out of office ever since he stepped foot in it. Not a trumptard, but I have to side with him. It's been rough for him. Having to deal with true dumbasses like Pelosi and the rest of that party that haven't done a damn thing for anyone since JFK was in and he didn't help a lot either until he got shot.
That's what the misinformed do. Stating opinions as facts. They don't know the difference between legal and illegal. Open borders and big government are posters on their wall.

>> No.17767630
File: 3.18 MB, 1920x1080, rwds_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17767668

Ya, gotta love this neo feudalism system

>> No.17767696


>> No.17767710

Keep those mental gymnastics Fed cocksucker

>> No.17767772
File: 592 KB, 1500x1500, EQCRWdvUEAANwFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what is coming, do you?

Next few weeks are going to be fucking precious.

Covid is a psyop. A cover for the biggest military operation since WW2. The National guard and the army is being deployed as everything is going into lockdown as we speak. Martial Law soon.

And not because of the influenza...

>> No.17767792

Well I'm glad I'm not in america then.

>> No.17767806

What's more of a bootlicker
>Tranny consoomer who takes pride in being a good goy faggot who will die of aids
>Guy who wants to lead his people to a better future

>> No.17767817

I have coronavirus. It's real.

>> No.17767818

is this not copypasta from that new politics hunting movie part 2?

>> No.17767840

Both Bernie and Trump have been exposed to persons who tested positive for COVID-19, it's quite reasonable that Biden did too

>> No.17767842
File: 142 KB, 1182x918, 1584050466065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2008 was barely dealt with and we've had a debt based economy with constant wars and welfare state for over half a century (the things that cost the most). Most Austrian economists think the coronavirus shit wouldn't be as bad if it weren't for those things and I think they're right. Trump is retarded on fiscal spending and likes Israel so I'll blame him for that. Everything else is a bubble waiting to pop but whatever happens I seriously doubt Trump loses to Biden but who knows we've had underdogs win before.

>> No.17767871

And that's why most households are living in more debt than ever before, pure wageslavery and perpetual indebtedness to jew bankers

>> No.17767874

>him saying it's just the flu bro is gonna age worse and worse
This has been pissing me off more than it should, he could've shat on the Chinese more and called for stronger borders but he's barely done that. I'm genuinely confused to why he's fucking up so bad on that end.

>> No.17767906

They're already getting their Fed bailout, most governor's are calling to straight up but stocks once the goyim finish selling

>> No.17767913

If it wasn't obvious before, it's pretty obvious now that you're talking out of your ass. I have no idea why people are still giving you attention.

>> No.17767915
File: 210 KB, 1200x907, 21451343423777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK it's worldwide faggot. No one escapes. If you've been paid by (((them))) you are an enemy combatant and will be dealt with as such. There is always a money trail ;)

Where We Go One, We Go All is the catchphrase, why? Because this time the expulsion of evil is GLOBAL

>> No.17767938
File: 1.02 MB, 300x228, go away.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moscow Mitch

>t. reddit transexual

>> No.17767943

The only people more atrocious than Trump are his cocksuckers.

>> No.17767946

>it's okay because now they're legal immigrants
lmao @ ur gymnastics

>> No.17767960
File: 74 KB, 1024x774, joe biden meme face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden will win if Trump keeps getting blamed for the virus and stock market drops. Biden's running mate will be a woman. If Biden dies, the woman will become the first female president. She'll make history in the same way that Jeff Bezo's wife made history by automatically getting half his money in divorce. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.17767962
File: 12 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are sheep

>> No.17767969


>> No.17767990

He's a boomer Q redditor, you should ignore their posts, they're raiding /biz/ with help from /leftypol/ since /pol/ nowadays it's too fast to raid (ie. ocean of piss)

>> No.17767997
File: 17 KB, 296x314, cohencidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the start, Trump's main fuck-up is listening to Ivanka/Jared. This recent emergency address from the oval office has Ivanka/Jared written all over it. Same goes with the 1.5 trillion, that was probably Mnuchin's idea with encouragement from Kushner. It's going to show the public that Trump is no different than Bush, propping up the shitty banks and "markets" when he should be helping middle America, the ones who supported him.

>> No.17768017

You might be right, but if that woman is shitty or lost the Democratic nomination like Warren or Kamala then it's not gonna help. The worst running mate would be Hillary, best would be Buttigieg or something.

>> No.17768025

Lastly, Trump is a feminist. Look at who he appointed in his cabinet. Look at the head of the CIA.

>> No.17768041

Trump gave you niggers time to sell
You had 4 years
The doom of US hasn't even started.
And writing is on the wall. Diversity hires are deeply rooted into every industry. Jews succeeded. It's irreversibly going the way of South America now

>> No.17768044

I don't understand the point of them raiding /biz/. People in here fall into two categories. 1) Too smart to be fooled by their bullshit 2) Idiots who have already lost their money in some other stupid endeavor.

>> No.17768091
File: 494 KB, 1224x1770, LA before after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea who it will be, but my gut feeling is that it will be a woman. It won't be another weirdo random old white guy like how hillary picked kane, which was a mistake. Biden seriously wants to become president. for vanity reasons and because a lot is at stake if his son really is under investigation, Biden can easily squash that as the next president. i don't think it will be warren because she comes off as too cuntish and isn't popular. hard to say. it's going to be quite a surprise but it will be a woman, perhaps even *of color*.

