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17730361 No.17730361 [Reply] [Original]

The response by Eu governments was weird. Considering its not deadly to most people.
No travel bans, and a big "meh" response to what was proposed as deadly
No attempt to stop the economy from crashing.
They could have told people in the risk zone to self isolate for a while etc, and not attend big meetings. which would have limited economic impact.

Global markets in turmoil, and economy grinding to a halt due to something tht isn't even that dangerous. This seems completely disproportional to past pandemics.
Is this a strategic game by China?
Or is it something else? At least, all he big players in the world are taking advantage of it for some powergrab or an attempt to weaken each other

>> No.17730413

And here you realise you are in fact a brainlet:
it has a 1-5% mortality rate WITH FIRST WORLD HEALTHCARE. If half the population gets infected the hospitals can't handle the amount of people in need of care and thus the lethality % will go up. Third world countries are fucked regardless. These next couple of weeks are unironically amazing times to be buying stocks though.

>> No.17730441

or maybe, just maybe there is no conspiracy, but the so called elites are really just imbeciles who have no clue and are just fumbling around looking important while spewing all sorts of self serving bullshit putting the whole world on a death spiral cause they just don't know how to do anything else.

Occam's razor, huh?

>> No.17730445

heres the problem, the world is full of idiots like you who think they are smarter than the CDC and all the doctors in the world, so proper precautions are not being taken to prevent the spread

we're all fucked, thanks a lot

>> No.17730474


No it doesn't you raging retard.
It has a 0.2% mortality rate for most the population, and a 10-17% for elderly and people at risk, which brings the average much higher.
People who get it young dont even notice it or report it. people who are old FLOOD the systems and are all on record, and they die more. this brings the average WAY up.

Holy fucking shit you are a brianlet. learn how statistics work

>> No.17730527

I'm going with this.

>> No.17730589

>He believes the (((numbers)))

>> No.17730634

Hey retard if people cant get the treatment they need with the hospitals being all so fucking clogged up they gonna die too, okay?

>> No.17730639

all the empires in the history of the wolrd have gone down for the same reason - imbecility of their ruling class, why should this be any different?

Idiocracy - here we come!

>> No.17730640


faggots like you said the same thing about swin flu when it broke out and the numbers and statistics WERE EXACTLY THE SAME as coronas right now.
with more time and data the true statistics were found and it was literally 0.002% kill rate.

You fucking retard

>> No.17730725

Prove it.

>> No.17730737


>> No.17730765
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not sure if corona-chan was part of the plan.
maybe. maybe not.
however, there are people who won't let a crisis go to waste.

>> No.17730782


zoomer doesn't remember. cute

>> No.17730790

10% hospitalization rate.

The reason the Italian death rate is so high isn't just oldies, it's also hospitals getting totally overwhelmed. Death rate without treatment is going to be higher.

Also, it's not like it isn't killing young people and Boomers hold a massively outsized proportion of all wealth and real property so a Boomercaust has major reprecussions.

People didn't act quick enough because there hasn't been a problem like this since Spanish Flu and multiple other threats were contained easier.

>> No.17730823

Dumbass retard

>> No.17730831

prove you are not retarded

>> No.17730839


What about Japan? They have the oldest population, yet their health system seems to have managed it well.

I'll put it down to complete incompetence on the Italians side, along with bad hygiene.

>> No.17730865

We just deployed 20k troops to Europe too didn't we?
>Trade deal
>Failed impeachment
>Probing the probes

>Borders closed
>National guard deployed
>Troops in Europe

The final draining of the swamp.
The great Awakening.
Q predicted this.
It's happening tonight!

>> No.17730907

FEMAfag here who assembled AARs on H1N1 for training, you are wrong. Fatality rate is significantly higher, even on low end estimates. Hospitalization rates a far higher.

>> No.17730910

Still no proof. :)

>> No.17730979

>mankind gets fucked
>Anon buying stocks
solid plan, bro

>> No.17731041

The vast majority don't need treatment they have a fucking cold and that's it.

