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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 270 KB, 513x411, 1583975436229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17723042 No.17723042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does he sound like hes going to cry?

>> No.17723058

I can't hear this .webm

>> No.17723061

He's hiding the symptoms. As an obese 70 year old, he'll be out of commission for about a month with an 85-90% chance of survival.

>> No.17723063

I'm telling you, he's trying to hold a cough in.

>> No.17723066

yeah I was wondering about that, I dont know if he was holding in a coof or he knows something else that is fucked.

>> No.17723071

it sounded like he was holding back a coof

>> No.17723073

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
and because he's sick.

>> No.17723085

He's a big guy

>> No.17723100

Thought for sure he was going to cry on that first gasp, caught me off guard.

>> No.17723106

He sounded sick.

>> No.17723116

because before the corona flubug thing

every other news article was about TRUMP

and now ?

who is trump ? all we care about is flubug


>> No.17723132

>Trump diagnosed with COVID-19
The moment that headline hits the Bloomberg terminals, you'll see just how much it has to do with business and finance.

>> No.17723150

His swollen eyelids, raspy voice, and tired tone of voice all sound like someone who's in bad shape. I hope the white house keeps a priest on hand for last rites.

>> No.17723222

Yup, the moon mission will begin.

>> No.17723231 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 1241x1362, 4CAA2607-168E-4870-87E2-77910D173C9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is sad because he loves this country and knows what's coming that cannot be stopped.

>> No.17723251

He's about to kick the bucket. Many such cases!

>> No.17723255
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>he doesn't know

>> No.17723263

>-10 inhabitants per sq/km
Holy fuck I sure hope so

>> No.17723265

What metrics are they using for that? This makes me very nervous

>> No.17723289
File: 413 KB, 1241x1362, F0C9DFE7-D707-405C-ABC3-3D8E2E3CD5E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is sad because he loves this country and knows what's coming cannot be stopped.

>> No.17723291

LOL we have a vaccine goyim we are the best we are saviors. Just be sure to do as we say or you not get vaccine.

>> No.17723316

the funny part is you actually think trump has anything in common with the goyim

>> No.17723339
File: 87 KB, 426x592, 1528938081712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sampaku eye. Things are not going well on multiple levels.

>> No.17723344
File: 93 KB, 216x249, 1450981868942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump teleprompter speech
>not a trained politician so it comes off awkward
>heeehee he talk funny dumb blumbpf
every time

>> No.17723413

that is what literally every research center in the world has announced.

the hard part is the trials, where you figure out that all your shit doesn't work and need to start over.

>> No.17723427
File: 74 KB, 898x589, 1583988715338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is fucked. Both the economy and from the virus.

>> No.17723439

They'd never announce this.

>> No.17723443

She would be complaining about harassment and xenophobia if they did

>> No.17723454

actually the tinfoil hat theory goes like this:

yes goyim inject the vaccine for the entirely naturally occurring novel coronavirus and you surely wont experience any cognitive side effects

>> No.17723467
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>> No.17723482

Not just cognitive side effects. With enough mercury and aluminum I'm sure you could chemically castrate someone.

>> No.17723488

>>/biz/ - Business & Finance
Everything trump related now effects stocks. Trump posting is the new Link posting

>> No.17723496

jump to 3:20

>"oh fuck"

>> No.17723536
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>> No.17723544


>> No.17723555

he looks tired bros

>> No.17723561

>the white stuff
still an 80s man at heart

>> No.17723563
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>> No.17723574

Those cuff links are classy

>> No.17723577

He's saying oh fuck because he has a pen mark

>> No.17723594

anyone else find it hilarious that /pol/ voted for him to keep browns out yet now with this european ban he's keeping whites out?

>> No.17723595

He knew he was going to have to cancel his upcoming campaign rallies.

>> No.17723596
File: 98 KB, 373x338, sips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sipping soda before giving a live speech
based. he is just like me

>> No.17723599

nah hes dead bro

>> No.17723635

The fucking book jesus christ why did I laugh so hard at this

>> No.17723655

He obviously has the virus. Donnie looks tired, out of breath, his voice changed, those are the early symptoms

>> No.17723656

probably holding back a burp after the soda gas came back up.

