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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17745932 No.17745932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17745992

what a drama queen

>> No.17745998
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>> No.17746004

Dude, don't do this. Praise to Jesus our Lord, he loves you, and he will help you in your time of need. Have faith, brother.

>> No.17746016

See ya tomorrow, buddy.

>> No.17746028

Do a flip

>> No.17746051

Don't do it anon, think of all the things you will be missing out on, fresh new episodes of Rick and Morty, new memes, Bernie running for president a third time, a hot female being hot and all.
Think of the life you will be missing out on.

>> No.17746062

if you gonna do it at least give me the 50k cuz thats my tuition rn kek

>> No.17746071

owning msi hardware makes you want to kys?

>> No.17746079

Send me some money before you go I'm khhv and way poorer than you

>> No.17746080

haha kek xD

>> No.17746088

argie bro you went all in btc and gold? what a retard lmao. Dont kys tho

>> No.17746092


>> No.17746109

If you're KYSing because of a -40% dip then you can still save it.
Put all of your money into TVIX, hold it for a week and you've now got your lost money back.

>> No.17746119
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Ok Zoomer

>> No.17746120

do it for the lulz

>> No.17746124

Can I have your phone?

>> No.17746129

frend r u there? pls b there

>> No.17746207

Should have bought toilet paper

>> No.17746221

40k is only 1 year's income as an absolute pleb wagie. You're fine.

>> No.17746231 [DELETED] 
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Actually I’m just drunk and high as shit.

Fuck jannies

>> No.17746235

>still has 53k$

>> No.17746245

This, and get saved

>> No.17746266

this is argentina mate, 40k is a lot of dough here. Not even close to 1 yr wage for 99%

>> No.17746288

Don't do anything stupid, you think it's bad? Think of all these faggots who bought BTC for $19,000 just to see it plummeting 10 minutes later.

>> No.17746308


>> No.17746322

www.tumblr.com is where to go if you want attention

>> No.17746333

>lives in Argentina
>still has $53k (3.3 mil Argentine pesos)

What the fuck are you complaining about, exactly? You have more than enough to ride this out, even if it takes years to recover.

>> No.17746334
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That's the spirit lad.
Put the pills back in the bottle. Have a nice drink to keep yourself hydrated and something sugary to replace lost glycogen and sodium (orange juice would work well here) and have a good night's sleep. Your coins will all go up in value and you will laugh at this in a few month's time.

>> No.17746394
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>> No.17746399

youre gay nigga

>> No.17746411

Does nobody on this board use stop losses?

You know that feeling when you woke up today thinking you wish you could have sold if you knew, that's what it's for, for when you don't know what's going to happen.

>> No.17746417

I don’t even think you can Od on 300 mg of zolpidem. It sure as fuck is weird to be on alcohol and zolpidem alone in a room during the daytime though
Fuckkk jannnnnnnniees

>> No.17746502

this but unironically

>> No.17746523


>> No.17746588

gimme your laptop argentine fag

>> No.17746607

Please don't do this. Your life is worth more than money.

>> No.17746609


>> No.17746613

>sets 5% stop loss and goes to bed
>crypto markets plummet
>oh well im still comfy in cash

>> No.17746640

I'm pretty sure you are Carlos Maslaton

>> No.17746705
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I did a similar thing last night. After I withdrawn emergency cash, I went home and drank an entire bottle of riesling.

>> No.17746847

is this thread for real
I'm here since early 2018 but never seen something like this

>> No.17746950

it that choccy milk?

>> No.17746962

early 2018?

ive been here since 2013

happens often

>> No.17747114

>ive been here since 2013
>/biz/ not even existing back then


>> No.17747135

estás bien loco?

>> No.17747252

Anon just don't. I don't want you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourself anon.

>> No.17747272

Exceptionally based.

>> No.17747419

Undeniably based.
Before you do anything, remember that instead of killing yourself, you can kill the people responsible for this and THEN kill yourself.

>> No.17747476


Yeah just go ahead

>> No.17747582

you wouldnt even die. pill swallowing is a meme. i dont think theres actually been any case of people suiciding from overdosing on prescriptions. you'd just throw it up

>> No.17747583

Argenchino here
>still has 54k left
You are a retard, do it, kill yourself already.

>> No.17747619

i mean 4chan in general you retard

>> No.17747634

I love you fren

>> No.17747676

Inshallah Brother

>> No.17747683

Che pelotudo, tenes 53 lucas verdes una notebook gamer de mas de 1 luca y ORO y lloras? yo tengo 8 k verdes un mi 9t y una pc 4690k con el mother roto que se apaga o me hace fallar la vga sola a veces y no me mato, que tendria que hacer yo? si no es bait deja de romper los huevos... y decime COMO CARAJO HICISTE TANTA GUITA? a mi me cojio pundiX en su momento y sali tarde y perdi mi inversion que era chiquita kek. Pero bueno, todavia se puede recuperar...

