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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 1812x831, 'buythedip'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17749660 No.17749660 [Reply] [Original]

For the first time since inception, BTC is officially in a bear market, which started on december 17th 2017.

With the upcoming halvening, this is incredibly bearish for BTC, bearish to a point where it will most likely never recover.

>> No.17749722

let the candle close faggot

>> No.17749774

Please be wrong, I don't own anything valuable in my life except crypto. I have to make it.

>> No.17749826

I agree that halvening is bearish but BTC will recover. I think in the next two years it will fall to $500-750 BUT it will recover once the old fags (we) start getting back into it. all the shitcoins that are being sold right now will die. people will use this money to buy btc, because there will be like 5-10 coins to chose from

>> No.17749832

it's literally fucking over. idk why ppl on 4chan haven't realized this yet. the fucked up thing is this shit's not done dumping. we may see 3k by the time the candle closes. it's absolutely fucked.

>> No.17749856

Not really you stupid blog post faggot. Back to plebbit retard

>> No.17749860

anon sell right now. you can buy back with 1/20 of your stack in the future. that was a hard earned lesson for me in the 2018 bear market

>> No.17749869

I used to steal all my tomatoes from Farmer John until recently when he had his submarine retrofitted with the finest of plastic bananas.

>> No.17749882

I find it funny this board is dying right when bitcoin is dying. It's fitting as fuck

>> No.17749902

that's what scary for me as well. /biz/ is usually among the frontrunners in crypto but it is obviously still in the denial stage. means we have a long way down.

>> No.17749904

checked and this

>> No.17749908
File: 55 KB, 913x430, sell now or regret later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell now and buy back around $1k. Miners are going to be obliterated when the halving comes.

>> No.17749990

>board is dying
Are you even trying faglord? Get lost, your baits stinks

>> No.17749991
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>> No.17750056
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> this pic

>> No.17750092
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>. I think in the next two years it will fall to $500-750

lol absolute nocoiner cope

>> No.17750101
File: 88 KB, 1500x754, 6101fd60b7df7cae7899137255bc2742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy sub 2k and wait for 2022 for the next real climb.
It's going to hit those lows way faster than this guy predicts though.

>> No.17750206

peel it for me

>> No.17750268

>what is an economic shock

for $500 please

>> No.17750410

agreed. basically bitcoin lost 50% in the past few weeks. with halving, the miners' rewards will lose another 50% bringing them to 25% of what they were getting a month ago. a lot of miners will go out of business

>> No.17750472

Meme lines dont apply to crypto. That being said its going down anyway

>> No.17750492


>> No.17750509

fuck FUCK FUCK i wanted to move out of my parents basement before I turn 30

>> No.17750525

Yep. Without more miners being able to turn a profit or keep their operations up, the difficulty of the network will go down. There will be a flood of bitcoins in the market. Only the big fish will keep swimming and generating blocks.

>> No.17750548

mfw I have been waiting on the sidelines with my fiat since BTC went from 4k to 7k few months ago

>> No.17750586

doesn't every halving have a huge BTC dump prior because miners want to make cash reserves before rewards halve?

>> No.17750633
File: 66 KB, 184x184, 12475476425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adjusting the scaling so it looks like it never had a significant falloff
Show me that line in a linear graph, faggot.

>> No.17750646

> power of the rainbow: coronavirused

>> No.17750650

i think everybody selling bitcoin for Arpa, Arpa is the new bitcoin!

>> No.17750657

Nigger that was a year ago, not a few months. Life is slipping away

>> No.17750666

bottom's in cucks

>> No.17750667

>1k. Miners are going to be obliterated when the halving comes.
miners are already at loss below 8100, hash ribbon indicator etc

>> No.17750692

27% down :'0

>> No.17750695

>bitcoin goes up
"lol the halving is bearish"
>bitcoin goes down
"lol the halving is bearish"
I hate you cunts so much

>> No.17750744


>> No.17750757
File: 35 KB, 1376x465, 2020-03-12 16_49_19-4stats.io - live 4chan board & thread statistics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this board is dying
It's not

>> No.17750764


muh meme line

>> No.17750841


>> No.17750944

Why does the line start in 2012? Bitcoin has been around since 2009.