>> No.17731074

Source: my ass

>> No.17731111

Like everything so far in history, it always all starts and ends in Europe.

>> No.17731179

there's a huge different in catching regular cold, where almost everony has basic immunity and catching a new virus with literally noone being imnue.
Remember, when south americans got raped by the regular flu, that spanish conquestadores brought. Well to Cornoa we're all nothing but an amazonas tribe right now, ready to get fucked. Shure, we'll develop some resistance in the process and later on it will be nothing but another type of flu but for now ... holy shit!

>> No.17731183

>Considering its not deadly to most people.
still sufficient to btfo the health service capacity and by extension most other patients, if the growth isnt inhibited early.
unless you want to declare everyone above 60 beyond help, like they already do in italy with warlike triage system, but you're probably not ready for this conversation.

>> No.17731193

World populations in places that matter are getting older and older and there is no new blood to replace them.
It was only a matter of time.

>> No.17731222

The regular flu does that just fine so no change there.

>> No.17731231

because lots of people know its another government sponsored ebola scare to get you to buy stuff and sign away your rights in a panic

>> No.17731244


I had Coronavirus and he is right.
4 days
>had a headache, took painkillers and as fine
>was more thirsty than usual
>slight aches in shoulder muscles and neck
>some phlegm, but not coughing or sore throat, and no runny nose
>on the last day when I was better, i coughed up some blood and had slight shallow breathing.

It was a complete nothing burger and i went to work the entire time. I washed my hands a lot like I always do when sick, and kept to myself. Only 1 other guy has been sick since in office, and hes in a far away department.

I came back from Japan late January, so it's probably where I caught it.

>> No.17731250

Private profit comes into conflict with human need. Thats the fundamental problem.

>> No.17731262
File: 183 KB, 636x827, 3357756B-EF5A-4B86-82E1-948F45376B2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are apart of a think tank operation you will be indicted.

>> No.17731318

What the flying fuck does that even mean you god damn low IQ degenerate . Shut the fuck anon. You retards need to learn to keep your shit ideas in your shit heads

>> No.17731347

so you infected countless people in your day-to-day life, some of whom might not have such mild symptoms and will contribute to both further spread and the overwhelming of health services

and this is precisely the problem. you don't understand the risks go beyond your own personal well being. don't come at me with some edgy grade school shit about "who cares" because as you can see in the market these effects will cascade in dramatic ways

basically wake the fuck up

>> No.17731390

>itt clueless burgers on corona

holy shit; what a waste of time... guess, you'll have to learn the hard way, gusy, see you in two weeks...
also my condolence to everyone dependent on US health care

>> No.17731395


nigga i didn't even know Corona virus EXISTED at that time. and it was SO mild i barely realsied i was sick.
I only put two and two together after the event.

guess what? that is how it happens with most cases, and its severely under reported for that reason. most people BARELY notice they are sick

>> No.17731466

They're called shitalians for a reason. They are the pajeets of Europe.

>> No.17731505

Japan has a far more equipped healthcare system than Italy. You should be worried most about the US, the results of the virus here will be by far the most disastarous of any "first world" country

>> No.17731518


Pretty much. The older generation cant be told either. France isn't much better.
They'll go around feeling up all the bread and vegetables in the markets to see if its good, then put it back. and bathing is still only a few times a week event for many itialians

>> No.17731519


>that flu-like episode I forgot about, was totally corona, I'm basically invicible.

>> No.17731522

we're literally entering into the biggest financial event in recent memory and we're on a BUSINESS AND FINANCE BOARD and these people are still repeating this politically-motivated bs about how it's not a big deal

seriously fucking ridiculous and alarming

you're an idiot, just read my last post or better yet go check out the CDC website. or maybe listen to some of the experts on this stuff talk about the possibilities of mutation and how overall uncertain this whole situation is right now IE we have no idea how far it has already spread