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17739019 No.17739019 [Reply] [Original]

/leftypol/ tranny spammers are trying to make this out as proof that capitalism has failed, but this entire crash has been caused by the government, not the market. Stocks are crashing because governments are banning travel, gathering, and pretty much anything else that drives buying and economic activity. In an Ancap paradise there would be no government to ban economic activity and the market would be reaching all time highs as the boomers died off and their inheritors reinvested their shekels.

>> No.17739048

It is proof that capitalism has failed

>> No.17739081

Jewish capitalists suck, but commies are no better. Death penalty to all.

>> No.17739115
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>> No.17739118

Fascism NOW

>> No.17739128

jewish capitalists, jewish communists. its all the same. natural law ftw

>> No.17739247
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Fuck off /leftypol/

>> No.17739297

Cope harder

Marx was right

>> No.17739365

all the tax cut money went into pumping the stock market to bring all the boomer money in, then they sold the top

>> No.17739415

Just keep making these threads so we can post without getting nuked.

>> No.17739428

The markets are weak and this just exposed it. Capitalism (Socialism for the rich) didnt work. Face it brainlet

>> No.17739429

also, dont underestimate all the faggot socialists who bought the top of crypto but never mentioned they are socialists because bull market until they lose and start to complain like bitches.

>> No.17739440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17739488

i mean, they are technically traders, socialists love money until they lose money. then the game is rigged. turn any socialist into a capitalist by giving them enough money. that is the spineless nature of humans.

>> No.17739509

Everything you said doesn't negate the fact capitalism is a boom bust cycle WITHOUT VIRUSES ON ITS OWN. the long depression in the 1800s proves it because the feds didn't even exist then.

>> No.17739573

60-70% of Venezuela is privately owned. neocons like john bolton literally said the quite part out loud, that i was about the oil.

>> No.17739634

This garbage was already cleaned by janitors.
What's the point of this thread?
Go back to your normal pink wojack posting.

>> No.17739846
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No, Marx was left. Hitler was right.

>> No.17739891 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 800x600, why-capitalism-is-bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is bad but at least its not socialism.
Socialist Utopia: Child Gangs Fight For "Quality Garbage" With Machetes In Venezuela

>> No.17739929 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17739973

Only about some parts of Capitalism, not all.

>> No.17740035

based boomers

>> No.17740055

This thread is the product of /leftypol/ as well since it diverts the attention from the real causes. Fed inflated the bubble to the degree that something like coronavirus can pop it easily through low interest rates and quantitative easing. And they seek the solution in even lower rates and giant stimulus packages.

>> No.17740067

It wasn't REAL capitalism! REAL capitalism can't fail!

>> No.17740070

>Capitalism collapses because of a minor flu

>> No.17740079

What's wrong with boom bust cycles? It's more fun this way.

>> No.17740144 [DELETED] 

Actually this is the result of the Chinese communist economy and the US capitalist economies being reliant on eachother. Communism cant work and needs capitalist money, capitalism is just cancer on its own too. National Socialism would have prevented this, it wouldnt be spreading at all.

>> No.17740166

It's Crony Capitalism! WWWAAAAHHHHH

>> No.17740174
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give it a rest dude

>> No.17740194

the US economy has been 100% communist for over 100 years, you absolute moron

>> No.17740203

national socialism is a meme and is authoritarian capitalism

>> No.17740215

Mmmmh idk real unstable, causes global crisises every few decades.

>> No.17740250
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So what was he wrong about and in which of his books did he make the statement? You seem to be well versed in the field.

>> No.17740285 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1500x1234, natsoc-communist-capitalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National Socialism is the only non-materialist system and is the best way of life man has ever known. When will you overcome your resource fetish, untermensch?

>> No.17740295

Hitler was a centrist you fuck.

>> No.17740299


Ancaps are unironically worse than leftists.

>> No.17740306

I already said it makes things more fun.

>> No.17740314

The fuck is wrong with materialism?

>> No.17740337

both of you shut the fuck up

>> No.17740354

>When will you overcome your resource fetish, untermensch?
when i dont need to eat and drink and live in a house

>> No.17740447

>authoritarian capitlism
How fucking stupid can you be? Next thing you'll spout is that Fascism is the "last line of defense for Capitalism" when WW2 literally debunks your bullshit.

He was right that capitalism is shit when you put the bourgeois above the worker, however is gay class warfare solves nothing, and leads to bloodshed.

Face it, faggot. Fascism did the alternative better than Communism ever could

>inb4 muh soviet union beet hitler XD
Getting saved by international finance and capitalist allies does not help your case lmao

>> No.17740472

No, capitalist yes.

>> No.17740486


>> No.17740488

Everything. No spirituality, you just judge others by their class and money. This is petty bullshit. Humans are more than cogs in a machine.

>> No.17740492 [DELETED] 
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Questions of the stomach, read Goebbels. YNGTMI

>> No.17740529

This all sounds nice on paper, but there is an actual real world that is going to be lived. I thought it was the leftists who relied on feels and not reals.
It's kind of sad.
I thought you guys would be more dangerous than this. But this is just pathetic. Seriously. Is this all you got?