>> No.17751080

>these newfags caring about 3k

>> No.17751190

It's the people coming here thats doing it not the numbers. People begging for google'able advice, bringing politics into everything, dumb discussions. just shitting it up. Kind of sad, used to be incredibly smart anons here that I learned a lot from but all good things must end. It's been fun

>> No.17751250
File: 201 KB, 686x526, 1582930895936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always knew this halving would be bearish considering the economics of this Bitcoin (What core has done to it). The model is unsustainable and the break point will be this halving.

The brainlet opinion goes like this : halve the reward, bitcoin magically doubles in price to keep going.
This is not how economics work. This is how a market where the prices are solely dictated by the exchanges work(This shitty crypto market must be the first one in the history like this). They don't have the money for it anymore. The top was 20k. Bitcoin was always intended to continue running because of the raising transaction volume, those fees going to the miners. Raising the fees and trying to put the transaction off-chain is ridiculous and will be the end of BTC.

The only reason why Bitmex and tether were running was because they were simply juicing this criminal market with blatant manipulation and giving to the government.

hf holding to 0 'oldfag'
There's no charts on trading view since inception

>> No.17751306

hf selling poorfag

>> No.17751357
File: 9 KB, 194x259, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a huge bubble to me.

>> No.17751379

Who cares anon, your meme lines they kept you in this ponzi are all getting invalidated

>> No.17751385

Glad I dont live paycheck to paycheck and had a bunch of money in the bank to buy this dip.

>> No.17751395
File: 602 KB, 576x960, 1578517786168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

If only People euthanized more CIA Niggers, this wouldnt had happened

>> No.17751540

>There's no charts on trading view since inception

BLX start in 2010
> https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/BLX/?exchange=BNC

and here you can see BTC price fluctuation in 2009
> http://newlibertystandard.wikifoundry.com/page/2009+Exchange+Rate
> yes 1 BTC = 0.0007$ in may 2009

>> No.17751621

Mate, virtually everything is tanking at the moment. This has nothing to do with bitcoins economics whatsoever. It has to do with idiots who think we are facing the apocalypse liquidating their positions out of fear. And that goes for everything at the moment, not just bitcoin

>> No.17751653
File: 153 KB, 921x1817, 668768769698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related BTC price in 2009

>> No.17751697

I'll walk away with a more than I could've hoped for when I first got in. If you think BTC is ever going back to ATH you are low IQ. Something I learnt about 'oldfags' is that many of them are fucking retarded.

ok thanks. We could all easily see the trend line starting from 0 though.

Anyone who didn't have its head in the sand for the last 2 months knows. I guess you don't. This halving will not be bullish for BTC. There simply isn't enough money to keep running a ponzi broken protocol

>> No.17751856

This halving will not be bullish for BTC
Curiously if coronavirus had not happened we would still be in a bull market. Or are you honestly that deluded and think that this massive dip has nothing to do with the virus

>> No.17751945

Get a real job

>> No.17751972

I wish dominance would crash like USD value so this fucking shitcoin can finally start dying. Crypto deserves a better leader.

>> No.17751989

We're reaching levels of desperate cope I didn't know were possible

>> No.17752023

Holy shit, this must be the most retarded cope fit I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.17752033

"digital gold"

Yea I'm thinking the ponzi is just collapsing. 2 months before the halving is about time we see some major move.

>> No.17752082


lol this is literally a golden buying opportunity. BTC will be back to 8k by monday. By april will be over 10k, and by this fall will be reaching new all time highs

>> No.17752141

It must suck to be a newfag nobitcoiner that missed out on mining back in 2010. Get fucked bucko

>> No.17752149

BSV is actual Bitcoin you complete fucking retards.