>> No.17723661

cspan is so weird why is this allowed

>> No.17723665

"There has been no breakthrough in the efforts of the biological institute to find a vaccine for the coronavirus or to develop testing kits. The institute’s work is conducted according to an orderly work plan and it will take time. If and when there will be something to report, it will be done in an orderly fashion. The biological institute is a world-renowned research and development agency, which relies on experienced researchers and scientists with great knowledge and quality infrastructures. There are now more than 50 experienced scientists working at the institute on researching and developing a medical remedy for the virus."

sounds like optimism porn to me

>> No.17723685

same happened after the stream
lmao, i love trumps antics

>> No.17723730


No one looks at the ingredients in vaccines.

>> No.17723761

there's worse shit inside of a taco bell meal than the small dosages of the shit on that list.

>> No.17723762

He didn't buy Suterusu under private sale price.

>> No.17723763

ya idk he had a few weird murmurs and expressions. was this address live? he's a television man so i'm not sure why he would do this live if so, would be better to record a few takes and just broadcast a good one...

>> No.17723846

most don't realize the economy was headed for a deep recession in 2001. thus they allowed 9/11 to happen, which created a huge demand for TSA jobs. suddenly, out of no where, there were job openings at every single airport. and that partially saved the economy. then they created even more jobs through demand for body scanners. prior to 911, it was just metal detectors. gradually from then until now, there's new xray scanners, the ones where you have to raise your arms. also remember that right after the Vegas shooting, there were calls for similar security advanced at casinos. but because online discussion kept questioning and pointing out that connection, they stopped short of implementing it because they knew it would also spook people from going to casinos.

keep in mind Trump owns a resort in Vegas, and has prior experience with casinos. he also said he was friends with larry silverstein, and was even wandering around ground zero.

>> No.17723861

How many retractions/clarifications exactly did they have to issue after his speech?

>> No.17723878

Pick one

>> No.17723881

Not really.

>> No.17723885

yeah Fuck yourself

>> No.17723924

of-course anything he says or does is used against him, do people ever get tired of this fixated hate mindset?

>> No.17723926

Because he has zero chance of winning re-election. The stock market was all he had going for him. Biden is a recognized name and most moderates/Dems are going to vote for him. Doesn’t matter if he’s senile. Most voters don’t really care.

>> No.17723957
File: 328 KB, 722x474, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kino absolutamente
>bans the whole europe
>no word of banning mexicans or africans or even chinese workers from africa
they got him

>> No.17723975

I'm more worried he talked without moving his hands. He usually like to do ok signs and points.

>> No.17723980

Biden is just as likely to collapse from senility. The DNC's incompetence to pick a candidate that isn't senile, inept at economics, gay, or a pedophile is Trumps best bet for winning.

>> No.17723992


>> No.17723995
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they got him

>> No.17724000

at least my kids won't die of fucking polio kek

>> No.17724005

>senile, inept at economics, gay, or a pedophile
So basically they need somebody with all 4 of those to beat Trump's 3/4?

>> No.17724037

kek based

>> No.17724052

>tongue punches granddaughter
>gets into shouting match with auto plant workers
>can't say the full Declaration of Independence

>> No.17724084
File: 162 KB, 640x494, BC7782D7-B0A6-497C-BDEC-E59361AB9CFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time.

>> No.17724087

>wants to bang his own daughter
>gets unironically angry at Denmark when they won't sell him Greenland
>tries reading the constitution and can't, says it's "like a foreign language"
and more relevantly:
>bungles coronavirus response to an almost comical extent

>> No.17724095
File: 845 KB, 530x619, chendricks big laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty obvious this LIVE broadcast was the idea of some brainlet on his team, probably ivanka or jared, and he just agreed because he was so tired of all this shit and just wanted to "do something". it's completely different from his rallies. he talks much slower. there's no passion. he's reading off a teleprompter. this is what happens when people control THE PRESIDENT and make him do something that's out of his usual wheelhouse. look at futures tanking right now. this was clearly a stupid idea, by everyone involved.