>> No.17740535

>they're still capitalists after all this

>> No.17740646
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>He was right that capitalism is shit when you put the bourgeois above the worker
LOL, no that's now what Marx said. Capitalism isn't shit /when/ you put bourgeois above the worker. The system is inherently harmful.

>however is gay class warfare solves nothing
Retard. You don't CHOOSE to engage in class warfare, we are constantly IN class warfare, whether you decide to engage or not. And every capitalist, regardless if it's a pure aryan white man, is working against the interests of the common man.

>ask what Marx was wrong about
>ask for citation
>his response is shitting out of his mouth nonsense garbage that proves he doesn't know what he is talking about
Typical /pol/tard. The best you people can do is retort jumbled up nonsense you heard from other literal retards.

>> No.17740688
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>He was right that capitalism is shit when you put the bourgeois above the worker
LOL, no that's not what Marx said. Capitalism isn't shit /when/ you put bourgeois above the worker. The system is inherently harmful.

>however is gay class warfare solves nothing
Retard. You don't CHOOSE to engage in class warfare, we are constantly IN class warfare, whether you decide to engage or not. And every capitalist, regardless if it's a pure aryan white man, is working against the interests of the common man.

>ask what Marx was wrong about
>ask for citation
>his response is shitting out of his mouth nonsense garbage that proves he doesn't know what he is talking about
Typical /pol/tard. The best you people can do is retort jumbled up nonsense you heard from other literal retards.

>> No.17740692 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 520x349, 12 years not a slave natsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National Socialist Germany turned around from the weakest prospect country in Europe, hit harder by the depression than the US into Europes undisputed economic powerhouse before the war even began, and nobody needed food, and everyone was happy. It was tried and tested and proven. Communism has never worked, and capitalism has led to our current problems by enabling Jews to subvert us with communism.
>Seriously. Is this all you got?
There are going to be a million Bowers and the things they will do will make the Ustase look like saints.

>> No.17740698
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Friendly reminder that national socialist Germany saw a strong job economy because they backed their currency by labour and had factories making cars, guns and good clothing.

>> No.17740767

do you understand that the Nazi economy during the 30s economy was fueled by Keynesian principles and foreign capitalist investment? read Schacht

>> No.17740814

>they backed their currency by labour
no they didn’t... MEFO bills were a form of QE used as a loophole to get around Versailles, the Nazis were heavily leveraged

>> No.17740815

nazi germany sucked lmao

>> No.17740830

> central banks and government intervention cause massive bubble
> It's the fault the free market!!!!!!!

>> No.17740859

I fail to see what's the problem. In "muh ancap paradise" stocks wouldn't tank and I wouldn't be able to buy.

>> No.17740912 [DELETED] 
File: 507 KB, 1299x571, goebbels-hitler-national-socialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea clearly foreign capitalists put Germany ahead of all other white countries when speculating in land for example was banned. As for the limited amount of investment opportunity, yea, Id want to put my money there in the 30s over England or France etc too considering you could trust them to back their currency up with work instead of gold in a vault. Red herring.

>> No.17740939

whichever way you cut it we're going to be judging people by things out of their control

>> No.17741012
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>National Socialist Germany turned around from
Dude, the Third Reich was near bankruptcy before starting the war, because their whole strategy consisted of blowing it all out to prepare Germany for a war and if they had been victorious, they would have plundered the resources of other nations to make up for purposefully running their country into bankruptcy. You just don't know what you are talking about, and like most /pol/tards you aren't educated. You just like NatSoc for aesthetic and emotional reasons.

>Communism has never worked
There literally has never been communism, you mean socialism. But you know what? With the exact same logic as yours I can claim that the Soviet Union turned Russia, which was an utterly poor country that wasn't even industrialized, into a world power in 2 decades, rivaling the United States that has existed for more than 2 centuries until then. This means socialism (Soviet Union) works. You can't make the argument that doesn't count "because the Soviet Union collapsed" because that would mean national socialism (Nazi Germany) also failed according to your standards :^)

>> No.17741077

>The system is inherently harmful.
Here's the thing you're forgetting you cum drooling, retard, even if Capitalism is a flawed system(when capital is focused on the bourgeois), simply stripping it away is fucking stupid, history had shown you this many times

>inb4 muh Soviet union strong

Yea, after hording assets and technologies acquired from allies to defeat "le evil nahtzees" and basically taking over half of Europe, even than, your utopia fell quicker than Czar Russia lmao

>> No.17741086 [DELETED] 
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>There literally has never been communism
You dont know a damn thing about communism, its a Jewish slave system and its always a Jewish slave system. Youre always destined to be a mindless slave, or to be lined up on a wall and shot for actually believing your own drivel. Related.