>> No.17747770

What is that fucking Cetirizine? All your gonna do is knock yourself out for a day or two, you could take every single one of those and still be nowhere close to a lethal dose.

>> No.17747819

Realmente sos Argentino de origen chino? nunca los vi afuera del supermercado a ustedes, por eso pregunto (onions del interior de una ciudad grande) kek

>> No.17747894

no one cares about your shitty music taste faggot

>> No.17748322

and I was talking about /biz/
Everybody knows and has seen 4chan suicidal faggots all around the interet
you retard

>> No.17748484

no one cares who you're talking about

>> No.17748611

>Entire bottle of wine
I do this every night, usually more

>> No.17748636


>> No.17748667

imaginate tener 100k verdes y no solo tirarlo todo en btc, sino en btc arriba de 9k! Este pt entro en el panico del año pasado seguro jajaj, todos la comieron

>> No.17748711

I went over to warosu to see what this was, and let me say, based

>> No.17748729

you still have 5x my total networth lmfao

>> No.17748737

bumping for this

>> No.17748763

ban this faggot

>> No.17748786

Can I have your stuff?

>> No.17748792

>oding on ambien
what a fag

>> No.17748819

OFFICIAL hidden /biz/ discord
discord gg xFuuSTZ

it has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down

>> No.17748830

imagine being so poor

>> No.17748882

dont do it anon. we'll get through this

>> No.17748909

I know this is a joke post, but seriously, if you're gonna kill yourself with 53k left, you might as well YOLO the 53k first.

>> No.17748995

don't kill yourself anon, come hang out with me in Pavlov. Have you tried LifeMod?

>> No.17749006


I'm going to the same stuff but my balance is 425$ now after 20k

can you send me 1 btc, please?

>> No.17749007

>not snorting coke and fucking hookers for 53k

You could literally live in heaven for months. Orgy galore.

>> No.17749068

don't do it m8

>> No.17749098

Andá a laburar, pescado

>> No.17749188
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>still has house
>still has laptop
>still has food
>still has gold

cry me a river stinkie

>> No.17749236

this post is enough to push somebody to actually do it

>> No.17749245

>gold and silver will have a huge bounce all the idiots that are selling are the ones that need liquidity right now this happened in the 2008 crash as well

>> No.17749252

I've got about $11,000 in the bank and I'm looking to take advantage of this situation, but I'm a complete brainlet. Do I go and download Robinhood on my phone and just buy big name stocks like Amazon, Apple and Google?

>> No.17749268

just hold bro
we will have a vaccine in a couple of months

>> No.17749278

I would check into a psych ward for suicidal thoughts but I would just get sick and die in the hospital anyways.

>> No.17749283

What is even worse, he has enough money to live like 10 years in Argentina being really frugal or 3 years living "like a king" (not accounting of course buying big goods, such a a nice car or a house, but you can do coke and hookers every day and fancy ones)

>> No.17749299

Material things are really not that important.... People rarely kill themselves because they don't have a house. But they kill themselves because they suffer mentally, have a breakup, are depressed etc..
So stop having this stupid mentality that correlate money with happiness.

>> No.17749379
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>Going out like a woman

Have some pride anon and at least get a gun.

>> No.17749524

use a gun, pero primero transferime ameo

>> No.17749593
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>people kill themselves because they are depressed
>material well being doesnt make things better if you have the perspective to realize how good you actually have it

wow how deep! you sound like a rich spoiled stinkie

>> No.17749608

why would you drink german piss ?

>> No.17749649

oh hey I have the same laptop as you

>> No.17749657

>still have $50K
At least go to thailand or africa to fuck hookers until you die instead of complaining on /biz/ like a faggot.

p.s. >$100k >enough to kill yourself over
It's nothing. Go out to San Fran and be an uber driver or deliver pizza for a year.

>> No.17749709

>deliver pizza
K, anon

>> No.17749721
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>Leaving before the fun starts happening
Party pooper

>> No.17749764

Is that ambien? Lmao

>> No.17749769

I bet you don't know what overdraft is. Or getting physically sick because of financial strains. Or resorting to substance abuse because you can't get a better job and have to live a shit life. Yea money has nothing to do with happiness. Get off your high horse cunt

>> No.17749798
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>trying to kill yourself with ambien
what a faggot way to die. save yourself the embarrassment and toughen up, pussy.

>> No.17749801

>thinking americans will cook
>pizza won't be the default delivered food because you can reheat in oven if you're paranoid OCD