if he truly cared about the stock market and the american public he could have said 6 things to reassure everyone:
1. as of tomorrow, there will be a 30 day ban on naked short-selling.
2. as of tomorrow, indefinite ban from areas that are hardest hit by the virus, specifically italy and south korea. full list will be published on white house website
3. complete halt of income tax for 2020, and delayed deadline for submission of your 2019 tax returns. focus on your health and your family
4. complete federal support that covers healthcare costs of those affected by the virus
5. complete federal support for paid leave, especially for parents.
6. federal assistance with local police to quarantine high risk areas

boom. i'm just a coomer neet and i can think of better things to talk about in an emergency address to the nation.

>> No.17724097
File: 408 KB, 640x462, F894B780-4283-4463-9927-94BAB5CF26D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he’s been waiting a long time to do all this. He is probably trying to hold back laughter. You shills are disgusting people.

>> No.17724106
File: 183 KB, 636x827, FEE59D72-B772-4C77-B0C4-58A7FFCCE7CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shills will be indicted if you are working for a think tank operation

>> No.17724144

>criticizing one bad speech makes me a shill

>> No.17724145
File: 44 KB, 900x500, Deutschland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he knows Germany has Corona rapid test drive-ins.

>> No.17724488


100,000,000 dead by EOY

>> No.17724608

Too many years of cocaine fueled same-sex orgies. His mind is gone.

>> No.17724621

He seems more goncerned about the tiny ink spot, than about being prepared for his live speech that would be watched by millions of people around the world and later scrutinized by the news media. It was pretty funny.

>> No.17724685
File: 7 KB, 231x218, frg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck

>> No.17724877
File: 52 KB, 512x512, 1568548161611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mr. President can you count to 10 please
>*camera zooms directly into his nose*

LMFAO why did I laugh so hard at this

>> No.17724910

He holds LINK

>> No.17725008


>> No.17725077

Best timeline

>> No.17725336

>TSA saved the economy

Quite a tall one, amigo

>> No.17725365

He’s very ill

>> No.17725381

oh fuck

>> No.17725418

His eyes are all puffy. There's obviously something going on with his health.

>> No.17725452

you left out the part where i said "partially". i'm not going to write too much on all the major factors. clearly the "war on terror" made a lot of fuckers at the top rich through military-industrial complex, oil&gas services. a lot of people raised eyebrows at cheney, halliburton, bush's close ties with oil companies. from 2001-2007 the markets rallied, more factories were built in china, more chink-made electronics and tech were imported, more oil and rare earth minerals were secured from iraq/afghanistan. all that wealth at the top trickled down so that min-wagies could barely make enough to survive and middle class blue and white collar people could have families and mortgages. then we all know what happened 2007-2009.
lehman bros....jewish
countrywide financial....jewish
bear stearns....jewish
fed chairman...all jewish before powell

>> No.17725487

Got to hand it to him, he managed to tank the stock market by underestimating coronavirus and then 180ing and overestimating coronavirus.

that takes a special kind of ineptitude.

>> No.17725504

his health has always been subpar due to his high consumption of carbs and sugars. he's slightly overweight for his age, only offset by his height.
those puffy sacs under his eyes have been there all along:
or maybe you meant his eyes as in his eye balls, and not the area under each eye. i think he looks stressed, probably low on sleep, probably pressured into this gayass live address.

>> No.17725535

I wish Trump was my grandpa

>> No.17726317

OK, apparently 4
1) The travel ban doesn't actually apply to everyone, americans and residents are exempt
2) The UK isn't the only excluded european country, Ireland also is
3) cargo/goods aren't included (how the FUCK do you mess this up)
4) Insurance companies aren't waiving co-pays for corona treatment (HOW THE FUCK DO YOU MESS THIS UP)
this nigger is dumb as a bag of bricks

>> No.17726437

I love this man

>> No.17726501

More info on your pic please, I need that hopium

>> No.17726508

>tfw ivanka isn't your doting older half-sister.
why even live.

>> No.17726555

this has got to be a joke right?