>> No.17741106

This is all thanks to a communist state, these retards can get fucked

>> No.17741119

Nazi germany lasted all of a decade before collapsing lmao

>steal and borrow a bunch of money
>chimp out and try to kill everyone to avoid paying it back
>get their asses handed to them

>> No.17741152

>You don't CHOOSE to engage in class warfare, we are constantly IN class warfare

Yea, and who chooses to keep engaging in it, retard? Unifying the people is better than antagonizing the people you dont like.

>> No.17741160
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And the market crash is no proof that Communism will be any better. Now kindly fuck off.

>> No.17741161 [DELETED] 
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None of this alinsky crap is going to stop the war. Hope you like dealing with mexican cartels because were going to be just as brutal after watching what has been done to us.

>> No.17741163

If you looked at Francoist Spain, Pinochet Chile fascist track records are even shittier than that.

>> No.17741176

The central banks exist to serve the interests of the wealthy elite, the capitalists. The reason a central bank even exists is to keep things stable by pumping money into bubbles. Central banks were created in response to the massive workers strikes that preceded it, because the capitalists want to avoid a collapse for it risks workers uniting and striking.

>> No.17741210

>history had shown you this many times
You know jackshit about history. Catalonia had a bigger economic yield than ever before under their socialist system in the 30s.

>even if Capitalism is a flawed system(when capital is focused on the bourgeois)
This meme again.
Tell me, how would you make capitalism "not focused on the bourgeoise"?

>> No.17741229


>Pinochet Chile
>turned Chile into an economic force while neighboring Argentina crumbled thanks to shit head socialists

>> No.17741240
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>was literally destroyed by a coalition of the world's jewish commies and jewish capitalist

Pick one.

>> No.17741277

Germany was attractive because its industrial base post-WW1 was still intact, the point is that the rapid economic recovery wasn’t because of some fantastical autarkic revolution, but because international investors dumped raw resources into the engine of German production and made mad dosh. They didn’t care about Reichsmarks, to provide the real domestic liquidity Schacht printed and issued an off-the-books currency (MEFO bills) from a dummy company he set up. He was quite literally a proto-Fed

>> No.17741289

>start attacking everyone
Not an argument

>> No.17741293
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>> No.17741301

Did you forgot the time when the US gave them a shit tone of money and even with them bailing them out, they still crashed their markets?
Are you fucking high.

>> No.17741305

And we’ll do it again you fucking nazis.
Rise so we can destroy you again

>> No.17741325
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>muh Catalonia

Getting assistance from Soviet union does not means it had a good economy lmao

>> No.17741410


You have no argument. Chile and Argentina are two parallel societies and inverse trajectories, basically a case study in the power of right wing over left wing economics. Same as USA vs USSR

>> No.17741459
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>invades neighboring country because genocide
>British jewish empire declares war
>>lol nahtzees started it

>> No.17741468

Bro how are you this stupid

>> No.17741516

Every ancap predicted a crash to be around the corner

>> No.17741524
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>lol, I'll happily serve my Jewish capitalist masters to beat you again!

At least you're an honest commie

>> No.17741566
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Not an argument.

>> No.17741578

Ancaps predict a crash is around the corner literally every day it doesn't actually count as an accurate prediction when it eventually happens ten years later

>> No.17741600
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How can one nigger be so fucking stupid.
Jesus christ.

>> No.17741682

>they got assistance from another socialist country
>so socialism doesn't work

>> No.17741698

He's a fascist so that's sort of a given

>> No.17741779


>this socialist worm person still thinks he has any kind of high ground

You know what, you’re irrelevant so it’s ok. I’ll let you have the pseud ego boost

>> No.17741805

Yes, I in fact wasn't attempting to make an argument against your moronic incomprehension to understand my previous post, good job for pointing that out

>> No.17741819

The hidden /biz/ discord link is discord gg axfQueP
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down.

>> No.17741957

Imagine being unironically ancap

>> No.17742119

what genocide
you fucking germanoids are like niggers, you make shit up to seem like good bois who dindu nuffin
just admit it was a fucking conquest, at least you would be honest

>> No.17742640

Shut the fuck up you Fortnite trannycord spammer.

>> No.17743257

There is such a thing as market socialism. A market socialist country would've been equally fucked. Capitalism is defined by the existences of the class system, not markets.
But had any of these retarded discord trannies actually bother reading Marx they'd know we don't live under capitalism anymore, for the simple reason there is no clearly defined capitalist class. The Marxists of the 1960's wrecked their heads trying to explain "late capitalism" and they failed. That's why the Marxists lost the ideological war and the broad Left moved on to whining about brown people and muh vagina.

>> No.17743459

The crash was a long time coming if you look at yeild curves they've been inverted since before Coronavirus, all it did was trigger the crash earlier

>> No.17743601
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what we're experiencing now? this is just a mixed economy roller roaster, like riding the teacup ride. and you babies are spilling your lunches. imagine if the true power of a laissez faire free market ever got unleashed, we'd be in for a roller roaster ride like you've never imagined. commies would be shitting bricks

>> No.17743680

capitalism isn't defined by the existence of a class system you absolute moron, it's defined by properly enforced property rights, which allows people to save more than they consume, and thus accumulate capital