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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17744099 No.17744099 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW the Feds pumped $1 trillion into the market for a 1 hour rise

>> No.17744192

Just let it happen already. The economy was gonna collapse sooner or later.

>> No.17744684

Are my stinky dollars worthless now? Theres nowhere to go....

>> No.17744788

Buy gold.

>> No.17744829

But gold is sliding too

>> No.17744881

Buy toilet paper, the only safe haven

>> No.17744960
File: 117 KB, 1200x572, 1583904799875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Fed

>> No.17745047

they didn't pump into the market you retard. too many schookids on /biz/ now due to schools shutting down from corona.

>> No.17745073
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just go to sleep anons

>> No.17745842

>the equivalent of entire US student debt gone in an hour

>> No.17745886

came to shit up this thread too anon?

diminishing marginal returns bro. the more they print the less effective it gets.

>> No.17745890

Don’t worry that number will double when every young person in the country goes back to school during the depression

>> No.17746010

Not yet. Next week.

>> No.17746339

>could've easily solved the national student debt problem in literally seconds
>China and Trump knew of the virus months in advance
>but do nothing about the virus until it's too late, evolved into a pandemic, and is pretty much here to stay
>retard president proceeds to pretend nothing is wrong, essentially making it piss easy for the virus to spread
>also proceeds to pump $1 trillion into the market for it to do fucking nothing because that's not how it fucking works
How is it possible for the richest nation to also be the dumbest?

>> No.17746389

It’s all unironically collapsing

>> No.17746466

They did it not to prop up the market but instead for people to sell into because there isn't dumb/reddit money.

>> No.17746533

You cant save this crisis with money it may have worked in the past for bank bailouts but this one is different. As long as the virus will keep spreading the stocks will fall..

>> No.17746538

Shut the fuck up. They pumped 1 tril in if I believe they did. This economy needs to fucking crash so we can have something new anyways. This jewish debt slavery import the third world house of cards isn't working anymore.