>> No.17726571

Guy is a bloody riot.
>i knew before anyone else how dangerous this was. Always warned 'em
>stupid Europe hasn't done anything to contain it but we did thanks to me, that's why we're barely infected unlike them
>Don't worry, I will fix this, maga.
The past 7 days
>this is a nothing burger
>get back to work
>if you're scared of this common flu you're a retard, think about it
>Here's some stats now stop being a bitch and stop fucking selling on this non threat

>> No.17726572


>> No.17726629

Well, trump did promise to stop immigration and ban Muslims from entering.
Which is why he allows Asia, Africa and South America full freedom of movement while banning whites.
Another promise FULFILLED

>> No.17726633

there is absolutely nothing going on here
nobody is sick
why can china still fly in

>> No.17726661


>> No.17726672

>asks the guy if he hid the sport right
>tests him by asking which side it's on
Fuck he's sharp for an old fella

>> No.17726674

>why can china still fly in
Didn't Trump ban China from the US back in January?
STILL WINNING!!! MIGA!!!! fellow trannypedde let's trigger some soibois

>> No.17726680

He knows one single cough could fuck us back to the stone age

>> No.17726686

>No more muslims
>Bans Europe
This makes total sense unless you've never been to a European city.

>> No.17726696

T. American expert

>> No.17726709

britbongs can still fly in
the absolute state of everything
Im gonna kms if I have to stay in this socialist shithole

>> No.17726717

You would sound like that if you’d just lost billions in stocks

>> No.17726720

Which European country are you living in ? Might be time for flags to get turned on at last, Mohammed.

>> No.17726741

you can fly via Bong
I'm not sure this EUROban thing been entirely though through to be honest. Fat cunt prob JUST plucked it out his fat arse, LIVE, spontaneously. If only he'd spontaneously combust. And they want to replace this senile dotard with a literal senile dotard. G'dammit murica, get your shit together

>> No.17726780

I fucking lost it when he cracked open the diet coke holy shit. National fucking treasure.

>> No.17726802

Norway. But thanks for telling me about my country. I don't watch CNN or Fox so I wouldn't REALLY know what's going on here unlike an enlightened American who study his news media like he consumes fast food.

>> No.17726813

nah she wouldn't. get out of your bubble incels

>> No.17726814

>I'm not sure this EUROban thing been entirely though through to be honest
that is putting it mildly
I can literally take a train to london and fly from there and nobody gives a shit

>> No.17726845

Imagine if Zion Don had the virus.

World markets would nosedive instantly and communism will take over world wide under the orders of Winnie Xi Poo

>> No.17726881

PNK posting is the new LINK posting

>> No.17726912

Holy shit, he was warning us all this time.. He's literally saying the deep state is behind this and will attempt to use it to curtail our freedoms for good like how patriot and NSA program did based on fearmongoing like 9/11 and the Iraq WMDs!
This is why he MUST remain in office to defend the people from their hostile takeover!!

>> No.17727023

Ah the typical oil bubble sheltered Norwegian. You probably also think that wages are great in Europe, or that the "free" healthcare is amazing ? Newsflash, central/western Europe is an absolute shithole and I know it because I live there. Median household income in Germany/France is about 34k $ per year, healthcare is a nightmare with those with private insurance getting the best treatment while the rest can only pray that the doctor has more than 5 minutes time for them, because you know there is about 50 other people waiting in his clinic and most of them are too poor for private insurance. And boy you do hope that you don't have to see a specialist because the waiting list might just kill you, as it almost did my father because he had to wait months for a CT scan. And I invite you to walk to streets of Strassbourg, Mülhausen, Berlin, Essen, Köln or any medium sized city in Europe and you'll see just how many Muslims there really are here or just play the game how many mosques are there in this city.

>> No.17727060

I'm glad C-SPAN accidentally aired this
I though he might have been trying to hide symptoms of being sick but he probably was just trying not to cough from talking so long. These outtakes show the same old Trump we all know

>> No.17727065

dropped 2 grand for a business flight to the US on saturday
airline doesnt answer the phone they literally shut down all their support hotlines

>> No.17727148

Heh, sounds like Canada. This place is a dump.