Of course BTC is going to die. It was changed to become useless.

>> No.17752240

oh ok

>> No.17752266

Low IQ and head-in-the-sand-pilled

>bitcoin go up forever.
It won't. It was unironically overtaken by kikes and is now a centralized because some devs decide what it does.(paid by kikes who wants the monetary system that give them so much control to continue).

this is also true, though being still incredibly small and unknown, it will dump with BTC.

>> No.17752269


>> No.17752552


Lmao no. It used to be nothing but pajeets, shitcoins, and PnD scams. The board is better now.

>> No.17752555

But he wants to move out before he is 30, not 50

>> No.17752974

BTC = BSV = shit
no way around that

>> No.17753047

Would it change anything?
The candle should've closed with a wick above the line, not below.

>> No.17753095

That's how you know you're a 2018+ newfag. This, amazing post right here.

>> No.17753561

just bout a couple thousand btc hell yeah

>> No.17754134

What the fuck, yo fucking retards. This is sheer, mass panic selling behavior. Whenever Bitcoin finds a bottom, smart money will start accumulating hard. Fiat money is even more broke and has so much more to lose than crypto. This is still the next evolution in monetary history.
>losing sight of the big picture
I hope you panic sell and neck yourself.

>> No.17754235

unironically. sitting here comfy accumulating cheap bitcoin waiting for the banks and the entire fiat system to go bust.

>> No.17754294

yeah because everybody kills themselves so obviously there is nobody left to keep the board alive

>> No.17754301

It's the weekly, but yeah, doesn't look too promising..

>> No.17754367

I transfered all my coins to btc for that reason. It's a good move imo

>> No.17754375

>Miners are going to be obliterated when the halving comes.

Yeah, they're fucked now.

>> No.17754392

what the fuck, are you high?

>> No.17754443

you can adjust your meme line however you want. this is beyond retardation and im a bear

>> No.17754487

Jews are probably happy today.

>> No.17754497

might want to check again

>> No.17754516

its unironically a good opportunity.
meme lines mean nothing anyways and bitcoin is unbelievably oversold rn.

do you think fiat is safer? boy do i have news for you. The monetary system as we know it will fail 2020/2021

>> No.17754843

4700 is the absolute bottom, it will never go this low again

>> No.17754874

It already is below that!

>> No.17755008

just a little bit, I do think this is relatively the absolute bottom though. Just watched numerous buys on coinbase of 10, 20, 30, 50 BTC each in the 4800 range

>> No.17755087

Imagine being this much of a newfag

>> No.17755128

The only reason it hasn't blasted hard below 4800 range was that 1300 BTC wall
There's only 500 BTC left on it now though. Next drop down and it's eaten away completely and we'll see 4500 in an instant.

>> No.17755188

btc could unironically bounce back to 7k easily in the next couple of days

>> No.17755197
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>> No.17755201
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>> No.17755204


>> No.17755277

Can Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency industry survive this crash?

>> No.17755291

Wow, there is simply no buying pressure at all, this is terrible lmao

>> No.17755297

how long did it take for those first 800 BTC, and how long estimated left until it's through?

>> No.17755375

It's been in market since december 2018. Learn the terms, imbecile.

>> No.17755390
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>> No.17755425

i mean january

>> No.17755436

That was eaten in like 30 minutes. It'll take another leg down shortly.

>> No.17755645

Literally this still stands. It could go to $1000 but let the candle fucking close. It’ll close above the line.

>> No.17756162



>> No.17756180
File: 602 KB, 249x188, 1584055759537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like $0.01

>> No.17756234


>> No.17756334

Your memeline starts touching the candles, then touches just shadows, then touches nothing...

>> No.17756423

If I'm reading the bid/ask wall right, there's a big chunk of bids between 4,530-4,630.

Good a place for a floor as any I guess.

>> No.17756513

order books are hoax and pure bullshit. They are in no way any indication for anything at all related to price stability.