If the Qtards are right, a lot of investigations are happening behind the scenes. I really do want to believe. Maybe Trump acts like an idiot in public sometimes to throw people off. Maybe he knows the truth about the virus, that it was manufactured, that it was not a real big threat and that it was overhyped by fake news. He even said from the oval office, most people recover if they are young and healthy. It's old people with pre-existing illnesses that die.

>> No.17768131

To feel they're accomplishing something for their cause, threads here can last hours with not many posts per hour, it's easy to keep stuff on the frontpage, that makes them feel like their work is paying off
Keeping any not popular thread on /pol/'s frontpage takes a lot of effort, even having a thread last more than ten minutes does
And here threads don't get barraged with BBC shitposts or whatever is in vogue nowadays

>> No.17768137

the smartest move is for Biden to run with Tulsi, and for Tulsi to appeal to the Bernouts while Biden continues sweet-talking the neolibs and neocons about his experience as VP. then get deep state to tank the market more, push more virus fear media, and keep blaming Trump all the way through to November. if Trump really isn't a 4d chess master, then he has no real winning strategy against these moves. he's also getting pressured to act against Iran or the military will think he's weak. the next couple weeks are absolutely crucial.

>> No.17768145

i can't tell if this is a tumblr biden zinger or /pol/ biden zinger

there's a better zinger in there. like what happened with bezos' wife after the divorce? did she like have a period on it or something? or like a joke about how women can't hold there pee like men can because their hole doesn't close. then you'd say that would happen to the economy.

i guess you said you're tired but you sound vulnerable

>> No.17768147

Fucking spics

>> No.17768162
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Well atleast we had the homestead act, 1920s, 1950s, the moon landing, fall of the USSR, 1980s-1999 and the day Trump won the election

>> No.17768171

All made possible by black people

>> No.17768184
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>> No.17768210
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>> No.17768259


>> No.17768342

what do you need the names for? wouldn't their other information paint a more complete picture? or are you just mad and you gotta do something about it so you're going to look for pictures with them holding triangles and turning into sphinxes and shit on google

>> No.17768423

Honestly good take.

>> No.17768528

You should have prevented the fall of USSR by any means necessary.
Some burger elites were even sending them food and money. Most others were short sighted unfortunately and let them down for a few shekels and few years of glory.
Since the fall of USSR the USA is no longer needed. Your golden age is over

>> No.17768539

>the homestead act, 1920s, 1950s, the moon landing, fall of the USSR, 1980s
I just realised all these things happened when there was a republican president in the white house
however most of America's big stock market crashes (1907, 1929, 1987, 2008, 2020) have also happened under a republican
are the republicans the happening party?

>> No.17768551


yea keep licking his boots you /ptg/ drone

>> No.17768601

Shut the fuck up commie, end your life before I do it for you
Probably, their economic ideas are generally good but they're still cucked for not tackling the deficit, the fed, abolishing most taxes, killing off welfare, etc.

>> No.17768619

Imagine how /ptg/ would react if it was president Hillary Clinton overseeing this crisis
they'll probably say it's either a bioweapon designed to kill elderly voters or God punishing us for electing a woman.

>> No.17768731

Stupid burger. You are jist like your brethren niggers shooting each other over wearing red or blue t shirt. It's not about communism vs. capitalism. USA is fucked. Brace for the impact

>> No.17768795

>Accusing trump of a major global event
How libtard are you, cuck?

>> No.17768803

That mindset is their little mental safety blanket for voting in a complete retard. Who cares that he's wrecking our relationship with with allies? Who cares he's worsening tensions in the mid east for the sake of the jews? Who cares he's lining his pockets with tax payer's money every weekend as he golfs at his resorts?
>As long as I got mine, he can do whatever he wants

>> No.17769145

Honestly if Hillary had won /ptg/ would be gone. I guarantee the mods were getting ready to get rid of /pol/ after the election but then Trump won so they had to leave it up to contain them. After he's out /pol/ is probably toast.

>> No.17769195

Tulsi would never accept to run with Biden

>> No.17769246

/pol/ is probably the board with the highest revenue, full of zoomers and boomers who can't even block ads, or worse, literally sell their data to Brave in exchange for a few tokens
It's also the fastest board, by far, that alone justifies it's permanence to gook

>> No.17769280
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that headline is just wrong.... sp500 is still 500 or so points higher than when he took office. Imagine hating a man so much and for what?

>> No.17769332

Tulsi is a grifter trying to ride on Bernie's coattails. She's gunning for a cushy job on Fox News where she can whine about the Democrats through all eight years of Biden's presidency.

/pol/ costs 4chan more than it makes them. The money and server space saved by getting rid of it would be tremendous and would improve speeds around the rest of the site. The only reason it's not gone is because there would be too much fallout to deal with at the moment.

>> No.17769461

>/pol/ costs 4chan more than it makes them. The money and server space saved by getting rid of it would be tremendous and would improve speeds around the rest of the site
4chan hosting it's extremely cheap, you can have the entire site within a 1 TB SSD (less than 200 bucks), the frontpage shows how much space the site is consuming
Bandwidth has been extremely cheap since the move to a CDN, Hiro fucked up and showed how much bandwidth was used from Cloudflare, the site costs less than 2K monthly to maintain
The site is slow and trashy since Hiro would rather die than spend money on improving the site, and he's always scheming a way to exploit the site further, like the future p2 mobile version that claims in it's FAQ that it will be lay to post, or the is1 and is2 image servers where one is much slower than the other
>Tulsi is a grifter trying to ride on Bernie's coattails
lmao, stay mad bernout
Perhaps this time Bernie won't endorse Biden after burning through all your donations